listen it's 9.30 pm,let's put off all the lights. okay. no...no... no! thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. rocks. why did you choose sucha controversial subject... ...for your first movie?
look...madam. you only see sex... ...controversy andscandal in ragini mms. i... i...see a story. a boy takes a girlto a lonely bungalow... ...for a dirty weekend. out there he shoots an mms video. the mms goes viral.
the boy...went missing. the girl says that therewas a witch in that house... ...who killed the boy. but we cannot entirelytrust the girl. because it's said that... ...the girl went insaneafter the incident. since the last 3 years... ...she's been in a mental asylum. now that is a story.
i will shoot my film... ...where ragini's mms was shot. horr-ex film. a combo of horror and sex. and after watching thefilm the audience won't know... ...whether to beterrified or excited. rocks, one more question.- go ahead. you've worked with allthe top actors in the industry. but you've hiredtv stars for your film.
is it because afteryour last movie flopped... ...no big actor wantsto work with you? this was a consciousdecision, okay. my story. my story is real. this incident is real. stars. stars will make it look fake. and as for the female lead,that is a surprise. she's an actress that makes...
...all the other starsrun for their money. she is going to put the...back into ragini. ladies and gentlemen,i present you...ragini. "there are manybeautiful-beautiful girls..." "but all eyes staring at you..." "but what do i say about me..." "even the moon praises me..." "every part of my body..." "oh my baby doll of gold..."
"this world is of copper...'' "because of dancing allnight your feet are paining... ...let me applyzandu balm on them..." "you will feel tired because of dancingtoo much, take rest in my arms..." "my anklet will keep creatingnoise if your feet pains..." "i will apply zandu balm on them..." "everyone always talks about me." "this world is of copper..." thank you. thank you.
hold it. the action was superb. what an entry. is this skull fine? and you are?- gina. art department. yes, whatever. leave it. we'll make a blockbuster. yes, daddy. - tanya.
hi. is that ashish kapoor? - yes. please tell himi loved his last film. just loved it. - sure. i am sorry, daddy. nobody, it's just rocks. if she wasn't ashishkapoor's daughter... ...i would've nevermade her my assistant. what a waste.
she never does any work... ...or good for anything else. sunny's room. sunny's makeup room. sunny. close your eyes. - why? did you sign her cheque? close your eyes. hello, gorgeousness.
no one taught you to knock? actually, no. i just wanted to askwhether it hurt too much. hurt when? when you fell from heaven. why are you knockingwhen the door is open? because that's what gentlemen do. please come in. you called me.
you two haven't beenintroduced properly. this is satyakumar. failed novelist but in future... ...he's going to bea super-hit script writer. because he's met me. - hi. i read your last novel. you read books? and scripts too. if you had sentyour script on time...
...i would've read that too. i should go. - yes. anyway, we've alreadytalked too much. and anyway, you've toget ready for the after-party. the entire castand crew will be there. and the two supportingactors of our film... ...monali and maddy,you can meet them too. sorry, i can't. i've to visit the mentalasylum tomorrow morning.
mental asylum? are you okay? i finally got permissionto meet ragini. ragini? why do you want to meet ragini? research, obviously. so if you will excuse me, goodnight. research? how did porno turn into rituporno. why are you laughing?
has the guy who'llshoot the making reached? yes, sir, he has. hi, i am karan. and i am going to takeyou behind the scenes... ...of india's most awaited film,ragini mms 2. i know that you all wantto see sunny leone, and not me. anyway, the rest of thefilm unit will arrive tomorrow. till the while wewill control and do. and you know that thejoy of a horror film set...
...it's best experiencedalone at night. let's check it out and be scared. ragini mms, day zero. come. what is this? why has this not beenpainted for shooting? this does not look proper. who's that? what is here?
this room seems familiar, right. this is the same roomwhere uday and ragini... someone make my mms too. what the hell is this? handcuffs, and pink. uday, you are a scoundrel. and ragini, you're kinky too. i've got to watchragini's mms on this bed. oh yeah.
dirty little thing. who's there? who is trying to be funny? who's in the cupboard? you know ragini? be careful. hi, ragini. i am sunny. we're making a film...
...about what happenedwith you and uday. and...i am playing ragini. tell me, ragini, people say... ...there's something in that house. there's a witch in that house. she killed uday. she won't spare me either. she will kill me too. she's right here.
standing behind me. she will kill me. save me. - ragini. ragini, there's no one behind you. no, no, please save me. no, no. ragini, calm down. i killed him. his blood was accumulatingnear my feet. ragini...
i was enjoying it. please save me. please save me. - calm down. i'm not a witch. ragini, i am sorry. i didn't kill my children. what are you doing? nurse. ragini, no!
hurry up. come on fast. doctor, i know whathappened with ragini. we all know whathappened with ragini. she attacked herself. that's what i am trying to say,doctor. she didn't attack herself. she was compelled to do it.- what do you mean? doctor.
i'll handle it. - yes. yes. doctor, please listen to me once. come sit. let's sit and talk. tell me. doctor, i know you won't believe me. and i was trying to explain to dr.batra that... ragini's cell is colder than normal.
ragini feels no sensation. cold and hot... pain. ragini keeps repeatingthe same action all the time. and the doctors are treating her... ...for multiplepersonality disorder. look, there's no onesolution for such problems. every case is different. and to know that...
...we've to get tothe root of the problem. don't worry, give me some time. excuse me. - yes, ma'am. who is she? she's dr. neera dutta. she just arrivedfrom new york last week. she's a bit strange... ...but she's one of the bestpsychiatrist in the world. why strange?
because she choosesonly those cases... ...for which medicalscience has no answer. is it hot or is it just you. i am sorry,he's the original spoilsport. what happened? upset over something? nothing. i just got a headache. since i met ragini...
...i am feeling a bit sick. that's bound to happenif you meet a psycho. stay with normal people. and you will stay happy. and you think you're normal? stop the car. what's written here? no admission beforesunrise or after sunset. what's that? - no entry.
nonsense. it's an asi signboard, rocks. it must mean something.- who is asi? asi means the archeologicalsurvey of india. i've read that theyput up such signs... ...when some placeis actually haunted. the bangar and ajabghar forts... ...in rajasthan have the same signs. you're terrified for no reason.
i am sure my over-enthusiasticart department... ...must have set this up. for the shoot. you mean we're aboutto reach the location? - yes. it's just two minutes away. couldn't you find ajungle close to the city? ask satya that. it was his mind-blowingidea to shoot in this bungalow. shall we? - yes.
hey, writer. let's go. rocks, a house atsuch a place is fine? the house is a dungeonfrom the outside... ...but from inside itis as beautiful as you. "ragini" are we all going to stay here?- not all. only the important people. and the rest of all crew? the rest of the crewwill stay at a hotel.
because they thinkthere is a witch here. what if there isreally a witch here? then we'll cast herin this movie too. the rooms here are good, right? they are better than the hotel whichis 2:30 hours away from here. 'stay miles away from the house.' 'that house is jinxed.' 'keep away from that house.' mr. rock, i want todiscuss few ideas with you.
mr. rock,i have doubts about my character. shall we discuss them? mr. rock, don't you think that... ...the graph of mycharacter's a bit down. although my characterhas many shades. red, blue, grey, magenta. oh no! it's got no feelings. mood. mood.
what is the sunshineof my character? this is my room. - i can see that. right. this one's my favorite. favorite. it was a hit show. pkgsjr. what? "pyaar ke geet sunaja re."
right after i left the show... ...the channel hadto shut down the show. my fans messed up everyone. why are you asking all this? are you a journo? - journo? smarty with pony. you're a fan. you want an autograph? take my photograph, okay.
take it. i am looking for my room. - room? your room. i see. so you're an ad. look, mr. ad. this is the vip area, okay. actor zone. now get out. now leave. goodbye.
on your way out tell the spot boy... ...to get me a sandwich and a tea. brown bread and green tea. he has come to take a room. excuse me, satya,i've been looking all over for you. if i would get my cheque theni would discuss with you. satyakumar? satyakumar. the satyakumar. - excuse me.
if i can get a copy of my scenes... ...then i could practice. no one introduced us. parvinder dhillon. friends call me maddy. i have many doubts about a scene. can i clarify it with you? she has just one scene. sir, talk to me.
i am sending you my bbm pin. kindly please add me. tell me your pin first. then we'll discuss my scenes. along with emotions. give me your pin. tell me. - i am thinking ofgetting a new phone today. without internet. rascal.
but how will i contact you? busy? a lot. fine. then i won't takemuch of your time. look, as soon asi write your scenes... ...i'll keep giving it to you. what problem do you have with me? i don't have a problem with you.
but the fact is you'rewrong for this film. i can't believe you just said that. because i feel i am acomplete misfit for this role. but i didn't think anyonehad the guts to say that to me. my mother always says. that i always speak the truth. it's all his fault. he shouldn't have named you satya. i tell her the same thing.
well, at leastwe agree on something. friends? shall we go down? everyone's waiting. and then monali sees the witch. hey, leave the witch,where is the heroine? - sir. yes. yes. because i have met ragini. that's why i feel that at that timei will feel a bit disappointed.
yes, when i had met her... her face had a different expression. so i wish to bring thatexpression in my acting. what do you think? it's so worst. look at your face. it's sulking. as if you've missedone of my big episodes. what can this writer do?
i'll go straight to rocky, best. all your actors eithergo to directors or writers? what about us actors? excuse me. as you know i've 2 bf'sin lokhandwala back-lane. i will compromiseonly for rocky sir. that tanya,ashish kapoor's daughter. you can stop dreaming about her. settle with her. gina.
who knows where she's got a tattoo. she's already got so many holes,i am already confused patwardhan villa.dahanu, maharashtra. built in 1920. one of india's most haunted houses. the locals say theyoften feel a presence here... ...as if the house doesn'twant anyone to enter inside. many deaths havebeen reported here... ...in the last 100 years.
the last reported incidentwas ragini and uday. infact asi have put aboard outside this house. that after sunsetand before sunrise... ...no admission inside. what could have happened here? badrinath patwardhan,spice merchant. 100 years ago,he was india's leading chili trader. he had got this bungalowmade for his family. who is this woman?
and why has her facebeen cut out in every picture? is she patwardhan's wife? oh my, god! that means children were sacrificed? come in. listen. excuse me, sorry. not today please. i've already taken my eye-lash off. so? - so i cannot hookup with you.
crazy woman,my lighter's not working. i came here for that. as if i am the only onein this house that has a lighter? will you? - such a bore? give me one. now you're asking for a drag. next you'll ask for something else. don't mind,but i don't want anything from you. thanks.
that's what all the girls sayin the beginning and then... did you hear? - yes, your blabber. turn around. someone just passed by here. there's someone behind you. yes, you're behindme since we came here. first you were crazy. now get lost from here. please, look behind.
i saw someone. who is it? there's no one. so duffer. if you build muscles itdoesn't make you a macho man. coward. get out of here. you've been blabbering nonsense. i felt like someone...- okay, please.
coward, get out from here. come on, get out. so bad. hail goddess! hail goddess! hey! are you mad? this is my room.- i didn't say this is my room. two minutes. don't go anywhere. i'll be right back.
what is it? who died? stupid. what do you want? listen. - what? take this. this is tomorrow's call sheet. you weren't answeringyour phone so we freaked out. were you busy? - maybe.
what do you care? now run along. you here? yes, why? then...wait. oh no... what... how did you get out ofthe shower so quickly and... excuse me!
what's this? i asked youto wait for me in the shower. are you freaking mad?i was in your bathroom? do you think i am gayto make out with myself? only you can answer that, maddy. why are you feeling shy? - listen. there's a limit to pranks. enough of this charade. hello. i am not a cheap man.
i still get 600friend request daily. nonsense... she was with me in the shower. why don't you tell everyone... ...that you were withme in the shower? bloody pervert. dude. was sunny really with you? i swear i never lie.
rascal, you sentmind-blowing stuff. send few grams more. next time i'll imaginekatrina or kareena. or vidya. but 25-30 kilos less. oh vidya. sound. roll camera. rolling.
take 15. and action. uday. uday, where are you? save me. save... cut. cut. cut it. someone give her, her lines.
can i just take five? take ten, babiness. someone bring tea. if she takes fiveafter every break... ...then we'll be in trouble. experience, sir. experience. you see,my experience in television... ...comes so much in handy. - i see.
there are so many shots. reaction shots. expressions. there are so manyexpressions on my face. i'm filled with talent. would you like to see it? romance. cut. intense.
revenge. the joy of becoming a father. mother's death. that's talent, sir. experience.that's where you get it from. she has experience too. sir, only from adult movies. these things don't teach you acting. doing an emotional scene means...
...pushing to the limit. maddy. imagine there's no one here. no cameras. just you. and your efforts finally succeed. i come close to you. take off my clothes. then take off your clothes and...
...pull your hair, and kiss you. and what will you do now? now do it with feelings. i'll give you the cue.okay. oh, maddy. oh, yeah! what happened, maddy? i admit that adult filmsdon't make you an actor. but you couldn'tdo that much either.
when the blood rushesback to your brains... ...then answer me. one more. keep that mood on. let's do it. i mean let's go for take. i think you did the right thing. such people don't understandany other language. so you're telling me thatall the men on this unit...
...think i am a w***e.- not all men. only those whose brainsare in their pants. so all men. - no. not all men. i am sorry. it's not my mistake. i don't know what's wrong with me. since i came here i feel strange. come with me. why do you feel strange?
are you fine? i don't know. i mean. headache and...- sunny. shall i do your touchup? just five more minutes. remember one thing. no matter what happens,i won't let anything happen to you. satya. - yes. you were right,not all men are alike.
don't want too many lights, got it? let's go hello, babiness. i mean come, sit. sit. rock! rock! why don't you show me the monitor? i love the director's angle. what will i do now? we will hang you upside down.
and you've to pretendas if you saw a witch. okay? did you rehearse your lines? help! help! i've been practicing it sincei was a kid. - yeah, very good. come on. hang her upside down. come, come, please. please sit. okay, ready.
stunt boys, lift her. save me! save me! okay, turn her upside down. save me. help! everyone ready? okay, roll sound. - rolling. camera. - rolling. take one. action.
help! help! help! help! very good, very good. what a performance. very good, scream some more. - help! scream some more. - save me. bring me down - come on. - cut it. bring her down! monali what happened?
two girls. whose two girls? what are you saying? brilliant performance, monali. brilliant. what an improvisation. you were in the character. wow! i really enjoyed that. clap. clap.
very good. amazing, very good. enough, shut up. pack up. come on, guys, move it. push, push. come on. - hurry up. we've to get out ofhere before nightfall. what if it's a night shoot?
we'll see then. we don't want to spend thenight with ghosts and witches. you know,when rockscame to meet me first... ...he said he's abig fan of my acting. what did he say to you? that he loves my books. and you believed him? basically, he knew that... ...you're the right personto write ragini's story.
i knew that. he never reads any of my books. of course he doesn't. pandey never evenreads his messages. are you going to wastemore time on rocks? i am thinking about monali,not rocks. about what happened on the sets? what if monali reallysaw something on the ceiling? monali is a drama queen.
she can do anything for attention. there are no ghosts here. ragini's mother doesn'tthink that. - what? ragini's mother believesthere's something in this house. and i should stayaway from this house. yet i brought rocks here. now i feel i puteveryone's life in danger... ...for the sake of my career. satya, don't be silly.
we're all here for our careers. not for you. if anything happens to anyone... ...then i will never forgive myself. i don't know about others... ...but something willdefinitely happen to you. if you keep drinkingwhiskey at this rate. then tomorrow you'llfeel hammers in your head. are you stoppingme from drinking? - no.
i am stopping youfrom drinking alone. careful, madam. after two drinks, evenboys like me look handsome. "i've surrendered myself to you." "i am yours, only yours." "my days are restless,i spend it tossing around." "i want to spendthe night in your arms." "my heart speaks to yours." "come dwell in me."
"when you touched...i came alive." "my desires...found a voice." it stopped raining. shall we go? oh my god. that's strange. the entire family died. but patwardhan onlygave the names... ...of his kids in the obituary.
that's weird. what about their mother? coffee. - finally. herecomes my great assistant, nishant. yeah. - where were you? getting coffee beans from brazil? what difference does it make? even if i had come any later... ...you would've still been here. just stuck to your seats.
i don't understand howyou work so extensively. and you're so busy. yet you find timefor these free cases. i mean what's the idea here, boss? i am on to something. dr. d, ghosts, spirits,witches, haunted house rumors... ...have been spread by them. it's the job of rock's pr machinery. you know what theproblem with you guys is.
you are too cynical. anyway, where's the footagefrom ragini's mental asylum. i saw it. i'll show it to you. careful. ragini's sittingon her bed like this. and there are noexpressions on her face. and she's just rockingfront and back. for freaking two years.
i mean i died of boredom. i am so glad you liked it. i need the tapeson my table tomorrow. but listen tomorrow...- tomorrow. but listen...- yes. no please mother. my back hurts. i've been looking all over for you. what are you doing here?
what am i doing here? what do you mean? i hope you haven'tstarted sleep-walking? don't do that. you'll find the entirecrew walking behind you. come on. get some rest. and shoot? - shoot? today's a night-shift.
today is rock's special moon night. dr. d, i think mylife is passing me by. i told you a thousand timesthere's nothing in that video. there's nothing, nothing, nothing. and i said until wedon't see all the videos... ...we won't move from here. neither you nor me. shut up. - great. satya, why are you so grumpy?
come down, we're all having fun. rocks is cheating andgetting all our secrets out. you know tanya and kunalare having an affair... ...since the past two months. listen, please don'ttell anyone about this. don't we have anything else to do? we aren't going tomake a status update... ...about your affair. - yes. satya, wait, wait.
it's an amazing game. amazing. i tell you... the game's called 'never-ever'. i have never-ever'. so anyone of us will starta sentence with 'never ever'. and if you've done it,then your drink...bottoms up. get it? it's simple.
like i...i will say... i have never everdone in an airplane. so if you've done it inthe airplane, then your drink. that's it. right. no one's forcing him. make for me... there you go, sir. ready? everyone, ready.
satya, your turn. your turn. i have never ever played this game. what's the connectionwith their clothes? punishment. if you don't take sipin a 'never-ever' turn... ...then you're punished. all and all it's a drinking game. if someone doesn'tsip in your round... ...then you can punish him.
what happened, babiness? where are you lost? i am just waitingfor my life to leave me. why did i just say that? now my turn, please. now come on you say... i have never ever,ever killed anyone. kill what? are you crazy?
what is the problem? i got this, guys. got this. sunny took a sipbecause everyone says... ...that she can kill with her looks. i see. kill-bill. rock is so funny, right. monali, you said this onlyfor getting punished, right? come on, guys.
a big punishment for monali.- i told you. oh no. now i'll haveto take my dress off, right? no, no, no, wait. what's your problem? don't worry. take it off. - no, no, sir. we said...you'll get a punishment. we haven't said which punishment. your punishment is...- hold on. hold on. hold on.
i will decide monali's punishment. and monali's punishment will be... ...that she willhave to kiss someone. and who? me... let me see. me? why? you just broke a rule. you took a sip at inever ever killed anyone.
unless you really killed someone. i haven't yet. but i could kill youfor making me do this. if you do this...i am ready to die. get ready to die. come on kiss me. cut it or i'll spill it. that was...awesome. wow!
thank you. - superb! whether she dies or not... ...but i will definitelydie of happiness. but if i die then whowill s***w all of you. come on. party over. kunal. - yes, sir. why hasn't the unit'sbus arrived yet? sir, i've already called thrice. but they aren't answering.
then call someone else in the bus. the moon will be out soon,we cannot delay. we shouldn't be late. she's right. - yes sir. everybody, come on. back to work. gina. - yes. blood, acts, handcuffs? - handcuffs. oh no, give me five.
ma'am. i came to say that i'veto go home early today. why do you want to go early? didn't i tell you, ma'am?i am fasting today. tonight evil powers are worshiped. what happened? scared? do you believe inghosts and spirits? sir, i believe in god... ...so we should believein evil powers as well.
today's a full moon night. tonight evil powersare at their full strength. that's why we observe fastsand hold venerations to calm them. b****t. this is all b****t. madam, i think this girlhas been possessed by a witch. how do you know? - dr. d. please don't start again. if this goes on... ...then you two will haveto spend the night here.
i don't know about your witch,but my witch... i mean my girlfriendwill chew me alive. try to understand.- sir, this is no joke. ma'am, there's a saying in sect... ...that a witch posses someone... ...when she wants to narrateher incomplete story. oh really. is it so? so how does she narrate her story? backwards.
whenever she possessessomeone's body... ...she speaks backwards. she never speaks normally. of course. get me my food. - yes, ma'am. nishant, you want to go home, right.- yes, dr. d. go home we'll continue tomorrow. dr. d, take some breakfrom the ghosts. good night i'm not a witch, i love my son.
but i just love my son. i'm not a witch,i'm not killed my daughter. i don't believe it.- i'm not a witch. what did she say? i like my daughters. i'm not killed my daughter. i used to fast every monday. for five years ifasted every monday. after that my son was born.
i will never forgetthat inauspicious day. their father had goneout of the city for some work. here i come. all three wereplaying hide-and-seek. and then suddenlyi heard her scream. mother! by the time i came,it was too late... i was not aware of anything. i could not understand anything.
i was wondering whymy son is not getting up. for hours, like a crazy person,i held him in my arms... ...and sang lullabies to him. and then someone gave me some hope. and your biggest duty is sacrifice. i had gone so crazyin the sorrow of my son... ...that i did not even hearthe screams of my daughters. hold this. shut your eyes and say the chants.
the word spread in the village. the tantric ran away fromthere at that very moment. and for the villagersi became such a mother... ...at the hands of which... she's a witch! killed her own daughters. they hung me from a tree. i kept screaming...yes,i have made a very big mistake... ...but i am not a witch.
i've not killed my daughter. i've not killed my daughter.- i'm not a witch. no one heard my voice. not even their father. i am just a mother. who was sad about her daughters... i will not spare anyone. i will not spare anyone.this is my house. this is my house.i will not go from here.
tonight this witchwon't spare anyone. she won't spare anyone alive. she won't spare anyone. i won't let it happen. i will have to do something. maddy take me. how are all of you? who's under the bed? come out.
someone's playing with me. in the morning you won round 1. but i am a specialist in round 2. i am coming. to have some fun in the jungle. where is it? where have i kept it? today i'll show her real man force. shall we? and he had to resign from his post.
and in the news,in rane mental asylum today... ...a death happened ina strange manner. the one who died...producer and director rocks... ...was making a filmbased on her life. we are talking about that person... ...whose mms was leakedsome years back. recently ragini wasin the news again... ...when famous filmdirector rocks... ...announced a film on her.
but unfortunately,ragini can never see this film. along with ragini's death... ...her dreadful story is over too. hello, aunty, this is satya. yes. - aunty, i am very sorry. i don't know what to say. no need to say anything, satya. i tried explaining to you. but no one listened to me.
ragini wasn't crazy. the truth is... ...that she waspossessed by a witch. aunty, even if we believe... ...that ragini waspossessed by a witch... ...then where did she go? i pray that she wentback to where she came from. aunty... aunty, when did ragini die?
four days ago. four days ago... the heroine of your filmcame to see my daughter. the same day. i am feeling a bit sick. 'there's something in this house.' aunty, the mark on ragini's arm. the mark vanished from her arms too. how can a mark vanishfrom a person's arm, satya?
the mark hasn't vanished,neither has the witch. hello. - thank god. hello, mr. shinde. yes doctor, tell me. i want to talk to someonein that house now. i will send satya'snumber right now. where are you hiding? that's... strip-tease with me.
i am a tv star. whenever i shoota wedding night scene... ...the show gets full trp. where are you? sunny dear, come to papa. come on... out in the open, in the lake. fine with me. why feel shy from mother nature?
sunny, give it to me. sunny, i'm coming. the water is very cold, no problem. sunny will heat it. i'm coming. hold my hand. hey, this donkey has come. i have caught you, come outside. the customer you're trying toreach is busy on another call
the customer you're trying to... hello. - rocks,listen to me carefully. it's a matter of life and death. whose? yours or mine? it's sunny. she is possessed. she's been possessed by a witch. and you've gone crazy. rock.
he said he's my bfand you believed him. you know he wasmy neighbor in delhi. that's why we're sofrank with each other. so please don't be so jealous. you've to choose today. either him or me. what choice? please, manish. don't be so jealous.
i've been a tomboysince i was a kid. so all the boys arevery comfortable with me. all boys. you've found someoneon the sets as well, right? are you mental? monali, it's too much now. i know that you...- listen to me, okay. i need a securedboyfriend for myself. not insecure ones like you.
i know you're definitelyup to someone on the sets. i know this very well. excuse me, i am not cheating on you. please don't be a fool. you've spoiled my mood. go to hell. - monali, listen to me. all men are like that. worst. rock!
i never told you thati am your biggest fan. in fact, i was just watching... ...your doctor-nursevideo in my room. and then i thought to myself,"rocks... ...you are an idiot". you're right here andi am watching a video. and so...i came to say... hello, sweetness. feeling shy.
don't be shy. it's only me. dirty talking in marathi. but i don't know marathi. say it in english. say f**k me. say it. f**k me! but you...
i think i should drink less vodka. what am i doing on you? what am i doing? look, let's not pretendwith each other anymore. no one will ever know... ...whatever happensin this room tonight. not even your writer boyfriend. rocks, what are you... now f**k me.
f**k. rock's voice from sunny's room. oh no. what's going on? this is bad. compromise. the heroines these days, i tell you. they are so bad. now i'll make ragini mms 3. threesome, here i come.
can i kindly join? that sunny... she's possessed. - she killed rock. she's possessed. meaning? it's okay. satya. hi, i am dr. maya dutta. ragini's psychiatrist.
we don't have time. there's a spirit trapped here. if we don't free her soon... ...she won't letanyone go from here. we'll have to do something about it,and quick. satya please. don't go. keep quiet. sorry.
it's coming frombehind the cupboard. please...that way... you all are coming? we cannot leave fromhere even if we wish to. she will not let us leave. carefully. can't see anything. come here. move.
no. please lets's go. satya! calm down. i thought as much. we'll have to performtheir final rites... ...or their soulswon't attain salvation. do whatever you want, doctor. just save sunny, please.
i am a doctor, satya. but i will try my best. last year i meta sage in rishikesh... ...and he gave me few mantras... ...which separatesthe soul from the body. i never thought theywould be of some use, but... ...i guess that'sour last straw now. are you sure thesemantras will work? right now there'sjust one thing we can do.
believe. it has to work. please do fast, doctor. - monali. monali, get the chair. monali fast! i will kill you. let me go... satya, we don't have time. let me go.
if i don't read thesemantras quickly... ...then she won't go. what's the point oftying me to the chair? all three are going to attack me? come on, baby. come on. satya, what happened? come on, take me now. f**k me. there's no use.
please help me. it hurts. satya, please help me. i didn't kill my son. this is my house. i won't go from here. go away from here. return to the darknessyou have come from. sunny. - sunny.
wait. wait. - she's dead, satya. i think she's dead. monali. her life's stuck in that. we'll have to break that, satya. no, sunny. no. satya, don't listen to her. just break it right now.
please break it. what if something happens to sunny? nothing will happen to sunny. that's not sunny. - i love you. i said break it. don't do that. - come on, satya. break it. break that. leave.
sunny, get up. sunny, open your eyes. - sunny! sunny! please take me away from here. yeah. are you okay? as soon as you two getout i'll call the police. he'll do the finalrites of everyone. mother.

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