hello! this is story is fictitious. it has nothing do with the real life. and if it is,then it's juts a co-incidence. keshav mahal. this is the mr. madhav's house.. ..built in memory of mr. keshav. this is late mr. keshav! the first generation of this lineage. next to him is the late mr. madhav!
mr. madhav died andthe house belonged.. ..to the next generation mr. narayan mr. narayan tookgreat care of the house. but he became aged andthe illness at this age.. ..took his life. then mr. manohar.. ..got the responsibilityof this house. time never comes by knocking. same thing happened in this family. and mr. manohar died at a young age.
mr. damodar is ruling the house now. this is mr. damodar. hey, where's he? how come his photo frame is empty? yes, i got it. he's very much alert of time. so, he's mr. damodar. today, his next two generations.. ..are living in keshav mahal!
in the tough period of life,the family is in real trouble.. ..along with mr. damodar. ''such a mesmerising pose..'' ''..of lord standing on the brick.'' ''waiting for the devote..'' damu! - yes, mother. do you need anything? - no. want some water? - no. - tea? - no! want to eat something? - no.
okay. anna (father)! - you want anna? he'll come.it's time for his arrival. - shanta! shanta! you're calm, thank god! you're always reading the holy books. had you been studied so much.. ..you'd have passed 5th class. don't look up when you're reading.
otherwise, you'll mix up the mantras. anna! go and sit at your usual place.why are you after me? anna, shall i eat this? you already had halfof it and now you ask me? want a punch? - mother! - yes. no, it's thursday today. so i went to the monastery. i thought you would be waiting.
because you're fasting.you've come from the famine country. you need something to eatso i brought offerings for you. go on eating. how will he take it? you give him. eat like laluprasadand mulayam singh. what? - i read in the newspaper. damu, have the offering. offering won't do.- then? - apply turmeric on his head. yes, let me apply it now.show me your forehead.
what are you doing?- applying turmeric. hail the god of universe!- not today.. anna! - yes. it's the call from our house. i thought woman whosells fish is here. they both sound similar. take the fishes andtake the universal fishes. keep it there. i'll take it later. see, my son is so descent.
he isn't touching your feet. he's picking up thesweets that fell down. let it be. how come you're back home early? actually, what happened you know.. with whom am i talking? what happened? a comedy incident happenedin the mill today. but what?
stand at one place. it's not that suchincidences happen daily. no, it's not that butit does happen once a week. here, take the water. what was that sound? he keeps eating all theday and then burps in the evening. mill union says that the wages.. ..that mill owner pays tohis workers isn't right. - right! one should learnfrom the mill owners..
..how to use the workers. so, the workers are on strike now. god ganesha!- fifth photo from above. save his job. i don't care even ifthe mill is set on the fire. so, do you want meto go and collect garbage? god ganesha,you're bowing at the wrong photo. it's the fifth photo on this side. i know. fulfill myprevious demands and..
..keep in mind thathis job is important. will you have some tea? ganesha drinks milk.from when did he start taking tea? i asked you. - what? will you have some tea?- will you give me? i'll get it. - sure. my wife's voice is so sweet. after a long search operationi came to know that.. ..there are only two placesin the world where you get sweets.
one is at the confectionerand second is in my wife's voice. did you realise the joke now? and if you ever botherme after i return home.. ..then.. - mother! - what? nothing! i was questioning him. so, how do you feel today?- as usual. oh, as usual?! that means we've noscope even this evening. did you do some reading?- yes, i read two newspapers.
wow! that's a progress.you read two newspapers? you think i'm very rich? you brought two samenewspapers of the same date? and i even read this? - so much? no, just monthly supplements of this. mental peace! yes, you better read it. so that both of uscan have some peace. and i also chanted the mantras.
really? - not me. but motherinsisted, that's why i read it. not me. there's a priestin the sawant's village. i received a message from him that.. ..his fate will changeif he chants the mantras. it'd be really nice,if her fate would change. but the number of planetswill remain the same. had it been 12, you'd kill me. but, anna, what's wrong with me? nothing happens to you now.
whatever happens to you,happens after 6 pm. meaning? - quiet. why do you talk to him? damu, go, sit near the window. i'm already sitting near the window. did i say that you're near the door? come here. - what? and don't crossquestion him everyday. what did i say?
daily after 6 pm,i get insulted by him. if you get time in the morning,pull his ears. if you come in my ways,i'll crush you. sit down! and cool down! - no, i want tea. yes, take this tea beforeit cools down. - okay. why do you make that sound? god has created great samples. son keeps burping the entire day.
and mother whistles.. as if kapil dev is born in my house. today damu was calm since morning. you mean he started gettingit even in the morning? not that. but sometimes he does show.. ..some effects of the eveningtill the next day morning. he will.. he's quite impressive. and did you see this?
what's this? - see! lord swami samarth! lord swami samarth! - what's this? it's written 1001 and times. - who? damu! - don't fool me. he just wrote the first page. rest of the pagesare the photocopies. now, lord sai babawill definitely grace us. yes, he will.
see, baba is here. take your leg down. you shouldn't sitlike this in half pant. and yes. - what? mrs. mayekar was telling me. mayekar! - yes, i know. she was telling me thatif i vow to fast for 16 fridays.. ..damu.. - god, a new vow now. there are millions of god worldwide.
leave some for the others as well. it's not good to call upongod for every small problem. and by mistake if allthe gods will please with us.. ..there'll be problem in the house. what problem? it'll be a miracle. a miracle really happening. you see the miraclehappening in everyone's.. ..house is beautiful. but we've the moviegoing on in the house.
you mean? - want to see? see.. how do mr. sawan look? see. mrs. mayekar? - see. and your mother? is she your classmatethat you call her a damsel? murli manohar?! look at his face.stop it, the flute will blow away. let it be. no matter howbut he was my father-in-law.
and he was my father as well. so, how long i shouldtolerate his torture now? that rude man didn't even spare me.. ..on his last rite ceremony.you remember? there were so manycrows gathered around me. not a single crow wasready to have the feast. suddenly one crowcame and sat on my head. and then started.. how can you say suchthings about my father-in-law?
that old man was my father. god.. what words he's using. don't use such bad words,it might culture my son wrongly. you've pampered him too much. because of which we sufferevery evening after 6 pm. i know. - what? you don't like my son. don't say that.thank god, i wear specs. otherwise,my eyes would have come out by now.
what happened?what's the topic of your discussion? such a long gapbetween two dialogues? as if atal bihari bajpayi is talking. india.. ..will give.. ..the tough reply.. ..to this attack.by the time, pakistan will barge in. am i a burden in this house? shall i go to the kargil?- not at all.
after 6 pm, all the soldierswill leave the border. not at all,i won't let my son go away. you're going to spoil him.- will you please keep quiet? at least fulfill one of my wish? you're responsible foryour unfulfilled dreams. i respect you. i value you. that doesn't mean i'm scared of you. what are you saying?don't give me any response. no.. if mother or i arenot allowed to give any response.
then you please don'tblabber alone at home. people will call you mad.- never mind. i won't mind if peoplewould call me mad. sawant, call anna mad. hey.. - don't hit him,by swear of me. no, actually i was checking the time. 5: 15. - 5: 15?! where's suman?! - to her classes. but why isn't everyone at home yet?
they'll come. are they foolishto forget the daily routine? everyone should bepresent at home before 6.. ..otherwise you know.. sit down! - damu! when it's about to 6,my heart starts pounding. what's there to fear about? these days he behaves nicely. i don't understand who'spaying respect to whom. and let me tell youone more thing. - what?
naina! - there comes the elder one. naina! naina! naina! - is hecalling her or singing a song? a miraculous change isseen in him after marriage. earlier he used to comehome calling out mother and anna. and now?- naina! - see! - where's naina? naina isn't at home. both of us had taken half day today. is anyone dead in the office? - no.
then? - we plannedto go for a movie today. why take half-day for that? anna! we both go towork since morning. - right. and in the evening.. ..we've to be at his service.- right. this has become a routine. if we've somethingto share with each other.. ..then it's onlyin an hour in the train. and we can't talk to eachother with the fear that..
..people are lookingat us in the train. i tell you, sometimes i can't see.. ..naina in the crowded train. it's same here. - meaning? i can't see your mother sometimes. so, i made today'sprogram just for a privacy. privacy? why do you want privacy? we never get any privacy in life? mother, that was the different time.
yes, he's right. because our parents werenot of modern thinking like us. don't talk about your father. why? - we daily get his dose. - yes. i'll break her legs.- whose? - naina's. let her come.- she has come.. she has come.. has she come? - suman has come. idiot! - what's thereto be happy in this? no, what's the time? - 5:30!
naturally, he'll be happy. anna, i'm tired of his daily lessons. vijay, don't get angry,take the offering. this is nice about her. moment there's somearguments in the house.. ..she's ready with god's offering. mom! - it's offering and notthe dinner that you'll get twice. sit down. suman, what's this?
what are you doing?it's 5:30 pm. where were you? mother, sir didn't leave us early. no one listens to me in this house. good! after 6 everyone will listen..- shut up. anna, somehow i managed to rush. it's 5:30,go and make the arrangements. damu, i've brought a book for you. i'll read it now.- read it tomorrow. - why? if it's incomplete he'll ask me..
..who brought the english book here? and he'll slap me also. - who? i'm mad.. i slap myself. sawant, call anna mad. - shut up! several times i told you.. it's 5:30. she's still not here. he'll come. he's on the way. i was talking about naina.- you should try her number. i did call up in her office. - so?
they said she has already left. she must have beento her friend's house. to friend's house? - yes. then why she should make me wait? can't she inform me before leaving? but why didn't she call you up? the movie was at 3 pm.i was there up to 2: 55. it's 5:40 now. has he come? - not yet.
who? - my father is expected. now you tell me what willi tell him if she comes late? i felt very nice. - why? someone asked me aquestion in this house. last someone had asked me in 1942. then you're the one who asked me. so, tell me. why don't you questioneach other on holidays? she got my chance missed now.
yes, that reminds me. - what? after 2 days,a party is coming to see our suman. really? - you know my colleague mr.sarpotdar? yes. - they're his relatives. okay. - the boy is well educated.. ..and he's on the government post. anna, i'm not ina hurry to get married. you're short by size,but you're at the marriageable age. and it's 5:30.start preparing for him.
damu, c'mon, we need to prepare.- c'mon. for what? - to send me away. go now. and why did you arrangethe meeting at home? i'm planning to booktaj mahal hotel for this. will it be affordable to us?- that's what i mean to say. look, after 6 pm,we've this program at home. that's why i've invitedthem sharp at 4 pm. so, we'll free them before 6 pm. so, we'll get only one hour. - yes.
and father-in-law will come at 6 pm. he daily comes. i'm in a bad shape.- no, it's really a nice proposal. i didn't commenton the proposal. - then? it's 5:45.naina is still not at home. you know everyone shouldbe at home before he comes. don't give me any tension now. she must come. otherwise, it'll be difficultfor me to reply him.
there comes naina. i'll see her now. where were you? - where were you? there she started accusing me. we decided to meet at the theatre.. ..sharp at 3 pm not here. i was there in time. i was there for 2 hours. you're lying, naina. - you're lying.
mother, he's lying.i was waiting there. you didn't turn up so i came home. i was standing at theparking gate since 3 pm. in fact, the visitorsthought i'm the guard. oh really?and did you think about me? every man passing by was asking me. would you come for the movie? that's why you should be punctual. i tell you she was late. she's lying.
i left early from the office. you can ask my friend. - friend! anna, didn't i tell youshe'd be at her friend's house. no, i had told you this. really? but that's not important. i was at the parking gate since 3 pm. ask anna. - yes,i was on duty there since 12 pm. you're lying. you're lying. - you're lying.
they're fighting.give them the offering. do you have any sense or not?- you might not have any. i was at the parking gate. are you mad to standat the parking gate.. ..instead of the main gate? why to stand at themain entrance? - why? we were not supposedto go for a movie. then? - we would havegot 3 hours for ourselves. how could i read your mind?
did i have any dream? - you're mad. you're mad. - you're mad.. it's 6 pm. father is here. son! - father! who was shoutingso much in the house? who was he? - he's my son vijay. and who's she?- my daughter-in-law nayan. and she? - my daughter suman. and she? - a girl.
no, earlier she was..now, she's my wife. and who are you?- ganpat. her husband. ganpat! damodar!shanta! vijay! naina! suman! damodar! then where's your youngest son damu? here he is. where's damu? he's gone? - yes. when?
not there. america! - is it?then what are you doing here? i'm a mill worker.- go and sit there. look at his style of walking.walk properly. sit there. applied ashes on the forehead. apply ashes of himalayason my entire body. then my anger might subside. i had so many dreams about you.
you shattered everything. gange! you removed your mother's photograph?you idiot! you removed your mother's photograph? oh no! look at the conditionof these children. it's all because of you. arguing with me? how dare you? i don't want to livehere even for a moment. i'm going. - appa!
father! father! - father! father! - father! don't go away. father! - appa! father! inside.. father! ''with the flowery adornment.. ..sister, you'll be a bride.'' ''with the garland of flowers.'' ''you'll get married.'' done?
over? where did you learn dancing? i should sit like this at home. i tell you,you're the happiest man on the earth. you've got no tension at all. people are coming to see suman. it's 4 pm. they're still not here.i'm very tensed. do you have any idea?
only the two of us have to take.. ..the entire tensionsregarding the household. one is myself and the other.. it seems he has got lice. son has given two special sons to me. one is argument.and the other is michael jackson. how come they're still not here? anna! - who am i talking to? what's all this going on?
nothing. i was measuringthe square feet of the house. if you get angry,will things go on as per your wish? don't teach me. you too look tensed.- yes, i am. - are you?! the problem won'tsolve by taking tension. i'm doing my office work. how come you people are so cool? anna, this is called wisdom. people are goingto come to see suman.
but they aren't here yet. you mean people are goingto come to see our chingy? yes. what's the time? - 4:30. why? - because he called her chingy! i thought the programscheduled after 6 began early. what's the time?- 4:30. - don't teach me. mother! - no,look i'll slap myself. okay? ..sister..''
where did he learn the dance? have you seen anyonedancing like him? ''sister you're going to be..'' enough! enough.. oh god! what's the time?- anna, he told you it's 4:30 pm. they'll come. why are you in a hurry? hurry? - yes. don't you think we shouldfinish this program before 6? oh yes! - so?!
what's this, anna? you know our family problem.. ..and still you invitedthem in the evening? that's why i invited them at 4. came.. came.. came.. - they've come? mother came. - god! it's too late now. - wetoo are discussing the same topic. why discussing? god ganesha! fifth photo! - give them some sense.
have they come? why do you pamper him now? let it be. - what's suman doing? she's tired of waiting. it's more than anhour that she's waiting. let it be.let her get habitual to waiting. so, after the marriage,she'll start waiting for her husband. mother, you too usedto keep waiting for anna? yes. we too wait for you after 6 pm.
that you'll come and slap me tight. lord shankar!give some sense to anna. keep quiet. anna! anna! - have they come? i mean, did you invite them today? or there's someconfusion in the date? do you people not trust me? anna, it's not about the distrust. but suman is waitingfrom a long time.
she's bored now. even my situation is the same. i'm already bored as well as..what do you call it? tension! - yes. i'm tensed as well. yes, i'm responsiblefor this problem. yes, mother. you're right. instead of accusing mebetter suggest a solution. anna, there's no solution.- yes, you please tell him. naina, you tell him. - yes, please.
no, mother, you tell him please. what will she say? she'd say anna is there,why would i trouble my brain? there's nothing to think about.then? go down! make a phoneand cancel today's program. i asked a suggestion.not to spoil the matter. it's 4:45.if they'd come. - have they? just sit quietly for a while. if they'd come andour meeting begins.
and what if theydidn't leave before 6? anna, she has a point. yes, there wasn't anyproblem during our time. because we had elopedand got married. but we'll marry off suman splendidly. and we don't intend tohide anything about our family. yes, and we've nothingto hide from people. look at him! this.. if this thing willtake place in front of the guests.. ..before the exams,we'll have a result as fail.
yes, she's right.i just can't think of anything. god ganesha! - fifth photo! do away with this problem. let my daughter's future be bright.sai nath! seventh photo! - i'll cometo shirdi to bow down to you. but let the guests comesoon and leave soon, balaji! there's no photo. she didn't tell that tolord balaji but you. sit down! and what are you doing?
no god will come toyour help if you do this. small problem creeps in thehouse and she starts.. ganesha! before ganesha standsup from his seat.. ..she'd say lord shankar! so, ganesha will stopsaying that my father is going. before lord shankarstand up for her help.. ..she'd say lord vitthal! shankar will say, let vitthal go now. and vitthal willsay i don't have time.
dnyaneshwar and muktaare expected soon. all three of us aregoing to sit and sing. ''with the flowery adornment....sister, you'll be a bride.'' do dnyaneshwar sing such songs? dnyaneshwar and muktawere siblings, right? my mistake. you're right. and in such situation,god becomes still and we panic. done with your sermon?do you want time to speak? no, don't miss a singlechance to taunt me.
yes, mother. anna reallygave a big lecture. yes, of course. but he was right. tell me exactly which side you are? it's 4: 50. - yes, we'veto pay the grocer's bill, right? no, i mean it's 4: 50 pm. oh my god! pandurang! no, but i always takeonly one god's name. mother, i don't think sumanis ready for this marriage. did she tell you anything?
no, but i feel likethat from her behaviour. hey, she was like thateven for the previous 2 meetings. it's not right tobe judgmental on this. but anna! what if sumanis in love with someone? move back. - why? when we've a big affair at home.. ..who will go for one more outside? and if it was true, she'd havedefinitely told naina, if not us. about what, mother?about the love affair.
mother, naina and iwere in the same college. after marriage, she told me that.. ..she always lovedme even before marriage your naina is so bold.- enough! it's 5 pm. yes! and anna look panic. decided. - what? - decided. what? - i'll go downstairsand cancel today's program. when? after the guests come? so, what do we do now?now, if they come..
..we'll quickly bring suman out. we'll serve them tea andsend them away quickly. - okay. and then welcome him! ''by the floweryarrangements.'' - sit down! anna, it's 5 pm. and we forgotan important work in all this. what's that? - damu's arrangements. yes. - no.. let him be in this dress. if we'll make him wear that dress.. ..we won't be able to talk freely.
we'll feel as if he's watching us. nothing such will happen. remember what hadhappened last time? what? he has slapped me wheni didn't get him ready. yes. - so, please listen to me.do one thing. tell suman to get him ready. she's getting ready for her meeting. is anyone coming to see you? c'mon, damu! - but what preparation?
to send you away. c'mon. - yes, c'mon. i'll just go down and come. where are you going, anna? let me call them up andfind out what has happened. did you take the phone number? she thinks only her husbandis foolish in this entire world. you think i'm goingwithout the number? here, check this.assure yourself. c'mon.
is the phone numberwritten on your pocket? it must be somewhere here. i know you very well.- still you're living with me. - yes. shall i go and call them up?- yes, go. go there and then you'll realisethat you don't have a number. come behind me to look for it. but which shirt youwere wearing that day? that day.. what was the day that day? wednesday! - that means white shirt.
why? - from monday to sunday.i use only white shirt. because, i've only one. so, where else it can be? here it is. i'll come.. i'll come soon.. what? - what's this? how come it is 10 digit number? anna, it's mobile number. i was checking your knowledge.but you know. i'll come soon.
is mr. ganpat here?- he's going to make a call. are you mr.ganpat? - do you mind? - not at all. i'm sarpotdar's friend shingarpure. your daughter.. - she's inside. - no! i came to see her for my son shekhar. but we don't have a showroom. i've come with the proposal.- then go away. i mean i've come witha marriage proposal. oh.. i see.. so he's mr.sarpotdar's friend shingarpure.
exactly! you didn't say that. please come in! hey, think about.. ..the tea and take care of suman. also look at the clock. vijay! - yes. i should slap you. - why? i told you to take damu inside. damu is already inside.- then who's he?
he's uncle! excuse me! - mr. ganpat! - appa! i'm shingarpure! please, sit here.- but, i'm fine here. the mobile rangeis not good over there. okay. - please come! it's okay. - please, sit. bring some water please. - yes, sure. and do you take cold water? - yes.
because we've a fridge. - is it? give the water. - take it. did you drink the water?- i'm shingarpure! i mean do you want more water?- no, it's okay. actually, people drink4 glasses of cold water. - yes. because we've a fridge.- may be. - yes, please sit. and why are you so late? my son didn't come home in time. that's really nice.
now do one thing. - what? next monday, come sharp at 4 pm. please, leave. - but.. - yes, please. get away. - but.. he's my son. i was telling him..get lost. - yes, he told me. is he your son?- yes. i thought he's a salesman. please, come! sit! no.. not there.
it's reserved, please sit there.- sit. - yes. serve him water.- yes, give him water. will the cold water do?- yes, definitely. because we've a fridge. anna! why do you lie? - why? we don't have a fridge. i've put ice in the pot. so, he's my son shekhar. he's my son vijay. - hello! - hello!
father! - yes. i like the girl. - hey, come here. she's my daughter-in-law. look there. she's my wife. keep in mind. you mean you've aboy and a son? - yes. a daughter and he's my son. - okay. anna! then whose son am i? who's this joker? - hey..
he's not a joker. - then? he's my son damu. - i see. actually, we've a fancydress competition in the colony. so, he's going to presentas dagdu seth confectioner. - wow! he appears to be an actor.- he's a born actor. after 6 pm, his acting flourishes. then my daughter suman. in all, you've a smalland happy family. - yes. now, what do i do? - what?
i'll bring suman. - definitely. quickly ask her anything you want. and even if you leavein just 15 minutes.. ..we won't get angry.- mr. ganpat! people call me anna in this house. only one person calls me ganpat. anna! as it is we're late. so, we'll finish it off leisurely. if you'd delay, everything will end.
but why? - how do i tell you? anna! shall i sit at his feet? you please sit there. let him sit near me. damu! he won't listen to me. you bring suman. i'll see of suman isready with the arrangements. what? she's already decked up. tell her,enough of the make up. - yes.
you called me shingarpure! not you! - then? i called my daughter.come fast. enough of make up. i see. - yes. is he expert in sports? - yes. he looks like that. are you ready withthe questions? - yes. start asking, we've very less time. anna, i've been noticing you.you're in a hurry.
rest for a while. you see,our house is very old. - okay. if anything unusual happens,it'll be difficult to pull you out. even our family is small.right, shekhar? shekhar's mother! - okay. passed away in childhood. then how did he take birth? i mean she passed awaywhen shekhar was small. oh, okay, you mean shekhar was small.
you talk half the sentences.so i don't understand. i've been his father and mother. do, don't worry. - why? my suman is very cooperative.- really? yes, she'll give motherlylove to your son. she's going to be theirdaughter-in-law and not a mother. that's why i told youdon't let him sit near you. he's right. - how? when a wife comes home,husband receives love..
..of mother, wife and lover. i'm inexperienced in this case. we're at the same place in our house. but your damu is very calm. do you want to takehim away in the evening? no. actually,it's the peace before war. - i see. look at the clock. anna, why do you keeplooking at the watch? you see, this is my routine.
yes, but why? - how do i explain? especially, not in the first meeting. actually, sarpotdar hastold me about your nature.. ..and about your family. - really? i immediately agreedwhen i came to know.. ..she's damodar pant's granddaughter. this entitle carries prestige. my father. - even he comes? no, he is dead. - okay.
but he told me a lot aboutyour father before he died. had he borrowed money fromyour father? - no.. not at all. be told me many good thing about him. and he also gave me entiredetail about this house. anna! it really touched my heart. wait for a while andyour emotions will overflow. what? - no.what are they doing? - okay. anna! - yes. - what does damu do? a lot! - i mean hemust be well educated.
no, he couldn't study much.but he's our fondled child. wow! - anna! - enough! he has inherited my father. - is it? that's why we don't send him outside. and we make him sit here only. what's that?get up! is he your friend? why are you chatting withhim?- let him sit with us. you take him near andhe'll dance on your head. anna! - yes.- suman is coming. - is she?
she's coming. come.. come.. where.. where?where shall i sit? - here. sit. shringarpure! - yes. she's my daughter. - very nice! he's an actor! my god! it's 5:30. why again? - no.. no, well.. yes, actually it's our firstauspicious time to show the girl. so, you're in time.
and if you leave from here at 5:45. then even the secondauspicious time will be kept. 5:45? - yes. you mean we'll getonly 15 minutes? - yes! so, what all have youdecided to do today? - no. actually,our priest has told us. - what? that if the guestswon't leave at 5:45.. ..then the boy'sfather will die at 6 pm. that's why you're in a hurry? - yes.
because after 6, i won'thave time to attend your funeral. no.. no.. - serve them tea. - yes. are you going to marry? sumi! is tea hot? - why? i hope it isn't broughtfrom the fridge. yes. give it.. it's hot. take it. - slowly. easy.. wow! the tea was really nice!
very good! keep it. keep it in the tray. nice hosting! sit, my child. so, she's my daughter suman. - okay. she has passed 12th. - wow! so, what all does she know? embroidery, stitching,cooking.sshe knows everything. my sister is very talented.
let go off that.you ask her anything you want. yes, go on asking.my sister is very sharp. what are you going to ask?- no, i've nothing to ask. so, c'mon, make a move. ask her. - yes, okay. let me ask her. okay. - ask her. ask her.ask her what's her name. - suman! mother, you don't even know her name? ask her education. - 12th pass.
sister-in-law,you don't know about her education? now, ask her difficult question. ask her an elephant passedaway from a forest (fifty-one ). there was only one elephantin the forest, right? if he too went away,so there's no elephant. wrong! 50. i asked 1passed away out of fifty one. how many signals does.. ..a local train passfrom churchgate up to dadar? count
three! red, green and yellow! easy question. what's your opinion aboutmatch fixing in cricket? what's the time? - 5:40. that's why the batsman is in form. whatever it is. - yes. but damu is really knowledgeable. that's because damu isvery fond of reading newspapers. swow!
i mean he takes a newspaperin the hand in morning. and then sits down. - what? si mean he starts reading it.- i see. you can ask me news ofany page in the newspaper. i'll quickly tell you. ask me where is it written?'nava kaal'? - where? on the top of the front page. no one can say he's seventh fail. you know.. - no..- no, let it be. let him come! come!
man's intelligence neverdepends on his education. then? - i'll give you an example. he's mr. damodar!he was not much educated. then he's mr.manohar! he was not much educated. then he's mr.narayan! he was not much educated. then he's mr.madhav! he was not much educated. then he's mr.keshav! he was not much educated. then he's mr.ganpat! he isn't educated at all. but he could progress in life..
..because of his impressivequalities. - wow! he's in mill. a labour. sanna! your damu isreally worth praising. any girl would be happyto marry him if you want. and we too will refusethem with smile. but why? you're here to see suman. - yes. talk about her. - that's right. but damu's intelligence has changed..
..the angle of this program. okay, listen. - what? i hope you don't mindif i ask you something. not at all. please, go ahead. by the way.. ..how did you like our suman? shall i tell you frankly? yes, of course.it's a question of your life. shall i tell you honestly?
be quick!it's a question of your life, too. yes. we really liked suman. when he's too happyhe does that. - okay. so, we've known your opinion now.now, make a move. c'mon! - father! father! father! - make a move!- anna! - anna! go.. go.. - anna! make a move! - anna,this was just a formal discussion. we'll talk tomorrow. - we'veother formalities to complete.
we'll talk over it some other day. but.. - what's the time? 5: 55! - god!i beg of you. please, make a move. okay, anna. if this is your final decisionthen i won't force you. right. even i'm concerned abouteveryone's future. - right. okay, then see you. - see you! okay.. - okay..- okay, vijay! - yes, bye! - bye!
thank god, he left! shringarpure!we're sorry. - it's alright , vijay. please, make a move. no vijay..please come here. come here! tell me. - vijay! i really feel strangeabout anna's behaviour. but it's okay. it's one's own nature. okay, anna. - yes. shall i tell you something?- be quick! look at the watch! i liked your family a lot.
she?! - i mean the entire family. okay, family.. - family! actually, i'm weak in marathi!- i see. i work in mill. so,i keep talking in english. - good! such obedience andcultured behaviour! you never get to seein this time! - never! it's damodar pant's blessings,actually. okay, anna. see you! forgive us if we've mistaken.okay, bye! - bye!
please, wait. have dinner with us!- yes, definitely. do we do charity?- this is his love for me. no, actually, we've leftoverfood of yesterday night. leave! - okay. wait.. wait.. - yes.. yes.. okay, anna! - yes. shall we fix theengagement date later? yes, we'll buy sugar firstand then think about it. - yes. now leave.. take turn.. take turn..
okay, anna, we'll discuss about.. ..the marriage expenses later. what expenses?we'll order four horses and 2 lights! okay. - now, leave.take turn! take turn! take turn! okay, anna! what do i say aboutyour daughter suman? she's my daughter.what will you tell me about her? no, but i like suman a lot.- okay. - okay, then see you. don't you dare take turn now.
now, i'll come directlyat the wedding ceremony. okay. - bye, everyone. - bye! see you at the marriage. - sure! thank god he left before 6 pm! - yes. oh, its 6 pm!- start the arrangements! c'mon, hurry up!hurry up! c'mon, everyone. my bag was left here. wow! you started with thewedding arrangements from now? that's really nice.but no one is speaking anything.
anna, earlier you weresending me away hurriedly! and now you're sitting quietly? strange! i like the girl and her family. we'll talk aboutthe give and take later. don't take tension. you're giving us your daughter.it's more than enough. but.. i've brought up my shekhar!i've raised him with love.
i must get it's returns. show me to which places you want. i don't want dowry.- no, i'll give you right away. i really don't want any dowry. i'm totally against dowry. - right! anna! but we have thecustom of giving something.. ..to the groom, right? - yes, we do. and it's our culture. - yes. so, this custommust not be forgotten.
he'll give you a good reply now. damodar pant's granddaughter.. ..is going to be my daughter-in-law. it's really a matter of pride. ganpat! ganpat! - appa! anna, damu is calling you by name?! ganpat! - hey.. - no, appa, he.. yes, i know.. i know everyone.
who's this new man? damu! you shouldn'tcall your elder's by name. what are our cultures? don't you have any shame? are you mocking me? listen! don't hit him! please, don't! anna, tell him something. anna! vijay! nayan! suman! his name..
where's he? must have gone to lookfor a new devotional hymns. good he's not here.otherwise, i'd have got headache. god! wonder what thesepeople living upstairs.. to the left? to the right. how can they see me? mr. ganpat! - appa!
appa! - anna! photo! - what? photo! - photo? what photo? - look at this. i think i've seen it somewhere. let me see who is it. idiot! why did youhang my photo there? am i dead? there was a problemwhen the guest had arrived.
everyone's photo was therewhen we introduced people. only your photo wasn't there. you aren't gettingpromotion in the mill. so i thought let me promote you here.that's why.. don't get onto my nervesall the time. sit there. why do you keep gettingangry on me all the time? you can never value your son. yes, you'd make your fatherdie and want me to value you. look at sawant! - what did he do?
he's so proud..- about you? - about his son. he keeps praisinghis son all the time. and look at you.. my god.. oh gods and goddesses.. ..bring some miraculouschange in my anna. the way robber valyatransformed into valmiki. rank became rao. similarly,let something happen with my anna. no need. every eveningyou transform me from..
..anna to ganpat. it's enough for me. anna! will you honestlyanswer to my question? tell me. tell me honestly. - go on. are you sure you'redamodar pant's son? meaning? i can't see a singlequality of him in you. if i had inheriteda single quality of him.. ..i'd have reformed you by now.
violence! one should lead apath of non-violence. you know what happensif you get angry? the small and big brainfight with each other. then the emotions come out. mind gets disturbed andyou get negative thinking. for that you should meditate. sit calmly.close your eyes and chant. 'om'! now say. - 'om'!
who will close the eyes? your father? oh god! you'll make me mad. sawant! tell anna mad!- hey!- mother! no, nothing.i was just knowing about his health. anna, mother isn't at home.she went to the temple. good. now you're a goner.now, i'll show you. because otherwisedamu calls his mother. and anna's emotions come out.
so, close your eyes and meditate. and then say 'mother'! say it! - 'mother'! who will close the eyes?your father?! so, close it! - hey! what's all this? i couldhear your voice down the lane. what has happened? there's nothing very importantin life to tell people. why not? i'd have toldpeople about your photograph.
please, keep quiet! please.. are you back early today? - yes. i think your day wasn't good today. days are never good for him. not at least till you're in my life. your day will be fine. - shut up! hey.. he already getsbored sitting near the window. does that mean he shouldget onto my nerves in the evening? and to start with?small and big brain?
he can't cope up with the change of.. ..personalities inthe evening. - okay. what exactly happensin the house at night? nothing. we just take2 pegs and go to sleep. this idiot keeps slappingme in the evening. and now he has startedwith something new. - what? sit here. the small and big brainbang with each other. then emotions come out.
i think a doctor is born in my house. where's suman? - in the classes. and what's this? the tiffin is heavy.i don't think you ate. what have you cooked.. close your eyes and say om!- shut up! you forgot to put saltin the curry at night. i offered my tiffin to my friends. and you know what theysaid after eating it? now we realise yourlife is still tasteless.
in the running around atnight i misplaced the salt jar.. ..and found it today afternoon. i thought i'll tellyou but you had left. yes, even i was shouting behind you..anna, stop. but you.. i ran faster listening to your call. in fact i reached themill before the watchman. are you a watchman or a labour?- shut up! and yes. i met sarpotdar today. what did he say?
what will he say?he turned away with the sight of me. shringarpure musthave told him everything. what did shringarpure say? did he like our suman? did he say anythingabout the dowry and all? tell me..did he talk about the dowry? he's satisfied about it. you've given me 5 big slaps. i asked him if he wants more.if he really needs more of it.
he said no,now my cheeks have swollen. what? did he ask about that incident? no, i don't think so. but shringarpure's onecheek is enough to prove that.. ..our children are not cultured. really? - yes. i don't understand fromwhere does he make this sound? even if this generationhas forgotten father's teachings.. ..the earlier generations has not.
how do you say? shringarpure's secondcheek is the witness. what are you saying?- yes, i mean it. and i'm really fade of such actions. look, don't say anythingand make me angry. suman will get many betterproposals than this one. deduct 3.as they're already beaten up. no.. it was 51.. - what? one elephant passed away out of 51.
is suman a cattlethat you're counting? i'll give you a tight slap. has appa come early today? anna, shall i go? - go.. go quickly. yuck! god! he's behaving so obedient. and it's given by him. we did everything for him,consulted doctors.. ..vaidyas,fasting and vows and everything.
not we.. you did all this. but the result is zero. - yes. i'm sure one of his biggest wish.. ..has remained incomplete.- yes. may be. otherwise, it won't haunt like this. you think will he restin peace after giving me death? naina! - there comes the second one. naina, i had told you,i'll fulfill all your wishes one day. that's why i married you. - naina?!
i was joking. anna, bless me. - okay. but without any reason? - not at all. of course, there's a reason.- really? give him the sweets! - take it. and distribute equallyamongst everyone. - okay. otherwise,that hungry cock will eat it all. what? - comment abouthim and she'd get angry. but why did you get sweets?
you know what, mother? today we went tosiddhivinayak temple. great! both of you?! - yes. just like that?- not at all. there's a reason. give me, rs.21. - why? i had asked for a vowat lord krishna. - for what? that if we'll have achild like him in our house.. ..i'll offer sweets worthrs.21 to the siddhivinayak. asked for a vow from lord krishna.
and sweets will beoffered to siddhivinayak? won't they fight with each other? that you're taking away my customers? mother, you're misunderstanding.what? - yes, mother. we didn't go to siddhivinayakwith that reason. then? - look at this.this was the reason. god! did you lose your job? mother, what rubbish is this? no, last time whenhe had strike in the mill..
..he came home with suchcoloured paper in the house. right, ganpat? - appa! get up.. get up from there. what's this, mother? can you see from myface that i've lost my job? no! not you.. - then?! but when he came home.. ..he looked as if he hadcome from someone's funeral. and she quickly warmed water for me.
and i took bath twice that day. let go off that.but tell me what's the matter? yes, tell me what the matter is. have you taken polio dose? naina, you tell him. no, you tell him.- no, you better tell him. it's your achievement. you tell him. it's a proud feeling for you.so you tell him. if you decide,let me know by post. - okay.
see! - okay, fine. let'sboth of us tell him. - yes. come. so, anna! - and mother! where's she? - mother! coming! - come out andlisten to what they say. - yes. eat later. the box is with you. so, anna! and mother! the moment we wereeagerly waiting for.. has arrived in our life. anna, i've got ahouse from my company.
what? - what are you saying? read this, anna. let me read it. wow! mother.. mother, did you see this? no, but i heard it. you mean,will you leave this house, vijay? and naina, you too agreed? what are you saying? we should stand by them in such time.
they too will havesome dreams in life. shouldn't we think about it? girl from a strangehouse came to our house. she coped up in this atmosphere. she shared all the goodand bad times with this family. why she should take the tension?and for how long? we're used to this environment. shouldn't we free her from this mess? this generation has tolerated..
..our previous generations' tantrums. but the next generationmust not get affected by it. vijay! nayan! no.. it's me.. it's me.. it's me. seriously, you should go. i mean it. look, i'm still workingand mother is also in good health. she must have blabberedsomething in anger. but consider her emotions behind it. you go. - no, anna.
how long do you wantme to say now? - no. will i not get hard breathing? anna, has anythinghappened in the house.. ..without your will? and we'll leave thishouse only if you allow us. mother, we want you. but that.. i know. mother!c'mon, give them your permission. my mistake, master.but you know what? our emotions come outfirst than our thinking.
and even if vijay would go away.. ..his roots will still remainwith this house. i just forgot that. yes, and he's much better. but that peeple tree. i don't have courageto uproot that tree. naina, vijay, you must go.- yes, mother. but before that naina,make some tea.. ..for everyone torelive some seriousness. right away. - anna! - yes.
i'll go and get fresh, okay?- what action was that? see, my son is so understanding. no, naina is much moreunderstanding than him. you're right. she left all the comfortsof her maternal house.. ..and came to this house.. ..where there's not evena tv for her entertainment. but yes, teaching programruns on daily basis. daily there are different stories.
take that stool inside. - yes. you'll get angry ifi say anything about him. naina! - vijay,what's going on? - why? is it prohibited to talk to my wife? then stand there and talk to me.i can hear you. naina, this is too much. have some shame. - you're too much. it's such a happy day forus and you always start with it. one needs to considertime to express happiness.
hey, don't talk likethe old time heroines. the time has changed. this is the badquality of all the men. you think the women are not romantic. yes, of course, you are. before marriage,when i hold your hand. what will people say? and after marriage? - anna! - anna! yes, so check and mate from you only.
vijay! - yes. i'm very happy today. naturally, you've got a house.you got what you wanted. it's not that. i'm bored of this house. i'm fade up of the environmenthere. it's not true. but every newly weddedbride has a dream. and that dream ofmine is fulfilled today. still, i always feel somewherein some corner of my mind.. ..that this joint familysystem should continue.
anna! mother!suman! damu! you! me! tea! - tea! tea?! you think we're distancing them?- no. - no, then? brother! - yes, come! see, this is theproblem of this house. we don't get privacy at all. good it was suman!what if anna had come? now things are goingon as per your wish, right? then this problemwill never arise there.
in fact, i'll never let it happen. we've got the keys of that house,right? - yes. so, let's go and see it once. good idea. but anna? we'll go only if he allows us.- okay, let's go. - yes. tea! - let it be. come! anna! anna! where's anna?- 2 years passed to his death. vijay! - it's 6 pm.start with the arrangements.
here.. - where's damu? where's damu?- why do you repeat my question? put that book aside. look for damu. damu! damu! - damu! damu! what do you think of yourself? are you people mockingat the old man? damu went the bathroom, right? - yes. you mean pant is coming now? - what? and that too in the half pant?
aren't you ashamedof mocking at an old man? appa, are you back?- what do you mean? i hadn't gone there permanently. who's she? she's.. - let me guess. he's my grandson. - yes. she's my granddaughter.she's grandson's wife. and she's my daughter-in-law shanta! veil!
and you?! - veil! father of these children! ganpat! damodar! ganpat! shanta!vijay! naina! suman! damodar! - yes. then where's your eldest son damu?california! the words are little complicated.will you teach me? the children of this colonyare not disciplined at all. i don't mind if he come here daily. but tell him that hishouse has lost it's glory now. only one room is leftfor us and rest all..
..are captured by the people. you'd shout and i get slapped. ganpat! - appa, listen. you please take dinnerand rest for a while. it's not good to blabbermuch at this age. are you tired? get up! your son is totally undisciplined. wow! who's he?- shrimant damodar pant! good! when did he pass away?
recently. he was very nice. he kept saying yes andat the end moment he said no. anna, you forgotto take out the garland. of what? - of the photo. - yes. so, you put the garlands? - no. actually, it was copper jubilee.that's why i had kept it. aren't you ashamed?do you put garlands.. ..to the alive man's photo?had there been.. appa! bring some water.- yes. let's bring water.
that's why i told you take rest. do you like to die twice? are you there, appa? let's go to the railwaywith these utensils. i asked for water andyou brought it in spoon? what's this? did you add water? appa! what? - take this. take this.it's my mistake. i seek your apology. what are you doing?
mother, why is anna doing this? mother?! appa?! - i'm damu! idiot, seek my blessings.seek it.. you idiot! go on seeking it again and again. let go off him!- now, i won't listen to anyone. but anna,how come damu be here at this time? yes! - hey.. anna, shall i sit here? - sit down!
vijay! check the calendar.check the date today. yes. - hurry up! it's no moon's day. - no moon? - yes. i'm doomed. - and this daywill end tomorrow morning at 5: 59. my god! i'm totally doomed. god, you mean even thisyear we'll suffer the same way.. ..as we had last year? - yes. appa can come anytime today. do one thing. - yes. doublethe dose of the sleeping pills.
give appa into the water.- take this. am i appa? not at all, i won't letyou try any experiment on my son. see, he's sitting inthe corner so obediently. wait for a minute. once appa is back,he'll make me sit like that. what are you waiting for?add the pills. go. - yes. damu! damu! - damodar!
what's it, mother? that means the chapterhasn't changed yet. go. go soon. hey.. hey.. who's he? he's damu!- he.. who's he? - my shadow! close the windows! close the windows, first!- talk slowly. i understand. but who's he? - he's damu. who's he? - our damu!
look at him properly. who's he? who are you? vijay! nayan! hey, don't shout!we're already scared. how do you know that i'm scared?- i mean i'm scared. do you call yourself like that? who are you?- who's he? - he's 'we're scared'. i'm goon!- god.. do something, ganpat! - appa! stand up! stand up from there. look, i'm not a goon.i swear, i'm not a goon.
i'm an educated young man! you think this isan employment exchange? i'm police informer. i give goon's tip to police.- send him out first. - no! those guys will kill me. my problem is different.you please leave. please, don't do this.give me shelter only for 15 minutes. stand up.. stand up first. please try and understand my problem.
please leave this house first.- hey, just.. - hey.. don't call me goon!i swear, i'm telling you, i'll.. this is damu! i swear, i'm not a goon.let me hide here.. ..for only 15 minutes. switch off the lights. talk just once. i can understand. god, it's too dark.i can't see anything. anna! - hey. - yes.
you're going out. - yes. that's why i wonder how come mrs.sawant is in our room? come! - god, i can't see anything. slowly! there's a problemin the darkness. - what? i can't see that goon. please, smile. i can at leastidentify you from your teeth. yes.. shall i switch on the lights? want to go to the bathroom?
anna! why do you ask him?just switch on the light. yes, switch it on.check if the boys have gone. yes, they went.now leave. - just leave now. no, let me hide herefor only 15 minutes. ganpat! ganu.. ganu.. ganu.. old man is takingout variety of ganpat! who's he? he's my son vijay! how come he's so short? let it be. come, i'll introduce you.
where's fan?- nayan! - where's stick? suman! - where's umbrella? ganpat! - so, where's damu? - here.. hey.. what have you done? mistakenly my hand went that side. he.. - damu! - my damu! this is mohan! mohan shinde! ganpat, who's this mohan? i don't know. he's our damu. go!
why do you do this?i'm here to hide for only 15 minutes. you help us a littleand we'll help you. go now. but my parents have named me mohan! i'll talk to your father.now go there. anna, don't createsuch misunderstandings. we might land up in some trouble. he isn't my son.- he won't stay here permanently. behind me..over there.. amongst all of you. what discussions is going on?
nothing. it's just like that. my damu! why does your son behave like this? why do you behave like this with him? what is he blabbering? it's my insult. he has recently comefrom foreign land. that's why he's doing it.from where, vijay? yes, africa. go there.
what's this?- we welcome people in this way. how are you, my son?- he's fine, appa. what's say? - no, he isn't my son. she is concerned about her son only. ganpat! - yes! talk softly!- no, i was talking to him. can't you answer? when did you come? - don't you know? what's he talking?
actually,they talk in english over there. how are you?- but it won't work here. okay, where were you in africa?- where? i live in chinchpokli! chinchpokli?!- it's a small village near africa. chinchpokli! now, say yes.otherwise, i'll kill you. yes! - okay. i couldn't like here without you. there's 10th frame of rama!
see.. how he's cracking jokes. god.. there's nofuture of this house. how.. he's your son, right?you're his parents, right? do you want to see a certificate? appa, have some water.- yes, have some water. my thirst quenched seeing damu.- oh no! but i want to discusssomething with damu in private. what? what does he want to discuss?
what do you want to talk, appa? i've a little doubt.- doubt about what? when damu was small,he'd come and sit on my lap. then why isn't hecoming on my lap today? that's because.. ..when damu was small,your lap was big. now damu has grown upand your lap has become small. such nonsense jokes. what do we do to assure you?
what are you doing? - keep quiet. keep quiet! at least you explain him something. it's just a temporary phase.- get there. yes.. i'm assured now. he's from our lineage. he?! from generations,if anyone would shout at us.. ..we go and sit in that corner.- yes, you're right.
and now when i shouted at him,he too took that corner. and we've many examples. late mr. keshav,he too used to sit in this corner. late mr. madhav,he too used to sit in this corner. late mr. narayan,he too used to sit in this corner. late mr. manohar,he too used to sit in this corner. who's this animal? anna! - yes, he's son.. my son. damu! look, i'm not your son.- hey, you want to go out, don't you?
will i ever say that?i'm into total mess today. look, mohan! mohan! who's he? - no, appa.they've met after a long time. let them speak in private. so, when will we get a chance? damu, come! he's after me only. listen, there areso many people at home. i daily meet them.- please, explain your son.
please stop them. otherwise, my son.. ..will get tiredof running after him. let him be. then he'llask for the water. - water! get some!- water! - get some water! quick! water! - yes, sit here. - water! water! hey, why your brotheris behaving like that? actually, he's our grandpa. - what? yes, from evening 6 till morning 6..
..late mr.damodar comes in our damu's body. how's it possible? don't crack jokes. wait for some timeand you'll know everything. vijay, coming! - quickly bring water. 'soda' (leave me ) 'soda'! - how doi bring soda at night? i mean leave me. - no, i won't. leave me i said. - no, i won't. anna , hold me. - damu is back.
what this goon is doing here? anna, he's goon.why did you allow him to stay here? he's saying thatwe made him stop here. don't tell people.you'll get involved in a police case. police will kick us.i'm blabbering a lot. shall i have some offering?and apply holy powder?- go.. go.. hey, why your brotheris behaving like this? just now he was different and now.. are you assured now?do you believe us?
this is it. - how's it possible? can something like thathappen in such a nice house? no, you look at ityourself and you'll know. actually,we don't show this program to anyone. today, we showed itto you free of charge. but i still can't believe my eyes. suman! - suman?! is her name suman? hey, do you know him?- i mean, yes and no.
i mean i too go to thesame typing class where she goes. anna, we don't knoweach other so well. let it be. - i swear we don't know. that's what i say. let it be. i mean actually it happened.- meaning? after seeing this drama. - okay. actually, no one knowsabout this outside this house. you too please don'ttry to tell this to anyone. but does this happens daily?
no, he's like thatonly for 2 hours in a day. then we make him sleep. from morning 6 to evening 6,our damu is with us. in short,he's with us on installment basis. actually, it's no moon's day today. so, he keeps coming and going. i should appreciate everyone of you. you really take great care of him. that's because iloved my father a lot.
even he loved us a lot. that's why todayhe's torturing us a lot. but isn't there any solution? we tried many things,but it's of no use. and if you've any remedy,please don't tell us. we don't want to gothrough it all over again. when so many gods can't do anything.. ..what am i going to do? if you're done with praising us..
..then shall i remindyou of something? - definitely! earlier, you were in trouble! - yes. so, you came here. - yes. then you got into anothermess in this house. - yes. now that you've a chance to go out.. ..you're discussing him? do you know something? he'll come back anytime.- no! - so, leave. i had it enough.- leave! - bye! - okay.
you people get the water.c'mon! - yes. thank god, he went. - yes. but.. - have you come? no! once again thanks to all of you. thank you! - okay. thank you! - ganpat! he's a goner!he invited this trouble himself. yes, i know everyone. who's he? - he is.. - wait!
let me guess.- wonder whose name he'll take now. you're kulkarni's raghu, right? what? - yes.. yes.. raghuveer kulkarni! what's all this?who's raghuveer kulkarni! why do you ask me? your grandpa's name was famous.. ..in the whole of indiaduring the british times. we also worked together in that time.i still remember.
tell me about my grandpa later. who's raghuveer kulkarni? - you! you're raghuveer kulkarni! and your grandpa wasshahir vishwasrao kulkarni! shahir? i remember he used to instigate.. ..love for motherlandinto the freedom fighters. i'm sure he'll keep us awake tonight. and in that time your grandpa used..
..to carry you in one handand musical instrument in other. yes, i remember. i remember everything. but now i should leave. - why? my grandpa would bewaiting for me at this time. are you trying to fool me? your grandpa died 10 years ago. right, ganpat? - yes, i toowas there to attend his funeral. what's this new drama now?
you see his memorypower is very short. so, just say yesin everything he says. not at all. i can't do this. look, we didn't tell you to stop. you'd got a chance toleave and you kept thinking. look.. - what will you show me? what will you show me, kulkarni? ganpat! - yes. kulkarni family wasreally strange you know.
how to fight the british? no, how to fight the kings? no jokes. does he remember that time?how will he? he was very smallin his grandpa's lap. i really don't want any jokeson the body parts below the wais. do you remember? - no. why can't you? there were many things theydidn't know about me. i told them.
recollect.. recollect. i recollected. - well done! i recollected! many.. lot of. lot many. but i tend to forget. shall i help?- never mind. you begin. grandpa's birth-date.- now, you only end it. grandpa's death! say something in between.- you took birth in between.
like this! it's no use talking about all this. especially not in the prose. but in the poems. - what's that? let there be a traditional poem. where do we get it? no.. no.. no.. your grandpa used to sing so well. he had given manysuccessful evenings.
in a meeting,kulkarni's song has to be there. even today, i recollect himand my heart feels overwhelmed. exactly.. exactly in this positionhe used to stand and sing. he used to spread tunes like this. and exactly in this way,he'd say that now my song is over. sing a traditional song. what's that? - it's a form of music. no one has sung in my entire lineage.
join any words. - but whatdo i sing when i don't know? why don't you know? singer's son even cry musical. if you want i'll cry in musical way. please explain him. you can leave as soon as damu comes. once, i had sung a poem in my school. and my teacher hadtaken a month's leave. so, sing it today.
so that he'd leave for a month. at least you please explain him. if we'd listen to you,he'll make us dance on your song. why do you waste time? he has lost his musical notes. no joke on the music. late mr. keshav! late mr. keshav! - has he also come? kulkarni's grandson is here.
he's going to sing traditional song! who's this late mr.keshav? - my father! i hope he isn't anyone to me.- how's it possible? sing what he says. - what? if he'd change his mindand think of 'hind keshari'! then he'll beat youlike anything. - no! so, go on singing. - okay. i recollected. - okay, ganpat. what's his recent professionother than singing?
singing is his main profession. these days he placesa bowl on the harmonium.. ..and sings in the train. wow! please, sing a song for me.it's my wish. why are you all standing?sit down! sit everyone. thank god, we'll get to sit today. sing that one. ''what a brave womanwas the queen of jhansi!'' ''she had made the britishescape from india!''
water.. bring water. - yes. yes, bring water.. c'mon. stand up! you stand up! you sit down! ganpat, stand up! shanta, sit down! mrs. shanta, you sit down! - okay. you don't pay attention to them.you sing.
sing.. sing with the melody. in your grandpa's style. why is he singing like this? these days stone peltinghappens on the local trains. so, he has changed his profession. now, he's working inthe graveyard activities. rs.10000 is his monthly income. apart from that themeal on the last ritual.. ..of deceased and a free shirt piece.
if anyone dies in maharashtra,they called him. he's the only one.. ..who can sing evena sad song with smile. didn't you hear him now? ''what a brave woman..'' had your father tied a violin.. ..on your back thatyou were doing this? recollect your grandpa's tone. ''what a brave woman..''why do you look there?
sing it for me. will you let me go? ''what a brave woman..'' - anna! why is he singing it like this? damu is back. mother, when did anna got habitual.. ..to listening the songs at night? you made him sing.- when did i say that? anna, he has left.now, he's our damu. - yes.
anna! what do wedo with him now? - whom? this singer? now, let alone in my house,but if i see you singing.. ..in the area,i'll make you drink acid. no! - get lost! bye! - go.. go away. and you all think of the water. and.. - now what? no. once again i'd like to.. - come..
come on the stage please. the audience is here. carry out your thanksgiving program. after some time the elderlyperson will welcome you. no! - get going.- i'm going. - bye! bye! i'll see if he has really gone.- yes, go. thank god,we're relieved of one problem. why has damu gone out? he's the main problem.
i'm telling you.don't call him a problem. when he insults me in public,you never tell him anything. and what's this? your father had tocome in my son's body only? and we don't even remember his time. it's all your faults.- what have i done? when you were pregnant with him.. ..you used to constantlylook at this frame. instead of looking at me,what were you looking at there?
anna, what do we do now? nothing. now, give allthe sleeping tablets to damu. why do i need sleeping tablets? i'll sleep it like that. no, my son. i can't toleratesleepless nights these days. aren't you feeling well? - no! come.. come and sit at my place. once, if i'm done with him,i'll see you. till then don't consider me dead.
the heart seeks more. i've written my deathnote in the cupboard. there's nothing left in your name. come.. sit here. - okay. i'll massage your feet. not like that, my child.start from the bottom. slowly come up and grab my neck. see, he's behavingnicely and serving you. damu! - yes.
i'm damu! look, son!now your sister-in-law will bring.. ..a glass of water for you. okay? drink it and sleep well, okay? what's he blabbering? idiot, nayan will bring water. you shameless fellow, drink it. and bloody idiot, go to sleep! explain me like that. - my god!
appa is here! appa is here! anna, will appa knockthe door and come? - yes. coming, who's it?- see, who's at the door. you?! stop! stop! again.. what.. what's your problem? you told me to go but those guys.. ..are still waitingfor me downstairs. and instead of meetingdeath over there.. ..i'd like to live a wriggling life.
as it is, i'm used to now. there comes..there comes the shrimant! i'll introduce you to him. do you know him so well? c'mon! - please, come! appa! - i know.. i know everyone. but who are you? - i'm.. - stop! let me guess! you're waghmare's son nandu!
you're right! look at there! bengali goddess andsouth indian demon! send him away from my sight. water! - go get some water. quick! i said give some water to me.i'll kick you away i told you to go away.but you told me, come, i'll introduce you. what's wrong?
last time when twice he named me,you said yes. so, the third time i said yes. did i commit a mistake? why did you say yesfor waghmare's nandu? so what? waghmare and appa are old enemies. he had ditched me. that waghmare toldthe british my whereabouts. i was imprisoned for 10 years.hit him.
oh! is it like that? - yes, it is. take him inside and give him water.go inside. appa! appa, what have you done? he isn't waghmare's nandu.he's our damu. but he said he's waghmare's nandu! he was joking.- do you really mean it? by swear of you. anna! - what's wrongin taking swear of father? he's already dead.no, he has gone inside.
no.. no.. i've committeda grave mistake. - yes. i'll go inside and apologise to him. i'll come along. - why? what will you do betweena grandpa and grandson? sit down. look outside. if you look this side,i'll tear you off. suman, i want to talk to you. but i don't want to speak to you. please, stop. yesterday,i waited for you at the class.
look, it'll be better ifyou wouldn't try to impress me. i still love you. who's it? - what? what? 'i..' 'i still love you.' howcould you hear this from him? you're shrimant damodarpant's granddaughter. you should have considered that. what? what?- i too was asking you the same.
mohan! mohan! mohan! appa! appa! come! appa! now you suggest us a way out. anna and mother are.. look at there..finding a groom for her. look here. sister and sister-in-law..look there. bring a new proposal everyday.look here.
and she's with that boy..now don't just look at anyone. mohan! mohan! mohan! you still chant that rogue's name? let me find him one. i'll strangulate him andchop him off to feed the dogs. no, appa! the boy is really nice. do you really mean it?- he's educated. what are you saying?- he's very cultured.
what are you saying?- he belongs to a cultured family. his family is ofthe equal status to us. he's in front of you. - where? he's in front of you.- so, what's the problem? you.. you should convince anna and mother. ganpat always becomesobstacles in everyone's ways. i'll kick him today. come with me. stop! get full informationabout that boy first.
vijay! what's damu doinginside from a long time? how would i know? go and see. otherwise,your father might commit a murder.. ..and my son will be accused. don't think negative. if that was the case,we'd have heard some sound. should we wait till they shout? don't go there. - why?
he'll strangulate you. but, anna.a stranger is in our house. you think he knows appa's habits? good.. now i feel satisfied. okay, how does he look? prince! he'll be in future. heavy voice. he'll have in future. fair skin..- but.. - he'll be in future.
6 and a half feet tall. - what? he will never be. he'll be. - he won't be. he'll be.. he'll be our son-in-law. soon, i'll command ganpat.. ..to give the responsibilityof suman's marriage on her brother. appa! - yes. no brother. mohan! - who mohan? fair skin.. - he'll be in future.
' 6 and a half feet tall.- we'll make him tall. let's go. anna, why don't youask appa little strongly? there's a difference betweenyour father and my father. ganpat! i want to talkto you in private. come here. ganpat! i want totalk to you in private. i too want to talk to you. as a father, i'll say first.- what do i say next? anna! c'mon! - yes. you're always.. - what always?
i'm seeing this sincechildhood. - what? in childhood you'd say, children.. ..tomorrow i'll showyou an old woman's boot.. and next day, he'd show usthe neighbouring old lady's boot. appa! come to the point. if damu will come,our effort will be in vain. ganpat, you've ruinedthe cultures of this house. henceforth you'll askme before taking any decision. otherwise, i'll hang you reverse..
..and burn red chillies below. he's nicely welcomingin front of the children. what.. what have youdone for your children? he'd be the only son toask his father such a question. vijay got married on his own. what great job he did?he eloped to marry her. that too requires courage. one needs to run for that.one should be capable. - suman! suman!
what all measures you'vetaken for suman's marriage.. ..this year? do you give us that much time? i had brought mr.shringarpure and you beaten him blue. we won't give our daughterto any beggar. - okay. i've found a boy for suman. you?! you mean half time husband? from evening 6 to morning 6?
no, he's there. what's his name?- mohan sakharam shinde! i think i've heard this name. that boy is mohan shinde! - yes. he's mohan!- hey, he's damu, right? - yes. damu.. damu, my god! gone! now what? why do you always blame ourselves? why do yu always sayidioms at wrong time?
you'd never passin languages in school. okay, damu! tell me somethingmore about mohan! - yes. he.. he won't tell you. i'll tell you about him.- okay, tell me. shall i? - yes. what do i say? tell him.. tell him.
listen! go on! are you going to say anything? i told you. didn't you hear me? what's this appa?where do you always get lost? pay attention! will you please tell me?- can't you hear, appa? tell me again. okay, listen!
speak loudly.let me hear. - what's wrong with you? do you want to kill me? from past one hour,i've been repeatedly.. ..telling the same thing.i've got hard breathing now. now, i'm telling you thisone last time. listen to me. is he really speaking something? he's fooling you. are you mocking your father? shall i bring my father here?
i really don't know anything. ask suman! - what? suman, come here. what do you know about mohan! anna, he's nice by heart. idiot! i had sentyou to the typing class. i thought you'll bring a certificate. and you brought thattypewriter's ribbon? wait for some time.let appa go and see what i do.
now, i'll tell you thehistory of that mohan's family. tell me. - you'll kickhim out if you hear me. anna, why do you do that? so, you were tryingto get me rebuked? i provided you shelternot for being a permanent member. but, anna! - shut up! why are you getting angry on damu?! he isn't damu! - ganpat! this is the problem.
that's why i had alerted you before. these days your familydiscussions are increasing. and i must seriously think over it. appa! if you want to think.. ..think about damu. what a nice boy hehas found for his sister? what's wrong? - his name? mohan! - and they've recentlyexchanged this religion. what are you saying? - yes.
if that's the casethen this boy is cancelled. don't say anything.they're pure maratha! how do you know? you live in africa. how will you have somany information about him? appa! appa! appa! they love each other. what will you eat? what will you eat? appa, the boy is unemployed. his mother sells lottery tickets.
and his father hasa liquor shop. - no! what? - i've beenthere five times. - what? no.. just to enquire about mohan! he's in the government department. every prisoner in jail say that. look at this identity card.- let me see. see.. it's our damu's photo.see. isn't he? but mohan has to marry. i'll see how you get married.
say something about his looks.- looks? looks? appa! he looks so nice, you know?- charcoal! charcoal! a mother applies kohl to her child.. ..to safeguard himfrom the evil eyes. but his mother wouldapply him limestone. appa! appa! he looks like me. listen to this new joke!
suman's would be husbandlooks like her brother. it means after marriage,no wedding ceremonies.. ..she'll directlycelebrate brother's day. anna! - appa! appa! i'm mohan shinde! then what are you doing here? damu is back! anna! he's a goon! please, save me!save me, please! call the police!
hit him.. hit him.. no.. no.. take him out. - why do you do that? i'm mohan! i'm mohan shinde! - guest is here. appa! - please, come.. please come.. come in, son-in-law!come! please, sit! take rest! now, tell me.
what do i say?what's this? are you alone? where's your parent? we don't talk with the boy directly.right, ganpat? yes! now speak up. why are you talking to him?he's a goon! damu is back! - no! we'll get involved into apolice case. police will arrest us. send him out! - get lost! please listen to me.
why do you escape? - damu! come inside! this isn't the culture of my house.go inside. ganpat, son-in-law is here. talk.. talk about the marriage. it's morning now.i'll go and have a bath. no, appa! - why? you please stay here. - why? why are you scared of him?
ganpat, you must not blabber. otherwise,i'll give you a t ight slap. done? now, c'mon! give me water and towel, c'mon! suman, go and arrangeeverything for him. thank god he doesn't realisethat he's in half pant. otherwise, he'd haveslapped me even on this cheek. why is it paining here? oh!
what will happen with you,dark fellow? anna! listen to me.. ..and then take yourdecision and i'll agree to it. i'm mohan shinde! but i'm not the mohanthat you met yesterday evening. i really belong to a cultured family. anna, i'm not a goon! all those standingdownstairs are my friends. and it's true that i love suman.
that's why i entered into this house. because.. because, i wanted to knowthe reason behind difference.. ..in suman's natureevery evening after 5 pm. she would constantly avoid me. i used to get confusedwhy she does that. i used to get negativedoubts in my mind. so, i also followed her few days. but she used to directly come home.
then what's the problem? today, i've known that problem. anna, i need your permission. to free suman from this mess. i still stick to my decision. even after enduring somuch and by getting beaten up. i've realised thatit's not anyone's mistake. your thinking is strong like me. i'm happy to know that. - anna!
i'm really happy thatmy daughter will marry into.. ..a cultured family. mother! your prayers are heard today. no, anna. all of you mustcome out of this maze. only then my effortswill be successful. yes, one by one everyone will be out. vijay and nayan willgo to their house. after few days you'llmarry suman and take her away.
anna, damu and both of you.. where will we go at this age? and frankly speaking.. ..we're living becausepant arrives every evening. you saw this for the first time. but you already haveknown it's severity. damu's madness has become a routine. and we will live withdamu till our last breathe. you mean,you want this to continue forever?
we feel it should be like this. ganu! ganu! ganu! ganu! who's he? shall i tell him thatyou're waghmare's nandu? - no! didn't you recognize him?he's our son-in-law! oh, yes! come. please come, son-in-law! come, i'll introduceyou with our family. come! he's ganpat pant!
he's my grandson!she's my granddaughter-in-law! she's my granddaughter. and now.. let it be. she's my daughter-in-law! shanta! he's late mr. keshav pant! he's late mr. madhav pant! he's late mr. narayan pant! he's late mr. manohar pant! who's this moon like face?
soon he's going to die.mr. ganpat pant! what's this? have you become so great? did you hang your photoin place of my father? take it out!- don't slap me! take it out now! take it out now! anna, let the photo be there.why are you taking it out? i said take it out!take it out now. - don't hit him! take it out!
anna, let the photo be there. take out the photo.take out the photo. take it out now. damu is back! take it out. this untimely game likethat of rain is still going on.. ..in late mr. damodar pant's house. and it'll continue forever. pant is very punctual. tell me who he looks like? no, he looks like our vijay.- no, he looks like naina!
no, only his eyesresemble that of naina. and mohan's beauty spot! hey.. - hey.. hey, it's 6 pm! c'mon, start your preparations! i forgot father whileplaying with my grandson.yes hasn't he come yet?- no! please come. come fast. has he come? - yes. what's it, anna?
so, where's shrimant?

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