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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

rivera: sir... we found a survivor... he says to be neville... doctor richard neville. doubt: we start sifting through the entire area! the structure has three entrances... ovest, the main one... the back gates are to the north and south the east exit will be used in case of emergency...

let's hope we don't have to use that. neville (voice off): we thought we had stopped the infection... but we were wrong.. the outbreak of 2015 was only the beginning... in a few weeks, the virus infected the entire area within 4000 kilometers... several months later... the world. the virus wiped out almost the whole of humanity.. the ones who survived learned to move together it seemed to be the only way to stay alive...but it wouldn't last for long. we had to find a place where gather up the few remaining people who survived. we were to go on ahead with the research, continuing the conversion project

started by the corporation, right here, a year ago... doubt: we will need a control center for military activity coordination and a reception area cooper: let's go! doubt: the inputs will be managed by garrisons installed at each entrance. it is primary tha no risk has to be present inside the fortress! doubt: close every single hole! doubt: the umbrella used these premises for research and development of biological weapons. here, we'll pursue the research started by doctor neville.

cooper: my god... neville: god didn't do that... doubt: we'll install a radiostation for transmissions; we have to bring to the attention more possible survivors of the existence of this place, miller ... miller: this building, that's an ideal position, has a sufficiently powerful antenna if the wiring isn't too damaged it might work! doubt: soldiers! this is our last stronghold,

we're increasingly threatened from the outside. these four walls are our last hope! deckard: we've been fighting for a long time... and we have all lost so very much, so many loved ones gone. but you're not alone! there are still many of you out there... you are our hope, try to stay alive! this... is arcadia... if you are listening to me, you are the resistance! arcadia - the last hope (subtitles by deckard)

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