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Thursday, October 19, 2017

attention! stand at ease! the accident last month of thetruck carrying arms to the border. and the fire in the jeep.the task of their inquiry... i've prepared its' report. - and?- it was a plan not an accident. the aim being stealing of arms. meaning our people are involved.must hand the case to intelligence. i have a request. the truckthat is to leave tomorrow..

give me the responsibility of takingit to the border security force. if this happens again, the armslooters will be uncontrollable. why doesn't this plane fly? what are you saying, son?do toys ever fly? buy me a flying plane. first grow up. then you'll see... you'll have more planesthan people have cars. for the time being,make do with this. if you fill a, b, c... inhis mind instead of this...

he'd learn to write his name. he will learn. the alphabetsare not leaving india. but his age is flying past. he's grown so big. you neither showedhim a book, nor did he see a school. aren't you at all worried? buy a couple of buffaloes withthe money you'll spend on books. the boy will drink milkand become as tough as us! he'll become as clever asbrother. you won't believe it. - what is it? - sir hascalled for an urgent meeting.

- what meeting? - the usualbut he has called everybody. subhedar pratap singh has come. that's fine but what about thecash for the arms we gave last time? he's given this bag full! - how much is it?- i can't count much. i'll weigh it if you say.must be 7 or 8 kilos with the bag. no need. you wait at thecorner, i'll change and come. are you doing the duty for whichthe government gave you this uniform? of course! that's what i'm doing!

you were but no more! earlier 3000 rupees cameon the first of every month. now millions come at any date! i ask, why? what do we lack? what an illiterate woman!i want to live, enjoy! by selling your country? do you want me to spendall my life carrying a gun? and die at theenemy's hand someday? you want to be a widow?

that widow is better than a woman.. whose husband is amartyr for the nation. i can bear to see youdying by a bullet. but i can't bear thestigma of a traitor on you! i say for the last time..don't be loyal to me. but if you're disloyal to yourcountry, i won't forgive you! - mother!- don't teach me! i can leave my wife for money! what's the matter? dk alwaysmeets after delivery of arms.

what meeting is this beforehand? i've called this meeting... because the truck of arms to goto the border with you tomorrow.. you can't loot it easily. - why? - because..another in charge is coming. how did you find out? from our fourth partner,jaswant dalal, major's driver. he is a very strict man. with him around, forget truckswe can't steal a nail!

opportunity never strikes again. the truck carries latest arms worth10 crores that sell like hot cakes. each of us 4 partnerscan earn 2.5 crores. come what may, we willhave those weapons. the soldiers who playwith guns and cannons... ... do not fearthe police's revolver. i came stealthily yetyou found me out. we soldiers have 4 not 2 eyes. - you...- hello.

sudden trip? i've come from delhi togive you some good news. - what is that?- not now. first some good piping hotbreakfast, then the news. the good news isi've been promoted. i have to join dutyin bombay in a week. and to celebrate we're goingto simla by the evening flight. here are the tickets. we won't be able to go.

i'd promised raju we'll go toa hill station if he stands first. trucks with arms aregoing to the border. - i'm in charge of it.- hand it to somebody else. if it was given by an officeri would have done this. but i've asked for this assignment. you've ruined my plan. doesn't matter. i'll goto bombay today itself. - the jeep is ready sir.- wait for me. stop the jeep.

reverse. why have you stopped the truck? there's an oil the wheel is jammed. i'll try to contact headquarters. what's wrong with the wireless? some soldiers will remain herewith you for security. the rest will go with me. i'll get help fromthe nearby station. any doubts?

back. pile it in. bastards! these weapons are not bought fromthe gold in a king's treasury! but by the sweat and bloodof 90 crore indians! you swore to protect thecountry but you loot it! it's a shame for this uniformto be draped on your body! you'll get only some copper orbronze medals by arresting us. become our partner.we'll give you one half!

you want to buy me off! who can't be bought? everybodyis for sale. at their own price. what will we soldiers do inthis environment by being honest? silence! our nation is safebecause of our honesty! or it would lose its' identity! people don't sleepbecause the sun sets. it's because we guard the borderthat the country sleeps in peace! if we sell our honesty...

another color will flyin place of our tricolor! a fax from interpol, australia. send a message toacp dinesh kapoor. for an urgent meeting. this is jaswant dalal. we'vegot a message from australia. he deals in illegal arms smuggling. he's coming to bombayby a cargo ship today. if we arrest him, we can find outabout illegal arms smuggling here. i've called for a secret meetingso nobody outside hears about it.

otherwise people attached to him,who'll suffer by his arrest... ...will have him killed. you'll be in charge of theoperation to nab jaswant. and i want him aliveunder any circumstance! - got the fax?- yes. the police want him alive. you know what you have to do. remember he must not get intothe police's hands alive. - i cannot help you in this.- all right.

he can't escape. there are morepolicemen than workers here. jaswant has come.shall we begin movement? who are you? what do you want? - to save your life.- whom do i fear? whom every criminal fears. the ones outside arethe police not workers. the police can be recognizedby their shoes not clothes. if you want to get out of here... do as i say.

jaswant is not to be seen. nobody here. jaswant is in the containerthat is being off loaded! there's another man with him! should we surround the container? surround the containerbeing off loaded. - stop the container!- stop the container! bring the container down. nobody will fire.we want him alive.

so far i did what you said. now you'll do what i say. stop the car. hands up. you're a useful man butmy principle is... job finished, man finished. and my principle isman finished, job finished. i want the killer not your sorry! seal all the ways of going out.

and remember he mustnot leave this city! "a pair of two swansgot separated.." "it was very sad,it was injustice.." - are you an indian?- you know me? - no.- no? - now?- no. no, i don't recognize you. - why are you crying?- it's a sad story. once there was a fair of kumbh.

- in australia?- no, india. i have a twin calledsohan. i'm mohan. - he was left and i right andin the center was... - your mom. my father. we were happilygoing when all of a sudden.. - he ran.- who, your dad? no, a thief. i screamed, dad!he's running away with the bag! - he ran after him.- who, your dad? my brother was behind the thief. they were running and i screamedand he fell with a thud!

- your father?- my dad! he was drunk and thepolice caught him - the thief?- my dad! - and started beating him.- but why? they thought he was the the meantime he ran away! - the thief?- my brother! since then i'm looking for him. - the thief?- no! my brother! but if he was lost in indiawhy are you looking for him here?

that was different. he ran away. he had two hobbies, to seekangaroos and pick pockets. tell me, is any place betterthan trams to pick pockets? that's why i took this job. someday he'll come here topick pocket and i'll see him. - it's come! - your brother?- no, your station! if you ever see that rascalwhom i'm looking for.. - give him my card.- whom? the thief? to my brother, sohan!

turned my head round! "he appears in my dreams" "he drives my sleep away" "he appears in my dreams.he drives my sleep away" "he makes my heart pound,he drives me out of my senses..." "my beloved..." "will come someday" "what mischief has taken over?i'm dazzled" "even when i look into...i feel shy"

"my beauty has blossomed..." "like the sun comingout from behind the clouds" "it's the intoxicationof a first love..." "that clouds my eyes" "he torments me,he drives me wayward..." "he sets my heart pounding,he drives me out of senses..." "will come some day" "to kiss my lips..." "to take my hand..."

"he will some day come to me" "my beloved, my sweetheart..." "better looking than even the moon" "i'll ask him to take me away..." "in a bridal palanquin" "he holds me in his arms,he possesses me in his breath..." "my beloved." "my beloved..." who will be miss valentinein today's function at the club?

me. why are you laughing? this was my new car! you damaged my car! why do you drive abroadwhen you don't know driving! why don't you drive bullockcarts in your own country? these days indians pilot planes,jet rockets and space shuttles! you braked and the car stopped.i braked and my car didn't. - it's a little thing.- little thing?

so it may be big. but not so bigthat vicky can't compensate for it! how much? 50, 100, 300? you'll remember youmet a wealthy indian! here. how dare you touch me! dress like a modern girland talk like an old woman! madam this is australia not indiayou can't stop and talk midway... go and talk of love in a gardensing, dance, makes no difference. we're not talking of love.he crashed into my car.

both of you will have tocome to the police station. why are you wasting time? we take back our complaint. this is lose some to gain some. when and where? - you?- yes, me. you have a twin? who was lost in the fair? - i saw him. - where?- he's a tram conductor.

that is me. you're talking of sohan.i thought... he must have graduatedfrom picking pockets. and he'll steal somebody's carand break the signal to escape. and i'll catch him. so i became a traffic policeman. why did you make fairs, lord? a day for lovers. you all know, we in india clubchoose a miss and mr. valentine.

and this years'miss valentine is... friends, amongst you whoeveranswers 3 of preeti's questions.. he will be chosen mister valentine! he gets an opportunity to dance... and kiss miss valentine's hand! she sets one small condition. if you can't answer her questions.. you'll have her prettysandal not her hands to kiss! what's the matter? can noneamong you answer her questions?

i'll answer her. think again. if you loseyou'll have to kiss her shoe. don't worry. one who iskissable from head to toe.. her head and toe are the same. ask the question. first question. what isher favorite fruit? the sweetest fruit is of labor. but miss valentine ismiles away from hard work. so her favorite fruit can't bemango, sweet lime or orange.

because you have topeel it to eat it. her favorite fruit is one that canbe popped in the mouth and swallowed. that is grape. next question. what'sher favorite sport? man likes gamesaccording to his nature. and her nature...fight, fight and fight! so she likes wwf wrestling. tell him to answer simply.why is he beating round the bush? so what? he's answering right!

now the last question. which of the 7 wondersis her favorite? i'll have to answer thisin a roundabout manner. will do! the wonder she likes is verydifferent from her nature. she hates the word love. but likes the wonderthat is a symbol of love. this year's mistervalentine is vicky! she asked three ordinary questions.

if she had to ask anything today itshould have been of heart and love. i would even answer that. what's in her heart. the heart in you is indian. and indian heart is not a loafer. it likes the whole world. but belongs to an indian. all of you can participatein today's valentine day. "oh the colour of your skin,oh your gait..."

"oh your beauty, oh your cheeks" "one look at you, and i fell in love" "my heart was lost to you" "oh no..." "no, i don't want your heart" "you're not the last man for me" "come to me, my love...that'd be gracious of you" "liar! you are evil at heart" "your blouse hugs you tightly,your scarf flies..."

"come my indian beauty,become my queen" "i'm a girl from punjab,i flaunt a silk scarf" "i'll teach you a lessonyou won't forget all your life" "oh no, i can't do without you" "no, i can't do without you..." "the sight of yousends my spirits soaring" "the sight of yousends my spirits soaring" "don't stare at me.don't wear your heart on your sleeve" "let me go... don't bother me"

"he's mad to fall in love" "take care of him...he's of no use anymore" "oh my love, my sweetheart" "oh for her consentand for her refusal" "i set my eyes onyou and fell in love" "i've lost my heart to you" "oh no!" "oh no, i don't want your heart" i can't do without you..."

you'll see, i won't leave him! don't ever leave him!he's so handsome, intelligent. shut up! just becausehe answered my questions.. you think that fool is intelligent! he's great. he even saidwhat i hadn't told him. - you told him all this?- yes! i won't spare you! - which is table 7?- that one. but don't sit there.

here's your best drink. - you?- yes. - you have a twin?- yes. - he's searching for you all over.- where is he? he's become a traffic policeman. - that was me.- you were in the police. i tried that job too butmohan didn't meet sohan. so i became a waiter.he loved one thing... of seeing dances. and englishdances are shown here.

so i joined here. somedayhe will come here, i think. please don't sit at this table. please sit at any other table. he's come here! did youtell him we're coming here? i swear this time i didn't tell him. you can't sit here becausethis is jojo's table. - who is he? - the son ofthe most dangerous man here. he always keeps smiling. - something like this.- it's good for health.

i know that but when he stopslaughing other's health suffers. when somebody else sits onhis table, he stops laughing. so what happens? this. their only faultwas sitting at this table. jojo saw it and thrashed them. no better chance to get him beaten. hope nothing goes wrong. - if i get him beaten?- bet 100 bucks! i don't want a nice man likeyourself's picture be stuck here.

get up my pop!or he'll throw you out. great!did the sun rise in the west? - sure, sit.- no! don't join on this tableor your joints will be disjointed. please join at another table. what's going on? don't youknow how to talk to customers? - that's jojo's table.- so what? why are you standing here? it'stime for jojo. get his order. who?

i'm the hotel manager.please get up from here. - this table is reserved.- you should have kept the plate. you don't know.jojo is very dangerous! what do you think?vicky is double dangerous! - isn't it?- yes, triple dangerous! now i won't move from here. whether jojo comes or bow wow! please be seated. sit.

i think she didn't like your face. i've trapped him so thathe goes straight to the hospital! swallowed the cap?are you so hungry? i am finished! let go of me! i went to the loo andyou showed your colors! i know she wanted toget me into trouble but that doesn't mean you carryher off as if she belongs to you! the damage they havesuffered because of you..

pay for it. now onwards when you laughpeople will laugh at you. i got the money for the damages. but in return jojo's dadwill damage you a lot. that's what i want. let's go meet him. does it hurt a lot? here are 50 dollars for treatment. these are days of inflation.doesn't matter. keep 500.

consult a good doctor. i saved you from a gangster likejojo, risked my life for you! i fought with his henchmen,shed so much of my blood... and you are insulting meinstead of thanking me! deeds of a loafer andtalks like a soldier! yes. - look in the mirror!soldier! let's go. don't forget to wipe the sauce. very sour. - who? - the one who knowseverything in your heart.

how dare you call me! with great difficulty i'vemustered courage for my finger. so they could dial your number. don't disconnect without talking. - what is it?- i'm going away to india. i want to meet you one last time. - you're going back forever?- yes. so you want to meet mefor the last time? all right. come over.

okay. - what the blazes is this?- time is limited. - why do you want to meet me?- card. - i'm getting married.- which poor girl is jacked? will you marry her? i won't do anything.she'll do all that has to be done. but how did you agree to marry her? what can i do? i'm helpless. - what's the problem?- twist in story.

shall i sit and tell you? my father and her fatherwere friends and her grandfather andmine too were friends. and her grandfather made mygrandfather promise on deathbed... they would marry us to continuetheir friendship for 4 generations. tell me, what can i do? i can't put ofl my dad,this marriage can't be put off! this marriage is firm! oh i see.

what can i do? - give me a present.- what preset? give me one of yoursweet smiling evenings. which will spread light inthe darkness of my life. will you meet me? a drunken man never lies. he can't lie. your car banged intomine at the signal... it didn't crash.i banged it on purpose.

banged it on purpose? what could i do?had to make friends with you. for that i had to meet you. i needed an excuse for it. and my tail light down. but this method offriendship was wrong. and the method of giving money? absolutely wrong! no experience ...

then it's all right. i'll tell you something. i goaded you into fighting jojoat little india restaurant. very bad. no experience... then okay. did i say sorry fortroubling you so much? - no. did i say sorry?- no. let's apologise to one another.

one minute. in your countrythat's not how you say sorry. how else? like this. what are they doing? saying sorry to each other. good you told me.i thought something else. let's say sorry to each other. wait. when two people saysorry to each other...

why don't their noses clash? what a wrong time for the nose! you don't know? doesn't mater. let's ask somebody. brother! tell us something. when a girl and a boysay sorry to each other... say something. sorry, i'm new to this place.

no problem.we'll ask somebody clever where do you want to go? we're not going anywhere.just want to ask one thing. - ask as many questions.- when a boy and a girl... ...say sorry to each other,why don't their noses clash? what are you thinking of? we don't have all night. i'm not thinking of that. it'sbeen 20 years since my marriage.. i never said sorry to my wife.

how will i know whythe nose doesn't clash? both of you say sorryto each other and see. you'll find out whythe nose doesn't clash. i'll go home and say sorry to thewife to see where the nose clashes! and the car goes there! so clever. we'll say sorry and see. wait! how can you say sorry to me? - why? - becausesorry is only said to...

- the one you will marry.- that's what i'm doing. see the card if you don't believe. where is he? the one who has eyes only for you... how can he marry another? yet if you don't accept my love,tear this card and leave. i'll go away from you forever. if not, shut your eyesand say in your heart... i'll appear again.

and if not, shut your eyesand say in your heart... i'll reappear. "having caught my gaze..." "having cast a spell..." "having given me a heart-ache..." "having hovered around me..." "soldier, with your sweet... you have stolen my heart" "having caught your gaze..."

"having given you a heart-ache..." "having hovered around you..." "the soldier, with his sweet... has taken your heart away" "my no, no, no... turned into yes" "it's you...who has come to mean the life to me" "why oh why have i fallen in love?" "that's the way you admit it" "i swear it, you're a liar"

"and you're the one,my love, who has plundered my heart" "come, come to me" "go away...don't awaken a thirst in my heart" "do you really feel the ache?" "yes, oh yes. i'm in a bad way" "you do know how to cast a spell" "but i'm hardly in control of myself" has flown with your heart" are you thinking what i am?

let's go in and get married. you'll have to talkto my papa for this. i'll talk to him. where is he? i want you to meet somebody. - the young man who is with you.- strange. how did you know? i even know whatclothes he's wearing. i keep track of youlike any good father. where you go, with whomand who is meeting you. but when are you coming?

today. come pratap. how are you? absolutely fit. and you? i'm fit if my brother is fit. why did you want to meet? - bad news.- i know. you want to say jaswant is dead. no, even worse. i've got reports thatdk had him killed.

absolutely wrong. sir can never kill hispartner of 25 years! he can do anything for money. even if he did, it's good. had he escaped alive, the policewould've beaten everything out of him and handcuffed us andtaken us back to india! try to understand. someday he might evenfinish us off. if he kills us who will supplyhim american arms in india?

listen to me. right from beginninghis intentions were not true. that's why he nevertold us his address. he can contact us anytimebut we can never reach him. what do you want?what should we do? before he attacks us,we should finish him! the idea is not bad. we were 4 partners.jaswant died and three remain. we kill dk and 2 remain. you kill me and only you are left.

do you think i'm a village idiot? you want to grab theentire organization? i find your intentionsdishonorable not dk's. - shut up or...!- control yourself. you'll be finding your fingersif they touch the trigger. i'm not jaswant.firstly i won't die so easily. even if i do die, i won't becomea police file or news in paper. if you have a file on me,i have a file of your deeds. that file will go tothe police soon as i die.

what's the matter?changed tune seeing the gun? laughing instead of crying. hats off to you friend!i talked of killing dk... because i wanted to know if youhad a hand in killing jaswant. if you were responsible.. you would agree with me. so what have you decided? that you haven't changed. you're still a friend of you were 20 years ago.

nobody can divide us 3 partners. except for death! yes. except for death! do you see that island?papa bought it for my last birthday. and that one? that wasfor my first birthday. so your papa buys you a newisland for every birthday? yes, in my name. don't tell this to anybody else. - why?- it will let out your age.

look there. that's my papa. this is... you know his namewithout my telling you? when he knows the colorof my clothes from miles away.. - he can know my name too.- while giving a daughter... work is seen in addition to name. whatever he does, is great! we'll see. you go inwe have business to talk. first tell me who gave youthe contract to kill jaswant?

so you know abut my work? anyway hear my principles too. i see the cash while acceptinga contract, not the payer. you haven't seen the man who gaveyou a contract to love my daughter? i accept contracts for killingnot to play games of love! preeti's love and mine is no game. maybe but a father won'tgive his daughter to a man... whose hands are tainted with blood. if mine are tainted,are yours milky white?

even i know about you. we belong to the same community. community but not position. you are a paid ass in thisbusiness while i'm a lion! you've reached here becauseyou came with my child. otherwise my security dogs wouldn'thave let your bones come near me. for the first time, i'veseen dogs guarding a lion! listen to 2 things i have to say. in today's world, lionscan be safe in only 2 places.

in the circus and the zoo! secondly regarding position. i can take you to that place.. that you're dreaming of for 20 years. but can never reach it. meaning? saw what i broke in placeof two teeth of mine? pomeranian puppy! give the line to your pop,the bulldog.

- what is it?- he called me a puppy! and me? he called me a bulldog?give me the line! are we a family of dogs? i didn't find you ori'd have broken you too! you act smart with me!i'm very bad! you won't believe how rotten i am! we're a family of tigers not dogs! we bite not bark!

are you frightened? can you hear? i'm talking to you not myself! i've been yelling for ages!i'm not mad! total 8500. - plus 100% tax.- what? total 17000.round figure 20000. which figure are yourounding and squaring? this is the damageyour son did to my house.

- you'll take money from me?- not rupees, in dollars. my bill will reach you at 3.55 i'll come at 4 to take the cash. and leave at 4.05. 10 minutes for giving and taking. take those 10 minutes seriously. - what happened?- nothing, he talks rot! says he'll send the bill at 3.55 and will leave at if we're here to pay cash!

the arms buyers would have comebring them in. let me do some work. we have machine guns. even those not yet in the market.we have 2 lakh pieces of each. we'll send you the guns you need. this is a pipe gun. with every pipe gun, you geta dozen hamam soaps free. now show them our bomb section. you have displayed bomb nicely. - 3:55- 3:55?

this is real bomb. it's the phone. don't be's the bill not a bomb. do you think i'm scared? i play with such bombs day and night. i deal in them. where are you? - what?- he's come downstairs. tell him i'm taking the lift up. well done.

you did very well! i thought you were good for nothing. but you proved to be very smart! you deserve all the praise! and you called me a bulldog! whether a dog bites or licks,both are dangerous! his pistol is empty. don't move or the bulletwill go off in your ear. but some other place will bleed.

cash. pomeranian puppy! it's a very big deal. - call george.- he's in hospital. - then call kalia or rahim.- they both are also in the hospital. is the gorilla alsoin the hospital? unfortunately he toois in the hospital. have they gone to get a corpseor have they all got aids? this is all because of that indian.

first he burnt my teeththen he bashed up my men. he called me a pomeranianpuppy and him... then he did a miracle! - what?- he thrashed dad. he took money from him for allthe damage i did to his house. rascal! recounting the tale of hisbashing as if he's won a medal! he's not an ordinary boy. then is he king kong? if thetale of my shame spreads,... i won't have the faceto return to patna!

take my marksman with you. go, shoot him! if you come withoutshooting him, i'll shoot all of you! the rascal's mother is coming. he will go to theairport to receive her. i'll kill him. shoot. shoot him! he's behind her. now!

where's that rascal come from? - mother has come.- now! shoot jojo! sister-in-law? - stop!- what's wrong? this is my sister-in-law! that means this is myelder brother's son! this is our own blood! if brother hears this good news,he'll will me all his patna property!

uncle will be happy to hear it! - in australia?- yes! the boy we went to killis actually your son! my son! my wife! i can't believe it!are you telling the truth? yes. jojo, you tell himwhat you have seen. dad is right. we ourselves sawbrother vicky touching her feet. my son! you've come to the wrong address.

vicky's mother stayshere not your wife. think why fate has broughtus together in a foreign land? just so that we live together. an child who pretends to bean orphan will get his father. orphans are kids who haveneither father nor mother. and vicky's mother is alive. don't be adamant. today i haveso much wealth i can buy anything. then go and buy yourselfa wife and a son. people who sell themselves formoney don't live in this house.

please forget everything.i apologise on brother's behalf. the man who sells his motherland... who is responsible forthe death of innocents... they deserve punishmentnot forgiveness. you may leave. listen to me. brother, this is your son! - you don't know me, son...- i know. i heard everything.

son! my son! don't be angry with me. i'm pining for you since 20 years! even i've been pining formy father for 20 years! blood is thicker than water. - now if shanti agrees...- leave her to me. i'll convince her. organize a great party now! i'll announce to the worldthat i'm not childless!

his son who will work with himshoulder to shoulder has come! - you?- yes? - you have a brother? - yes.- twin? - yes. - lost in the fair?- yes. - he's come to look for youfrom india! - where is he? - he becomes a policeman, waiter..- and sometimes band master! you always find me only! i'm mohan! i thought my brother wouldhave become a smuggler.

they keep having parties. someday i'll find himsinging and dancing. lord! why did you make fairs? welcome pratap! - how are you?- very well. she's my daughter. you've grown so big!where do you live? - i haven't seen you for ages.- i stay separately as i'm studying. congrats for finding yourwife and son after 20 years!

- where are they?- my wife hasn't come. i'll introduce you to my son. come here son. is this your son? yes. got a start seeing him? and why not? till yesterdaypratap was our equal every way. but after son's arrival ourstrength has grown 4 times! the enemy gets startled. not our friends. and he is our pal.

in india, elders give blessingsnot congratulations. do you know each other? now it's your turn to get startled. he's your son later. first hebecame my to-be son-in-law! means? meaning your son and mydaughter are in love. - what? - yes, uncle. for hervicky brother burnt my teeth. so my son hasn't come alone! he's brought his bride alone!what are you looking at?

open up champagne immediately! it's a joyous occasion! "she's the one my eyes the gathering..." "she's the one my eyes the gathering." "i did my best to but theywere still drawn to her..." "what am i to do...?oh, what am i to do?" "he's the one my eyes wereat the gathering..." "she's the one my eyes wereat the gathering." "i did my best to but theywere still drawn to him..."

"what am i to do...?what's my heart to do..." "what am i to do?" "this season has arrivedmy love..." "my heart is immersedin your memories" "neither is it my fault,nor is it your mistake..." "yours is the intoxicationthat has left me in a daze" "face to face with you,my heart has skipped a beat" "i did my best to avoid her gazebut they were still drawn to her..." "what am i to do...?what's my heart to do?"

"oh, what can i do?" "soldier,soldier, with your sweet words..." "you've stolen my heart" "soldier,soldier, with sweet words..." "he has stolen your words" "my loneliness feelsthere's nothing to express" "in your arms,in your eyes, i've now got to live" "your breath and my breathare now tied together" "this is a bond that willnot be broken by the world's might"

"in your arms, i lie shattered..." "you've saved me, yet i'm broken" "what am i to do?what's the heart to do...?" "he's the one my eyes the gathering." "i did my best tobut they were still drawn to her..." "what am i to do...?- what's my heart to do..." where are we going, dad? you are my heir so it's essentialyou know what i've earned in my life. and where i've hidden it.

this path leads to thatsecret place of mine... that nobody including mybrother knows nothing about. i've brought you here so that i cantell you the secrets of my business. finally you have to take over. come my son. i'm very happy today. in one day you fulfilledmy dreams of years! a father's dream is toget his son married. not for that but becauseyou trapped that rascal's girl...

and brought him to my feet! what are you saying?pratap is your friend. what friend? if he gets thechance, he'll gobble up his friend! but i'm no less. you musthave heard the magician's story? his life was in a parrot. pratap's life is in my hands. - i don't follow.- that's why i brought you here. this is that parrot in whichthe proof of pratap's evil deeds... written with dates.

this is our third partner jaswant. he is no more. and this isour fourth partner, d. k. he stays in india. you are right. pratap's lifeis really in your hands. but the problem is thatmy life is in his hands. pratap has a similar file on me. that is why i've agreedto have relations with him. so that as his son-in-lawyou can get my file from him. then you'll see how igive him a rat's death!

and then i'll put allmy burden on your shoulders. i'll sleep in peace. what use is the son whocan't put his father to sleep? i haven't seen dad since yesterday. you won't believe the callsthat have come since morning. so many inquiries. but theywill speak only if they know. what are you saying? yes, he's here. where will he go?

come here. now you can't escape! your secret is out! - what secret?- hear it yourself. it's you? got you scared! do you remember it's agirl's birthday today? - which girl's?- one innocent girl. who is trapped in a foolish,absent minded boy's love.

if he's absent mindedhe will obviously forget. the girl should have thoughtof this before falling in love. she had no experience of love. that's how she made a what is she to do? she must trust the boy. i'll catch that fool and bring him. how will that foolish boyrecognize that girl? that won't be necessary.that boy is so special.. that the girl willcome running to him

it's also possible thatthe boy will be left watching and the girl goes awaywith another! fine, so let's see. looks like somebody'sheart is burning "she has sashayed throughmy heart and my soul..." "a girl has just passedthrough this pass" "fair cheeks" "dark eyes" "swaggering gait..."

"she's 16... she's driven me crazy" "lord almighty!" looks like there's a fire somewhere. should i call the fire brigade? "he has sashayed throughmy heart and my soul..." "a boy has just passedthrough this pass" "straight and simple" "he torments" "straight and simple. he torments"

"he keeps me awake,appears in my dreams..." "he's driven me crazy" "oh, your eyes..." "they're so piercing,although you wear no kohl" "oh, your sweet talk..." "how i love it" "your charms haverobbed me of my peace..." "you're the onlyone my eyes dream of" "you've just arrived. wait...don't go away"

"someone might spot us...don't tease me like this" "she's escaped my eye" "a girl has just passed by" "fair cheeks. dark eyes" "you've promisedto meet me tomorrow..." "make sure you don't forget it" "even if i forget it,you can remind me" "life is but short-lived" "all day and night,my heart seeks you"

"i thirst has awakened, how i pine" "you are the one i desire,it's you i want" god! what have you done? taken my brother away! uncle, why are you crying?why are the police here? you won't believe this son.somebody killed your father! - what? - killed him andfed the body to sharks. if he was fed to dogs,we could have found his bones! - to cremate him.- now how will we do the rites?

i can't understand what he's saying. he's asking whose lighter this is. i don't know. my brother never... why did you say thelighter belongs to brother? he hadn't touched acigarette for 20 years! i knew dad didn't smoke. this belongsto the man who killed him i lied because thepolice cannot harm him. tell me who he is! he fed brother to the fish!

if i don't feed him to themaggots, shame on my name! think of where you saw this lighter. this belongs to pratap. the scoundrel extendedhis hand for relations... and cheated us! i'll kill that bastard! no! those who work in excitementare either under the earth... or over the pyre. so we mustwork with our senses not anger. collect all your men.

we'll attack pratap together! now what do we do? - hide the weapons.- call up. where is everybody? i'll check. i kept my promise of killingall of virendra's group. just half. where's my file virendra had? you'll get it. first you keepyour word of giving preeti to me.

tell me, when? whenever the bride and groom wish. "all i want is your heart..." "this much i promise..." "get the hint, please" "should i have you,see the wonders i work" "no, that's not happening..." "i'm not giving away my heart" "this much i promise."

"get not into mischief" "be not afraid of love" "go on, let all that be" "at least let me have my say" "go on, lay off... stop bothering me" "don't drive me crazy in love" "i'm leaving. stop clinging to me" "listen, my love...give me a bit of your love" "stop acting crazy"

"fall in love with me" "let me go, i've got to go home" "don't look away..please" "how am i to trust you,that you will love me?" "i will never betray you in love" "why're you following me around?why're you being stubborn?" "it's bad to be angry, my love...enjoy my love right now" same file. i can't believe somebodycan love some one so much!

as much as you love preeti. you killed your own fatherjust because i asked you to! he wasn't my father! - what? - a bastard likehim cannot be my father! i made him my fatherso that i can reach him. if he wasn't your father,how did he accept you as his son? because of his wife. his son was lost years ago. i went to him as his lost son.

and it was not difficult convincinga mother mad for her lost son. what a trick! hunted so many with one arrow! virendra's wealth,my daughter and my trust. you turned out to besmarter than i thought. today you killed virendramaking him your father. tomorrow you might kill meafter i become your father-in-law. i'm no fool like virendra! the file has come to me. hence..

you're more foolish than virendra. you should check the bulletsbefore pressing the trigger. the man who can remove yourfile from virendra's vault... it's not tough for him to removethe bullets from your revolver. i was joking, son! brothers-in-law joke. not father-in-law with son-in-law. that is why listento something serious. i killed virendra fordk not your daughter!

he gave me a contractto kill three people. one was jaswant.the other virendra. and you're the third. bless your daughter thanksto whom you are still alive. i used her as a step to reach you. but i really love her so much... that i can't fillher eyes with tears. you won preeti's heart earliertoday you've won mine too. forget the heart andthink with the head.

dk wants you dead to own 1000/o but i can kill him andmake you the complete owner. - but his whereabouts..?- i know that. prepare to leave for india. to kill that rascal,why just india.. i'm willing to go anywhere. so far i thought i was theluckiest girl in the world. but today after listeningto my father and vicky... i've lost faith in all relations!

if you hear, you'll die! the one you think isyour son, is not your son! he became your son so thathe could kill your husband. vicky killed your husband! he made you a widow!he is a cheat! he is a murderer! i know it. he is not my son. he has not cheated me. in fact, to lighten motherearth of her sinful burden...

i supported him bybecoming his mother and he didn't kill my husband! he punished a traitor for his sins! those who die for theirnation are called martyrs. those who kill for their countryare called soldiers not killers! and this soldier's storystarted not on foreign soil... but in the desert sands of india. where my husband and your father.. and their third partner,jaswant worked in the military.

they stole arms from there andsold it to a fourth called dk. once vicky's father, majormalhotra caught them red handed to hide their crime,these traitors killed him! and blamed him for the arms theft! we were going towards theborder with the truck of arms. the truck had a problem so majormalhotra sent us to camp to get help on the way we saw acivilian driving the truck. we smelled a rat andreturned to see... all the guards were dead and majormalhotra and his men were ...

...loading the arms into their truck. we challenged him andhe fired upon us in return. we had to fire back to answer him. on the evidence of the eye witnessaccount of subhedar pratap singh... lance corporal virendra sinhaand driver jaswant dalal... late maj. malhotra is charged with lootof arms meant for the nation's defense he is guilty of killing theguards defending the country. so the army terminateshis entire service. we take back all the titles, medalsgiven to him and declare him a traitor

no! no! he is not a traitor! - mother!- don't take his medals! sir, you know how muchhe loved his country! then why are they snatchingaway the medals in front of you? he is a martyr not a traitor! he has sacrificedhimself for his country! we won't let the body be burnt! we won't let a traitor becremated on our holy land!

don't touch it! throw the body away! leave him! mother! leave him! mother! father! mother earth took thatmartyr into her lap. yet these traitorshad evil intentions they put the stigma ofshame on his mother's head.

and threw her out of the village! sister, i've come totake you and raju. we'll go and stay faraway. no. if i leave this place,his soul will tell me... that like others i toothink he's a traitor. take raju away if you can. but how will he live without you? his welfare lies instaying without me. son can forget his mother.

but the people here will remindhim of his father and kill him! take him away! will you live without me, mother? no, my son! you are not separating from me. i'll be with you everymoment in every breath. i'll go if you want me to. and from that day to this,neither did she see her son... nor did the son see his mother.

for 20 years that goddessis still in the desert... tolerating the barbs of the villagers sitting in that same temple. what's the matter? i hope you don't feel you'reguilty of making me a widow? i considered myself a widow the day.. when my own son died along withother kids because of arms he sold! the man who can kill thehusband's of hundreds of women.. and is responsible forthe death of innocent kids...

no indian woman not just me... ...will adorn her hair withthe vermilion of his name! i'm proud of you son! the day that was lowered in shamebecause of my husband's deeds... it is held high onceagain thanks to you. it is said, of all god's gifts.. the most precious is mother. i am so lucky that i have 2 of them! what you did was out of ignorance.

but after knowing what i'm goingto do, you'll hate not love me. your father's name is top mostin my list of enemies. if a wife can support you againsther husband in your fight ... then a daughter can go againsther father for mankind! raj here. why did you call?keep contact only by fax. no need for that now.i'm bringing pratap tomorrow. my work here is done. now i have to comethere and do one job.

unmask dk. - yes sir?- the drama my man enacted.. of killing you with fake bullets.. that has made my plan succeed. how long do i have to stay here? there's no need for you to stay. with the information you gave me mypartner killed virendra and his men he's bringing pratap here tomorrow. so now you're free.

it's so strange... the story will end where it began. looks like you know this place. what's the use in hiding from you? our business started from here. and this is the place wheredeath touched us and left. there was a scoundrel major malhotra. he thought he was theprotector of the nation! he caught us.

if dk hadn't reached in time,he would have killed all of us. that dog was very strong! but fate was with us. we gave that scoundrel such a death! that it's quoted as an example. we proved the martyr a traitor. we didn't let him be cremated! some will die today too.but won't be cremated. of dk and his men!

why did you stop the car? a goddess is sitting inthis temple for 20 years. they say anyone who sees hergets his wishes fulfilled. let's go see her. i will see her. so that i can seedk's corpse very soon. for 20 years these eyes have onlyseen hatred and been shunned. i have seen them everyday. but for the first time,i'm seeing eyes filled with tears.

i kept you away for 20 years! despite being a mother,i didn't give you that love. forgive me! no, you were not away from me. the dust of your feet wasalways with me like a blessing. now it's time for your waitand my pledge to be fulfilled. see whom i've brought here! you mother and son can't stay here! she won't leave like this. we'llput such a stigma on her forehead..

that she won't be ableto face anyone! leave my child! no! no! no!!! i'm the son of this goddess! this is that goddess... of whose forehead you wrotethe stigma of shame, not pride! i'm the son of vijay malhotra! who was called a traitordespite being a martyr! do you know why i brought you here?

so that the soul where thegreatest injustice was done... justice too should be given there! and my mother who has beendoing penance in this wilderness.. can see justice being done! people die but their voices don't! listen! listen to the voiceof my father's torture in this sand! listen to a child cryand weep for his father! hear the scream of a mother lookingfor her husband's body in a storm! hear my mother's screams!

listen! not dk but jaswant. i recognized you mush earlier. you haven't come herebut been brought here. according to raju's plani informed you of pratap's arrival. because we know you would comehere to save him for your business. and since jaswant has beenforgiven by the law... you'll be tried as dk not jaswant! you cheated your partnersfor their shares.

did you think i'd comealone to save my man? wanted me to hear screams? now you hear the screams! leave him. this rascal is vijay malhotra's son his father was buried hereafter his death. bury him alive! let's go or he'll kill us! don't kill us!

i'm your father-in-law.will you kill me, son? no! raju, no! i won't kill you. he's so merciful! after all he's my son-in-law. look up. these vultures will eat our flesh! - shoot us!- yes, kill us! - for god's sake!- i had pledged...

that you will neither getthe flames of a cremation... nor the lap of mother earth! no! i gave false evidenceagainst your father! i had whipped him to death! we are butchers! removeyour revolver and kill me! you are educated, sensible.why don't you kill us? villagers! we accept all our crimes save us from the vultures.we can't even walk!

kill us! wait!where are you going? on your goddess like mother'sforehead, i had written... your husband is a traitor! youwrite on my forehead with bullets. that i'm a dog, a pig, a swine! - stop!- don't leave us and go! gun salute!

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