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Saturday, November 4, 2017

look closely team for here is revealedthe truth the lamp disease it is written that theland was once inhabited by a genie of great gifts granter of three wishes long ago a foolish master release thegenie from servitude and a lamp was hidden away the genie will remain freeuntil the numbers again and curved this will be no simple task find him first i must possess a dream which the wearer becomes master carpet

the carpet will transport the wearer tothe cave of shamma with a lamp disease and waits only the pure of heart we need the land from its pedestal thusbringing back the genie to serve one small yeah yeah yeah the mystical ruins of the ancient cityof chillon are just one of the many wonders of morocco to protect theancient ruins a world-class museum was

built around them can you even believe it j your finals ofthe future top designer contest you so rock oh thanks chloe but i'm notexactly there yet come on people let's go you don't have much time using khloe take these and see if they have aniron we can use gazmin make sure that they all stay together i'll check the same hasselhoff so hasslei know she's excited but that girl meets the chilled course nothing can chill inthis heat

jade has a real passion for fashion truethat and this fashion competition should bebumping look out now sorry fashion this thing's kinda awkwardwhoa here let me help thank you sasha nowthis carpet is not going to fly away or anything is it i promise it has been stripped of itspowers it's awesome that your dad's letting us use it before you put it inthe museum well technically it will be in the museum letme use it

your dad doesn't know it's going to bein the fashion show does he not exactly are you sure you want to do that well i i i'm a low hello father i was just about to callyou my dear katya did you arrive at the museum yet iseverything all right yes everything that i'm i am sorry child i was just checkingon you again that's all right father i was just goingto call you because i feel so guilty leaving your home phone i worry about you we haven't been as farapart since my dearest daughter

you do not have to worry about this oldman i'm keeping myself busy in fact my sweet i have to be on my waynow all right i must get ready for the eventas well good good very good i don't have toremind you how important the carpet is yes i do hope that it is safely insidethe museum oh yes father it is a very good i'm glad to have leftit in such good hands thank you father no need to worry i ammissing you my sweet i love you yeah everything ready for the finale

yes the rock has been wired at the endof the show we shall be lifted into the air as if on a genies magic carpet kool kat yeah great your ladies that's it number four yes what is it the usual and you can indeed i'll informsebastian yes salam my brother as you already know thering of icc has been stolen from the

shallow museum the important thing now for you to do isto secure the carpet yourself and you good i didn't get away and the second me too thank you he who wears the ring was summoned thecarpet come on big up to receive your call right now soplease leave a message and i will call

you right back got you my child please listen carefully i know you havetaken the family carpets but i mad call me of carbon who are you who are you i am i p for the desert and master of thiscarpet my father is the master of that carpetthe owner i mean he has given it to the museum itwon't be the first thing the museum has lost tonight is not yours

it came to me it is mine then i willtake it back you will not pray leave her alone leaveher back the carpet cool and makes me just get it to her getaway it's mine get it to her no violence what's going on here this little thiefis trying to steal compass carpet that's right the carpet yes sir ibrought it to put in the shallow museum and somehow this girl has taken it fromme is that true yes i eat i took the ringand you stole this as when but i was

only doing is he white you really are a little thief aren't you wait a minute who are you for give my manners i am willard shallowprofessor of archaeology what are you doing way out here in themiddle of nowhere archaeology takes one to strange placesmy dear i understand your concern for the safetyon this precious carpet it looks never said specimen i will make sure that it gets to whereit belongs

thank you for the offer professorshallow but it is my responsibility to bring it to the museum myself la such a conscientious girl but youknow my dear the shell a museum has several carpetsof this quality i wonder if i might offer to purchase it from you instead itis not for sale i will pay handsomely for it money willnot change my mind haha of course you would not choose tobe bought off you are much too pure of heart so it was really nice to meet you andeverything professor but do you think

you could help us get back to the citynow if we hurry we can get there before the show is over patience ladies at least allow me thehonor of getting a good look at the carpet it is stunning do you know what allthese symbols mean yes the four corners represent the farcorners of the world there are more things in heaven and earth horatio thanare dreamt of in your philosophy what i mean we know that the carpetflies right we can't explain it but it happened theimportant thing now is to get it and us

back to the museum hopefully catching your professors arelow to help us this looks like a symbol of abundancereally i ever knew come down and have a look it's quite lovely carpet rise just take her we have to stop emma what can we do look around guys stranded oh

nobody wants that only what for trade we're merely here toget some water then we'll be on our way the old woman oh older than you by a day why is entered a new by a year professor know i heed you must talk to me please why did youtry to leave without me sayid that is not part of our plan you'll useduring that was not part of the plan either what i i only want it long enough tobring the carpet oriole thoughtful still

not part of the plan come along pure one carpet must go to the museum i gave my word to my father it will notlet you take it whatever it right now anyone know where we are in the desertjade we have to find a way to help cartia tryyour cell phone again chloe i'm on it hello is this car to his father

this is got his friend chloe um sashahas something she'd like to tell you hello mr. aziz cut was not the carpetpitch to shuba don't find , got you dubai good there where is the cave you will find the cat is a function we lost him we're never going to find that cave we don't even know where we are nowwe're gonna get lost in the desert and be captured by a tribe of nomads and beforced to join a hair i've been living in a tent with 15 other girls and onlyone bathroom and relax angel will be ok

the first thing we have to do is figureout which way south the sun always rises in the east so ifthat's east this way must be sad did you learn thatyour tour book of morocco no but i did learn that there are smallway see throughout the desert see one now there's a big ugly camel over there oh cameras are ugly nobody wants that get away from that my wife getting outonly what that for trade guys i don't know but these states aredelicious

mm-hmm this is really amazing the best date you've had in a long timehot date not funny and eight threes madedelicious fruit because their heads that in the fire and their feet in the water can you help us we're looking for thecave of cinema we can't get any reception on our cellphone do you have a phone your house houses have a great deal of the livinghey do you have a phone that works will pay to use it you have no need of coins i have lizzy

where did you get those how did you get no then no no of coursenot was there a girl here with those coinson her outfit the deal facing feeling of helps dogirls and the men that's nice this is char low oh that's you would like to make a 30 no there is no way i'm getting on top ofthe camel not even for katya we would like the camels but we reallyhave nothing to trade hmm yes we can give our full away

oh you'll have something else to love it i do not understand why she's with us iam your partner i am the one to remove the lamp then imay have a wish you promised me a little far team areyou afraid that i'm you give your wish away i just don't understand what if you areunable to remove the lamp shade we have come all this way for nothing but i willremove it right just the governor has insurance my wish

oh heavens sake you will get your stupidlittle wish gold and riches and everything you ever dreamed off i will not wish for each assay did you want some water now this will make you feel better how is it that advice i did not know itstill contains such powers this child is curious as well asconscientious i just wondered why it's the ring pure one the magic is in the green

my feet of course don't you and no i must find that ring do not let her move oh wise how about training for two pairs ofjade's designer shoes hmm not burned and my gold earrings

well on camera one what we mean to one and one-half gavin hold on you can't do that the cell phone the shoes the earringsand this lovely silk scarf for the two camels ok here is the deal forget the shoes and the earrings andgive me that phone for my two cameras yes push what's going on we got him we got thecamels

excellent let's move hooked thank you we really appreciate your help inseeking honey expect the single be my things what does that mean the desert thisblade filam three key lady let not your eyes be fooled by mirrorand most of all step not harshly upon the salty flat shut the shot adam is the ground untilthe desert cracks have salty smiled then all the way happy around you walk upwhen you eat the crapple

remember my captor and step no mud please hurry i must get to the airport immediately itis a matter of life and death yeah yeah yeah he didn't always where is it just as foolish girl i could have minusdivided where go where it must be here where is it forrester

i need you know well why did you throwthe ring now we are stranded my friends will find me then you andyour partner will be brought to justice the ring ring we sure do not know sighno he is a dangerous man why do you stay with him then what elsecan i go charlo is the only one who protects mecares for me just the way i am your parents left you my family was very poor my father worked hard tending goats but there was never enoughto eat

one day my father found a goblet buriedin the same old and had been buried for many years but it was all he had to give me for mybirthday i tried to be happy for the gift but icould not help looking at it discussed i asked him how he could stand workingso hard while being so poor and he told me sweet flower every morning when i wake iask what will i have today misery for joy love or hate it is my choice

how i wish to live my life then hekissed me on the forehead and press the goblet into my hand from that moment on i treasure thatgoblet as if it were covered in diamonds later a stranger offered my fatherthrough loaves of bread in exchange for the goblet my father said that the goblet was mineso it was my decision to plate it or not i could look like it call my mothercried oh yeah we are so hungry but fatheragain said it was my choice and he sent the man away

no absolutely not alia is almost a woman she can make herown choices is just young why do you speak to me this way i amyour wife and you will listen to me now that night i sleep was arrested she isjust young white and you will listen to you're not making labels listen to me i won't that i had been selfish and thati must give up my goblet when i ran out to tell my parents theywere gone and so was my goblet they had abandoned their self his childforever every day of his night my father chooselove

that day he could not he could not choose to love such as selfas child are you sure he abandoned you could notsomething else that happened i i have often hope that i wish i knewthe truth here it is my treasure you found yourself anothermaster i see alia i found it you have the ring now we may continue our journey to thecave of sharma

yes to the cave of them perhaps you would like to drive thistime he what take the green leaf put it on yourfinger no no thank you don't be shy you want before you can wear it again just take it oh all right i suppose i shall have to do everythingmy life let's go

what's that you're clutching so tightly how sweet is this daddy give that back i've been thinking about your wish ourleah if not for riches then what we wish for i will wish forthe truth don't know what happened to my parents i see here pet price no

i you can't just leave her there sorry i can't stop now idea okay dad i don't come back for you later are we there yet no oh but it's so hot well i tried to get the air conditionedcamels but they were all out hey do you guys see that i see something maybe it's katya where thefrench foreign legion for the cavalry

let's find out it's that little girl oh great i'd rather see miraj get out of my way what are you doinghere where's katya go away is she withprofessor char low miss you all right you're foolish littlefriend has flown off with my master you're what my master my teacher you'restudying archaeology no shallow has taught me all i need to know to survive she takes good care of me yeah we cansee that he did until you and your

stupid pure-hearted friend came along okay well i can see that we are notwanted around here wait jade we can't just leave her outhere doh i don't need your help you better come with us you can ridewith jay to meet right with her i am not coming with you we the change fine

you i . , why are we here what do you want with me that treaties are we there yet are you sure we're going the right way we're still headed south that's what youmean

maybe we should just let the capitalstake the lead how about lumpy here could take us rightto the cave of shimaa lumpy do you hear that hear the crackleremember my cackle why isn't this working i won't it open a cave terraces waterreaches of the world my within and i cannot and i think i think we covered ifthe reader not open the case and the basement key the key to me mmm do not try that again

don't worry lumpy they'll get us out of this mess we'regonna make it give me your veils it was pretty far down there we have totry you could use the camera ok we're coming lumpy my poor but he is away

no kidding kidding i must get 1000 up the lamp is mine you know yes ben i think i'm really starting to enjoythis heat really know the out-of-place mountain we're almost there must be moving and watch your stairs wait what are you doing

how do you expect us to get back haha hmm yes right we are getting close watch your step and stay clear of the light blue justice now what do we do i sell doing no way do you see any other way to getacross come to cross very tasty pure one removeit from the pedestal

no i will not you with you have nochoice i will not remove the lamp until youtell me why it bears my name your name i am katya zzzz and this is the crest ofthese oh haha this is better than i could haveimagined you are a family of the lab a descendantof the genie and i still in what do you guys hear that come on this way haha look who's come torescue you and leah is well you are a clever little get it right aren't you cows are low

yeah of course just as soon as sheremoves the alarm from its pedestal katya your removed well then we should all just makeourselves comfortable because catches going nowhere until she removes thatlamp let me go and i will remove it coup de caesuh but how do i know you won't just run ifi let you go you have my word hmm where you are pure of heart she really could give it to him

i don't know i think we should be readyfor anything at last the lamb you okay you're hard i only promised to remove the land fromthe pistol after that your actual day don't know good work by him i shall make a masterthief of you yet put it back alia conscious father saidit shouldn't be removed do not listen to them they don't careabout you

they are not family the way i am haven't i always taken care of you kerr told me stay please alia he has these family crisis on thatlamp i believe that removing it has put myfamily in jeopardy i feel it i'm sorry gotcha there are three wishes in islam andthere's something i have to know identities have disease

abdel aziz servants of the powerful wow this is so weird wicked i disease surface of the powerful what is your wish good yeah i can't hold you sweet and so sorry i've always been the servant of the lampof disease you are not a servant you are my father oh don't be so maudlin and he was

called you'll get your daddy back oncehe has granted the three wishes once the wishes are fulfilled i shall return to the lamp what i mustremain for the next two thousand years so you will have to wait never leave your father let's deal withthe lamp forever let us stay with him little fight himthe important thing now is he always asked three wishes yes and i wish to know what happened tomy parents what wait

as you wish one night a stranger came to your homeand asked to trade two loaves of bread for a goblet you said no your father was proud of youfor making such a difficult choice he was proud of me he was your fatherdid not know that the goblet was very valuable but the strange in you and when he could not trick you intotrading it he came back that night to steal it your father and mother work to find himthere was a struggle

this is the truth then i wish to have my parents back all stop wasting wishes i am sorry but that which is beyond my power togrant now you know the truth little find him it is sad but he's done i promise youcould have one wish and your wish is fulfilled now give the lamp to me know there ismore truth - no i want to know who killed my family

what why waste a wish on that for what purpose it will not bring yourparents back wish for silver gold jewels together we can have all the riches inthe world i wish to know who killed my parents oh as you wish did you wait wait don't worry this is the truth ya know you killed myparents you ruined my life now i will destroyyour ios value what do you make the last wish my fatherwill go back into the land for 2,000

years that's right you should save the lastwish we can do it later when you calm down alittle quiet you have nothing to say about any ofthis any longer you destroyed everything i ever had now it is my turn to destroy you i where you i believe they could buy he's my father

this is all my fault i should have takenthe carpet of the museum like you asked me to i shall never forgive me sweet flower you must not let thisforever be with you it will be hard but each morning whenyou are weak you must choose what will have today misery for joy love or hate choose wisely i wish

to set this genie free what got ya now i can hold you again mybooker so did the right thing no what are you doing we must all leave no right every ruthless men is a captive everygoody one puppet you're okay you're okay where did let me come from mm not lostgovernment always that it tends to his

home you chose love over hate alia yourfather would be proud of you once again it is good to finally knowthe truth about my family but now i also know that i am truly that is not true you are not alone we shall be your newfamily that is the truth mady all night ii between you and homeand all the empty places you must walk on the way using -

you can see you

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