
watch cloud 9 full movie disney

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

- i don't know string cheese is good, and easy to eat i guess. i don't know if i would like, munch on it, or like string it off, you know. the first champion i played,i think it was veigar, and i didn't know he'd use abilities so i was just walking aroundautoattacking the whole game and i thought it was pretty fun, so. i'm not really sure,but if i were to guess

i would say mata just because i heard he communicates really welland controls the whole team and just has a really good map awareness and just lets everyoneknow what's going on. hmm, sneaky is super chill so he'd prolly be pretty cool to date i guess. but i'm super bros with hai so maybe him i'm not really sure. it looks like i wantto date two people now

i don't really want that but. first video game i everplayed was probably pokemon on the little game boys. their personalities are super troll and mess around all the time andi'm kinda the same way so i think we just get along really well. i don't really eat carrotsso i'm not really sure but i love putting a lot of ranchon carrots whenever i do so i don't know ifthat's really healthy but

that's what i would do. well this one is prettygeneral it would be don't rage becauseyou're obviously playing in a bot lane with another player and one game they could be really good the next game he could be a complete idiot so it's kind of stressful at times. or if your support ks'syou just go along with it they need some gold too so just

let 'em ks you. we were scrimming andi think someone farted but no one admitted to it and we had to pause the game and leavethe room for a little bit. and then five minuteslater he did it again so we had to leave the room again. and i don't know that wasthe whole big ordeal i guess. when i'm not playing league i'll just like walk into hai's room and just maybe

play some zombies orsome card games or just chill with him for a bit, i don't know. well i guess if i choseto have a string cheese for my arms i guess i couldinvent the string cheese move or something like that, i don't know. (dance music) i would probably wishfor a lot more wishes. after i had a bunch of morewishes i'd prolly wish, on the lcs stage i wishi could, use the keys

and then hai could use themouse so we could both play. well my all-time favoriteplayer would prolly be lebron and he obviously swapped teams from cleveland to miamiand back to cleveland. well i'm kinda justfollowing him just because i don't know i like him so much. saint kinda, demanded respect in away hai does as well. i kinda respected their opinionon leading a team i guess.

i'm not sure if i havea favorite disney movie but one that i like, the land before time that one, that one's pretty good and then, ant life orbug's life whatever it was that one's pretty good too. i was playing braum onegame and i tried like flashing away from a fight but i also hit the r key at the same time so i flash ulted backwards or something.

and everyone's like "bunnywhat are you doing?" you know so, it's just a fat-finger i'm sorry it's my bad. if i were a girl for a day i'd prolly just start showing my boobs to everyone. an overall c9 skin i would prolly choose maybe wukong and putlike jensen's and rush's face together on it orsomething like that. i've always worn boxers growing up

and they're super comfortable but recently hai has been tryingto convert me over to briefs so maybe we'll switch it up in the future i'm not really sure. if i were to play inlower elos or something i would play anything exceptfor support and top lane. i don't know me andhai are just like bros. i'll just like randomly go in his room and we'll just like chillfor a couple hours and,

i don't know he's just like thebrother i never had i guess. err, i did have a brother but (laughs) hai is a better brother,don't put this in here. (laughs)

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