
watch dogs full movie

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

[music playing] it starts with reality. with watch dogs, it alwaysstarts with reality. it doesn't mean we cannotbe imaginative or all that, but in reality, hacking andpeople who break systems are pretty creative naturally. so we want to inspireourselves from them. this is a big momentfor us in production.

basically all theparts of the game are colliding togetherfor the first time. and for the pastmonths, we've been able to play the gamefrom beginning to end. so now, we see how thingsare coming together, and you could almost say thegame has a life of its own at this point. when you finish a gameafter almost five years, you need to sleepon it a little bit.

then afterwards,what's exciting is when you start reallyunderstanding what you tried to do with the first game. what went well,what went less good, and also what theplayers have said. so watch dogs was,first of all, a new ip, which is a big deal. it means that you startfrom almost nothing. i think the newidea in watch dogs

one was to talk about anhyper-connected society, something that wasbecoming very important in our day-to-day lives. chicago was one of the mostsurveilled cities in north america, so we talked a lotabout cameras and surveillance and being watched. when you played "watchdogs," you probably played something you'dnever played before, because the citywas sort of alive.

people were not just peoplewalking around the street, but you could hackinto their lives and you could exploit them,you could see their secrets. you could manipulate the city,the bridges and the steam pipes and the traffic lights. [tires squealing] what we basically createdwith watch dogs one was a playground whereeverything was connected. so, finally shipping the game.

well, a lot of peoplewere happy and excited. we also got a lotof feedback, and we listened to that feedback. i personally spent monthsreading forums and reading all the player feedbacksi could see on the web. we wanted to knowwhat people felt and what they wantedto get from the game, and what we couldimprove in the future. at that point, we knew we weregoing to make a watch dogs 2.

we felt like we reallydid a big milestone with the original watchdogs, but with watch dogs 2 we could really deliver onthe fantasy of being a hacker. this time around,we're in san francisco. for us, san franciscostriked a chord because it meant the very birthof the attitude of a hacker. -- sanfrancisco caused 350-- -- smart housesare calibrated to anticipate your every need.

you're listeningto "rock the grid." for the settingof watch dogs 2, we wanted to havea different vibe. so our san francisco keepsall the important parts of the bay area. and there's a differentfeel, different vibe, a different look to allthe areas of our world. we wanted to kind of representall these different areas and the differentcollections of people

that live in theseareas, and what their lifestyles and theirpersonalities are like. so we're building agame where basically it's almost a simulation. you're in that world, and if you stop moving and you look around, you feelthe world is alive, right. this is the promise ofwhat an open world game is. we broke the feelingthat the world is centered on you, the player.

so characters shouldn'tonly react to you, they should react to each other. you know, maybepeople start fights. maybe someone calls the copson someone else than you. maybe a dog barksafter someone else, and chases them down the street. you need to feel asif this city is alive even if you do nothing. and then if youstart doing things,

if you start playingin the world, the city should reactto what you're doing. it should feel normal. it should surprise you,also, how it reacts. we were really interestedin the city itself. it almost feels like thewild west of technology, and how can you set somethingin the wild west of technology. it's a world that has a lotof potential for gameplay. i mean, if you're a hackerand you go in silicon valley

and you have the head officeof some of the biggest tech companies in the world,what will you do? can you hack into those places? what will you find? so it's a veryintriguing setting for a hacker who'sexploring the world. so as we're craftingthis world, we're putting in it all of thefactions that should be in it. so for example, we havevarious criminal groups

trying to fight over theunderground of the city. we also have corporations tryingto make money, and potentially even manipulatepeople in society. and we also have othergroups of hackers trying to tap intothe technology that has been set up in the city. once again, ctos,the smart city system that was in thefirst watch dogs, is installed in san francisco.

and various peopleare trying to tap into it to exercise control orpower, or to try to make money. in creating a herofor watch dogs 2, we wanted somebodynew, somebody that could embody thespirit of california and the spirit of san francisco. but we neededsomebody who was going to be really worthyof all the cool stuff that we wanted todo in the game.

so our hero in watchdogs 2 is marcus holloway. he's a young actor,very brilliant in what he does because of theinjustices that he's seen, both being from oakland andalso having been profiled the wrong way and beingaccused of a crime he actually didn't commit. that sort of made himgo against the system. in terms of visual,we always tried to create iconicattributes to the character

so that he can be memorableand people wants to play him, but still feels credibleinside our world. he's a perfect blendbetween somebody that's tech savvy,that represent a little bit theinternet culture, but also has that athleticand rebellious feeling to him. so we had to decidefrom the beginning what things were comparablebetween aiden and marcus, and what thingswould be different.

we focused on parkour. we wanted marcus to be a lotbetter at parkour than aiden. and we're not talking aboutjust like climbing on things, but being able to flowand chain moves together. so he's a pretty goodfighter, but he's got some interesting quirks, too. he's a more expressive guy. [grunting] we've really triedhard to figure out

what kind of meleeweapon marcus would have. and we tried a wholebunch of things. and some thingswere pretty cool, and some things justdidn't work at all. we did a lot of research,and we basically did what marcus would have done. we went onto the internet andwe started watching videos and we started readingwebsites, and tried to figure out what kindof stuff we could make.

pretty much all thestuff that you probably shouldn't search at work. in the end, whatwe stumbled across was this idea oftaking a billiard ball and attaching it toa paracord lanyard. and we took this, and wehanded this to the stunt team. and the first thing thatwe saw was it was fast. it was so fast thatwe couldn't believe how fast they were spinningthis around their body.

and then as soon as i saw thisvideo, i'm like, this is crazy. we got it. citizens of the world,may we have your attention. when we say we want to makea game about hacking, really a hacker, it's a culture. but you can havevarious motivations. the motivationwe're excited about was what we callhacktivism, people who want to impact societyand have ideals to defend.

so just in the backgroundand in the fantasy of it, you're not a hackerin watch dogs 2, you're a dedsec hacker. you're a member of a community. and you're doing grandstuff, and big exposure of importantinformations to society because you're notalone and you're working with other people. the first thing youhave to do when you're

talking about hackersis you kind of have to respect wherethey came from originally. their messagessound very serious, but there's also alulzy element to it, the way they have funwith what they're saying. we took that andwe said ok, so what if this is sort of the spiritof dedsec and of our heroes? what if their spirit isstill rooted in the trolling, it's a joke, we're goingto have fun with it,

but they still havesomething important to say? the dedsec visual wasreally important for me, because it represent everythingthat's cool about watch dogs. it's stylized, it'sedgy, and it's raw and it's underground,tapping into the origin, tapping into the internetculture, with all the memes and also all the visuallanguage of the internet. so there are variouscharacters, various people inside of dedsec.

some are a bit more violent,some have more ideals, some are maybemore intellectual, but they all have in commonthat they want to fight to preserve a sense of freedom. they don't wantpeople to abuse tech to take control over people. but you know, i'm not sayingthey are knights, you know. they are rebellious. they do their ownthings their own way.

and they want to have fun. that's also one thing,is a sense of freedom and also a sense offun through that group. we are dedsec. join us. the new idea forhacking in watch dogs 2 is to let the playercreate his own solutions. we're adding a lotmore depth to hacking. so you have a lot morecontrol, a lot more flexibility

in how you hack the world. so one big category ofhacking in watch dogs 2 is the entire branch of pushingremote controls to its limit. one of the big things on watchdogs is hacking vehicles. i think this is a realgame-changer, because vehicles are everywhere in the world. and if you can hack intothe drive system of a car, you can pretty much driveit wherever you want. [shouting]

so making sure, if you seea forklift in the world, it shouldn't be a forkliftand just like move the box up, down. you should, just like acamera, press a button, become that thing. one of the corethings that we're doing is we're opening up thegame with watch dogs 2. you can hack every character. you can hack everycar in the game.

and you can hack most of theelectronics within the city. so that's a lot of potentialtargets for hacking, and that's not evencounting your own tools. well in watch dogs 2, webrought in a lot more toys and things to playwith, because we wanted to embrace the maker culture. dedsec have these reallyinteresting, intricate guns. they're built on a3d printer, basically the cutting-edge technology of3d printing, which is actually

building it with metal. it's also got thisreally cool taser. so if you want to play thegame completely non-lethal and not actually kill anybody,you can totally do that. we're playing with a lot morecrafted items and a lot more of little devicesthat you can use. one of the things thatpeople kind of like that we've done -- theyreally like what we've done -- is we've createdtoys for marcus.

he has an rc jumper. it's got littlewheels, and it's even got this little robotic armthat he can sort of deploy. and he can interactwith things, he can unplug things and replugthem, and take out screws. it's a neat little toy. and then the other gadgethe's got is this quadcopter. and it's more about scoutingand being the eye in the sky. first-person view on it isincredible, because you just

zipping through the city. it feels like you're flying. well, you are flying. another branch which iskind of connected to it is the concept ofmanipulating people. in watch dogsone, you could only hack the people that weremarked as potential target. now, you can targetthe person you want, and you can hack themin multiple ways.

for example, i could hackone person and distract them, have their phone ringingso they look at their phone to create a distraction. later on in thegame, you'll also be able to do things we callmass hacking, which is, well, why only hack one ifyou can hack them all. [vibrating] there's one thingthat i really believe about watch dogs players isthat there is no watch dogs

player. there are many types ofwatch dogs players. you should be deciding howyou want to play the game. so that means you can playa mission full gun blazing if that's the wayyou like to play. full stealth. or, through hacking only,project yourself on computers, take control of electronics,influence people, and try to get toyour goal that way.

we try to reallysupport all players types across all differentstyles of play, and also allow players tocombine and mash these styles and play together, too. if you've been playing acertain way for a while, we want the game tokind of challenge you to try differentthings, but also not force you into playingthe game a certain way. we worked toimprove the driving,

make it more accessible,while keeping all the differentstyles of vehicles and adding a lot of physicsand feel to all the vehicles. so we keep the depth, buthave more accessibility. the team was super happywith the result we've had, and i hope gamers willbe just as excited. [overlapping noises] we are very excited bythe potential of what we call seamless online.

we start doingthat in watch dogs one, so we're expanding on that. we cross path withfriends in the city. so you're playingin single-player and you're crossing pathwith another player who's also playing insingle-player, both of you are members of dedsec,so you're friends. and you can just walkup to each other, say hello, hit the button,and form a co-op team.

and what we'regoing to be showing in the next coupleof months is example of how those thingswork together to create magicalgameplay moments. the city of san francisco andthe whole bay area is exciting. it's vast. you're going tofind a ton of things to do that are unique to you. basically buildyour own moments.

you know, create a situationthat you start laughing at and you say, wow,this happened, and you want to share it with friends. you don't want it just to belike a roller coaster or theme park ride, where i go throughall the same beats as everybody else. you decide what you want tobe spending your time doing. that can be multiplayer. that can be focusing on stories.

that can be justexploring the world. whichever activityyou do, we're going to make sure you get rewarded toget you closer to the end game. that's kind of the promisewe're making to gamers. you always know whensomething starts to click, it starts to work. everything change. you stop seeing individualcomponents, animations or texture maps or vehicles.

you just start to see theexperience as a whole. it changes on the floor. people get excited about it. this is it. it exists. we are always making thegame with the player in mind. they have always beenthe driving force. when you come with asequel that really earns its two, youknow, that really

does a lot of new things,that has a lot of surprises, it's a great feeling. in the end, there's nothingmore accurate than this, looking at something, tryingto understand it solely for [bleep] up with the system. click here to join dedsec and receive exclusive in-game rewards and more. subscribe to our youtube channel and be the first to see new trailers and behind the scenes action.

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