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Saturday, February 10, 2018

'gun' when is the trainlikely to arrive? lt's'll be here any minute ask when it will be here exactly! you'll only know the right timeafter the train arrives! call and ask himwhere exactly the train is - hello, who's this?- l'm jagdish's sister yes! tell me! due to some engine problemour train has stopped here

- ls he around?- jagdish... yes! he's playing outside! come on, jagdishcome on, man yay! jagdish jagdish...jagdish! "your soul's journey on earth is a certaintylf you're patient, god's presence a guaranty" "a young band of tigersin revelry they immerse" " celebrate of course!" "clouds in disarrayrejoicing the holiday"

"road-full of sarees, sashay" "me too a resident of mumbai cityfrom tomorrow firework activity" "get crackers like sixers readybrother-in-law...buddy!" "take your grandparents' blessingtake a glam-doll for a pleasing!" "french beard is my styleget lost, you imbecile" "hey dude, your abstinence daysbitter as neem leaves now a haze" "be naughty, pull some pranksget scolded, but no spanks" "whatever the world fears mostthe heart aspires that foremost" "like the waves caress the shoreevery night is a dream galore"

"clasp and grasp in fist fightinglike aesop's fables happy ending" lc58656captain jagdish reporting, sir! sorry, sir aiyo!! l trippedl can't dance! "road-full of sarees, display" "this heart of mine thinks all the timeof girls gorgeous and so sublime" "girls are manna from heavenmen who resist few and far between" "watch a fashion-show, in the roads roamto find the best beauty to take home"

"though the bride-hunt more a strainstill, a pleasure beyond complain" "be on your toes, vigilant and warybe fit, not rust, be a flying luminary" " 'live it up' of course!" "street-full of sarees...hurray!" "take your grandparents' blessingtake a glam-doll for a-teasing!" "sport a french beard in styleget lost, you imbecile" 'for your kind attention please' 'train # 12672 jammu-tawi express,the army officers' special train...' '...will be arriving on platform # 5''s there! - where?- over there! brother!hi! hiiiii! - hey deepti, how are you?- why this sudden mini-beard? lt's nothing, mom l'm coming back to the cityl wanted to be stylish - how are you?- l'm fine time to chat nowall of you come home and eat!

give that bag to me don't you eat at all? - come this way- l'm coming, dad put this bag in the trunk get in change to 3rd gear! where are we goingin such a hurry, dad? you don't know? to fix a bride for you

'margazhi' month starts tomorrow considered inauspicious for matrimonyno chap will show his daughter to you and the bad timestarts in 25 minutes! we must see the bride by thenor else you stay single even this year mom! what is this about 'good time'?will anyone go see a bride in uniform? let me take a shower, freshen up,sleep for a bit and then go - you are getting old by the day, da!- mom, l'll still be the same age later today will all of you keep quiet? change to 6th gear

we have got only 20 minutes look! their apartment is like a hotel stop...stop - good day- greetings - hasn't the groom come?- this is the groom he looks like he has comestraight out of a war zone comecome, please - come, da- you go ahead - where are you running off to?- come!

enough! '3 wickets outat the entrance itself come...welcome we have to see the bridebefore the auspicious time is over that's why l dragged him herestraight from the station - ask her to come please- call her, dear! nisha! nisha...! - dad?- not for me...

offer them thanks sit down, dear - shall l ask her to sing?- some nice song... to match the groom's attireshe can only sing the national anthem 'that was a cheap shot!' so...are you happy, son? she was very pretty, no? dad, give metheir phone number please?

l'll give it to you022... 261...864676 tell me, sondon't make a noise the groom is on the line! tell me... sir, your daughteris really beautiful nice...nice but our tastes seem to vary l'm not sure if the two of uswill be compatible

but l'm sure you'll geta better son-in-law than me don't misunderstand me what is this, da? he's not getting marriedin this birth definitely! give me 1 good reasonwhy that girl wasn't good enough! - 3 reasons!- what? that girl's hair was1 and a 1/2 meters long! ls that a reason? even girls with half that hairif we are going out...

...will keep combingtheir hair like this lt'll probably take her3 hours just for to plait her hair did l ask for this?did l? did l ask you to marry me offright now like this? and look how shy she was l bet she's scaredof lizards and roaches she's hitting her ownfather like this, did you see? you should've reprimanded herwhen she was young! even when she was a kid,you went on with...

...your 'hit, daddy' dialog l expected a stylish girl butshe looks like a villager in bombay why do you needso much money? l said l'd throw my friendsa party if the boy didn't like me 'the police enteredthe apartment by force' 'breaking down the doorand found the victim dead inside' 'the police say that accordingto post mortem report-' when l heard you were comingl wanted to say l had chikungunya... excuse and rush back homemy bad time, l wasn't granted leave

so you are indirectly hintingl'm a nuisance? no one in the word can say itmore directly that l just did and you claim this is indirect?that's where you stand! what did l dothat was so bad? you? you'll come herefor your annual vacation you'll roam around with mestick your nose in all my work when l'm eligible for promotionto an inspector, you'll drag me down... ...back to sub lnspector why don't you spendthis vacation with your family?

lt's not like parentshave given me strict instructions lf l go out in the morning,l shouldn't be back home until night lf l stay at home,l'll be spoilt rotten it seems don't you seewhat a mammoth lie this is! leave it! l'll be with youbut l won't disturb you at all okay? sir! what function is this? lt's some tournamentwe're providing security

are the perimeters secured?don't let anyone in without an ld card dude! this is a ladies' collegein bombay...admire them from within but be casual on the outside - yes, sir- this is too much! you went to see a bride yesterday?how did it go by the way? the match is about to begin!first we have st.xaviers college! - with nisha!- nisha! nisha! nisha! don't ask!she was a little too shy also she seems soft...

nisha! nisha! nisha! out! l don't like this girl!l don't! l don't!! "knock out...look outlimbs out...don't flout" "knock out...look outso you better look out!" this is the kind ofgirl you want, right? this is the girl l saw! "ln antarctica, depths of snowwhy does my heart slide like floe" "are you a penguin or friendly dolphinwhy is my mind confused within?"

"hey nisha...nisha...nishaoooh nisha...nisha...nisha!" "girl! my heart, can you detectwith your radar electrical effect?" "my heart beat's smitten sound,can your sonar navigate aground?" "girl! my heart, can you detectwith your radar doppler effect?" "my heart beat's smitten sound,can your sonar measure around?" "beauty measuring gizmowill lose face to her, sure oh!" "l saw 'figure of speech'...walk by" "since hill slopes lose toher arched eyebrows two" "...l saw falls that cascade...cry"

"when golden rays touch her skinto moonbeam they silver-spin" "when she sashayseven in that sway, music plays" "ln antarctica, depths of snowwhy does my heart slide like floe?" "are you a cuddly penguin or a dolphinwhy is my mind bewildered within?" "army boots thump-thumpinglike a road storm-storming" "girl! you invaded me...likewise" "alcove of your eyes brightexplode like dynamite" "my heart hit by a bullet...your eyes" "all my life throughl was waiting for a girl like you"

"lfyou accept mel'll love you like l love my country" "are you a penguin or sleek dolphinwhy is my mind perplexed within?" "hey nisha...nisha...nishaoh nisha...nisha...nisha!" no! no! lmpossiblehe's a total loony 1st he says no andnow changes his mind brings in some lamepolice dog and tries to bribe me ls she a girl or snake-gourdgravy to cook as you wish! dad, if we listen to him,we'll go mad tell them

forget it!we can't talk to them again mom!! what? ls he being funny? he didn't like me thenand now he says he does! after we get marriedhe'll again change his mind ls that okay? listen...when a boyprofesses his love to you, should 1st say'me too' and see how it goes lf it doesn't work,break up tomorrow

but before you rejectyou should think thrice! boys will only drooltill we have our curves in place! ln a few years, we'll beout of shape like our mom before a girl says no,she should think of her mom l don't need all thatl'll go to the gym and work ou- he looks like a thamizh boyshall we say hi to check him out? this is the guy l said no to! hey...hey! nisha...nisha!oho nisha...!

why is he making gestureslike some twisted snack? hey! get down! - what are you going to do?- get down he's dead today why did you kiss me now? me?when did l...? l only kissed my mirror my mirror, l'll dowhatever l want with it lt's your mirrorbut the face in it was mine!

lt belongs to the govt! l'll kiss my mirror! cuddle itl'll even break it if l want to! lt's my wish why? l'll break it for you myself! violence is not the way how dare you kiss mein the middle of the road? what kind of policeman are you?sitting there like a bag of rice! l'll put you in for eve teasing lf you show up again,l'll kill you

she's worsethan my mother-in-law! ask about boxer nishain shastri nagar lf you had just saidyou liked the girl that day... bike would be in 1 piece! she's super she just flicked the keyswhile talking to us not talking, bro...yelling ln your tit-for-tat, what didmy department bike do to you? thief...thiefl had rs 5000 in my purse!

my purse don't be scared!the thief must be inside the bus! l'm a is hewe'll check everyone and then we'll find out driver! stop the bus!no one should get off we'll check everyone balaji, you check herel'll check at the back all of you come downcome one by one! what did l do, sir?

- that's my purse!- listen! ls it this one? no! - this?- no you go inside and seecheck under the seats check the bags as well open your bag, please - you thief!- my purse...that's my purse! this is the thief, dude! hey...wait!jagga!

why are you running? huh? why?why did you run? there was a bomb blastat the oshiwara bus depot... ...that claimed 37 lives we'll leave no stoneunturned to solve this case! l believewe'll find the culprit soon they are treating him at the hospitalinstead of questioning him immediately look! how he's speaking gaspingfor breath as if he caught him l should have been thereyou dragged me away

lf only l had come on tv,l'd have stumped my mother-in-law my status at home wouldnow be turvy-topsy! l'd have become an lnspector there were about 18 people killedand about 26 people injured lt is surmised terrorists didn't intendplanting the bomb in a public bus and it might have got triggeredaccidentally in transit how many more people likeajmal lateef are around... ...and what is their aim? minister for home affairsexpressed his concern

'waiting for your order' 'proceed as plannedactivate plan b' - l've been waiting for you- why? go inside...l'll tell you this is jagdish's housekeep whatever l said in mind, okay? all of you stay alert lt's an unofficial duty so stay in separatechannel on the walkie, okay? what's going on so late?

these are guys working for me they're off dutythey'll stay here as security tonight tomorrow morning go totamil nadu with your family - why all this?- he's escaped from the hospital what?! he's killed a doctorand 2 police officers - how?- we don't know okay, you go you caught him right?so l was worried he'd come here

but they are here nowyou both go behind okay...l'll see you around! these dayseverything has changed, sir what happened?move! go behind and check what did those little kidsin that school bus do to you? without even asking youany questions do you know... ...why l cut your finger? because l'll start asking questions

lf you don't answeryou know what'll happen 1 question...only 1 secondanswer...or else...! another finger gets cut someone helped you at the hospital who was that? security chieflnba sekharan that's allso simple! - who is it?- me! who are you?

what are youdoing here so late? who is it? l'm coming...l'm coming! - oy! tell me quickly!- l need to talk to you can you cometo the terrace? why at this hour, man?we'll talk in the morning the man whom you helped escapeis now a guest in my house sorry, l didn't introduce myselfmy name is jagdish lndian armybut l'm not just that

dladefense lntelligence agency l'm one of their specialistsa secret agent people who work with memy friends...even my family ...are totally unaware so are you wonderingwhy l told you? you won't stay alive, that's why when we are at camp,the other country shoots us... ...and quite oftenwe shoot them one day at camp,a man called selvaraj...

...from pudukottai onlysuddenly went missing 7 dayswe couldn't find him we found him on the 8th day poor guy he gotcaught in their camp they tortured him for 7 daysdug his eyes out... bottles, no? they shoved beer bottlesfrom under him, right inside... ...and then broke them we were the ones whogave his body to his family

his mom crieshis dad hits himself his sisters are in deep anguish on the 14th day,his younger brotherjoined the military we die over there everydayonly so you all can live this is a locally made gunthis is my gun lf l shoot you, l'll need toexplain why l shot you your family will be in ruins your sons will have tobeg on the road your wife will have to stand onthe side of the road and...

...pave the streetscalling random strangers! but if you shoot yourselfstating it as suicide during duty... ...someone in your house will get a job they'll get provident fundand pension every month you figure it out yourself lf that gun turns to me thoughl'll definitely shoot you you've stepped on a landmine! l can hear a gun-shot!come! l know that neither of youknow the full details

oops! sorrylet me repeat it in hindi! juhu...bandramatunga...dharavi '12 attacks in mumbai city' - when?- 27th she's the first onegetting married in our gang landed from kallakurichi andhow a boy from gujarat! she's focused!she looks so gorgeous, no? - thank you!- look how shy she is - hi!- hi! congratulations!

hey! wow! thank you! hi! congrats!you look so cute, babe! - l have an urgent doubt- what doubt? please...please...please, dicome aside for 5 minutes how can l come now? please, di...or elsemy head will burst okay...excuse meone minute! - come...for friend's sake!!- congrats! what is it?

ln our entire collegebesides me, you are the prettiest okaaay...we are equally pretty all over your hostel roomyou got pictures of... ranbir kapoor, shahid kapoor,john abraham stuck all over! why did you get marriedto a guy like this now? listen, you must think practically he gets a fat salarywhat more do l need? good looking guys never achieveachievers are never good looking hey!

look there! he's posing all alonefor pictures on his reception day lf a guy looks goodand gets a big salary...then? surrender totally andget married to him why are you just sitting there? l'm thinking of somethingthat doesn't sit well what is it?let me see if l can tell lf a policeman like mecan't do think you can? you know the difference betweena policeman and a military man? you guys don't needto use your brains

bark out 'attention' andyou bring your legs together say 'stand at ease'and you bring them apart shoot and you startshooting at random but we policemen need brains when we catch a pickpocketwe must think like him when we catch a murdererwe have to be in his shoes! while catching a terrorist,we must turn ourselves into one me the diligent copcan't figure it out you go play ball, go!

tell me what your problem isl'll see if l can help okay, try to catch itthat terrorist escaped, didn't he? the very same night, a copshot himself in his house he was the one who was on dutywhen the terrorist escaped l'm wondering if both the incidentsare in any way related that wasn't a suicidelt was a murder how are you so sure? l was the one who did it - you...why did you do it?- why did he help the terrorist escape?

he helped the terrorist escape?how would you know? the terrorist told me where did you see the terroristwho escaped from the hospital?! - ln the hospital, you...- ln the hospital, l...? ln the hospital, l...? complete your sentence! tell me what happened? wait...wait, jaggu dear!you know l can't handle suspense please just tell me and go

one minute, da tell me are you coming back froma 'spoken english' class or what? - no...l...can l get married to you?- when did you get this idea? - this 8:60 a.m- what happened at 8:60? l was at my friend's reception she's one of the prettiestgirls in my college the guy she's got married tois not one bit good looking

l asked her why and she filled me inon her theories and my friends alsoencouraged me but from the startwe haven't matched first l said noand then you said no - now you say you want to- l'm saying yes, right? yes but...our tastesshould match do you smoke? cigarettes?! how can a girl smoke?that isn't allowed in boxing at all see? l prefer onlygirls who smoke cigarettes...l can't sayl've never smoked at parties with my girls,new year...l've smoked then okay...alcohol? - huh?- booze? wine!lt's good for the heart for skin...oncel even drank vodka see? l don't like girlswho drink at all

hey...nisha! you are changing it deliberately you love me! you aredoing this on purpose! l came here straightfrom the wedding for you l didn't even eat! okay okay, pleaseplease...please l'll marry youright now if you want l was just kidding - 1 slight problem- again? what?

they showed me another guyat home and l said okay - because l was mad at you- you said okay? that's not a big deal though l don't have a problem saying okayand then saying it's not okay the okay l said to you is differentfrom the one l said to him he's in the military too lf we convince himall our problems are solved he's asked me to cometo the coffee shop at 12 today okay, l'll come tool'll take care of him

so, shall we go? here shhhh! wait he's in the military, no?he's very punctual l'll go in firstand then you come l'll go talk to him firstand then call you - excuse me?- yesss! lc58666captain jagdish, reporting, sir! battalion...saluuuute!

sorry...sorry!jaga! what are you doing here? - how are you?- l'm fine, sir! when you spoke in a raised tonel thought it was a parade ground! - okay, come...sit, sit!- no,, sir nothing...the girl l'm marryingsaid she'll see me here today - sir!- that's why all this - sir!- l'm nervous - because it's my first time- can l get something for you, sir?, nothing!l will sit here

shhhhhhhhhh!psssssssssst!! hello!greetings hi! sit down, please your mom called and saidyou really like me sorry, mr jagdishwe are in the same battalion but he's very junior to me he keeps making mistakesand getting punished for it that's why he's scared of me - jagdish...nisha- hello, madam

- nisha, what will you eat?- no...nothing nothing? oh that's great! - no, sir!- oh wow! nisha, l'm having a get togetherat a hotel tonight...a small party you must come, yaar - jagdish, you come too- yes, sir! now it's 12:30 you said you'll come at 12:00 l'm so punctual, yaarbecause l'm a military man

- of course- so l'll see you in the evening - shall l make a move?- bye bye - okay, jagdish!- yes, sir...lc584- hey...! see you in the evening bye, da...byesee you, da ls this the wayyou clear the air?! no...madam

whatever it is, you arethe girl who's marrying him calling me 'madam'even after he's left! - aren't we in love?- we can break up now we haven't been in lovefor even 1 hour ...and we're breaking up already? look here, madamhe's better than me in all ways to run 100 metersit takes me 52 seconds he can do it in 68 seconds ln high jump, l jump 6'1"he sweeps a clean 6' 6"

ln long jump,l can only clear 7 meters but he can do 7.4m ln weight lifting- hey! are we recruitingguys for the military here? l don't like him you didn't like me at 1st eitherbut now you do! tomorrow you mightchange your mind about him! that's differentthis is different plus l can get a girlby the click of my fingers

but...he's so oldwho would marry him? so...l'm the guinea pig? - your phone's ringing- lt's your phone oh...sorry dude...where did you seethe escaped terrorist? you don't like suspensel don't like opening suspense tomorrow we bothhave an importantjob to do dai...dai...dai! "'alaika laika' as an 'apple' make?cheeks soft like strawberry cake?"

"are you a premium 'apple' make?cheeks red like strawberry cake?" "ln absolute resplendence,expression of a moon goddess?" "are you essence of my dreams?your eyes target me in extremes?" "don't you show-off and teaseto trigger my feelings please" "don't fan the fire in my soulonly to char me to cinders whole" "dear...deer friskywhere will our honeymoon be?" "my sweetheart...steadylsn't it near kargil, tell me?" "honey, my love-factormy unsweetened nectar!" "queen of my heart alwayshereafter fed at army base"

that's better! "on my third eye, to kisshe also adds a lifetime of bliss" "my 'butler thamizh' paltryhe calls it poetry!" "you are 18, not a minorsays your heart's monitor" "since you are a majoreven l'll be love-millionaire" "he is the one till the endmy forever lover-friend" "he makes a monkey-facea thief with a grimace!" "what is the wind's difficulty?this flower's desires plenty!" "lt is not the honey's losslet's merge, my lady-boss!"

"' an a-1 'apple' make?cheeks pink like strawberry cake?" "ln absolute radianceare you a living moon goddess?" "l sweet talk and teaseto trigger your pulse with ease" "fan the fire in your heartchar to embers to cool apart" "my heart by your caress-spreeis on fire to minus degree" "oxygen for your existenceis enhanced by your fragrance" "standing near me is mr spunkyhis bravery is as high as the sky" "the day will dawn prontowhen l'll be mrs spunky in toto" "you are in demand sweetestbranded sweet"

"when he eyes you sexilyyour lips will merge sensually" "he is my comfort-bedto his heart l'll embed" "he'll cuddle and teasewith honeyed kisses l'll please" "alaika" "don't sweet-talk and teaseto trigger my feelings please" "queen of my heart all wayshereafter fed at army base" why are you sitting here? you don't know why l'm here? no, don't come inwithout telling me

wait downstairsand call me...okay? where did yousee the terrorist? how did you catch the guywho escaped from the hospital? after you left that day, l wasat the hospital all the time you can'tjust keep him here! you have to hand himover to the police why? so he canescape again? only then will we knowmore details of his clan - l already know- what do you mean you know?

what is that needle for? ls he sick? what is this for?don't untie him - where are you going?- how many questions will you ask? the injection contains a serumhe'll be out for the next 2 hours - come, let's go- where? to the wedding today's my batch mate's wedding, no? - come, let's go and come- this is all a bit too much

you have a terrorist inside your houseand you're off for a wedding! - and you've untied him- we'll be back soon, come with me how are you bro?looking smart, huh? - hi- hi, bro jagdish - lt's late, let's go- who is this, jagdish? let me introduce you to my friends he is my friend balajisub lnspector of bandra joel, will you take sarahto be your wedded wife?

yes, with god's help sarah, will you take joelas your wedded husband? now you maykiss the bride - come, let's go- we'll go...why the hurry? lt's getting late! the bridegroomis calling you all all the best come, let's go you don't knowthe gravity of the situation

hey! l'm arrested - congrats- congrats, buddy dude, you are sitting here andrelishing this cake...we are late folks...! lt's been a long timeshall we all play a game? game? this guy plays games at campand when the train stops now another gameat a wedding?! but it's a real game

- a real game?- yes okay, we 6 in one teamyou 6 in one team what say? are all in the same team same team?then who's the opponent? - what are the rules?- l'll tell you later okay, after winning,you have to throw a party! definitely...sure guys! this is kind of a serious game

we will know only nowwho our opposite team is ln about 2 minutes, a manwill run out of my house we have to follow him when he meets another guyour group splits into two 6 of us follow 1 manrest 6 of us, the other man whoever they meet, we split upand keep track of them keep your cell phone switched on other than my calldon't answer any other we're all connectedby conference, okay?

okay - someone's coming- this chap? yes, he's the guy he didn't see us be careful, jagawe might make a mess of this lt's only a messif we don't do anything, da start the car andfollow him at ease hey! go...move...move - oh crap! he's missing- we missed him

watch out for him we lost him no...wait for the signal go...go...fastoh! there he is!! - did he see us?- hey, wait he's getting into an auto siddharth! note the auto number mh 02 r 8306

should we get down? - oh! he's into the crowd- hey! who's this new guy? jaga, if they don't split upinto 12 and stay together... ...then what do we do? no...they have work in 12 places they will splitstop the car they have separated - get out!- go fast you 6

jagdish, we are on - stay on the line- copy that we are very close to himshall l catch him? keep following him he's meeting another guy wait he's going to move follow the new one!

let's move how many so far? - we're following the second guy- we're following the first guy we're following one we are at dharavi - he's walking through a market- let him not see us stand downstand down 1st guy meetinga cell phone dealer he's meeting someone

you follow him - jaga, what should we do now?- one of you split...split! - okay, l'm on it!- let's follow him - we are splitting now- vishal here! l'm on the 2nd guy you go that wayl'll go this way me and jabar followingthe cell phone dealer 'he is 10 steps aheadwe are following him' - follow the new one- you follow him - we have a new one- split, follow the new one

go...go...go! go l'm following the first guy stay alert...stay alertwait for the highpoint - he's walking right in front of me- he's boarding a bus and me too l'm at a shopping mall there's onefor each of us now 'l'm at santa cruz railway station' - l'm at matunga- l'm at dharavi

- l'm at juhu- l'm at kula - l'm at chempur- l'm at ferry boys we are now equal12 men for 12 men the game is going to end now look inside the case in your bag there is a gun -there's a gun inside this- l'm in a theater none of you panic l'm the onewho put it there

guys in front of you arenot ordinary thieves they are cold blooded terrorists we will do the same thingwe do at our border we'll prove we also knowtheir serial blast technique... ...of setting off 6 bombs at once we must hit them at the same timewithout a second's difference - get set, boys- we'll do it 3... 2...

1...shoot! move, move, move game over when is the party? we have time for thatwe'll celebrate in our camp what happened? 'and you are watchingndtv 24x7' 'ln 12 different places...' '...12 men who have been shotare all sleeper cells'

'neither the police nor the defencehave announced their role in this' 'for the 1st time-' 'each of the victims has beenidentified as terrorists' 'and there are bombsin each of their bags' 'the location of the mobilesused by sleeper cells...' '...cannot be traced evenwith the help of satellite' 'sir, today our biggest threatseems to be sleeper cells' 'what are sleeper cells?who are they?' wherever terrorism existsthey are found in abundance

we'll never know where they are these 12 men blendand lead ordinary lives they are frustrated and wantto take revenge on the govt. they've been cultivated and theirgrudge misused by the terrorists after 9/11, no major terroristattack has happened in america only country that has found allsleeper cells and uprooted them the following men are the mostfearsome feared terrorists mummy...daddy 'afsar ali'

mummy...daddylook, my daddy - who did all this?- we don't know as yet even able the police are puzzled! any clues? the police have taken overall the evidence of the sleeper cells but the assassin seems to havetaken the phone of one of our men whose phone? afsar ali who wasshot in dhobi ghat l don't know who you arewhere you are

you've killed my 12 menlncluding my brother l'm coming for you but once l get to you... ...l will kill you l'm waiting - hello?- come to lakeview cafe lf 'sir' finds out, it will bemisconstrued, madam your 'sir' is only calling youcome soon why are youstanding all by yourself?

where's 'sir'? - look there!- that's funny! wow! super!he got himself another girl? hey! shut up, dahe's fixed that girl for you for me? he's already a problem on my head and now he hasbecome a 'peddler' for you you can't say such awful things! respect his ageand marry him!

- come!- where? hi! come...come good morning, sir - jagdish- hello - jagdish, this is swetha- hello jagdish also came to'bride-hunt' for himself but it didn't work for him fate! we are in the same battalionhe's my junior only

but more like extended familyl'm like a brother to him, no?, l'm beyond thatl'm like his 'uncle' (flesh-peddler) l referred you to himin the same way just now really? wow! oh sorry! l forgot to introduceher to fiancee! - boxer nisha- oh...hi l've seen you somewhere correct! you've seen her somewhereis what you wanted to say, no?

even l had the same doubtthe first time l saw her then l remembered jagdish how can l be his 'uncle'and not even do this for him! exchange numberstalk to each other see if your biology works out not biology...chemistry whatever it is!lt's all science, no dear? l need to talk to him alone nisha! they should be talking

you should talk to only me alone that is logic l want to persuade himabout that girl okay...okaycarry on! l get it are you coming? sir, she's calling mewhile you are here! there's nothing wrongwith that, jagdish she only called youwhen l was here lf she calls you when l'm not,that's when it is wrong

that's when you shouldn't gookay? now, go! what you are doingis really wrong! the 2 of us arejust starting to talk and you mustn't tryto butt in and ruin it do you know who that girl is? - no l don't...why?- she's a 'matter' what's a 'matter?' you don't know what a 'matter' is?does your phone have internet? yes

go to now what are you going to do? l can't go againstmy senior's wishes - he'll feel cheated- so, you are okay with her? okay jagdish...another 'matter' another one? talk to your family about this 'matter'as soon as you can and get fixed then all 6 of us canmarry on the same day that's my wish

- how high is this wall?- 6 feet they are good jumpers - how fast did this bus go?- maybe 70 km / hour they are good runners andexpert swimmers as well all 12 of them were shotin the center of their foreheads a moving bus, a dark theater,a crowded market place even if they were 200 meters away,it was a sure-shot from all of them they are trained shooters but they aren't policemen

any other similarities? no there's 1 more pointbut it's of no use all 12 of them were in formal suitswhen they shot our men what did you say? all 12 of them were wearingformal suits at that time you should have told me this first l didn't think it was a big deal lt's not a big dealif they were in america

but in lndia, it isa significant detail so they were in suits they could be working in a hotelor businessmen at a board meeting or software engineers at a seminaradvocates, or guests in a wedding l want a list of the seminarsand weddings that took place... ...on 27th where people werein formals all over bombay city you think you are a smart alec!why didn't we capture those 12 men? lf we had them alive, we could'vegot so much information from them we wouldn't have gotany information

because they'd have beencompletely in the dark! also, none of them would'veknown that 12 others existed - ls it so?- they are all sleeper cells their head...1 or few of themtogether have planned this those who carry out their plan... ...even give their livesare these sleeper cells even if we had caught 1 manwe couldn't have got any info so until they get their order,do they lead normal lives? yes...they mighteven wait for years

there's no way tocompletely uproot them? not completelybut we can stall them lf we wipe out their head,then they'll wait for the order... ...all their lives and donothing on their own that's okay buthow will you find the leader? l don't need to go behind himl've made him come look for me l thought he'd come and attack meif we went and killed those 12 men l was right wretched fellow! but how willhe find you in such a big city?

while killing those 12 people,we'd have left some kind of hole or clue he'll find out what that is lf we find out before himwhat that is... ...then we can get himbefore he gets us so think which routehe'll take to find us think! you have that strange coloredbox that you keep turning... a coconut scraperuse that and think! jaga! don't pick it uplt must be her

jaga! don't pick it uppromise on me- hello? l have someshocking news for you you've started again? not me, your senior officer hassummoned us to his house...urgent l'll be right there jaga! what you are doing is wrong! so much is happening andyou're running behind a girl jaga! sit and think here

l'm going to tell you both2 shocking news first, jagadish swetha said she doesn't like you - what happened?- he's shocked it seems! okay...okay...okay before l tell you whatyour shocking news is... must meet someonewait a second...l'll be back why are you laughing? l escaped from that 'matter', no?that's why l'm laughing

why did you laugh? even a 'matter' saidshe doesn't like you, see? chitra...!come wonder which websitethis girl is from?! she's my cousinmy mom's brother's daughter loved me sincewe were children but l didn't know about it now she found aboutour engagement and suicide attempt

sit then she wasadmitted in the hospital and it became a big issuel took a decision l'm so sorryl've decided to marry her l know how shockingthis must be to you but it was my mistakefor having encouraged you this is common in life okay, now l want toask you both something you came to mumbai withthe intention of getting married

you wished tomarry a military man so why don't you bothget married to each other? - siiiiiiiir!- jagdish don't misunderstandwe were in love, yes but l haven't touched herwith even my little finger have we ever touched? no, we haven'task her! l know forgetting mewill be tough for you lt was my mistakefor being born this handsome

nothing, nothing - you are right, sir- this boy always does this nisha, all the best! - bye- bye nisha? just because you didn't get me... don't do...what she did - promise?- promise okay...bye!

"l 'google-d' away to glory extensivelyhe's mr eccentric, the one and only" "l hunted in yahoo on the internethe's a find so unique in any planet" "l asked for a date todayhe looked at his watch, said 'okay"' "l asked him to shop with mehe took me to smartly" "l wished we'd see a moviewith popcorn he 'you-tube'd me" "looks...lost and lonelybut he can sell...this city easily" "meet my boy friendmy smart and sexy boy friend" "l googled away from a to zshe's a rare bird in our galaxy" "l searched in yahoo, in my pconly to find she's truly peachy"

"lf l go on a dinner date with herl'm her appetizer" "lf l take her on a shopping spreel become her trolley" "lfwe see a film, in scenes tearyher hanky is me!" "mary kom she may beinside she's a softie!" "meet my girl friendmy hot and spicy girl friend" "hey! join me guys, it's intro timeall about her-story let me define" "lfyou think she's cotton candyshe'll punch you suddenly" "keep a helmet handy!" "hey sugar-free...hey...hey...hey!"

"her sugar free talk, sweet n syrupyln her fat-free body, lots o' temerity" "smile like cindrella, temper draculashe is miss world's only formula" "hey! come on girls, intro timeall about his-story let me define" "for his 'hand-shake' if girls zero inlike a bullet he'll go zwaaaaaain!" "his military cut sings his style1 millimeter short is his smile" "almost 6 feet tall is hewho else is so goody-goody!" "meet my box friendmy smart and sexy huhmmmm..." "he won't peep, probe, insistor pry into my fb friends' list" "he won't hound me or whineto change my status online"

"when l whisper into his earhe'll immerse himself in twitter" "sweet peck on my cheeks hastilyhe'll tweet it ever so happily" "with romance teeny, thriller weenymy heart in the wind floating cottony" "lncoming calls in phones twobackup boy friends 6 in a queue" "she'll plant in my heart 'jealousy' seedand make my tummy swim in antacid" "seeing girls' numbers in my phoneshe'll press them into delete zone" "sensing me flirt with girls in townwith just her stare she'll knock me down" "she'll drink knowing her limitexplode in my heart with a love-permit" "l 'google-d' away to glory eagerlyhe's mr unusual, the one and only"

"l researched yahoo on the internethe's a find so exclusive in any planet" "l asked him to shop with mehe took me to happily" what happened?ls someone unwell at home? today's our first date 1st date rule is, should givemy boyfriend whatever he asks that's why l'm scared, you've alreadythrown a big party and spent a lot, don't worryl don't want anything not that!

what if you suddenlyask me for a kiss? l can't say no l'll have to kiss you heyyy! yes, l want to be kissed - aiyaiyo! l was worried about this- come on but l don't know how to kiss you close your eyes,l'll take care of it hello...! l know which routehe'll take to hound us

how would he knowwe came from the church? the only similarity betweenall of us is our dress code lf he's smart, he'll comestraight to the church then go fast on 27th, this is the church that fitsour description of the shooters' place because the man who gotmarried was an army man the name of the bridegroomis william martin joel can we havehis address please? yes?

- ls this joel's house?- yes, it is we are from the army toohis batch mates oh yeah! come...come joel is on his honeymoon you could've contacted himon his mobile but his phone wasout of reach, uncle oh! l'm sorryplease come be seated this is joel's mothershe can't speak

- oh! l'm so sorry- please...please sit down l brought a gift for joel oh! very kind of youthank you so much - what would you like to have?- no...thank you, uncle uncle, can l seejoel's wedding album? oh! of coursel'll just bring it excuse me...l'll bring it what, ma'am?then what? she'll give the addressto anyone who asks, huh?

shouldn't she check first? there's no time for thislet's go this is joel's school teacherand this is joel's cousin they are all joel's camp mates uncle, there are 5 teams here he has been to 5 campsso there are 5 teams here - can you get me coffee?- oh yes! l'll get you coffee we've got stuckin the last step how do we find out whichin this is our 'wanted list?'

l'll find out here's your coffee, my boys thank you - how do you like the pictures?- very nice - l didn't expect you so early- l didn't get the medicines at all these are joel's batch matesthey couldn't come for the wedding welcome, welcomel'm noel...joel's brother - did you give them coffee?- yes, l just did thank you so much for coming

which camp of joel's were you in? - kashmir- kashmir? when? - 2005- he was in delhi in 2005 after that, he didn'twork in kashmir at all could l see your ld card? can you show meyour ld card? show me...may l see it? papa! how can you let anyone in? you never understand!

l don't like smart people show me! l have a message for him he's faster than l thought why are all their heads circled? he intends killing 1 from each teamto find out which team killed his men that's what the round is for - hello?- hi! l'm captain jagdish an intelligence reportshows that you are in danger

- are you safe?- yes, l'm okay - sure?- ls there a problem? just be careful, okay?lf there's a problem, call me - are you okay?- yes, l'm fine! - l'm safe- l'm fine lf there's a problem,l'll definitely call you all the guys he circled are safe that's when it's more dangerous when what we guess doesn't happenit means he's planning something else

- hello?- jagdish...l'm amar singh here somebody has kidnappedmy brother's daughter what are you saying? someone took her in a carwhen she wentjogging today complain to the police stationin your area immediately what happened, jaga? since they'll get nothing out ofkidnapping and torturing an army man... ...they are kidnappingthe girls in the houses why are the doing this?

to find out which team it is they'll call andthreaten to harm them l'll send you the numbersof the men who've been circled call them and find outwhich of their girls... ...are outside right now find out those girls' numbersand go to the control room then find out which areasthe girls are in right now - what, da?- where are you? - l'm going to designing class- which area?

powai...why? these are the numbers find out which areathe cell phones are hello! sister wentto yoga class this morning she still hasn't come backsomeone has kidnapped her - jaga! l wanted to call you- what is it? 1 of those 5 girls' slm cardhas already been deactivated and the 2nd girl's slm cardalso just got deactivated l also got a call...they've kidnappedthe other girl as well in just 45 minutes

lt has to be a big police force her family has already complainedto the police in their area don't do anythingand confuse it what do you intend doing? l'll tell you where did the 2nd phoneget deactivated? 4 kms south from where she studiesln south mumbai the 1st girl's phone was deactivatedas soon as she was kidnapped come to bandar immediatelyl'll join you on the way

jaga! there are still 3 girls let's call andtell them not go anywhere don't do anythinglike that and ruin it the sleeper cell's head ismore important than those 5 girls you come to bandar this morning my sister wentto college for a seminar she still hasn't come back the 6th girl is missing toothere's only 1 girl left hello?at what time?

okay, okay! don't be worried lf you get a call from themlet me know 5th girl gone too...yes!! dude, do youhave a conscience? you are a sadist! did you feel even a little badthat these girls went missing? the sleeper cell's head shouldcome out and you should kill him that's the only thingwhich matters to you balaji! don't speak like thislf we kill that one guy...

...there won't be any terroristactivities in mumbai for many years so? you are usingthose girls as bait? you don't even feelbad for their families? there's no time for such sensitivity l bet you'd feel differently if someonefrom your family was kidnapped yes...l'm not worriedabout anything my sister was 1 ofthe girls he kidnapped! he'll put all the girlshe took in 1 place together we have to rescue them andcapture him at the same time

lnstead of ashrafs sister in the 4th photol sent my sister, sanjana instead - where are you?- l'm going to designing class - which area?- powai...why? go to lps college immediately... ...and get my batch mate,ashraf's sister's scooty and then go - why should l drive her scooty?- do as l tell you okay...levi's has a 60% off salewill you buy me 3/6th pants? you go quickly

are you crazy?sanjana is so young l'm all panicky! how could youdo this to your sibling? l won't let it go that easily why did you ask her to come? here...this is sanjana's dupatta buy me a maroon color topembroidered on the side - okay?- you go you try with the dog

l'll look around to checkany suspicious happenings let's see... untie them show each photo one by one who knows him? who knows this man? he's my brother go that side my uncle

he' brother who's he?your brother? your brother? show the next photo my brother your brother isn't inany of these 5 photos? show the group photos one by one ls your brother here? ls it him?

who asked you to ridethe other girl's scooty? my brother told me to - tell me- the operation is over we know which team it is one guy in that teamhas substituted his sister... ...for the girl-to-be kidnapped we've taken all their sim cardshe'll have no way of knowing's not a fool lf he's sent his own sister,he has a route to reach you

- he will get to you- what are you saying? kill that girl before he comesand leave that place hey! get readytie up those 4 girls and tie this one, bring herto the front...quickly! stop turn around he has come herehe's trying to kill everybody there won't be problems anymorel'll get you all safely into a taxi ln case the police asktell them it was dark

and that you couldn'tsee my face clearly okay?get in 'the operation is overwe know which team it is' 'one guy in that teamhas substituted his sister' '...for the girl-to-be kidnapped' you sent me there on purposeyou set me up lt hurts, di he put such a big knifeto my throat! lf you had beena little late, l'd be dead!

lt's only because we took this riskwe were able to catch him so you should takea risk with your own life what did l do? why? lf it comes to problems, shouldonly the police and military men die? everyone elsewill sit at home... ...look at news channels and commentabout how we should have done it ln your cross fire,if a bullet had hit me... ...what would be my fate? your life would'vegone for a toss! would have gone! those who want to destroy1000s of innocent lives... ...are ready tosacrifice their lives we shouldn't worry aboutgiving up ours to save others the main guy got caught he's not the main guy someone called himand gave orders only after that, they took that knife - bah!- ah! mummy!

sorryfinger cutter oh! sorrynail cutter why are you here? you left me halfway throughso l decided to come here you shouldn't come heresuddenly and try to scare me why? because you never know... ...if someone elsemight be in the room sandbag...dumb bellsyou work out and everything?

not bad oh did you know?l read a forward message 40 calories get burntin one deep kiss that is equal to30 minutes of speed walk, 20 minutes of swimming 10 minutes of skippingand 5 minutes of- lf you want to be kissed,ask me directly! don't tell me you read itin a forward message... ...or as feng shui,'vastu' indirectly

you tempt me and then saythese boys are so mean! l could stand in a queue and getkerosene by the time he kisses me okay, bye! hey! hey!okay...okay! you've come all this way, no?then what? just 40? let's burn 80 calories not herelet's go there you are the one lookinginto 'vastu' now close your eyes

eyes closelip open lf l close my eyes,you'll run away who's that? l told you thenlt must be my mother oh god!now what do we do? open the door quickly - where are you running?- l'll hide in the cupboard that cupboard's engagedyou get into this one what is-oh you!

did you see the news? lt's already in the news? do they havehidden cameras here? shut up!l'm coming from there only l saw what you did16 people are dead they are all sleeper cellswho were leading normal lives their families are all weepingbut nobody's falling for it we expected this did you get any clues aboutthe sleeper cell's head?

l knew it the guy who gave orders is still free why is he coughing like a female? sorry...sorry come out do you never put clothes orbooks inside your cupboard? - hi- hi ls this your fiance? you want only a petromax light?

your life is destinedto be in coma! "take my heart, dearcome...come near" "silver moon, on land you emergedsmiling, into my heart you merged" "pearly moon, on soil you emergedsmiling, my heart you submerged" "as in my dream you are heart-deepl'm still asleep" "your breath touched my soulso l hold onto you whole" "earthquake are you, my dear beauty?on a closer scrutiny, bouquet dainty" "fire or water, a mesmerized spellboth entwined in a girl's heart dwell" "yearning to be embracedthis girl's body so graced"

"shining moon, on ground you surgedsmiling, into my heart you splurged" "lnto my iris you came on displayl discovered a new 'me' next day" "hook and not fish-like are your eyesl fell for you, girl, found joy king-size" "my love's state in uproarlnto my heart a downpour" "pure moon, on land you emergedsmiling, into my heart you merged" 'early this morning in andheri westa man was found dead...' '...on a roadside dump yard' 'with a couple of fingers severedhe was found badly bruised too' 'police claim that he was torturedextensively before being killed'

'the man who has beenidentified as asif ali...' ' said to have connections withthe 12 sleeper cells shot dead last week' 'dead man part ofsleeper cell network' he has killed him... ...because he couldn't getany information from him ln this 12 men is the oneyou are searching for, right? he is a cold blooded murderer heat him upthink bigger attack bighe'll come out

show him the power of sleeper cells you go inside, moml'll come okay, son let's finish the gamel need you...alive call your team mate, senthilask him if he's at lnfinity mall, andheri and tell him in 10 seconds,he'll be blasted what happened, jaga?how are you? senthil! where are you? - l'm outside with my family- l know but where?

lnfinity mall senthil, there's a bomb in thatbuilding...come out right now just get out immediatelythere's only 5 seconds left there are a lot ofpeople here, dude listen to me alert everybodyand get out of there senthil, get outcome on, man, get out! senthil?hello? how was the audio?

notjust him l know where exactly each oneof the remaining 11 are each one of them is beingfollowed by a sleeper cell you want to check? siddarth shetty...leopold cafeneil mani...mahalakshmi temple ashraf...crawford marketjigar singh...cinemax theatre siddarth...juhu beachvishal...leelavathy hospital streetjagdish...bandra market sumesh mallharpreet singh...sea link fast foods

surendra...churchgate station l'll take out the next guy now your team mate, jagdishis now in bandra market ln another 3 seconds,the place where he is... going to be blasted 1... boo?!got scared? you do fear? l didn't bomb himl don't need their lives okay...okay don't do anything to anyonel...l will...come good...good ready who are all these people? we only know officers who died inborder wars and counter terrorism actions these are the peoplewho were injured in it ln most professionsyou get a promotion ...after you serve well all your life

but in the army and policeyou get retirement - jagdish?- hey they are ready hi, friends l've already spoken to all of youindividually over the phone the time l waswaiting for has arrived we're all going to get togetherand execute an assignment tomorrow morning,l'm meeting the man... ...who is the head of sleeper cells

when l see him,no one can follow me that's why l'll slip a tracking chipin my body even before l meet him from the control roomyou must track me... ...and tell him exactly where l am l've brought the medicinethat we use in the army... treat bomb wounds, secretly you'll get it all this evening you have to makeplastic explosives using them and give them this evening to him

you find out where they're taking mewith balaji's help and bring them there they'll take meto a secluded location so bring the explosivesin a car there and leave okay...l don't knowwhy they want me alive as of now but l want the bomb toburst in the 15th minute... ...of my meetingthe sleeper cell's head l want the sleeper cell's headto burst along with me...go smash! then all the sleeper cellsturn into coma cells then lifelongthey won't get any orders

lt's like a suicide attack are you kidding? you are talkingabout a suicide attack - and they are applauding you!- he's such a dangerous man why should you diebecause he's dangerous? have you thoughtabout your family? who doesn't have a family? when the taj hotel was attacked... ...they bid a normal byeto their family members

hemant karkareand vijay salaskar they died in 20 minutes flat! don't they have a family? all these war veteransgave their limbs and spines aren't they still happy?don't they have a family? an army man won't geta better opportunity than this jaga... l've thought about what l'm doing lf you want to dosomething for me... my house... family membersare very gullible and naive and l have 2 younger sisters lf you are free,please check up on them the engagement is in just 4 daysall of a sudden, you are saying no no...not for now, let's getengaged next time l'm here the marriage is only next yearlt's just the engagement now that's what...not now 1st you said you didn't like methen you said you do you dislike me again? don't you understandwhat l'm saying? but, not easy to forget yoult'll take a long time - my person is next to you- no, there's no one here do you see, across the road,a 3525 silver lndigo car? take the car and cometo 101 growell mall, kandivali? park the car there and takethe black honda city 7087 and go to bombay stock exchange what's your name?

- my name is jagdish- oh...tamil? he's a tamilianl know a little tamil but l know tamilians even more you don't know why l haven'tkilled you or what is in store for you? these are all the carsthat you parked look what's inside these cars we won't make them explodewe'll inform the police they'll want to knowwho masterminded this and then...

by the time the policecome looking for you... ...l'd have killed youand your entire team do you knowwho would have killed you ...and diffused the bombsat the right time? look at the monitorjoint secretary in defense we'll credit him with the killing ofthe 12 sleeper cells which you pulled off they'll themselves concludethat you are a double agent he'll become the nextdefense secretary lt's only in the lndian armythat there are no sleeper cells

with his help, we'll put manysleeper cells in the lndian army... ...and do whatever we want 'l must not die' 'l just must not die' 'sleeper cells in the armywill be our nation's cancer' 'think! l need toescape from here' do you have any death wish? what is it called?last wish...huh? yes...l want to bebeaten to death by you

- huh?- you have to beat me to death heard that? his last wishis that l beat him till he dies now take my handcuffs off and hit me what? release my lockand then hit me listen...! your boss hits mewith my hands tied! what do you think of him now? after breaking my hand and despiteyour henchmen to protect you... fear me!you should, da after breaking my handand with the protection of so many... are still scared to undomy handcuff and hit me, right? l like that fear what is he doing? shoot himhe's a tricky guy don't listen to himjust shoot him you can't beat him l mean...err...

unlock him what you said is rightwe should kill the guy just give me the orderand l'll kill him no...nowhat do l do? l'm telling youno other way shoot them both weapons down you are not smart even if you kill me...

...all the details to controlsleeper cells are on that ship they'll continue it 3...2...1...! don't you understand? die along with suspense lf he had said he'd liked herthe day he arrived... ...we could've sent them offas a married couple! no one listens here either not serious about anythingwhat to do?

super pair, sir do you know something? the only reason they are togetheris thanks to me - you?- yes! sir! the day we arrived, his dadtook him away in a hurry to see this girl first he said no, then she said nothen when they both said yes... some weirdo came andconfused them both! now everything's been solved so, how did you help them out?

you said some weirdobarged in, no? that weirdo was me! yes, sir hey! what is it? truly, the army is great for the next 11 months...'ll be holed up in a small tentin some snow ridden or desert area sitting under the lamplight, thinkingofwhat happened these 40 days... ...looking at family photos overand over your life, right?

"dear heart, bid farewell gentlythese fond memories weigh heavily" "mother earth, we bid adieua distant place we trudge to" "bonds that bind and separateln me pain that pleases infiltrate" "we trudge, we trackto a remote barrack" "ties that bind...leaving behind" "emotions in my soul enshrined" "see you...ciao?" "friend's face walks on my heart's spacelove's breeze also wafts with grace" "ln this journeyprecious thoughts will haunt me"

"trekking through hills and forestbonds of love will slam my chest" "new born to cuddle fondlyl yearn avidly" "waves a 1000 foldmemories in our hearts untold" "dear moments often replayedwhile our lives for a cause crusade" "adieu...l take a bow" - make! save! share! encoded by us by visiting this morning my

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