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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

today is a joyous occasion for us. my sister devki is going to herin-laws house with her husband vasudev. praised be king vasudev!glories to king kansa! glories to king kansa!praised be king vasudev! "sister, sit!" i will personally ride the chariotto drop you home. "king, why are you takingthe trouble?" trouble? it is my pleasure.." to personally drop my dear sisterto her in-law's house.

"beware!foolish kansa.." "the sister whom you so lovinglywant to drop at her in law's house.." her eighth son will be thecause of your death! and you will die at his hands! "remember, devki's eight childwill spell your death." this is not possible. i won't let this happen! - you are beating your sister!- she is not my sister. she spells my doom. - brother.

"calm down, king!" "if you fear her child,then i assure you.." that i will sacrifice her childat your feet. - lord!- how can i trust you? i promise let us go to our house. "no, you will go to the prison." "soldiers, take them and put themin prison." "for god's sake, don't be so cruel." which god? that vishnu whosleeps on the snake?

forget him.i am god! take them away. -glories to king kansa! "lord, i'm so unfortunate that dueto me you too have to suffer." i'd have preferred deathto this. "dear, don't say such are my wife, my life." "with you by my side,this prison will also become heaven." lord! "king, vasudev's come to the court." "king, i hand over devki'sfirst born to you."

did you get scared?i will not kill him. - take him away.- really? "vasudev, i'm not scaredof this child." i don't want to add to my sinsby killing him. devki's eighth son will spellmy death. - take him away.- long live king kansa! you left your death go scotfree. "this was my mistake?sage, you are very naive." "you seem to forget that it isprophesied that devki's eighth son.."

will spell my death not thefirst born. you are worse than me. count the petals of this flower. now count it backwards. it will mean the same. tell me which is the first one andwhich is the eighth? the first and the eighth! "that's it, lord kansa!" "we've to see.."

which is devki's first son andwhich is her eighth son? "narad, the first will be firstand the eighth the eighth." it was my duty to make you seesense. now it's upto you. "lord kansa, you are great!" narad - "lord kansa, you are great!" now nobody will take my sonaway from me. - i will take him away.- brother! "devki, give me this child." he spells my death!

"king, you only blessed himwith life." i mistook fire for a flowerand forgave him. but now i want to kill him. no! i won't hand overmy son to you. "- devki, give me the child.- no!" king - "vasudev, you'd promised.. hand overall your children to me." go and bring him. "- give the child.- no, lord, i won't!"

- give it. please!- lord! "lord, give me back my son." lord i can conquer even death! i killed six of devki's sons. now is the turn of the seventh one. - what is the matter?- devki lost her seventh child. "look, my fear killed her seventhchild in the womb itself." "king, now is the turn ofthe eighth one."

"mother yashoda is sleepingwithout a care." "her eyes are deep in slumber"." "and lord vishnu performed hismiracles"." "and a daughter was born"." my eighth son! the evil kansa won't spare himeither. where shall we hide him? "vasudev, leave your eighth sonwith yashoda in gokul." and bring yashoda's daughterhere. "lord, my eighth son will remainalive."

hurry up and take himto gokul. hurry up! "in a moment the rain stopped andthe skies were clear"." "vasudev came to river yamunato cross it"." "the clouds darkened"." "the rivers also flowed smoothly"." "the waves were also eagerto behold the lord"." "the devi paid obeisance andallowed him passage"." "and the lord performed hismiracle."

- what is this sound?- it is a child's cries. the child is born! "- eight! king, you've lost!- how?" all your spaces are empty. long live the king!devki's eighth son is born. "kansa, devki's eighth sonwill spell your death!" "you will die at his hands!" now we'll know if this child killsme or i kill this child. "- devki, hand over the child to me.- i beg you, brother."

one by one you killed all mychildren. - atleast spare this daughter.- daughter! see my power. due to my fear theeighth child was born a daughter. "sister, you are very lucky.i will not kill this daughter." "king, perhaps this girl's husbandwill spell your death." no! "foolish kansa, your death hasreached gokul." and that is devki's eighth son. and you will die at his hands.

"commander, leave with thearmy.." "come, my dear!" "come, my child,come to your mother." "come, my child." "look, your son is laughingas if he understands everything." "yes, he understands everything." but he doesn't know thati'm hungry. "he knows and is telling me,"mother, father is very hungry." and wants me to give you food.

king nand!we want justice. what is the matter? some demons have come and arekilling all infants in gokul. my kanhaiya! "king, you are our can you let this happen?" "- i want my child back.- we all have to get together.." to combat these demons. "come, let's go." queen! we are doomed.the king was killed.

"- is this true?- yes, it is." - the king was killed by thosedemons. - my lord! hurry up and go. he's the same priest. he is a demon. kill him! my child! "devki, don't worry,our child is safe in gokul." i'm sure one day he willonly free us from here.

i wonder if our son gets enoughto eat there. if i leave you even for a moment youbreak something or the other. today i'll have to tie you up. now stay put here. - we are gandharva princes.- due to a curse we became trees. today we've attained salvation atyour hands. "my child!" "no, my child!" i'll never again leave you aloneor tie you up.

"my lap is your cradle"." "i'll sing you lullabies to sleep"." "the fairies will play with youin your dreams"." "sleep, my beloved!" "i forget all my sorrowson seeing your lovely face"." "you are my doll, my moon"." "even river yamuna and the forestis at sleep"." "the entire hamlet is deepin sleep"." "the fairies will put you to sleep"."

- what are you doing?- i'm eating mud. "why, don't you get food at home?" "aunt, my mother says mud is motherearth and i love mother earth." "forget it, i don't want tolove the mother earth." you broke my pot.i won't spare you. imp! what happened? - what did my son do?- ask him. "he was eating mud. when iadmonished him, he threw it on me."

- and to top it he was teasing me.- that's all! you are also siding him! i've never come across sucha stubborn child all my life. he broke my pot also. i wonder what he'll grow upto be. "son, tell me, did youeat the earth?" you ate the mud and are lyingto me. open your mouth. i'll cry if you don'tlisten to me.

mother! "she could see the lord brahmain young krishna's mouth!" "then she could also see vishnu,the sustainer"." "then came lord shiva"." - no.- just a little? lmp!what have you done to yourself? "- mother, you too drink some milk.- you've started troubling me also?" i'm offering you milk.i'm not troubling you. come and apologize tolord ganesha.

for what?i've not committed any sin. you talk too much for your age. "come, it's prayer time now." now sit quietly here. salute lord ganesha. "now say, lord ganesha, bless mewith intelligence." "lord ganesha, bless mewith intelligence." "- mother, i'm very hungry.- i know you only too well." you are hungry for the sweets.

i'll first offer the lord andthen i'll give you. alright! where did the sweets disappear? i forbid you but youate the lord's offerings. but how could you eat somany sweets? "you invoked the lord, so he must'vecome to eat it." shut up!don't spin yarns. - does the god really come?- he does. you only preach that if you praywith devotion the lord does come.

"you invoked him with devotion, hecame and ate the sweets!" now i'll teach you a lesson. "shamsunder, come, else we areleaving." "coming. mother, my friends arecalling me, i'm going." listen to me. "i've come, let's go now." i'm famished. - you didn't eat anything?- no. "we don't get milk, curdor butter."

why? milk flows in abundancein gokul. now all these reach mathura. to fatten the demons there. "come on, get up!" now eat to your heart's content. butter! "kanhaiya, what is all this?" - who taught you to steal?- i'm treating my friends in my house. "so this is not stealing. besides,i invited all of them."

you ate everything now what willi send mathura? so all this was for mathura? then we acted wisely by eatingto our heart's content. - we are full now.- really? now i'll teach you all a lesson. "- you ate everything.- spare us, mother." "mansukha, can you hear the soundof anklets?" i can hear and see also. "- who is she?- kanhaiya, don't act innocent."

- she is radha!- she is radha! do you know her husband?aney dada is just too good! he never fails to take his cartto mathura. he butters kansa. where did kanhaiya disappear? "- radhe, you know me?- who doesn't know you, shyam?" "- you are intriguing me, radhika?- you called me radhika?" it sounds so sweet comingfrom you. "you've confused me, radhike."

- it's i who am confused.- how? i'd heard that krishna stealsbutter from the gopis of gokul. and ensnares them with hisflute recitation. i'd always think who it would beand how would he be. and one day you came in my dreams. so all this was a dream? but i never get such dreams. how can one who makes othersdream get such dreams? i like you very much.

oh my kanhaiya! i'm late. your flute! "lord, please wait!" "lord, you are leaving for mathurawithout having your meal." it doesn't matter to you. you arenot concerned about your husband. don't say that.i'll prepare the meal immediately. - please eat and then leave.- i am not hungry. - please listen!- i am not hungry.

"kanhaiya, help me!" see that! "glories to kanhaiya!" "come, let's sing and dance.." "and sing glories of gopal"." "all problems get eased"." "radha dances to his flute.." "and the sound of anklets echoes"." "there is celebration inthe air"."

"nobody can stop our progress"." "nobody can defeat us"." "o king of gokul, you are theonly one for me"." "you are our are the one we worship"." "everyone sings glories of you"." what is all this ruckus? "- you..- aunt, what are you doing?" "- damn you!- come, let's flee." these rogues!

"- mother, please listen to me.- don't make excuses." is this how girls from decentfamilies behave? you make merry with theserogues. and your husband has gone on anempty stomach to meet king kansa. - glories to the king!- come! "king, i've got milk for youfrom gokul." very are gokul's loyal cowherd. you should be the chief of gokul. i just need your grace.

i've heard that nand's son krishnahas created a ruckus in gokul. that brat? this is no laughing matter.he killed one of my warriors. "- this is impossible.- no, this is true." krishna killed vatsatra rightin front of my eyes. - krishna did that? - you canreplace nand as the chief. - lord! - but you'll have todo something for that. - order me. - krishna isan obstacle in my path. - i want to teach him a lesson.- this is child's play for me.

- i beg to leave now.- how will you go so late at night? today you are my special guest.stay here tonight. "- leave in the morning.- you are simply great, lord." come and rest. my son must be working for theking in mathura on an empty stomach. and here you are sitting to eat! hereafter you won't get toeat or drink. "- but i'm very hungry, mother.- damn your hunger!" "- mother, i'm not hungry.- why?"

did you hear that?kanhaiya is not hungry today! kanhaiya is not hungry! what a joke! "son, let your father feed you." - i'm not hungry. - i toowon't eat if you won't eat. why won't you eat?what problem do you have? - problem?- do you have a problem? "- what's troubling my son? - youwon't understand all that, mother?" where are you going?

where are you going?go to sleep. "kanhaiya, come!" "you are my only solace"." "i am at a loss"." "you are on the other side ofthe river yamuna.." "how will you hear my cries?" "since i beheld a glimpseof thee.." "the entire villagemaligns me"." "now come, kanhaiya"."

"don't trouble me, kanhaiya"." "that beautiful night.." "when flowers blossomed inthe garden"." "when we walked.." "arm in arm"." "i can't forget those beautifulmoments"." "i yearn for thee." "nobody understands my torment"." "even the beautiful full moon.."

"looks pale with out you"." "i can't sleep a wink all night"." "- shyam, you and here?- you called to me and here i am!" what if my mother-in-lawsees you? women are big cowards. why did you call me if you wereso scared of your family? you are all we have. you have your husband and aloving mother-in-law. "oh yeah, she's so loving!"

she punished me for takingyour name. she cut down my food andlocked me up. "radhe, i knew that you wouldbe hungry." "that's why, see, what i'vebrought for you." "kanhaiya,you care so much for me." now i've satiated myselfby seeing you. now i'm not hungry. but i'm hungry. i also didn'teat as you'd be hungry. what are you saying?you stayed hungry for me?

"- no, first you eat.- what is this!" "- i'm not hungry.- okay, then i too am not hungry." do you trouble mother yashodaalso like this? - she tolerates all my tantrums.- is it? then i will also do as you say. then shut your eyesand lift your head. - that's it!- imp! - enough!- eat a full stomach. what is this i'm seeing?

"radha, don't you have anyshame?" shameless! you entered my houselike thieves. and are laughing and talkingwith someone else's daughter. wait. "today, i won't spare you." you've hassled me a lot.enough is enough! i'll see now who comes to free you. "mother, i'm at fault, punish me.don't punish krishna." "don't worry, i'll punish you also." let my son come and then seehow he treats both of you.

now keep talking all night. "the moon hid and the sun rose"." "and spread its golden hue"." "even the birds have startedchirping." "wake up, o gopal!" "a new day has begun"." "even the buds have bloomed"." "the lanes of gokul have also comealive so have the cowherds"." "life has also awakened"."

"the women folk adorn themselvesto greet the morning"." "the women's anklets echoeswhile they go to fill water"." "the golden hues of the sun.." "have spread its radianceeverywhere"." "queen, stop this farce ofbeing spiritual." your deeds are so bad and yet youcarry on this farce. tell me what have i done.i've to finish my chores. do that later. first come andsee your dear son's deeds. - where shall i come?- to my house.

i've tied him up. "aunt, i think you've mistakenaney for kanhaiya." looks like you've tied him up. don't take it so easy. todayyou've to decide one way or other. what has to be decided? "greetings, aunt!" what makes you come so earlyin the morning? who will decide about me? what are you doing here?!

i had tied you up in the house. "- me?- aunt, you must've seen some dream." my urn! - my urn! monkeys! i'll teach all ofyou a lesson. "come on, climb down." stop there! you are a spent force now! i'll teach you all a lesson now. snake!

this milk is so sweet anddelicious. - damn you!- don't abuse me. "- we won't spare you.- rasili, hit him." help! help! - come. why are you hitting thispoor fellow? "- mansukha, what happened?- i had to face the music." this fatso and this puny girlhit me. "you cripple, i'll break youother leg also."

move from our path! first pay our tax only then willwe let you pass. - what tax?- milk and curd. and butter also. "kanhaiya, are you the rulerof this land?" - to demand tax.- he is the king of gokul. glories to the king of gokul! "king, what will you do if werefuse to pay your tax?" you want to see?

we'll go to aney brother. "- go, call him.- go!" today i'll get you severelypunished. "- come, let's go.- go!" - poor boy was hit so badly.- stop feigning love. you all ate the milk and curd butonly i braved the thrashings. "henceforth, you eat the milk andcurd and i'll take the thrashings." - really? - i'll play the fluteand your pain will disappear. - what happened?- that little imp ruined us.

and fed our milk and curdto his friends. - he broke our urns.- and did this to us. "so, will i go empty handed tomathura? come, let's go." - where is he?- in that groove. come with us. - and this cart?- you take care of it. "- aney dada, you had some workwith me? - yes." why did you break the cowherdess'urns? i broke their urns?when? where? don't act so innocent.

"now i get it.dada, the truth is that.." "these cowherdess' tease us.." and ask us to play anddance with them. - oh god!- such lies! "- what did you say?- we said we are small.." so how can we play with them? - then? - they got upset andleft their urns and left. "see, there they are." they are unbroken!

these urns are just as they left.we didn't even touch them. we asked them to take theirurns but to no avail. "- they swayed and went to you.- shut up, you cripple!" "come on, pick up your urns." "come on, pick up your urns.i'm getting late." the magic of his flute! stop playing the flute. "on the insistence of a mere child, they've refused to pay us the tax."

"king, krishna is not anordinary child." he's a magician. he plays theflute and traps people. - he calls himself the kingof gokul. - lies! he doesn't know that this is thesovereign rule of lord kansa. i can ruin all his sorcereryin a jiffy. "king, you needn't take the trouble." just send a few of yoursoldiers to gokul. - then? - we'll send all the cowsof gokul to mathura. "king, aney is right. in the absenceof the cows there will be no milk!"

"- you yourself go.- as you please, king." for how long am i supposed to sithere and look after their clothes? they've gone in the water sincemorning and are just not coming out. they are not girls but monkeys. i'm going to sleep. oh god!where are these clothes flying? ghosts! our clothes! "look, they are flying!"

where are you all? a ghostis making your clothes fly away. "- this is mohan's flute.- look, there is shyamsunder." "kanhaiya, why did you takeour clothes?" take it from here when you arethrough with your bath. "you leave,we'll take our clothes." i'm not going anywhere. "kanhaiya, give them their clothes." how can they come out of thewater otherwise? "be quiet, aunt."

"shyam, we beg you,please don't trouble us like this." then promise me that you'llnever again bathe unclothed. "we are sorry, shyam. hereafter,we'll do as you say." - we promise you.- yes. then promise to love the childrenof gokul as your own. "- mohan, you are ours.- and ours too." and ours too." return our clothes. "we are going, you can takeyour clothes."

"come, let's go and play." this is the limit. how long canwe tolerate kanhaiya's pranks? but it was all our fault. don't you side with that blackie? - we'll go to mother yashoda.- me too. "- why?- we'll tell her.." to control kanhaiya or theconsequences will be bad. - he maybe her pet.- he broke our pots. - and ran away with the milk.- i don't follow anything.

- speak one at a time. - i'llbrief you about your pet's misdeeds. "grandma, what has he done?did he tease you also?" what will he get by teasing anold woman like me? "- then? - the girls werebathing in the river.." "- he..- he ran away with their clothes." - yes. - we begged and pleadedwith him but he was unmoved. - he fled with our clothes.- but why do you go to him? "when he plays the flute,my feet just stop moving." this is the state of all thegirls of brij.

i'll ask him not toplay the flute. "don't do that, mother yashoda."- no. come here and listen totheir complaints. now you are showing your tantrumsto me also. i won't spare you today. - why did you do all this?- hit me instead of him. "you cripple, don't show yourlove for him." he's my son and i can doanything to him. wait! "tell me, why did you do all this?"

"- mother, what are you doing?- why did you tease them?" "just see, how he's crying." "- mother, don't hit shyamsunder.- mother, don't hit shyamsunder." "- stop it, mother!- will you do it again?" will you kill that poor fellow? he is my child.i can punish him however i want. "you all wanted to leave him alonenow, go!" "whether you go or no,but i'll punish him severely today." "don't cry, my child."

i'll hit my hands. am i so bad? "you are not bad,but why are you so naughty?" everyone mocks you. do you like it? what can i do ifthey don't understand? as if you are the only onewho's intelligent in gokul? all others are fools to comecomplaining to me about you. "mother, all the villagers loveme very much."

and on the pretext of complainingcome here to see me. "yeah, i know how much they loveyou!" didn't you see them crying whenyou were thrashing me? and were pleading with youto spare me. that's fine but i don't like tohear all these complaints. "mother,do you trust your kanhaiya?" yes. then trust me, hereafternobody will come complaining to you." "- really?- yes, mother."

he can achieve the impossible. king kansa has power and soldiers. he can even ruin us. so our good lies in giving him afew of our cows to save our lives. that's a good idea. "nandlal, we feel we must give thecows." - therein lies our good.- why cross swords with the king? not a single cow from gokulwill go to mathura. "kanhaiya, don't say such things.kansa is our king."

king. pardon me but as a king he's onlygiven us troubles. he's always been unjust. we don't want such an unjust king. "krishna, this is rebellion andrebellion is a sin." treachery is a sin. and you are a traitor. traitor! what is our reply for such anunjust king?

revolution! calm down! what we need is peace notrevolution. "villagers, we'll buy peace inexchange of a few cows." "peace! these words soundgood to the ears.." cows are our life. will we bein peace after giving them away? we will not part with our cows.- no. then the king's soldiers willforcibly take away the cows. what did you say?they'll use force?

"brothers, will you listento a traitor.." and allow your cows to betaken away? will you let them take away the onewho has nurtured you? - never. cow is our mother.- cow is our mother! glories to mother cow! "if you want to listen to a child andcross swords with king kansa.." then be prepared for therepercussions. - i'm going. - we won't getscared by your empty threats. "- go, call your king.- go!"

- what is it? - take some butterfor your lord kansa. "kanhaiya, they've taken our cows." come and save them. "kanhaiya, save us." "kanhaiya, kansa's soldiers haveforcibly taken away our cows." how will we live without them? "help them, kanhaiya." "see, they've besieged our cows." "a woman, a motherand a cow.."

"are the epitome of love andsacrifice"." "it's celebration time.. "it's celebration time andnectar is flowing"." "there is an air of happinessin gokul"." "as kanhaiya played the flute.." "the cows of gokul came back"." "play the same music again.." "that makes even my anklets dance"." "keep playing.."

"and i'll keep dancing.fill me with love"." "o cowherdess, give mesome token"." "take this butter, o mohan"." "i am yours and so is mybutter"." "this is as sweet as you"." "you are full of the nectarof love"." "don't make cute excuses,o beautiful damsel!"." "please smile!" "don't deck up and don'tshy away me"."

"offer me a nice drink fromyour beautiful urn"." "lmp, you won't get anythingfrom me"." "if you want the milk, then danceand play the flute for me"." "- is it?- yes." who are you? "i'm krishna, the king of gokul." krishna. have you come here to show meyour witchcraft? "no, i've come to tell you.."

that i am only devki'seighth son. my death! "lord, it is me, your wife." where is he? devki's eighth son is still alivein gokul. - who is he?- he is nand's son krishna. - i saw him in my dream.- how can you believe a dream? this is true but he won'tremain alive for long. i'll go personally to gokulto kill him.

"king, with me, kalia around, youdon't have to take this trouble." i'll go to gokul and will show youmy face only after killing krishna. you all have been incompetent. you will also meet the same fateas your predecessors. "lord, i swear.." this time your deathwon't remain alive. "lord, allow me also to go togokul and burn all of them." "kanhaiya, help!" "kanhaiya,

how did this fire extinguish? the magic of the flute! - you threw the ball in the yamuna.- why are you crying? - how will we play now?- i'll retrieve it. my son! now kalia snake will kill him. "someone, help him." "today i, kalia, won't spare you." i'll go after him.

"mother, kanhaiya drowned inthe river yamuna." - no!- you can't go. "mother, look, there is firein the water." oh god!what will happen now? "- yashoda, nothing will happento our kanhaiya. - let me go." "kanhaiya, spare me." blood! kanhaiya is dead. i'll go and inform king kansa thathis enemy krishna is dead.

"krishna, please pardon me." i came here on kansa's behest. - i seek refuge in you. - i don'tkill someone who seeks refuge. "i spare you,but promise me.." that you'll leave yamuna todayitself to go elsewhere. your wish is my command. "come, sit on my fangs,i'll take you up." kanhaiya is dead! the strains of a flute?

kanhaiya is back! "glories to the king!king, krishna drowned in yamuna." my death is dead! "aney, i appoint you the chiefof gokul." "don't be hasty, king. krishnakilled kalia and is alive." "king, there is celebrationsin gokul." i told you what i saw. shut up! you wanted to become thechief of gokul by deceit.

"soldiers, take him awayand put him in the dungeon." "you manage to escape everyday,but today we won't let you go." but what is it that you want? - we want krishna.- but i am yours. liar! you are only radha'snot ours. - so that's that!- as if radha is everything to you. - don't we mean anything to you?- you are mistaken. "for me, you all are alike." - how we believe you?- i'll play a game.

you all come there and youwill know the truth. - but when?- and where? in the garden on thefull moon night. "she left her chores unfinished." "she left her service to herhusband incomplete"." "she gets drawn to the strainsof the flute"." "she threw the food also"." "she even forgot her dutiesas a mother"." "she was so pre-occupied.."

"she was so pre-occupied,that she even smudged her make-up"." "she wore her anklets in her neck"." "she grew impatient and lefther veil also in a huff"." "all the gopis left!" "all the gopis came bringinglove in their wake"." "and then ghanshyam started hisgame"." "all the gopis are glowing.." "and are awaiting this gloriousmoonlit night"." "i'm swaying to the notesof the flute"."

"every pore of my being isawakened"." "all my feelings are stirred"." "your smile is so benign andcaptivating"." "it's brought with it thefragrance of love"." "your flute stirs our feelings"." "krishna manifested his forms asmany as were the gopis"." "one banwari danced with everygopi"." "mohan ensnared them withhis love"." "each one thought she wasmohan's consort"."

"and they all were bound by lovefor him.." "forgetting all differences"." "and became one in him"." "and the lord.." "played.." "the game of loving devotion.." "with his devotees"." i'll personally go to gokulto meet my death. "calm down, king.we have to resort to trickery."

- how?- with akrur's help. he's a vishnu devotee andnand trusts him implicitly. send him to fetch krishna. then it is our job to finish him. "alright, i'll make plans tosend akrur." "father, who's come in this chariot?" "nand, my friend!is everything fine here?" "- is yashoda also fine?- by god's grace, yes." my kanhaiya is the solaceof gokul.

"- son, greet your uncle.- god bless you!" "nand, i've brought an invitationfrom the king of mathura." - invitation? - king kansa hasorganized a archery yagna. - so he's invited krishna toview it. - krishna? "me? this is a greatnews, uncle." "father, i will go." certainly. we are honoredby this invitation. - when do we have to go?- we have to leave immediately. i'll just go and take mother'spermission.

"mother, i.." "so, you've already toldmother everything?" - yes.- now go from here. "- mother, shall i leave then?- kanhaiya, my dear son!" "why are you crying? don't worry,i'll be fine in mathura." "kanhaiya, i'm a mother but youcan't understand my pain." i understand much attachment is not good. bid me a cheerful farewell. "bless me, mother!"

"mother, smile." "- uncle, come, let's go.- come, son." "krishna, who can understandthe games you play?" "girdhari left for gokul"." "all the distraught gopis.." "stood in the way"." "some held on to his feet tostop him from going." "they were distraught with grief"."

"some held on to the wheelsof the chariot.." "to stop their kanhaiya"." "the gopis were crying"." "life is a living hell for them"." "his friends with whomhe spent his childhood days.." "with whom he ate butter.." "they were crying bitterly"." "their faces are wet with tears"." "they are grief stricken"."

"the lord smiled and.." "and freed them of allattachments"." "and enlightened them"." "he freed them from the grief andjoys of separation and re-union"." "- what are you doing?- if you must go.." then run your chariot over me. "radhe, have you gone mad?" get up! i have become mad.

this is preferable to tormentingmyself to death in your separation. that your chariot runs over meand kills me. what will happen to me if youkill yourself? come! "radhe, your life is mine." your these sweet talkshave ruined me. and now you are leaving me togo to mathura. you think i'll be separated fromyou by going to mathura? you'll be away from my eyes.

don't forget that krishna iswhere radha is. how do i believe that? you are a part of me and iam a part of you. i am in everything and everythingis within me. i am only radha.see. i am only your husband aney. i am a part of every fiber ofyour being. "soldiers, what are you doing?krishna is our guest." he's come to participatein the yagna.

"he can participate in the yagnaonly if.." he defeats my wrestler in a duel. "- i'm ready.- son, you are no match to him." "this is injustice, this is a sin!" "don't worry. in a fight betweenjustice and injustice.." justice always wins. beware! "soldiers, close the door." close the door."

close all doors. all eight doors are closed now. "- caution, kansa!- devki's eighth son krishna!" "i, the eight son of mother devkipassed eight doors.." "killed eight of your warriors,and am here to kill you now." "stop! cowherd, i don't want tobecome a sinner.." by killing you. you've sinned so much so why don'tyou kill me and commit one more sin? "krishna, don't forget thati am god."

don't insult god by callingyourself god. summon your god. "kansa, look here." "i am here.." devki's eight son and your death! "you cowherd, stay there itself.only one of us will survive today." don't move.l'll kill you today. - mother!- my son!

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