
watch resident evil 6 full movie

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

[aircraft whirring] [explosion] [gunfire] [man screaming] [♪♪♪] my name is alice. i worked for the umbrella corporation, the largest and most powerfulcommercial entity in the world. i was head of security at a secret high-tech facility

called the hive, a giant underground laboratory developing experimental, viral weaponry. there was an incident. a virus escaped. a lot of people died. [screams] the trouble was, they didn't stay dead. [screaming] the computer that controlled the hive

was a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence: the red queen. the red queen responded to the threat of the viral outbreak in an extreme way. she went homicidal. you're all going to die here. alice: the red queen attempted to kill everyone... down!

alice: ...whether they were infected or not. i managed to escape, but this was only the beginning. viral outbreaks spread like wildfire, first across the united states, then the world. the t-virus didn't just bring the dead back to life. it mutated them in terrifying ways. despite the apocalypse they had created, the umbrella corporation continued to experiment with the deadly virus.

i was infected. but the virus bonded with me on a cellular level. i developed powers. your genetic structure is the key. alice: i became different. powerful. unstoppable. as i got stronger, the human race became weaker. i tried my best to lead survivors to safety,

but we were pursued relentlessly. even my friend jill valentine was seized and brainwashed by umbrella. shoot to kill. alice: i confronted the head of the umbrella corporation, albert wesker. he robbed me of my powers, but i managed to defeat him. at last, we thought it was over. we thought we had survived the horror.

but we were wrong. once again, we found ourselves fighting for our lives. soldier:go, go, go! [men screaming] [yells] [gasps] [tapping and clattering] todd:rise and shine.

come on, babe. we're late. the alarm didn't go off. becky's not up yet. miss henderson'sgonna be pissed. you know how they get when youdrop her off late at the school. babe?you all right, babe? yeah. i'll go get becky. todd:i charged your batteriesfor you.

[mouthing] becky,you know miss henderson, she wants you to speakwhile you sign. thank you, daddy. when you come back from school,i have a surprise for you. alice:i heard that. these batteriesare lasting less and less. we need to get some new ones. i can pick some upon my way home.

i'm gonna be late again. aw, shit. i'll get you another shirtfrom the bedroom. someone picked upyour dry-cleaning yesterday. you are my little angel,aren't you? you're gonna be late, remember? oh, yeah. ooh. heh. i'll get you that shirt.

get becky back! aah! alice:no! [zombies snarling] no! help! help us! come on. come on! come on. go. [snarling stops]

[growling] [banging on door] [zombie grunting] go! [tires screeching] [siren wailing] back! wait! stay back!

what is wrong with you? [snarling] come on, get in. what's going on? your guess is as good as mine. why are these peopledoing this? those things are not people.not any-- [horn honks] [car alarm wailing]

are you hurt? oh. can you move? okay. [alice grunting] oh, shit! mommy. mommy, come on. [roaring and hissing] [clattering]

[mouths]i love you. [grunting] [panting] [gasping] jill:project alice, why did you turn againstumbrella? jill? is that you? project alice,

what happened to chrisand claire? where are the othersfrom the ship? [high-pitched soundplays over pa] [groaning] [sound stops] [window opens] project alice,who do you work for? [grunts] who do you work for?

jill, why are you doing this? computerized voice: warning. warning. unauthorized computer access. security system disabled. central computer reboot in two minutes. [alarm blaring] central computer reboot in one minute, 50 seconds. central computer reboot in one minute 40 seconds.

central computer reboot in 30 seconds. central computer reboot in 20 seconds. central computer reboot in 10 seconds. central computer rebooting. scramble all security teams. and sweep the corridorwith the laser grid. [pants] computerized voice: stand by. stand by.

tokyo sequence initialized. [thunder rumbling] [speaking in japanese] [crowd clamoring] [all snarling] [gun clicks] [both grunting] [neck snaps] [mechanical hum]

welcome to umbrella central control. [whirring] don't. my name is-- ada wong. operative for the umbrellacorporation, one of albert wesker'stop agents. i know exactlywho and what you are. now, the real question is:

why don't i just cancelyour contract right now? i don't work for umbrellaanymore, and neither does albert wesker. i don't care. you can kill her if you like, but then you'll never get out of this place. wesker. now, be a good girl. put down the knife.

oh, and alice, how nice to see you again. man 1:how did she get out? jill:she's obviously getting help. we have a traitorin this facility. man 2:security systems were shutdown for two minutes. what about control? woman:we still can't raise them. [guards grunting]

ada:i executed everyonein this control room. i enabled weskerto hack the mainframe. we shut downthe security systems. we let you out of that cell. wesker: we have to get you out of this facility. so why do you want to help me? we need you. the human race faces extinction. our only hope of survival is for us to work together.

i'm not going anywhereuntil i know where we are and what the hellis going on here. you're in the prime umbrella testing facility. explain tokyo. what you saw was just a detailed re-creation, nothing more. it goes on for a few city blocks. that's all. i was outside.

were you?saw the sky, did you? it was night. stars? the moon? the testing floor is 300 feet high, the ceiling black. it's usually night in there. but isn't that when the monsters come out anyway? it was raining. climate control. wind, rain.

they can even make it snow if they want to. why build such a place? simple. the umbrella corporation derived its primary income from the sale of viral weaponry, something that's impossible to test in the real world. they re-created the center of new york, simulated an outbreak, showed it to the russians, and sold them the virus.

they simulated an outbreak in moscow, sold it to the americans. an outbreak in tokyo. sold it to the chinese. an outbreak in china. sold it to the japanese. exactly. everyone had to have it. the umbrella corporation built a new arms race. only, this time,

it was biological rather than nuclear. highly profitable. and this is where it all happened. this is umbrella's greatest creation. the belly of the beast. so why don't wejust get the hell out of here? stop. sunup is in lessthan a minute. why don't youjust see for yourself?

this facility is located in the straits of kamchatka, northern russia. the old soviet union built submarine pens here in the '80s. after the cold war ended, the umbrella corporation expanded them, and built the testing floor. no one has ever escaped from this facility. ice. you'll need all the help you can get,

so i've arranged for a strike team to enter from the surface and assist you. leon:there they are. intake ventsfor the umbrella facility. barry:looks abandoned. leon:that's whatthey want you to think. let's move.we have just two hours to extract alice and ada. after that, we can expect heavy umbrella reinforcements.

running a bypass. these arethe codes from ada. do you trust her? just enter the numbers. barry:the charges are set. sergei:we're in. let's go do this. they're in. the strike team has secured an elevator

for your escape to the surface. they will eliminateumbrella resistance, then rendezvouswith us, and escort us out. they have a friendof yours with them. luther west. he's alive? barry:all right. hold on, ladies. [clunking]

leon:synchronize watches.two hours exactly in three, two, one, mark. [beeping] luther:leon, why don't we just triggerthe explosives remotely? can't risk them jammingthe signal. and whether we succeed or not, this facility has to bedestroyed. what if we takelonger than two hours?

then i hope you're really goodat holding your breath. security chief valentine has reached the tokyo test environment. she's tracking you. they're headedthis way. her orders are to recapture you, if possible, terminate you if necessary. who's giving these orders? the red queen.

the computer? yes. the same artificial intelligence you encountered in the hive. she now controls what remains of the umbrella corporation. she will stop at nothing to prevent you escaping to the surface. i've plotted an escape route for you. you'll cross the new york environment to suburbia

where you'll rendezvous with the strike team. they'll escort youthrough the moscow environment, to the submarine pens. and take the elevator back to the surface. the red queen has intercepted my signal. [in distorted voice] she's about to regain control of this facility. you must hurry. i can't-- don't listen to the traitor wesker. i am in control now.

project alice, ada wong, stay where you are. let's move. project alice, you're all going to die down here. i've heard that before. captain:defensive formation. mark your targets. fire at will.

submarine pens are up ahead. barry, you and i take point. we rendezvous with alice and adain 30 minutes. [gunshots] [gunshot] clear. [whistles] now, that's some hardware. typhoon class.

the biggest nuclear substhe soviets ever built. umbrella used them to secretlytransport bioweapons all over the globe. leon:let's pick up the pace.we have less than 90 minutes. intruders detected. targeted for termination. new york. we need to cross two moretest environments to escape. alice:why would umbrella continueto run these tests?

ada:they want to studythe biohazard, learn how to control it. initialize new york sequence. activate biohazard. computerized voice: stand by. stand by. new york sequence initialized. the red queen.she's activating bioweapons to stop us. let's go. wait.

you hear that? [metal scraping] you know what it is? i have an idea. oh, you have gotto be kidding me. hey, boys. bad idea. [car alarms wailing] ada:let's move.

we're behind schedule. alice:what's going on? it's the endof the sequence. they rarely lastmore than an hour. ada:before the red queenactivates something else. targets survived. security chief valentine to intercept. intruders entering moscow test environment. activate las plagas undead.

luther:what's going on? leon:the red queen knows we're here.keep your eyes open. moscow sequence initialized. what? listen. right there. what the hell are those things? fall back. fall back. clouds.

they're not real. it's a holographicprojection. when they were runninga simulation, trust me,no one was looking at the sky. this is therendezvous point. the strike team is late. where are they? there's movementin the house behind you. upstairs window.

why would theybe in here? [sighs] they're using clones of me. ada:of course. you were oneof the 50 basic models. [scoffs] "basic models." how do you think umbrellapopulates these test scenarios? hundreds of people deadeach time

they run a simulation. umbrella imprints themwith basic memories, just enough to ensurea correct emotional response to the threat of the biohazard. in one life, she could bea suburban housewife. the next, a businesswomanin new york. the next,a soldier working for umbrella. [creaking] becky:mommy.

i hid like you told me. what happened to your clothesand your hair? rpg! down! we're running out of time! you have to find usa way out now! almost there! none of this is real. it is to her. i know.

that's the point. all these feelingsshe has for you, they were imprinted. a day ago,she was a blank slate. i could show you a dozenjust like her in cold storage. i'm sorry, but it's true. becky:ready. i was fast, wasn't i? yes, you were.

daddy? he's not your father. capture if possible. terminate if necessary. there's a child here. your problem, not ours. all haven't changed a bit. i don't know you, lady. one:now,

surrender or die. stay down! advance in teams! yes, ma'am! you can't stay here! this will show you the way out. go through moscowto the submarine pens. take this. the less i have with me,the better.

alpha team forward! they're coming. hurry. i've got it! this way! woman:hey. becky:wait. she helped us. remember? you two made it! thought i was the only onethat survived. what is this place,

and why is everythingin russian? and what's withthe s & m getup? you know howto use this? i campaignedfor gun control. no, i don't think youunderstand. i marched against the nra. concentrate. it's just like a camera. point and shoot.'re officially a badass. what the hell'sgoing on here? i'll explain when i get back. you have to keep her safe. you stay with her. you're going? you said you wouldn't leave. trust me, okay?what i say is true. i'll come back for you.

you promise? trust me. [gunfire in distance] i love you. she'll be backfor you. gotta find a hiding place. i met your sister. she's not very nice. let's try hidingdown here.

sergei:this way. let's move! we can work our way-- [sergei screaming] [roaring] waiting for a writteninvitation? sweet ride. well, this is moscow. heard gunfire. thought youmight need some help.

where's ada? i don't think she made it.i'm sorry. you saw her die? no. she always has a plan. boys, you mind? shall we? my pleasure. let me know when you planon doing that again.

heads up. our little friend is back! oh, shit. almost there. luther: no. wait. you're notgoing down there! everyone okay? [all panting] all right, let's go.

alice:hello? you can come out. i'm back. where'd you find these guys? who's this? i'm becky. hi, becky. this is my mom. your mom? ah. mm.

long story. twenty-two minutes left. there's no going backthe way we came. we lost our mapwith sergei. i'm on it. we can take this tunnel. there's a service shaft that leads downto the submarine pens. let's go.

alice:how'd you end upworking for wesker? leon:i don't work for him, but things on the surfacehave changed. wesker said you knewof some weapon, something that couldturn the tide for us. but i don't think i would have riskedso much for one person. you're probably right. this way.

the submarine pensare up above us. come on. move. leon:the elevator platformsare up ahead. eleven minutes.we're gonna be okay. hold on. leon:eleven minutes.we're gonna be okay. luther: hold on. accessing power grid. dispatching biohazard.

luther:everybody get onboard. barry:hold on. next stop, menswear and sporting goods. move down! barry, what is it? i don't know. where are you going? somebody must'vecut the power remotely. be strong.

i'm gonna keep you safe. can you get it online? luther:not withoutthe access codes. nine minutes. looks like we're goingwith plan b. there's a reasonwe planted those explosives. [squishing] [roars] becky:mommy! aah! mommy!

i feel like shit. luther:she's dead. what are you doing? she's alive. i'm going to get her. i didn't lose friendsso you could walk away. i plan on coming back. don't do this. you're more importantthan she is.

that's where you're wrong. this is a mistake. get out of my way. don't leave without me,okay? are you kidding me?i'm going with you. don't move. don't move. it's okay. go get her back. [gunfire continues] you like that? huh?

[groans] move up! fall back to the elevator! you go! i'm gonna stay a while. barry. when the countdowngets down to zero, you have to beon that elevator! someone's got to stay here.

besides... ...i'm kind of enjoying myself! go. go! come on! oh, becky. becky. [uber-licker growling] bring out the prisoner! cease your firing. or i'll execute her.

one:now, throw down your guns,and step out. step out, or she dies! [alice gasps] mommy, who are they? who are they? mommy, is that you? [device beeping] you're my mommy, aren't you? i am now.

[beeps] move! [carlos screaming] leon:choppers are on their way, so just sit back and relax. [crash] what the hell is that? becky, are you hurt? no. i'm okay.

told you she'd have a plan. only the two of you? it'll be enough. the las plagas parasite. [parasite chittering] [coughs] aah! [gasps and grunts] terminate project alice.

[chittering] [heartbeat slowing down] [groans then gasping] alice! you can't kill me. i don't need to. i'm coming for you! good luck with that. leon.

what is it? it's help. glad to have you back. [chuckles] man:i don't care. [explosions in distance] [chattering] i see you've made yourselfat home. well, i must say,

it does have a certain easeto it. [gasping and yelling] what is this?what have you done to me? you were the only one to successfully bondwith the t-virus, to fully realize her powers. well, now i have need of you. the old you. so i've given you backyour gift.

you are the weapon. i'm gonna kill you. perhaps. but first, you have work to do. the red queen is determinedto destroy all life on earth. this is the last that remainof us, of the human race. it seems we're bondedagainst a common foe. this is why we needed you back.the ultimate weapon. this is humanity'slast stand.

the beginning of the end. man:close the gap! close the gap!keep that perimeter closed! [creatures screeching] [bassnectar's (feat.chino moreno) "hexes" playing] ♪ you surprised me with a kiss ♪ ♪ underneath the crashing waves ♪ ♪ you advised me with your tears ♪ ♪ then release your hexes ♪ ♪ right back where you began ♪

♪ torn apart from the inside ♪ ♪ race back into your skin ♪ ♪ by the crawl you bring ♪ ♪ you invite me to your face ♪ ♪ in between the acid rains ♪ ♪ hypnotize me with your kiss ♪ ♪ by the crawl ♪

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