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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

♪ hip hop music ♪ ♪ ♪ angel. angel? now how you gonna getdown from there, huh? fly. i just did them. you're crazy.[laughing] [glass breaking]

oh! let's go. jose! here you go. you know he's just gonnathrow it back up there. well then i'll just have toclimb back up and get it. do you not know thati am wearing heels? well, that's your problem. yo, wassup? woo!

[clapping] tosh, what's up? ladies and gentleman, may ipresent the one, the only, miss magnificentfabulicious angel! [cheering] [giggling] looking good, baby girl. [laughs]

i even like thisnew look you got. can i have thatback, please? oh, angel. oh, come on,no love to spare? mm? what happened with us, huh? you're not supposedto be here. well you didn't seem to mindwhen i was sneaking you in at 16, now did you?

remember that, miss fly girl? all this is cuz of me. hector, it's over. no, it's over when i say. you think i'm stupid? you want me to be out soyou can be all up on baboo. and all his boys. [scoffs] hey, hey, hey!where you going?

we ain't done yet. hey, listen to me. come on.-oh, uh uh. good bye, hector. god! whos-like i don't even- he's crazy. he's completelylost his mind. i know. like "oh i'm hector,"like i'm- ugh! it's ok.

you ready? ok, give me your hat. give it to me. and your jacket. does look betteron me anyways. adorable. ok. you ready now? [sigh] yeah, let's go out the back.

ok. [screaming] you trying tomake a fool of me? [screams] at my place. rosie! angel, why'd shelook like you? ahh! ooh!

damnit. rosie, rosie! get away from her. rosie, just sit down.are you ok? i said get away from her! ugh! i didn't do this,you hear me? i didn't do this. [coughing]

rosie? [sirens] [whimpers] rosie. [whispered]angel... [rhythmic beeping] mom, is that you? thanks mama. yeah, we just can't stay here.

no, they haven't found him. they said he ran. they called the police,but it was too late. he was already gone. thanks, mama. we'll see you inla on tuesday. [wincing] ow ow. come on,'re gonna love la.

grandma is gonna beso happy to see you. just think about it, baby. you're gonna makenew friends. you're gonna havea fresh start. it's gonna be great. mom! [sobbing] baby? baby. it's ok. it's ok.

you used to dothat in the back. well, i'm legal now. mm. don't you put thatin my impatiens. i wasn't going to, mama. angela! angela? you gotta getout of bed, baby. this isn't healthy.

ugh. shut up. today's the day. let's do it! outta bed. outta bed.outta bed. outta bed. outta bed. leave me alone. was that the 12? 12a?

so... if ptolemy was--sorry. the firstto outline the structure of the idealogy, thenthose who inherit it would have been the- [clears throat] class began 11 minutes ago. [phone ringing] josh, hi.

how are you? [laughing] how's the crew?how's everything? yeah, i missbrooklyn sooo much. la...? i mean it's fine if youlike constant traffic. yeah, i'm living withmy grandma and my mom. i have no privacy. nah, not too many friends.

but i've almost gotenough money to get back. i miss rosie too. look, i gotta getto my next class. no, no, i'm fine. it's cool. i'll talk to you soon, ok? alright, bye. [sighs] angel, you're crazy.

you are, rosie. no, come on. whatever,i think it would- through windows and walls andhighways and halls i move. like lightening alive i move. the body beats bright,no thoughts no fight. i just move. where did yousteal this from? from my head.

yeah right. you probably stolethis from oprah? no, i wrote it. well then why am i stilldoing your homework? because it's gotto sound the same. you owe me big. k, i think this is themagic number for tonight. yeah. if you wannago by yourself. you know what, maybewe shouldn't go.

hector's not gonna be there. after what he pulled,they're not gonna let him in. oh yeah, like that'sreally gonna stop hector. [knocking] knock, knock. hey, mom. hey girlfriends. hey, mrs. santiago. ugh, if you call methat one more time,

i'm gonna hve to slap you. i mean gabby. um, rosie let's get finishedgetting ready at your house. oh, alright. love you, love you,love you. love you. have fun. k, bye mrs. santiago. bye, have fun.

i will not wait up for you. she's not happy. thanks for the clue. don't you give me no lip. you're in my home,aren't you? yeah, well all she wantsto do now is go back. go back? yeah. i made her a deal. we made a lot ofdeals back then.

i told her if she made $2,000,i'd give her another 2 grand and she could go back. to brooklyn? isn't that where he is? well, they said he went tomexico, but i don't know. gabriela, you can'tjust let her go back. she needs discipline. oh yeah, like howthat helped me? you left.

you took my granddaughterand you left. you left me all alone. i'm sorry, mama. was it hard? what do you think? gabriela, you better thinkabout what you're doing. you still have achance with her. what time is it? [unison]showtime.

alright, ya'll we've got3 rules for this show. [unison]3 rules! rule number 1. number 1. if you seesomething you like, [unison]you clap. and rule number 2. number 2. if you see somethingyou don't like,

[unison]you still clap. and rule number 3. number 3. [unison]the most important rule. if you see somethingthat you can't do, [unison]pay us. [unison]go time. [applause] yeah, that was great.

oh wow. hey, wait, wait, wait. [unison]give us more money! thank you so much. [winces]-sorry. deep breath. [inhales and exhales] good. do you have any numbnessin your arms or legs?

no. good. can you turn.face me please. arms straight out. straight out to the side. ok. push. is there any burning?pain? just a little when i stretchit or put weight on it. ok. that's normal. that'll dissipate as yourshoulder gets stronger.

but... it may nevergo away completely. alright, it's looking good. your nerve damage is minimal. you're healing at avery standard rate. yeah, i heard musclescan heal really fast. yes. and the cells at theneuromuscular junction are powered bypotassium channels. which means...

um... a banana a day keepsthe doctor away. ok? you were a dancer? is that what it says? you're very, very lucky. you know, it's likelythat the muscles you had in yourback from dancing stopped the knife. kept you from damagingyour spinal cord.

mrs. santiago? oh, gabby, please. gabby. k, i'll see you at home. your daughter's makingvery good progress. she should keep upthe strength exercises, but other than that there'sno reason why she can't resume her normal life. but it's so soon.

won't she get hurt? we'll neverknow 'til she tries. right? ok, uh...-thank you very much. of course. take care. you too. ladies and gentlemen. may i present the one.the only, miss angel

ow. forget it. there's no food inthis house. well, what happened tothe 40 bucks i gave you? i put it in the pot. angela, that wassupposed to be for food. who says i need to eat? well what about school? did you talk to them abouttransferring your credits?

why bother? i'm not gonnabe there next semester. oh, you thinkyou're going back? watch me. where you going? i have work. well, i don't likeyou all out all night. i don't care. you two are like children. mom, i can't thinkwith you around.

this is my house. thompson rental car,this is angela. how can i help you? uh, she won't be inuntil the morning. [beeping] [gasps] what are you doing? what happened?did something happen? angela, stop.

angela, stop, stop! you're being crazy. crazy? you're crazy. how could you be so stupid? what, you thinkthis would help? look at this's a hell hole. i'm not letting you go. give it.

give it to me! no, he's back there. he's not.he's not back there. no, i'm not letting you go. move! oh, i'm sorry, baby. are you ok? don't touch me. shit.

you're brave, girl. oh, i can do this. ah. you fly like an angel. how'd you know that? wait, what? your name is angel. no, it's angela. nah.

i think it's angel. yeah, it's angel. carlos. so, angel, you russian? no.-armenian? chinese? 'cuz i figure, you know, ifyou're an angel that speaks english, you could read thesign that says park closed after school hours. i didn't even see that.

i'm sorry. relax, relax. i'm just playing with you. you look like a cool person. it's just that we havea lot of kids out here, and we gotta make surewe keep an eye on them. what, are you asecurity guard? woah woah. i'm a teacher.

thank you very much. had a lot of afterschool knuckle heads i was dealing with. sorry. it's alright. i forgive you just this once. angela. here, take this. it's a group at church.

a therapy group. i don't need that. no, you don't. but maybe it would be nice. can i help you? um, yeah, i'mlooking for um... [muffled music] i'm wondering about the... what is that?

oh, that's faith. you just go out anddown the stairs, honey. thanks. oh, excuse me. uh, yeah. i'm fine, i'm sorry. just before you go,please be careful. there are a lot ofolder folks here and you just may hurtsomeone. mmhmm.

oh. thank you. [organ music] i'm gonna go for communion. you wanna come? i already ate. right. a power barthree hours ago. what are you afraid the body ofchrist is gonna make you fat? well you don't believeit. why should i?

that's not true.i believe. i believe there'sa higher power- ok, nevermind. listen, you believewhatever you want, but you respectthe house of god. now come on.we're leaving. move. body of christ. [indistinct talking] ah crescencia,call the vatican.

this stuff is from the diablo. they're just jealous. oh, but jealousy is a sin. everything is. padre rivera, have youhad the pleasure of meeting gabriela, my daughter? gabby, you must be veryhappy here with crescencia. um, and this is mygranddaughter, angela. doesn't she look nice?

didn't you come byfaith the other day? what's that? it's just a groupat the church. this is incredible. uh, excuse me. may i please have one? [all asking angela for more] i don't know whatkind of cheese it is. nothing.

the cheese goes withthe olives, i know. she barely knowshow to serve people. oh no, i forgot thehappy homemaker lessons. gabriela, i'm just saying- -what were you saying to her? what is that thingat the church? she doesn't needyour help, mama. fine. i'm just gonna go takecare of my guests.

you're dragging. what are you doing here? what am i- whatare you doing here? in your 6 step. you're dragging your butt. when you hit the bottom. look, do it again. see, there. see, right there.

you gotta push with your arms. your weight goes on your arms. come on. keep going. keep going. use your arms. use your shoulders, angel. come on. ahh. what's wrong? what,did you tweak it?

no. no. i just- it's nothing. come on, let's ice it. hey, you know i'msorry i pushed. no, no, i needed to. i can't be dragginglike that on my 6 step. i got hurt. back in brooklyn.

i hurt my shoulder. that's why i'mso out of shape. hey, check this out. skateboard. yeah, you likethat, you like that. flew 7 feet away. crazy babysitter clawed me. wow, ok. slammed in a cardoor in virginia.

got one for you. first time i did a head spin,i spun out of control into a chair. nice. alright, uh... reconstructive surgery. check that out. yeah. flew off my bike. got 12 stitches.

[laughing]-um... umbilical cord. that doesn't count. ok, alright. i can't eat hard taco shellsbecause when i was 9, i choked and, uh, someone had togive me the heimlich. well once in new york i gotstepped on by an nypd horse. yeah. can't stand them. i freak out at spiders.

elevated trains. breast cancer. my mom. my dad. took off when i was 2. when i was 16... a friend of minewas shot by another kid in our grade. i should go.

thanks for this. anytime. this was supposedto be yesterday. it happened after midnight. i know it was after midnight. so i count it as today. do you want to say something? do you want meto say something? like what?

for rosie. [thwack] what was that? i'm askin' the same question. who are you? i'm righteous andthis is my floor. shit. this gonnabe on, it's on. get it over with so youcan have your floor back. woah, woah.righteous back off.

alright now angel, you need- -this isn't yours, carlos. wait, you're angel? yeah. you come from around here? no, brooklyn. yeah, i heard about you. a while back. there's a practice atkings on wednesday.

you should be der. trece, tell herwhere it's at. i'll see you der. oh yeah, yeah. angel, what's up? gotta bump. oh good. welcome to kings. come meet the boys.

alright ya'll listen up. this is angel. she's in from brooklyn. she's gonna be inla from now on. that's my cousin junior. hey, whatsup? rico. you mean rico suave. that would be tejon.

we call him t. and that's silas.-hi your boy trece. ya'll say what's up. [all talking]what's going on?-sup girl? oh, and you remember carlos. carlos used to break. you heard of b boycharlie rock, right? ah, the glory days, huh?

he's the emcee now. he teaches theboys a thing or 2. why don't you um tell herwhy you don't break no more. old man's knees. alright, angel. see these boys. they're all bonnie. i know you heard ofstep in the cipher, right? 5,000 to the crewthat wins it.

yo that thing isblowing up right now. and it's 6 on 6. so we've got 1 2 3 4 5. 6. yo righteous, whatyou talking about? we ain't talking about nogirls getting in the crew. yo, i got this. let me finish.

finish then--back up. i know you all thesickest b-boys. i know that. but if ya'll wanna take thecipher, ya'll gotta step it up. ya'll need something fresh.something new. you want the props, right? the money. i knowyou want the ladies. yeah.-right? alright, we allgotta step it up. and i've seen angel break.

and damn she got power. she got moves. she got some secret eastcoast shit that ya'll need. for real. so all i'm sayin'is, try it out. if it work, it work. if it don't, it don't. alright, let's give it a shot. secret east coast.

i think she's beautiful. this is not gonna work. look, just do you. and don't makeno fool outta me. now get in there. talk to your cousin. just turn on the music.let's dance. foot work. the basics.

where it all started. now it's simple, but to nail it,it's gotta be clean. it's where the dopestmoves come from. 5, 6, 7. woah, woah. you are so off, bro. [all talking] don't count. what happened?

did you get lost? no, it's the bus. the bus? so what are youguys working on? there's a couplenew commandos, actually and... -and it's a bit outof your league. i haven't even seen it yet. check this out.

go over there, and we'llcheck you out in a bit. what do you meancheck me out? i can do this. what are you gonna do?break dance? no, i don't break dance. oh, so what you thinkyou're a b-girl now? think you got what ittakes to be a b-girl? yo rico, educate her. a b-boy or b-girl dancesto the break of a record.

it's more than's a lifestyle. it's culture,it's foundation. trece. freeze. b-boy, b-girl. think you got all that? fine, you know what? you guys seem to have itall figured out. right? -holla.-count me out of this.

whatever. don't miss the bus. damn man, you were alittle hard on her. whatchu mean?she's late bro. yeah, but we need her. -who needs her? we got a battle to win. she's late. hey.

come on, don't make abrother run to catch up. -what?-what are you doing? back in new york i'dbattle anyone who stepped to me like that. i can't believe you just--then why are you out here? what are we gonna do now?we need 6 people. yo, we're wastinga lot of time. let's just focus. let's just finishthe routine.

woah, watch out, dude. wanna check me out? take this corner. oh shit. woo. woah. woo. nice. she's funky. alright, that was fun.

very nice. b-boy push ups, ya'llknow what to do. come on. let's go. [all moaning] don't break a finger nail. ya'll doing realgood over there. mmhmm. b-boy pushups,come on let's go. 1 and 2... angel, let's go baby.

push it up. push it up. ya'll looking good.ya'll looking real good. silas, come on man, you cando better that. i don't even understand. i don't even know how we'regonna win this battle. come on now. there it is. so how'd you get your name.

it's 'cuz i'm lucky. or at least i'mtryin' to be. what? ok, watch this. she's good. yeah, for real. i don't know, man. no, she's something. a lot more than nothingwe had last year.

yeah, dog, dyin' in public isnot my idea of a good time. we can use her. it wasn't that bad, bro. bad judging. i don't know, but her andmighty mouse over there, i think it'll be something noone's ever seen before. a kangaroo's butt is somethingi've never seen before. it's not gonna winno battles, foo. what?yo, you talking-

you a crazy man,you know that right? very sick. you got cross wiring inthe brain, or something. yeah, you a little [whistles] -what happened?-you need help. you know you like nationalgeographic, homie. she not letting down. try to keep upwith me, come on. wooo.

what is this? remember what i saidabout foot work? to nail the basics,it's gotta be clean. it's a 6 count. you know how to salsa? i grew up on grahamavenue, i better. alright. so how do youknow how to salsa? a black dude named carlos...

you never wantedto ask before. well i didn'twant to be rude. rude, that's a good one.come on. there you go. yeah, my dad isblack and cuban. like sammy sosa. my mom raised me on this. yeah, my mom didn'treally raise me. she had 2 jobs.

was really busy. then she got sick. yeah, you said. yeah, there's moreto that story. woah, woah, what happened? why are you looking atme like that? it was you. -trying to trip me like that. foot work, baby, foot work. come on, here we ready?

5 6 7 8 oh. woah, we dancingin the dark today? yo, what is this? no electricity? yo, hey. want some chipswith that salsa? yo dog, you knowtechnically i saw her first. no way, i wascloser to the door. chill with the hair, bro.

what you doing? right. right. alright, come on,let's get to work. what you looking at dog? what's going on? get to work. i like them shoes,righteous girl. i got better ones than that.look at these. they cute.

oh, you know what,i forgot something. ya'll grab me a taco. i'll be right back.alright. this some studentteacher shit? you hitting that? woah, woah, man. you gotta let all that go. does she know? [thud]stay away from me fool.

punk. what are you doinghome so early? i got fired. like that's gonna help. angela, i am an adult. i can have a drinkif i want one. is there anything i can do? no, i don't think so, baby. but things might betight for awhile so

i can't give youthat 2 grand. i'm still payingthe hospital bills! that's bullshit. you owe me that. no! that is where you're wrong. i saw you with a bunch ofpeople like those people the deal was 2 grand and you would never go back!

it was just dancing. oh was that allrosie was doing? don't even try to act likethis is not a big deal. [all yelling] you're a liar. i don't care howgood you are now. [yelling] ok, ok. [panting]

[thud]damnit! this is bullshit, man. quiet. no one knows better thanme how to keep their kids out of that life.-ok. calm down. i lived through, not them. -calm down! what, you want them to thankyou for not telling them that you were in a gang?

well, that's not gonna happen. i wasn't in a gang. well, it's a fineline, carlos. you know what, fine,i don't need this. flipping burgers isbetter than this, man. don't! you didn't go toprison for a reason. because you're better. better than what those peoplesee when they look at you.

this is hard, man. yes, yes it is. you took the stand for me. [laughs]yeah. do you ever regret it? sure, sometimes. really?, no. now are you readyto go back in?

alright.-hey... how did they find out? you can't hidethat from people. it made you who you are. that was terrible, dude. are you carlos? well that depends,do i know you? not as well as i know you. i'm gonna catchya'll in a minute.

um, is there anything ican help you with, ma'am? i'm angela's mother. oh, well she should beback here in a sec- no, i came here to see you. well, what did she tellyou about me? there it is. you're justlike him, you snake. wh- ma'am i don't know whatyou're talking about- does she know?! are you lying to my daughter?

don't you lie to my daughter. you stay away from her,you killer, you stay away. mom, what are you doing? carlos what's going on?-he's lying to you. i didn't want you tofind out like this. who told you?-everybody knows but her. yeah, well i guessthat's done. what's done, carlos? in '95 there was a drive byshooting and a kid was killed.

angel--and he was driving. what, the kidfrom your grade? look, i didn't know whathe was gonna do, ok? yeah, i was driving- you think you couldjust hide it? father rivera said, you know,that if i work every day- -it would just go away? there would be a reason i wasn'tin jail or on the other end. why are you evenlistening to him?

he's just like hector! no, he's not. it's's cool, it's cool. you're right. the past is allthat matters anyway. come on, baby,let's just go home. -why did you do this? don't you get it baby- whydon't you listen to me? it's like you want it-

-stop it. why are you like this? [sobs] for you. everything i do is foryou, angela, but... are you drunk? shut up.[slap] oh! [winces in pain] rosie![screams]

[whispering]angel... [sirens blaring] not hungry? where's my mom? she had a meeting. why are you so late? i just- i was-i got busy. come come. this will helpthese dark circles.

you work all night. you don't sleep. -you don't sleep. i have a big long sleep waitingfor me just around the corner. why invite it? it was for work. so you can goback to new york? you wanna leave us so bad? hmm?

you two. you throw knives ateach other all day long. you're hurting her. close them. we santiago womenare strong. and beautiful. now wash. and some have compared thecyclops to a war-like and militant-well...

look who's here. class is almost over. no, you're not. you're beingdisrespectful to myself. your fellow students,and our material. you are continually late. you haven't donethe reading. i did the reading. you did?

-yes. then perhaps you'd be so kindas to open our discussion. how would you interpret thecentral struggle of ulysses? a parallel of each individualstruggle for self in a directionless oceanof uncertainty? or, simply the story ofa man who refuses to stop and ask for directions? well, i don't-what is an odyssey? it's a journey.

it's a... big longpointless voyage. ulysses didn't askfor an odyssey. he was justtrying to get home. you know, home where there'salways milk and honey, and it's quiet andsafe and warm. but it's the gettingthere that's the problem. there's no road signs home. no thomas guide saying youare here, home is there. 'cuz when you're out on thestormy seas and you're fighting

sirens and harpiesand a crew full of pigs, home's so far awayit's a fantasy. and even if you get there, you're stillgonna have to fight. for your people. for your kingdom. i mean the woman that you love,she doesn't even know you. so, there's never going tobe no milk and honey. just be happy withyour pizza and beer.

so, how's your mom? she's fine. you weren't atpractice today. right.sorry, i had work. for what? i need a plane ticket. this is it, huh? you running? poor little angel.

run, run, run. well tell me something, when were you gonnalet us know, huh? the day of the battles? well, like you're a saint? what, you think icouldn't handle it? you jump at shadows, angel. they need you,don't you get it? you're 6.

they can't do nothing as 5. trece will take your solo. as it turns out you werewasting floor space. rosa maria ibanez. oh, i didn't tellyou about her. she's the one the who didn'tmake it out of that alley. k, give me your hat. why'd she look like you? rosie, no?

she just kept callin' to me. and callin' to me, and callin'to me, and i couldn't- alright, well whatcould you do? i couldn't' do anything. [crying] i put her out there.don't you understand that? i put her out there. hector just didthe dirty work. i get it.

she's gone. and you got 2 good knees,and a scar heeling on your back pretty good. you don't think i know how one mistake cantrap you forever? shit happens. but you're wearing itall like camouflage. she's not your excuse andshe wouldn't want to be. i feel like i'm alwaysexplaining the world to you.

i'm done. now, this is all on you. there's a prayer atcipher every year, and i was gonnagive it to you. what, and now you're not? now, i am. step up, angel. alright, alright, alright. let's get this thingstarted, people.

the cipher is about to begin. we got crews fromall over the world. let me just say, nothing is overuntil that last b-boy spins. alright, now, here'sone of our judges. needs no introduction. ya'll please giveit up for poe one. what's up, ya'll? you guys ready? you guys ready to battle?

check it out. this is step intothe cipher, ya'll. hello? so, before we startthe battle, i like to start this battle with a prayer. you know what i'm saying? so i need, uh, ineed angel up here. where's angel at? scared?

[deep breath] on the inside of myrib cage is a rage that speaks thelanguage of the beat. it says to me be,girl, just be. just be a b-girl. i used to be a b-girl. improve with practice. actually i was a natural,can you catch my drift? lifting my 6 step sweeps.

windmills. drills. drills. drills. i was that b-gril turningheads with my head tracks. battling whole crews. black and blue 'tilthey look hurt just looking atmy foot work. skill, yes. but i was just being that b-girlwhose whole world is a circle.

oohs and ahhs. claps and snaps andclaps and applause. i was just being that b-girlbecause in a circle, in a crew, this is who i was andthis was all i knew. i was that b-girl thatmade it look easy. i was that b-girlbecause it was easy. until easy got hard. and even cece's trip me up likeair flares and i just fall.

and muscles tear andfalling hurts harder. bartering bruise forbruise on top of bruise, on top of bruise. no break throughs.just bad news. and everything i knew,everything i knew just flew. like it was rippedout from under you. see, i knew howto be that b-girl. now, i'm learningto just be. me.

they say the heart speaksthe language of the beat. it says to me,b-girl just be. girl just be. your whole worldis the whole world. no circle, no applause. be that b-girl because. because the word, thelight, the beat, the fight. they're all inthe house tonight. so dj, turn up thatneedle and make it spin.

and let the battles begin. hi, um... hi. gabby santiago. yeah, you're on the list. yo, yo. alright, alright. we are here at the finals. the moment we've allbeen waiting for.

we got the reigning kings oflast year, circle assassins versus the flavor kings. you know what i'm saying. yo, dj quix, hit itwith the ones and twos. yeah, let's get this started. yeah! uh! give it up, ya'll. you can't do it, youbetter show love. if you can't do it,you better show love.

that's alright,that's alright. come on, trece. oh, trece fromthe flavor kings. baby, give it to him. [crowd]oh! oh, i know you digging itbaby, i know you digging it. come on, junior. watch the footwork. so clean, so mean.

holla back. oh, stop it. oh, cut it out. i'm here to talkabout your mama, boy. take that, take that,take that. haha, yeah. let's go, silas. watch the footwork, baby. you got got nothing.

they mean business. t. uh! it ain't over. do it, baby. take that with you. ahaha! into the headspin, oh! oh my god!

ohhh. go 'head rico. where you at? back it up. back up, back up. no touching. i said, no fighting. back up, son. back up.

hey, no touching. bring it in. yo, we ain't goingout like that. angel, we gotta do it. you got this. yeah, that's whati'm talking about. represent, baby. give it to 'em, angel. no mercy, baby.

give it to 'em. yeah! that's my daughter. flavor kings take it baby. flavor kings. the newreigning champions, haha! have you always been angel? i like it. it fits. was it you who called me? mind if we hit the floor.

no, please do. ready?-yeah. alright, let's go.

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