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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

'tobacco use leads to cancer,heart attacks, lung disorders..' '..and other deadly diseases.' 'the characters shown inthis film or program..' ' not support the use ofany type of tobacco products..' '..such as bidi, cigarettes, khaini,zarda, et cetera..' '..or their promotion in any manner.' 'human lungs aremade for absorbing air.' 'but some people use theirlungs to absorb smoke..' '..from bidi or cigarettes.'

'if you squeeze thelungs of chain smokers..' ' will get enough tarto cause cancer in a year.' 'this amount of tar is enoughto make you ill...very ill.' o lord ganesha,of curved trunk, large body and with thebrilliance of a million suns please make all my work free of obstacles, always 'before becoming doctors,we have to take an oath.' 'it's called a hippocratic oath.'

'there are some vows likealways supporting truth.' 'we will consider eachlife precious and respect it.' 'we will consider our patientsmore important than ourselves.' 'it's easy to take oaths.' 'but it's very difficultto adhere to the oaths.' 'and our storybegins at that crossroad.' 'dr. asthana was ourcountry's most famous..' '..and the best general surgeon.' 'people call him god of surgery.'

'and i used toconsider him my mentor.' 'and to learn surgery from him..' '..i was doing my internshipin shekhawat general hospital.' sir, who is this celebrity patient? the entire media hasgathered here to cover his news. he is laxman gagal.- gagal? gagal who is one oftop 100 business tycoons? yes. what has happened to him?- accident.

what the hell is happening here? this is not a goddamn circus! move back!- get or2 prepped up. dr. riya.- yes, sir. you will be with the patient,dr. romesh. - sir. hi, doctor. my name is amit gagal.that's my father. amit gagal, there are three things. keep your family away from me. don't ask me aboutthe patient's wellbeing repeatedly.

i will get irritated. and thirdly, i am the best. no one can save yourfather besides me. is that clear? out. nurse. sir, the heart rate is going down. sir, it has dropped to 60. bp is low?- sir, it's 90. nurse, get me the drip fast.

doctor, he is sinking.- just five minutes. i am almost done. sir, heart rate has dropped to 40. intracardiac adrenaline, dr. romesh. here, sir. nurse, quickly. sir.- jab it between third and fourth rib. sir, straight in the heart? jab it now. we arelosing him. come on. what are you thinking?jab it now. come on.

jab it.. who allowed you inthe operation theatre? damn it. give it to me. get out. oh, god! his bp has gone down to 55. atropine 100. his bp is going down, doctor. his bp is going down. atropine, one ampoule, nurse. now. quick, nurse.

heart rate is down to 20, sir. pulse is down. doctor, bradycardia. nurse, give it to me. charge to 200. charged. sir! sir! sir! hold on! hold on!- how is he, sir? mr. gagal had multiple ribfractures and ruptured spleen. the operation was successful.he is in the icu.

under observation. he will be alright soon. thank you.- sir, when will mr. gagal.. able to resume his normal life?- sir! sir! sir! sir, for how long willhe be in the hospital? sir! sir, i am very sorry aboutwhat happened in the ot today. stay in the icu with mr. gagal. if there is any emergency,press the code blue button. yes, sir. you couldn't jab an injection.

i hope you will beable to press a button. sir, i am.. hey, you! you have still not gone to sleep? it's 6:30 in the morning. it's 11 in's a live match. how can i sleep? how come you aresuddenly interested in cricket? some cute new cricketer? just you.

it's okay. i know that you areupset that i am upset. but... what dr. asthana said was right. i did freeze. i don't know what had happened to me. it's okay. it happens. it was our first surgery. this situation manyexperienced doctors also tremble. that's why we are interns.

so that we can face such kindof situations and pressures. as it is, it's not easy to jaban injection into someone's lungs. especially if he isa famous celebrity. it means, i am a goodhuman being and a bad doctor. only a good humanbeing can be a good doctor. by the way, a goodhuman being, a good doctor. now be a good lover too. "let my slowheartbeats in your heart rise." "let your sweet fragranceon my breath intensify."

"let's unravelall the knots of the heart." "let's leave our dreamsunder the care of the breeze." "come on. let's live a little." "let's relish a bit of the sky." "let's break the ground." "let's destroy the world in love." i had lunch. yes.- how are your studies going on? my studies are also going on fine.- riya. riya, where is my underwear?

listen, riya..- tell me. papa, i will call you back.i can't hear your voice. bye.- hello. romesh, what are you doing?it was papa's call. he doesn't know we live together. i am a small town girl.i am not a foreigner. okay. fine. but wheredid you keep my underwear? here. here. "my eyes got familiar with yours."

"similar." "your eyes matched mine similarly." "it's your effect.- your effect." "i am impatient.- impatient." "it's your prayer." "i am obvious to everyone." he doesn't need any introduction. he is as important for usas sachin is for cricket. hi. - if dr. asthanahad not been with us..

..we wouldn't have got fundsfor the new pediatric ward. now i would like dr.asthana to say a few words. what do i say?he has made me tendulkar. but he is also asimportant for our hospital.. bcci is for ourindian cricket team. we can neither live withhim nor live without him. yes? hello.- hi, doctor. doctor, this is my son ankur.

since last night hehas a severe stomachache. i don't know what it is. come, son. come here. come. sit. any vomiting? no. he didn't vomit.he said he feels like vomiting. but he didn't vomit.- okay. i gave him a painkiller.

but it didn't make any difference.- okay. mrs..- nandita. you can call me nandita. nandita, i can't be sure just now. but this could be appendicitis. i think it might be betterif you admit him for tonight. but doctor, how comesuddenly appendicitis? i mean.. - no. no. no.this is not a serious situation. it's a very common problem. actually, appendix isthat part of our body..

..without which wecan easily function. for instance, tonsils. we call it vestigial organs. like a tail?- yeah. like a tail. the only problem is thatfor 100% confirmation.. ..we will have to gethis sonography done. and that's possibleonly tomorrow morning. so i think its better that youlet him stay here for tonight. because if he is in pain at home.. will just get difficult. fine. i will get him admitted.- okay. very good. don't be scared. excuse me.- yes, sir. ankur arora is in which room? on the second floor, room number 201.- thank you. welcome. what are you doing here? - the questionis what are you doing here?

what the hell is happening? and suddenly, what happened to ankur? the doctor thinks it is appendicitis. he said to admit him. or elsethere might be some complication. so i got him admitted. good. but you didn'tcall me up. that's not good. i would have come with you.- actually, it was very late. i didn't want to disturb you. now you are being really formal.

you are not just my employee,but also my friend. you should have called me up. you know, i am always there for you. sandwich. i am not hungry.- eat. look, eat. otherwise acidity andall that nonsense will happen. along with the kid, we willhave to admit the mother too. do you know? since morning he wastelling me he has a stomachache. i thought he was making an excuse.. that he doesn'thave to go to school. i am so stupid. so stupid. ankur. i am so sorry. i am so sorry. you kept telling me the whole day. i couldn't understand. you must have been ina lot of pain, right? you were in pain, weren't you?

mama is so stupid. mama, don't worry. i am okay. it's not paining now. i am fine, mom. i am so sorry. who is the next patient?- ankur arora, sir. good morning, name is nandita arora. and.. who admitted him?- me, sir. the patient was in painand complaining of nausea. i had a doubt it is appendicitis.

so i thought it's better to admit him. did you do sonography?- no, sir. so how do you know its appendicitis? it could be ureteric stones. sir, he was complainingof stomachache. so i.. it could be intussusception. sir, there was nocomplaint of blood in the stool. and the pain was also not severe. viral gastroenteritis.

sir, there was no fever.and no diarrhea also. your diagnosis is right. your decision ofadmitting him is also right. get ct scan done.we will know the level of infection. yes, sir.- are you his mother? you shouldn't ignore's not good. we might have to operate himonce we get the scan reports. the ot is not available today. so the operation willtake place tomorrow.

as such, the pain is, no problem. whatever you thinkis fine. and if you.. sir, actually, ot is available today. ot is not available today. no, sir. there was agallbladder surgery. it has been canceled. so..- ot is not available today. the operation willtake place tomorrow. don't you do that to me ever again. don't try to cut me off in frontof my patient. - sir, i was just..

when i am saying ot is not available.. means ot is not available. sir, i was informed that thesurgery has been cancelled. so i thought of informing you.- dr. romesh. i know the surgery has been cancelled. i know ot is available. but the kid will stayhere tonight. you know why? because i am saying it. simple.

if you want to be asuccessful doctor, remember that.. ..along with being a profession,it's a business too. you need money for treatment. these modern machines,medicines, staff.. ..hasn't come free. it has been bought with money. to run the hospital you needmoney and not just goodness. without money, therewill be no hospitals. without hospital, no treatment.

if you sympathizewith them, tell them.. stop going to expensivebeauty parlors for a month. they will save money. if she can't even dothis for her son.. ..then she shouldn'texpect anything from us. one patient's money comesto another patient's aid. so they bloody wellpay for each other. do you understand?- yes, sir. do you understand, dr. romesh?

i am asking you, dr. you understand? sir, we understand. we all understand. what you are saying makes sense. try to understand.learn something from her. take it easy. hey, champ. you okay in there? yeah. okay. i am not scared. good.

shall i ask you a question? sure. - can people dieduring asendipitis operation? its not's appendicitis. and, no. no one diesin this operation. they just survive. and we won't let you die. are you sure?- very sure. is it just appendix?or any other complication? only appendicitis.

but if you and dr. asthana want.. ..we can conduct many more tests. so that this hospital can do business. romesh, i was just..- you understand everything. i am getting bored. for how long will i have to lie down? just 10 minutes more, champ. shall i tell you something? but don't tell mom.

sure. i am an expertin keeping secrets. you see, i don't feelgood that i am sick. because mom is sad because of me. she was already sad. and...and she is sadder now. don't worry. you will be fine. she thinks i don't know anything. i am a kid. but i am not a kid.

i know papa has left us forever. i even know that momdoesn't cry in front of me. she cries alone in her bedroom. make me alright. i will earn alot of money once i grow up. only for mom. i will buy many presents for her. i will always keep her happy. i won't leave her like papa. romesh, it's not fair.

you are venting outasthana's anger on me. i was just easing the tensionbetween dr. asthana and you. that's all. it was reallygetting out of control. do you know, riya? when i was small,my mother used to tell me.. ..when a person's courage wanes.. ..he becomes more cunning. and when i was small,my mother had also told me. instead of unnecessary bravery,it's better to keep quiet.

fight only when you can fight. not when you don'thave the power to fight. tomorrow, dr. asthanawon't let me come in the ot.. ..for ankur's operation. take care of the kid. please. i will. and now, will youbreak your oath of silence? i love you.

that's the problem. i love you too. mama...i am hungry. you can't eat now, ankur. your operation is after an hour, son. come on. be a brave boy. eat later. you are mama's brave boy. okay?

good morning, ankur.- hi. good morning, ma'am.- good morning. ma'am, this is a listfor the surgical kit. you have to buy itfrom the surgical shop. the unused items will be returned. will you get it if i pay you money? we don't have anyone else here. i am sorry, ma'am. actually, the hospital staffis not allowed to take money.

and i think it won't take you long. the shop is not crowded inthe morning. that's why. bye, ankur. thank you, ma'am.- bye. you will be okay? i will get it and be back soon. send your gina that yap yap thing. whatsapp, mom. whatsapp. okay. i got it.

whatsapp.- whatsapp. carefully. careful. careful. you are not scared, are you?- no, mom. the doctors will take care of you. and uncle ajay will take care of you. naughty. - of course i will.and that's a promise. stop it. bye, mom.- bye, son. see you, champ.

good morning, ankur. your stomach is empty, right? you didn't eat anythingin the morning, did you? no.- very good. nurse, take this. actually, when mom went down,i was very hungry. so i ate a few biscuits. don't tell mom. or else she will be very angry.

excuse me, sir.- yes. it's a black diamond, sir.. sir, the appendicitispatient ankur arora.. - what? he is not mbm, sir.- what? sir, that patient ankur arora.. ..ate a few biscuits. sir,his stomach is not empty. i can't postpone the operationbecause of a few biscuits, rosina. there is a queue for operations. but sir, the operation isscheduled within an hour. - yes.. so i will use ryles tube.why is that used?

sir, to clear the patient'sstomach before the operation. exactly. it will be done. now go. yes. no. my wife is not coming. you can introduce me to anybody. of course. okay. yeah. it's okay. bye.- excuse me, ma'am. yes? - sir, this isstandard disclaimer form. a routine operation ma'am has to sign here. just sign here.

we are ready, sir.- good. is everything okay, sir? i am forgetting something. i had to do something. what was that? damn! my phone. remove it. switch it off.- sir. scalpel please. dr. romesh.

what are you doing here? i thought you would be in the surgery. no. actually,i am just an intern here. dr. asthana isconducting the operation. so nothing to worry about.he is the best. a good stitch, sir. thank you, dr. riya. thank you very much everybody. keep me posted.- yes, sir.

doctor.- hello. ankur?- yes. he is alright. he will regain consciousness soon. thank you.. - i have got theemail for the geneva convention. i will reply in two days. ankur, show me your tongue. show me your tongue. yes. good. open your eyes.

open your eyes. this too. good boy. okay. fine. okay. oh, my god! he is vomiting. he is aspirating. oh, god! nurse,suction machine. quick. sir, his oxygensaturation is dropping. oh, god! quickly, nurse. nurse, call dr. asthana immediately.- yes, doctor. doctor. dr. asthana.- hold on.

keep him under observation for twomore days. - okay, sir. - doctor. appendicitis patientis aspirating in the ot. damn! ryles tube! damn! i cannot see anything.give me the tool. okay. hold it. oh, no! it is a mess. what's going on?- he aspirated, doctor. why didn't anyone tell me that heate something before the operation? intubator. - there is a lot of vomit.let me clean this first.

sir, oxygen saturation is down to 60. just intubate him.the oxygen is not reaching his brain. nurse, quick. get the tube. give me the tube.- sir, oxygen saturation is down to 50. i cannot see anything.there is food all over. you are not doing thisfor the first time, doctor. you have done this a thousand times. now don't disappoint me. please. i cannot see any damn thing, doctor.

damn! telescope. ventilator. saturation is down. it's in. it's in. the tube is in esophagusand not in the trachea. there is no way,doctor. come on. take it out. oh, god!- saturation down to 35. it's in the trachea now. are you sure?- yes, sir.

his reading, dr. riya? saturation is 110. improving. it's going up, sir. just check him please.- what? just check the boy. ankur, open your eyes. ankur. ankur, can you hear me?open your eyes, ankur. ankur, open your eyes. open your eyes. ankur, can you hear me? ankur,open your eyes.

ankur, open your eyes. ankur. ankur. he is not responding. we have lost him.- what? he is in hypoxia. he is in coma? i messed up. for the first time inlife...i have messed up. what happened, doctor? rosina told me thepatient...ate a few biscuits..

..before the operation. what! i had to use ryle's tube. i forgot. damn! look...we are all doctors. so...doctors support each other. whatever happened in theoperation theatre will remain here. but, doctor..- it's not

you should have also checked. but..- okay. okay. whateverhappened...won't be disclosed. is that clear? but dr. asthana, if someone asks us.. did the child slip into coma.. ..why have we kept him on ventilator,what will we say? yes. so...we will saypostoperative atelectasis. his lung collapsed.

he couldn't breatheduring the operation. his lung was collapsing. so we... ..kept him on ventilator. but still he slipped into coma. we can say that. we are doctors. but.. you guys have to decidewhether you are with me or.. because if you are notwith me, you are against me. and after that your degrees,experience, influence..

..won't come in handy. you know that very well, doctor. at least not in this country. nobody can touch me. so don't look at melike i am some criminal. okay? so it's clear. okay? it's done. you can leave please. riya, wait. no. you can go. inform his family.

do as i said. first let him bedischarged from the hospital. i have no idea. we will go. we will go. okay, then.. i am not sure. yes.maybe about a week. i know you would love that. yes. yes, doctor? there is a complication.- complication? your son, after theoperation his lungs collapsed.

what?- it doesn't usually happen. but it's a rare case. after the operation,oxygen didn't reach his brain. and he has slipped into coma. we have kept him on ventilator. and we are giving him antibiotics. and we are shifting him to icu soon. usually in such cases,the patient comes out of coma.. a day or two.

please don't worry. ankur is thishospital's responsibility. just.. what is this? youforgot the bag in the car? lalita..- his mother.. how was it? coffee? here.- thanks. what happened, riya?

what happened? is something wrong? riya, what's happened? what?- i don't feel good. but, riya.. he is in coma.because of lung collapse. that's what the doctors are saying. they will give himstrong antibiotics.. ..shift him to icu. how did this happen?

such a small kid is in coma. doctor, how serious is this? it's serious. ajay!- yeah! ajay, i have readsmith & morison's contract. talk to them once. i think it is fine. read it once and then talk. okay? talk to them. what are you doing? you haven't slept since 24 hours.

please go home and rest. i am here with ankur.i will take care of him. how will you take care?how can you take care? what does he want?he doesn't need anything. he can't ask for anything,neither can he eat nor drink. he doesn't need anything. he doesn't. neither friends nor mother. nandita, come on. what are you doing? there isa lot of office work pending.

so what if he is ill?what can someone do? what can someone do? life doesn't goes on. it goes on. work goes on. what difference does it makewhether someone is ill or.. make the call. talk to them. finalize the contract.. yes, sir? nurse, please send rosina.- yes.

what's the need to showefficiency at the wrong place? why did you write that ankur atesomething an hour before surgery? but sir, i informed you..- i know. that's why i am telling you. now we will have toincrease the time span. but why, sir? what happened? i forgot to use ryle's tube.- oh, my god, sir! sir, the kid ankur..- is in coma. and...sir, hospital rules.

to hell with the hospital rules. whose hospital is this?- mr. shekhawat and yours, sir. and whose job is it to upholdthe reputation of the hospital? yours, sir.- that's what i am doing. let it be. keep this money. return to your village or cityor wherever you have come from. if there is an inquiry,i will handle it. is this nine fine? natural? yes, sir.- sure? okay. okay. okay.

nurse. nurse, patient number23 ankur arora.. number 104. which nurse was on duty? wait a minute, sir.i will just check. - yes. please. please be quick. here. i have it, sir.- yes. nurse rosina.- okay. where is she right now? sir, i don't know. if her duty is over,she will be at home. duty is over?her duty is till 9:00 p.m.

how can she just..- i have no idea, sir. but she has left for the day. where does rosina live? upstairs. room number 28. first floor. hey! riya. what happened in the ot today? riya, what happened to ankur? i told you. his lungs collapsed.

i am not asking what liesyou are telling the world. i am asking what actually happened. the answer won'tchange by asking repeatedly. his lungs collapsed.- is it? if his lungs collapsed,why wasn't bronchoscopy advised? why was hestraightaway put on antibiotics? no chest x-ray, no abg analysis. straightaway magnamycin. please, romesh. not i, but dr. asthanadecides the line of treatment.

you guys are treating himfor aspiration pneumonia. because he vomited afterthe operation. yes or no? no. it was a lung collapse. riya, look into my eyes. tell me the truth.just tell me what happened? romesh, please.this isn't your problem. this is my problem.this is my problem. i promised the kid thatnothing will happen to him. and right now, he is in coma.

you are saying it isn't my problem. romesh, stop..- riya, just tell me. after the operation,did he vomit in the ot? romesh, stop it.i told you what happened. no, riya. you are lying.who are you trying to save? i am not lying.i am not saving anyone. riya, we have becomedoctors to save peoples' lives. not to run the hospital for business. our job is to end people's suffering.

and not be a cause of their suffering. today, a mother is questioning god. why is he doing this to her? she doesn't know thatit's not god's fault. it's the fault of thosepeople who are trying to be god. riya, please forgod's sake open the door. and tell me the truth. please. i beg you. "why aren't you like your reflection?"

"why isn't yourdisposition like your face?" "why do faces change?" "why doesn't it support us?" "life, you are envious of my dreams." "what kind of void is this?" "it engulfs my heart." "your absence makesme cry inconsolably." you are not ready yet?shall we go home? no. i am here today. i have some work.

it's tough. "you have so many grievances from me." "this chasm hasdevoured our closeness." "i am living in bits and pieces." "life, why do youhave so many complains?" "now i have a grievance from god." "it's the gift of time." "now i am aloof from myself." "without you."

come on. you have to eat. reading? - eighty ... sir?- dopomine drip, please. doctor, what's happening?what happened? take her out.- ma'am. please go out.- is he okay? nandita.- what's happening, doctor? nandita!- doctor. - please let's go out. let them be.. ..two ampoules. fast.

sir, the abg report has come. shows metabolic acidosis. sodium bicarb. what the.. defibrillator.- sir. hydropine, two ampoules. come on. come on. come on, young man. come on. readings?

sir, not recording. come on. oh, god! is my son dead? doctor? "everything has come to a standstill." "time came to astandstill when you paused." "you are lost in yourself." "now you are not concerned about me."

"life, get a grip." "change a bit." "have some mercy and be tender." "why are you being stubborn?" well played, doc. sir. sir, i want to talk to you. about what?- sir, about ankur arora. what about ankur...arora?

sir, everyone makes a mistake. if we hide that mistake and ifthat mistake costs someone's life..'s considered murder..- what mistake? what mistake? sir, you know i am talkingabout ankur. he died because of.. ..pneumothorax. didn't you see the death certificate? he died because of lung failure. do you know what you are doing? you are insulting a reputed doctor.

romesh, if i takethis insult seriously.. ..i will throw youout of the hospital. and you won't beable to do internship.. any hospital in the world. and i am saying it sincerely. so don't mess with me. sir, you can stop mefrom becoming a doctor. but just once tellhis mother the truth. he died not because of illnessbut because of your negligence.

sir, please. sir, accept this truth infront of his mother. sir, please. goodnight, sir. sir, she has theright to know the truth. sir, i consider you my mentor.sir, i worship you. sir, please don't lie. why do you feel ashamedto accept your mistake? in this profession of saving lives.. don't alwayssucceed in saving lives.

this is the truth. just accept it. it's better for you. romesh, it happens inthe medical profession. it will keep happening. sir, if this has been happening..- enough. enough. we won't discuss this you understand? no, sir. i can't understand. you won't agree like this.i don't have time for this nonsense. thanks.

what i was saying is.. romesh. hello.- hello, son. sit. do you know? papawas repeatedly asking.. ..about you and not about me. i have ordered soup for you. no. i was just telling riyathat this is the last year.. ..of your internship. and very soon you guyswill have to decide..

..what you have to do in this field. that's it. i was concerned about that. i have told papai want to do cardiology. but papa is sayingi should do neurology. riya, mark my words. neurology is the future of medicine. and robotic technology hasalso become very advanced. your soup, sir.- because of that income is also good. romesh, have soup.

romesh. romesh. what is this, riya? what the hell is the matter with you? do you realize you insulted papa? he was sayingsomething to you, and you.. and asthana is playingbadminton somewhere. we are planning our future. and there, a mother ismourning her son's death. she still doesn't knowthe reason for his death.

yes. she is mourning. her son is dead. and i am really sorry for that. i am sorry we are notdoing what we should be doing. so you tell me. what should we do? we should stop living?we should also mourn? truth. you know what truth means? we just have to tell thatmother the truth. nothing else. that you guys killed her son.

all of you have murdered ankur arora. this is not the truth. today, seeing you, i am wondering.. ..are you the same riya i love? or are you the onewhom i don't even know? what do you mean?- you have become like them. like them. like them? i have become like them? yes, you have. like the ones who buildtheir palace on someone's tomb.

romesh, please don't say that. i know i lied to you.but what could i do? i did not have any other choice. you didn't have achoice yesterday, riya. today, you have a choice. you will rectify thewrong that has been done. you will have to takethis decision today. right now. are you out of your mind?

do you think i will goagainst shekhawat, dr. asthana.. ..and the entire medical fraternity? that too for the child who is dead. yes. that's what i think. so also understand thatif we do this, we will be ruined. our dreams, our future,our career. everything. so let us be ruined. romesh, please try to understand. papa has paid 80lakhs as capitation fees.

so that i can be a successful doctor. i can't just throw it away because.. ..your conscience is pricking you. try to understand. such accidentsare common in this profession. so fine. today decide whether youare with me or against me. decide? against who? against myself?is that what you want? romesh, i was also in the ot. i am a witness to that incident.

i am a part of that incidentbecause i have hidden the truth. if this matter is disclosed,there could be.. action against me. i might have to go to courtand i might be sent to prison. please try to understand. you can't see that unknowingly.. are going against me. you are fighting me.- maybe. and maybe everyone'swellbeing lies in this.

i am not responsiblefor that accident. i won't let my life be ruined. i have never seen truth ruining lives. so tell me, riya. with me...or against me. romesh.- with me or against me? romesh, please.- riya, with me or against me? romesh, you aremaking a grave mistake. riya, answer me.with me or against me?

fine. so listen.i am against you. against you. are you strolling in a park? are you crazy? when arjun asked lord krishna,"what is brahma?" he answers his questions. god even talks about karma,yoga and divine devotion. it's written in shrimadbhagavad that the supreme truth.. also known as brahma,supreme being or god. even a living being is called brahma.

arjun asks about the soul. why are you standing outside? come in. i am sorry.i shouldn't have come here now. but, i had to give you this letter. so, i thought.. what's in it? please read it when you get the time. see you. thank you. "dear nandita. i knowankur will never return.

"but, as his mother you've a right.." " know what happened with him. "because, what you know isfar away from the truth." "what the hospitaltold you isn't true?" "and, you've a rightto know the truth." he was lying on this table. after the operation was over. 'oh my, god. he's vomiting.' 'oh god!'- 'he's aspirating.'

'oh, god! nurse. intussception machine,quickly. - he's..' 'sir, his oxygensaturation is dropping.' 'call doctor asthana, right now.- yes, sir.' you don't know what to doin a situation like this. except for the factthat something went wrong. 'i cannot see anything.' 'laryngoscope, fast.' 'what's happening?'- 'he aspirated, doctor.' 'why didn't anyone tell me..'

'..he ate something beforethe operation?' - 'ventilator.' 'no, doctor.' 'there's lot of vomit,let me clean this first.' 'nurse, quick.- sir.' 'oxygen saturation's down.- i cannot see anything.' 'there's food all over.' 'you are not doing thisfor the first time, doctor.' 'you've done this a thousand times.streetscape.' 'ventilator.- saturation's .5 sir.'

'the trachea's normal, sir.- are you sure?' 'yes, sir.' 'reading, dr. riya.- it's going up, sir.' 'please check, please.- what?' 'just check him.' 'ankur. ankur. open your eyes.' 'ankur. open your eyes.' 'ankur.' 'ankur, can you hear me?'

the brain went dead. coma. oh, god. baby. my baby. my baby. my baby. i should've been here. oh, god. nandita, she's kajori sen. our advocate.

mrs. nandita arora, we can definitelyfile a case against them. it may be tough. but, we can demand a bigamount as compensation. what price will theypay for ankur's life? 10 crores? 20 crores? 100? that won't bring my son back. so, what do you want? maybe, after this case.. ..this won't happen with anyone else.

shekhawat. the owner. he's an influential man. so, obviously,he'll have powerful connections. so, i hope you understand.- i do, i do. but, one doesn't stopfighting with the fear of losing. and dr. romesh. i hope.. ..the doctors of your medicalfraternity will be against you. they will never forgive you. i will file this case.we will defend it.

but, you can stand down if you like. save your career. i can save my career.. ..but what about my conscience? good morning, dear.- good morning, papa. sir, tea?- yes. prepare the breakfast quickly. i've to leave for office.- yes. what are you eating, dear?- cornflakes. very good.

hello. just a minute. sir, there's an urgent call for you.- fine. go. hello.- sir, i'm speaking from zee news. mrs. arora, has filed a case ofmedical negligence against you. would you like to comment on it? ..there is an intern's hand in this..? excuse me. dr. riya srivastav. sit down.

tea? coffee? i'm sorry. i am rajiv mallani. mr. mallani will bedefending our case. in the ankur arora case.. ..there were four other doctorspresent along with dr. asthana. you were one of them. after that incident inthe operation theatre.. ..did you talk to anyone outside? dr. riya, anything thatyou know and we don't?

if there's anything, then say it now. otherwise,dr. asthana's reputation, mine.. fact, thishospital will be a big joke. and, we'll have to pay a big price. so, in case there's anything? priya. everyone knows aboutyour relation with romesh. you two stay togetherin the living quarters. people objected, but i said its love. let it blossom.

speak up, dr. riya. was it dr. romesh? what did you tell dr. romesh? say it. speak up! i'm taking my stuff. and...keep this. i don't need it now. i told them.

i couldn't lie. they wanted to know howothers learnt about that incident. i said it was you. you went to the lawyer. so, why are you feeling bad about it? i'm doing what i should. you do what you should.- romesh. i am helpless, not bad. no, you're not,i'm more helpless than you.

but, i've already made a decision. that i will support the truth,not run from it. truth? what truth? a truth that's ruining our future. truth doesn't ruin anyone, riya. but evading the truth can ruin you. come in. my resignation. you're a fine example ofbravery and foolishness, dr. romesh.

maybe. it's better than beingarrogant and careless. dr. asthana. it's easier to pointfingers at others, dr. romesh. don't forget what happened inthe operation theatre that day. your hands froze whileadministering an injection. careless? if it wasn't for me.. ..then lakshmi would've died.- i remember, sir.

you saved his life. and, i also remember.. didn't allow me in theoperation theatre after that. that's right. that should happen with you. you're right. i made a mistake and i was kicked out. now, it's your turn. so, you want me tosacrifice my position..

..the hospital's reputation for you. you don't need to do anything. now, i'll dowhatever needs to be done. you won't be able to do anything. i will finish you. my career hasn't started,so what will you finish. i've nothing to lose. and, you have everything. my lord, this yearon the 9th of june..

..a terrible incident occurred. an eight year old boyundergoing appendix operation died. because the hospitalhis mother chose.. ..trusted, wasn't fit toundertake a simple operation. and if they were capable,they were careless. whatever the reason. but, the innocent boyhad to pay with his life. your honour, that daybefore the operation.. ..dr. asthana wasinformed that ankur..

..ate some biscuits an hour ago. in such cases, doctors use aspecial tube called ryle's tube. to siphon the food out of the stomach. but, your honour. this tube wasn'tused during the operation. why? because they forgot. the biscuits in ankur'sstomach became poisonous. and spread to his lungs. he went into coma. cerebral hypoxic.

and two days later, he died. your honour, theprosecution will now prove.. ..that the hospital wasn'tjust careless, but also criminal. we'll prove that thedoctor's actions.. ..was nothing lessthan 1st degree murder. we'll also prove that inorder to hide their crime.. ..they aren't just guilty,but also culprits. i didn't make any chart, your honour. nor am i going tocomment on this profession.

because i completely trust.. ..the doctors ofshekhawat general hospital. that, day during the operation.. ..ankur arora's lungs collapsed. in medical terms, it'scalled neumo-thorax. in this condition,the patient can't breathe. the vital organs don't get oxygen. the oxygen doesn't reach the brain. and, the patient slips into coma.

and, that is exactly what happened.. ankur arora that day. abusing the doctors,defaming the hospitals.. ..blackmailing them is easy. because they careabout their reputation. they become easy targets. in fact, your honour, this isa case of extortion, blackmail. and, why should we bow beforesuch blatant blackmail, extortion? you took my advice ofdefending medical legal cases.

you've made a good name foryourself by winning four cases. romesh had to come to you. if you're smart,we can delay this a lot. shekhawat has very deep pockets. time to make my new office,and your new bungalow. so...what do i have to do now? just keep humiliatingthe hospital in the court. and go easy on dr. asthana. keep saving him as long as you can.

the case will stay pending. and the judge won't beable to pass a verdict. and i will make sure thatthe confusion continues. i have to go now. bye, my dear opposition lawyer. you're always leaving. always in a hurry.- i'm a busy man. we were supposed totalk about us today? what? that i am marriedand we don't have a future.

i know. but i forget. mr. bhargav. what do you do? i am a handwriting expert. so tell me, was yourexpertise put to use.. cases like these before?- yes, many times. i don't remember how many times. oh, i see. your honour.this is the blow up of a ledger..

..where ankur's details were lodged. the details before his operation. it's written here"time before last meal, nine hours". meaning nine hours. mr. bhargav. please tell the court.. ..what do you find outafter reading this page? for a common man,this is just a number. number nine. but for me,it's number one. which has been turned to nine.

here, by turning it like this. and, it's been done bytwo people, not one person. with two different pens,at two different times. whenever we writesomething on the paper.. ..fine impressionsappear on the paper. and we can see themonly through a computer. normally, when a man writes.. ..impressions appear on the paper. but, when he changes something..

..he does it with a light hand. carefully. so, there are lessimpressions on that side. even on this paper,there are impressions everywhere. except, for this nine,where it's less.. ..which was changed. what can i tell the court now? it's all clear. two different people can'twrite on the same paper.. the same place,and the same time. so, it's obvious. someone's changed that to nine. your honour.we don't know who stole this ledger. we don't know whetherdr. asthana is behind it or not. but, someone has definitely done it. and, the funny thing is. according to this ledger,if ankur ate something.. ..nine hours before the operation..

..then, it was 1 o'clock at night. and, i don't have to bea genius to understand.. ..that no patient eatsat 1 o'clock at night. you're talking on the phone again. that means you won't come today. not just at night, but we'll meetless during the day as well. as long as this case is going on. if anyone sees us together,we'll be in trouble. but, i wanted to tell you something.

it's urgent.- what? not over the phone, we've to meet. now. please. what happened? i am pregnant. i thought something'swrong with the case. don't worry, the case is fine. is this why you wanted to meet? we could've talkedabout this on the phone.

yes, we could. it's a small procedure. abort it. there's a special on meon the 10 o'clock news. they will praise me. i'm going to watch that. call me when it's done. kajori's trying to prove.. ..that it's thehospital's carelessness.

not dr. asthana. she's trying to confuse the issue. "anyone can steal the ledger,anyone can write on it." "this...that." smart move. the court can't punish just anyone. as our lawyer, it's her dutyto prove dr. asthana guilty. but, she isn't doing that. that's why i followed her.

i saw her with mallani. shocking. she's trying to confuse us. and, we're caught. can't she understand a child is dead? she's takingadvantage of that, for money? i want to meet her. i want to meet her right now. come on. kajori, open the door. we know you're inside.we want to talk to you.

kajori, open the damn door!we know you're inside! break down the door. break down the door.just break the damn door. just break it!- yes. ajay, call an ambulance. quickly. the doctors are saying she's fine. she swallowed... she had an allergic reaction. she barely managed to survive.

what?- abortion pills. she was pregnant. how are you feeling? i am... i am sorry. forgive me. i promise.. he.. he was wronged can you forgive me?

now you will know what itmeans to lose your child. you can fight thisbetter than anyone else. three days laterdr. romesh sharma came home.. ..and told me how my son ankur died. your witness, please. do you recognize this form? it's the same form you signedbefore your son's operation. are these your signatures? do you sign anypaper without reading it?

without knowing what's written in it? what?- no, i don't. then, please read out point twoin these operation guidelines. patient should be nbm,6-8 hours before operation. nbm. meaning, nothingby mouth, your honour. it's clearly written on this form.. ..patient cannot eat anything6-8 hours before the operation. he has to stay on a empty stomach. and, the patient's mother'ssignatures are on this form.

a mother that's blamingthe doctors for carelessness. but, she's forgetting.. ..she made thebiggest careless mistake. she let her son eat biscuitsone hour before the operation. ask her, your honour. what was she doing whenher son was eating biscuits? staring at him? watching television? or fixing an appointmentwith the beauty salon?

your witness. mrs. arora, what ismyocardial infraction? do you know that?- no. it's a heart attack. acute coryza. you must be familiarwith these terms. - no. no? common cold. cephalalgia. you must have heard this.- i don't know all that. headache.

don't youknow...according to my friend here.. should've knownall medical information.. ..before admittingyour son in that hospital. objection, your honour. the prosecution istrying to lead the witness. do you know what ed stands for? i thought you know. erectile dysfunction. sorry.- your honour, please answer me.

did you know the meaning of nbm? objection overruled. your honour, whetherthe common people.. ..know about these medicalterms or not, doesn't matter. what matters is that thetreating doctors should know. and especially a fantasticsurgeon like dr. asthana. what the hell are you doing? what do you mean?- i mean you've to stretch this case. you don't need to win it.- i see.

is that what i had to do?- sorry, i forgot. what?- yes, i forgot. because, i am in a hurry. i've to watchtelevision at 10 tonight. hear my praises on the news. only mine. no one else. your anger is for therascal you had to abort. no. it's for therascal i had to sleep with.

you're a compromising woman. and nothing else. i made you a lawyer. you will stand against me. i am still a compromising woman. the only difference is,this time i'm standing for the truth. not the body. i will blow you away in the court. go ahead.

but remember, rajiv mallani. this time, you're facingtwo mothers, not two women. we'll eradicate you from existence. just like women like us say. we won't touch, and disrobe you. "the light was missing." "the daylight was low." "there was fog." "and, my eyes were wet."

"the clouds have cleared." "the sky's clear now." "i can see a clear ray of light now." "the filled with rays if light." "now...the filled with rays if light." "my crime.." hello, who is it? "now... the filled with rays if light." are you sure we'll find her here?

mallani had told me. they've hidden her here in goa. she's here. 100%. there she is. one with the priest. you will be alright.christ is with you my child. yes, father.- go. hi. my name's kajori sen.

i am a lawyer. you must know,we've filed a case against.. ..dr. asthana and the hospitalin the ankur arora case. rubina. listen to me please. i don't know anything. and, please leave me alone. rubina. listen to me. there was a boy, ankur.

you saw him with your own eyes. you looked after him. he told you that he ate something. and, you went to dr. asthana, worried. do you remember thatboy's face, rubina? tell me, do youremember that boy's face? he's no more, rosina. he's dead. his mother performed his last rites.

he's turned to dust. your honour. prosecutionwould now like to call.. ..nurse rosina to the witness box. who? i am sorry, your honour. rosina's name isn'ton the witness list. she cannot take the stand. moreover, the defense needs timeto prepare his cross-examination. my lord, she's a reluctant witness.. ..and very important to the case.

the witness can take the stand. the defense will be grantedtime to prepare their case. but, the witness will have tobe called again for the defense. do you agree, ms. sen?- i agree, my lord. tell the court yourname and your designation. my name is rosina d'costa. i am a ward nurse inshekhawat general hospital. but, you just returnedfrom goa. is that right? yes. i had taken aleave for a few days.

rosina. is it truethat you took leave.. ..on the day ankur slipped into coma? and, is it true that dr. asthana.. ..paid you a huge sum, that day?- yes. that's true. but, there's another truth. dr. asthana was sending you away.. ..because you werethe first one to inform him.. ..that ankur ate somebiscuits before the operation.

isn't that right? its okay, need to be scared. you can tell the truth here. did you tell dr. asthana about this? rosina. look at me. don't be scared. tell the truth. say it.- no. nothing like that happened. what? what are you saying, rosina?

i didn't know whether thechild ate something or not. and, i don't know what you're saying. i don't know. rosina, why are you lying? rosina. silence! silence in the court! your honour,the witness has turned hostile.. ..and she be excused.

the court will reconvene atmonday morning, at 9 o'clock. rosina, why..- come on, sit down. i didn't lay a finger.and you're defamed. what now? nothing. we don't haveevidence against asthana. as of now, we've lost this case. 'do people die in anappendix operation?' 'no, no one dies because of it.and we won't let you die.'

'are you sure?- very sure.' yes, stop here. stop. stop. here's your fare. romesh.- come with me. where? what happened?- just a second. what's wrong?- i don't know myself. this here. you see this. this is vomit.

this thread was around ankur's neck.. ..during the operation. his vomit is on the thread. it's dried up, but it's adequate.- for what? dna finger printing. this vomit containsankur's dna. his vomited acids. and traces of what he ate. but how will we prove that.. ..the vomit particles onthis thread is ankur's,

the dna of any childis made of two sets. half the set belongs to the father.. ..and the other half to the mother. if we compare ankur's dna with yours.. will be a 50% exact match. and that will prove.. ..that the vomit particles onthis thread belongs to ankur. and if they prove in court that.. ..ankur vomited before the operation.

and those particlesstuck to this thread, then? if he had vomitedbefore the operation.. ..then his medical reportswould have anti-emetics.. ..which is amedicine to stop vomiting. which is not there. he never vomited before the operation. and after theoperation he was in coma. he could've only havevomited during the operation. romesh. you're a bloody genius.

your honour. with your permission.. ..the prosecution requestsfor four days of recess. only four days. and why do you want this time? i want to preparesome more for this case. the court grantsprosecution four days time. but, this time's being grantedfor the benefit of this case. not to push the hearing further.- i assure you, my lord. that won't happen.

the court is adjourned for four days. this is not a good sign. she is up to something. kajori didn't demandtime for no reason. she's definitely found something. what do you mean? what did they find?- i don't have a clue. but, i don't want to look likea fool in the court. - then? how will we find out?

rajiv, you don't want tobe embarrassed in the court. i don't want to beembarrassed in front of everyone. me and my company'sbecome the butt of jokes.. ..due to this case. i don't want any more damage. find out what it is.- i understand, sir. this game's going toget a little dirty. i suggest you two stay away from it. i've kajori's number.

nandita's number must bein the hospital records. and romesh.. does romesh still hasthe same number, riya? has it changed?- no, sir. it hasn't. go to the ward.- okay, sir. yes, mallani.- i've romesh's cell phone records. what's this technomate lab? he's been calling this placemany times in the last two days. technomate.

it's a lab where dnafingerprinting is done. and there are fewsuch labs in our city. any idea why he wascalling this place. what's the point of dnafingerprinting in this.. unless, he's found the vomit samples. maybe? - and what if thismaybe turns to definitely? then, mallani, we're.. this is a perfect match. right. check it.

and, let's all leave. it's time to close the lab.- yeah, sure. just give me a second.- yeah. - thank you. a car's beenfollowing us, from the lab. hurry up, hurry up.- step on it. who's it? oh, my god.- careful, careful. careful.. oh god, it's a blind lane.

oh, no! get out! get out. quick. fast. run. just run. that way. there. i don't know what happened?- no idea. everything was fine when i switched offhe computer last night. this morning, there wasno data, no dna samples. so, you don't haveanother copy of that report.

and we can't get thattest done again? - no, man. i am really sorry. all the sampleshave been contaminated. but you must have some security. some cctv or something. you know, that's the thing. all the footages from thecctv camera has been erased. i've know clue who was here. all i know is, as of nowwe've lost everything. but this is criminal.

we can report this to the police. we can't prove a thing,how will we prove this? she's right. but it's a crime totamper with evidence. and they also attacked us last night. yes. the law's there. but we've no proof.. show that we had evidence. meaning?

is it all over? there's one thing that can be done. and only romesh can do it. speaking to you can get me in trouble. the hospital staff's here too.- i know. just two minutes. what is it?- you must know. we had evidence to putyou all away for very long. but we don't havethat evidence anymore.

they've been snatched. romesh, i don't want to fight.- i am not here to fight, riya. in fact, i'm here to make a request. it's your turn totestify in the court tomorrow. tell the truth, riya. you were in theoperation theatre that day. you saw everything, heard everything. you're the only witness to this crime. my last hope.

please, riya, i beg of you. swear on the'll only speak the truth.. ..and nothing but the truth. yes. i will speak the truth. dr. riya, you don't need to be scared. we're with you. on the 9th of june this year,were you present in the ot.. ..when ankur was being operated on. yes. i was there.

what happened tothe child after the operation? dr. riya, what happened to the child? tell us. after the operation.. speak up. after the operation,ankur's lungs collapsed. your honour,the defense would like to move.. ..for a motion of dismissal. this case is ruining the imageof shekhawat general hospital.

and is keeping a busyand important surgeon.. dr. asthana away from his work. this is nothing but awaste of public money. since the prosecutionhas no more witnesses.. ..and they couldn't provethat master ankur arora.. ..died due to thenegligence of doctors. so, i agree with thedefense and dismiss this case. the case of arora versusshekhawat general hospital.. ..stands dismissed.

thank you. riya. what is this? you're leaving yourinternship incomplete. yes, sir.- what nonsense? you did so much for us. we can do much for you in return. we can make you the topsurgeon of this hospital. the favor that you did to us..- favor? what favor, sir?

i lied. i betrayed my profession. i cannot stay here. this burden..- what burden? what crime did you commit? what did you do wrong? we sir, not me? we just made one mistake, riya. just one. and it led to this chaos.

and, so what if we made a mistake? do only humans make mistakes? doesn't god make mistakes? still, we bow before him. i.. i am just fed up of this nonsense. but, you're not god.- i am god! i pulled thousands ofsouls back from death.. ..the ones your godwas allowing to die.

i've the same power as he does. if i should bepunished for my mistake.. ..then why do we spare him? i just forgot to use a tube. i forgot to get somebiscuits out of his stomach. so, i am the culprit? and him? he kills so manychildren before they're born. or, makes them a cripple.

he's not accounted for that. why do you spare him? he's god! when your god gives pain to people.. ..infects them with sicknesses,they come to me.. ..and i cure their pain. so, if he's god theni am a bloody doctor! i am as powerful asyour so-called god. if he's no criminal even aftermaking thousands of mistakes..

..then for making onemistake neither am i. so, yes, i am god! get that clear! i am god! fine, sir. if you consideryourself god, you can do that. but right now, i'm finding itdifficult to be a human being. thank you and goodbye. hello, doctor. aren't you the samedoctor that's on tv..

i am god! doctor?- not now, later. just two minutes.- please go. i am as powerful asyour so called god. hello.- dr. asthana speaking. give the phone to your sir.- yes, sir. sir. dr. asthana. sir's in the bathroom.- no need to say anything. tell him i've understood everything.

coward! get out of the way. dr. asthana, we've awarrant against you. dr. riya will please stand. dr. riya has broken heroath taken in the court. lied to the court. that was just a wayto expose the truth. the court respects her intentions. since she swore in the court of law..

..the court fines her rs.20,000. shekhawat hospital isguilty of negligence.. ..beyond reasonable doubt. and the court, on this day.. ..12th december, 2012.. ..orders shekhawat hospital.. pay a compensation of rs.10crores to ankur arora's mother.. ..within the next 15 days. and, the court finds dr.asthana guilty..

..for ankur arora's death. and sentences him tothree years of imprisonment.. ..under section 304. the court is dismissed. "everything seems still." "the moment hasstopped where you did." "you're lost in yourself." "you don't have any memory of me." "life, better mend your ways."

"better change for the good." "have pity, don't be so harsh." "don't be so stubborn." "why do people change?" "why aren't they always with us?" "life, you're jealous of my dreams." "why aren't you like your image?" "why aren't you likewhat you seem to be?" "you've so many complaints with me."

"our love's lost in these distances." "i've been living by the moment." "why does life hasso many complaints?" "you keep reminding us." "reminding us every moment." "brings us close to you." "what's this void?" "it torments the heart." "and makes the heart weep."

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