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Thursday, April 19, 2018

'this is the city of mumbai.' where countless peoplecome to settle down everyday.' 'do you know who livesin your neighborhood? ' deva! hey leave him! - leave him! mother, what happened? akash! want to hear something? yesterday an uncle sat in my auto.

what to tell you? i started the auto. aftergreat difficulty, i covered 1 km. the uncle says stop. dear, stop.i want to pee. i stopped the auto. he returned. i started again. i crossed one signal.again he said dear, stop at the side. stop! stop! again he went and returned.again he made me stop. i got angry. what are you saying? - yes!

i said, uncle whatis this again and again? what is your problem?don't you've any peace of mind? he said i have peace of mind.but i can't open it. you know what happenedyesterday. - what? i had college students as passengers. they sat as i drove the rickshaw. they started singing. the girl said, today we'lldefeat these guys and show them. the guy was smart.he said, fine, we lose. now show us.

raju, a passenger is here.- passenger? okay, i'll leave now. "drove me crazy." "passengers drove me crazy." where do you want to go? - to leher. he stays there.. what happened? - come on. tell went there. what happened? let's take another auto. but why is this not starting?

why are you guys leaving?it will start. what happened? - i don't understand. i don't know what is wrong with him.- what's going on? - i don't know what happened. it starts. i move the gear,accelerate and release the clutch. yet it doesn't move. doesn't move? - it doesn't start. is that so? - yes. let me check. yes. now start. - what!

why are you laughing? i feel like laughing. have i made a joke? but what does the meterhave to do with the engine? you start. i'll start? - yes. fine. look. i put the key in. yes. i kicked.i put it in the gear. i accelerate.

it will start when yourelease the clutch. release it. release it. release it. dev! dev, mother is not well.come quickly! - mother! hurry up! your mother had a heart attack. we can't say anything for 48 hours.there are too many complications. no need to worry. you brought her here in time. i'll try my best. take care.

you want the money back? - yes. mother is in the hospitaland may have to be operated. we need money desperately. but aarti, you people weregoing to start a transport company. nothing is more important than mother,mr. sharma. fine, let me see. come on! let me go! leave me!

dev! why are you taking him? leave him! leave! why are you taking him? leave him alone! - listen! listen! listen! your mother is calling you inside. go, meet her. mother. what? - what does the doctor say?

that you'll get well very soon. i thought it was time to die. mother what are you saying? deva, if anything happened to me.. nothing will happen to you, mother. i've fallen sick at a bad time. anjali's exams are on. and tomorrow is your father'sfirst death anniversary. i was supposed toperform the veneration.

mother, we'll take careof everything just like you did. don't worry. "you gave us will take care of us." "we have hope and faith." "god, you will solve our problems." "you gave us'll take care of us." "if you are with us all the time,we have nothing to fear." "we will not succumb to difficulties." "we will always call you."

"you will embrace us too." "we have hope and faith too." "there is sunlight as well as shade." "there are so many names and forms." "you exist in everything." "we are all your creation." "if we get angry, you mollify us." aunt, you are fine. doctor said to takeyour medicine on time.

here is aunt's file. yes, leave by gate number 2. thedelhi police have shut gate number 1. it's for the securityof some delhi judge. 'judge, this case is false.' "it's a conspiracy against my client.' 'now i want permissionto present the witness.' deva what if things herebecome like they were in delhi? we'll handle it when it happens. aarti, if you're ready, let's go.- one moment.

bring mother's medicine. and give her the afternoon dose.mother tends to forget. okay, brother. - okay? brother, escort me to college. anjali. - yes, mother. go to the is your results. raghu! hey raghu! coming. wait for 5 minutes.

5 minutes. wow! wow.. that is beauty. if a man looks at it, to hisheart's content, it gives solace. don't just stare! beauty, where are you going?listen to me! sweetheart! listen to me! come on! you've all been made chaste. this is not coconut's nectar.

everybody's sins have been worries. priest, distribute this. best wishes!yes best wishes! - best wishes! i don't want any birthday song.people get bored. you should cut a cake today. i can't cut anything else apartfrom human beings. i feel very bad. god bless you.once i held a knife to cut the cake. my hand became sweaty. then i chopped bulbul. yes. okay. - organize anight viewing of dada kondke's..

..function "celebrationat night" for everyone. bhau is here.bhau! - how are you, rajji? what's going on? - bhau. if you want to give me any news.. ..give good news.otherwise don't say it. which new magazine have you got?- bhau, here. wow! is she a girl or a bomb! which movie of heris going to be released? her 'sinful night' and 'bedof passion' are going to be released.

such movies suit this girl. find out more about her. - yes. i want to see her, too. - okay. what is their problem? bhau, there's someproperty in bandra.. ..where we want to build a 5 starhotel. - fine. what's the problem? bhau, a parsi family lives there.. ..who aren't willingto sell their place. whose signature do you want?i'll call them here.

okay? - okay. fine? - fine. talk about money matterswith rajji. - okay. i stay away from materialistic things. come on. go. greetings. what did you do withthe police officer? i threw him in the ditch, bhau. 2 sacks of salt on top of that. fine. another man died. and another will be's the norm of the world

the old goes away. the new comes. the old goes away. come! - coming! the movie will begin. "since i locked my eyes with you,beloved." "beloved." "i've been wanderingabout as if i'm crazy." "i wait for you." "why did you torment me?"

"your beauty is like the moonlight." "your body is fragrantlike sandalwood." "your grace is alluring,your coyness is charming." "god, by creatingyou and then uniting us.. ..has bestowed a favour on me." "my eyes.. eyes.." "eyes.." "beloved,after possessing you i feel like.." "..the scorching sunthat has found rain."

"the blossoms of the bodyhave the company of morning dew." "god has answered myprayers of many lifetimes." "since i locked eyes." i'm fed up of my wife. she always asks for 2,500 rupees.3000 rupees. 3,500 rupees! this morning i was brushingmy teeth and she asked for 50 rupees. does money grows on trees?i only drive an auto. but where does yourwife spend all that money? what do i know?i've never given her money.

raju! come on! your passenger is here. talk less!come on! - passenger has come. - come. raju, you are weird! the driver is not here.he has come. - yes. driver, drive quickly. why is the auto not starting? come on! start! what are you doing? come on! start! yes, yes.maybe the meter will do the trick!

look! come on! let's get another auto.otherwise we'll be stuck here. what happened? the same thing that hasbeen happening for the past week. huh? i don't know what's happening. i start, i put it in thegear and i release the clutch. it starts.but it doesn't move. the same problem. is that so? - yes. hang on.

i've tried that. - you've tried it? yes. - i see! what is there? - i don't know. come on. start it! what do you think i am, deva? hey!.. start it! start? how? try it! what's the harm?- but i already did! look, the gear is in neutral. - yes.

i inserted the key. - yes. and i'm starting the engine. release the clutch! here i release the clutch. this or this? maybe it's here. hey!.. stop! stop, auto! hey!.. yesterday i took your auto,didn't i!

yesterday i took your auto, didn't i! what? - this was the auto! search it! - search it! whatare you guys doing? - throw it away! search properly!- listen! this is hey! - look i don't see anything.- tear it! tear it! it must be in this! - search properly! it isn't here. look down.- search properly. tear it.. look down, down. search properly. look down, down. it must be here!

come on! search properly!it must be here! - yes, bhai! bhai, you kept it here? search! it's in this!i remember i kept it in this! move! what are you guys doing! yes, gaffur.what happened? got the goods? hey!.. hurry up!got the goods! come on. you guys damaged the auto.hurry up! sit quickly! come on! what is this! 'this is called beauty.'

'looking at it givessolace to the heart.' 'don't just look! ' "hey ram-ram,hey ram-ram, hey ram-ram." did he agree? i feel like shooting myself. if it will get your sister married,then do it. now devdhar himselfwill explain to him. why? why should i vacate my shop? legally after 17 years,the tenant gets ownership rights.

but did i ever callthis my place? did i? the rent was 70 rupees.i increased it 1300 rupees. and did you ever haveto ask for the rent? i pay it 2 days before the due date. mr. chawla, you're a decent man.there's no need to say that. but his sister is getting married. what can i do?it's his problem. not mine. hey! hey!.. what are you doing?

hey what are..?- oh god! i'm ruined! no, no! he has been wandering with a gunin his pocket for the past two days. if i hadn't stopped him last night,he would have killed you. look chawla,if you live, you can get other shops. give me the papers. here. sign. mother i don't agree with you. you and brother areusing intimidation. if so, then every houseshould have thugs like us.

mother, don't you love brother? the truth is thati loved him the most. i love him more than my life. when he was small, if he evengot a scratch, i couldn't sleep. i raised him with so much love. do you know his schoolwas 2 miles from our house? when he would get tired of walking,i would carry him. once that naughty guy said,mother i don't get tired. i just like to be in your arms.

mother, get brother married. he says he has chosen somebody. i'll talk to her about that. come down. i want to talk to you. i know what you want to say. at least today you should have shaved. i'm coming. "since i saw you beloved,i lost my heart." "i am yours, beloved."

"be mine, too." "i don't want anybody else." "only you reside in my heart." "be my wife." "i have become your wife." "you are my beloved." "i am your beloved." "he says we can't get married." "forget the heart is yours."

"give me the hennaand make me your bride." "i will serve my mother-in-law." "i will look after the children." "you have cast your spell." "make me your husband." "come and cook in my house." "i will cook mustardvegetables and corn bread." "where will you find a wife like me?" i want an answer towhat i asked yesterday.

you foolish woman! deva-bhai!somebody threw acid on anjali. mother. mother that.. you knew! you knew that thehome minister's son was after anjali! why did you hide it?why didn't you tell me? akash, if you had told me.. he would be inthe hospital instead of anjali! go! you go and see, too! she's in room number 15!

go and see what he has done to her! all because of him! "hey ram-ram." no police fir will be lodged. i want the body of my son's murderer. "in breaking news, todayhome minister manohar shinde's son.. ..was killed by an unknown man.' 'sources have informed usthat this was a revenge murder.' 'we still don't know the reason.'

'we tried to contact home ministermanohar shinde, but couldn't.' the police say theinvestigation is in progress.. ..and the murdererwill be nabbed very soon.' he won't listen.we'll have to be hospitable to him. come on! speak up! did you kill him? how is my sister? hey you! what are we asking you? first tell me how my sister is. first tell us ifyou killed him. - yes.

first tell me about my sister. have you gone mad?give us a direct answer. why are you not tellingme how my sister is? we'll tell you everything. first accept that you killed mr.shinde's son. first, tell me how my sister aren't going to listen? tell us! if anything happened to my sister,first kill me. yes, mr. raj tilak. mr. sharma, the police have taken..

..custody of an innocent man.- who is he? devdhar. son of sita which prison is he? janatpuri police station. what do you want? to find my son home when i get there. okay. look, quarrelling is futile. mr. shinde's son has tarnishedthe image of this party. has tarnished the image.people are condemning us!

there's a stigma on the party name! mr. shinde should resignout of a sense of duty. yes! he should resign!you're talking about duty! you! you set your daughter-in-lawablaze because of dowry! and you closed the filemaking it appear like an accident! you're talking about duty! mr. shinde,don't talk rubbish in anger. by blaming others,you can't alleviate your stigma. you'll have to pay theprice for what your son did.

mr. shinde, resign! - resign! resign! resign! resign! mr. shinde, resign!silence! - keep quiet! - keep quiet! mr. shinde, come with me. what do you mean?- we won't spare him! - come. mr. manohar, it happens. ups and downs are common in politics. when people are against you,you've to make prudent decisions. right now resigningis not only beneficial..

..for the party, but for you too. yes, mr. manohar. i'm not saying this asparty president, but as a friend. listen do one thing.- resign and call a press conference. and say what your son did it has.. ..hurt you a lot, so you're resigning. then go back to farmingin kolhapur. okay? you continue servingthe party in maharastra. the situation will change.everything will be fine.

mr. devdhar,you're talking about a miracle. i'm talking about my sister's face. mr. devdhar, i told you before. your sister's facewill never be like it was. i want my sister'sface to be the way it was. look, you're not trying to understand. we'll have to perform many operations,costing millions. that is not your problem, doctor. that is my son's's our family's problem.

what happened, devdhar? nothing. before, when i'd hearthat acid was thrown on some girl.. ..or that a girl wasburnt down for dowry.. ..if her parents werethrown out of the house. i didn't know how to deal.. ..with such people. but now i do. make a list.we have to teach them all a lesson. child. molester on the loose. anuj bhatia.father didn't get justice.

after 7 years,he lost his daughter's case. write his name too. dowry victim dies in hospital.mandeet singh. gogi, write all of that later! first write this scoundrel's name. what's his name? - anup goswami. write this scoundrel's name. he threw acid on a 13 year old girl."we are smitten by your beauty." "we are smitten by your beauty."

"when your tresses sway,we are smitten." what is this? are you mad? remember what you did!- try to remember! try to remember! recall that girl's facebefore throwing the acid. and think of her faceafter you threw acid on her. she must have suffered so much! imagine what her family wentthrough seeing her burnt face. what she herself went throughwhen she saw her face in the mirror? one drop of acid candisfigure somebody's face.

but you threw an entirebottle of acid on her face. don't worry.this was water. now i'll throw acid. no! no. leave me.. no, no! no! "i am beautiful.and you are a smart boy." "and you are a smart boy." "hey ram-ram,hey ram-ram, hey ram-ram." "hey ram."

in breaking news, it's beenunearthed that a gang makes a list.. ..and kills culprits likethose who throw acids on girls.' 'the police are flabbergasted.' and the people arehappy about these murders.' 'this is aaj tak's breaking news.' here is 5 million. now at least release my son. - i will. tomorrow morning yourson will return home. devdhar are we goingto release his son for money?

this money will be used for thetreatment of those innocent girls.. ..whose lives thesescoundrels have ruined. that guy's plight willbe the same as others. "hail the almighty god!" greetings, afzal-bhai. - greetings. here is 200 thousand.for your daughter rihana's treatment. thanks a lot. to date, nobody helped us. don't worry, afzal-bhai.

if you ever need anything, call us.we will come. if you've any work to betaken care of anytime, call us. thanks a lot. - keep our card. who is it? your brother. "hey ram-ram, hey ram-ram." hail deva. - live long. hail deva - live long. hail gandhi! hail gandhi!

mr. nathani, the police suspectthat sameer is the culprit. they say sameer pushedneeta sharma from.. ..the top of thebuilding and killed her. yet you're fighting his case. you've even got him bail. don'tyou think such criminals.. - hang on! don't label him guilty. his crime has not been proved.the case is still pending. but the police say that there'ssolid evidence against sameer. in such circumstancescan you win this case?

saying it and provingit are two different things. the court will decidewhat the truth is. another question, mr. nathani. no more questions can go now. come on. - sir, please give an answer! sir, you'll have to give an answer! sir, another question! sir! out, all of you!- sir, one question! everybody get out! come on!

you too. please go out. what are you doing? what is this? who are you guys? you're fighting sameer katiyal's case? and we are fighting your case. where are you taking me? sameer, you? look, lawyer. this is the samesameer whose case you are fighting. sameer!

tell the lawyer in detailwhat you did to that girl.. he can defend you well. it was 9 o'clock at night. not here. there. it was 9 o'clock at night.i abducted her. i raped her in the moving car. after that i brought her here. and her legs got stuck in the door. 'come on! remove your leg! '

and i raped her here too. i told her if she told anybody,i'd throw her off the roof. she started running. i thought she woulddefinitely rat on me. and i pushed her from the roof. so lawyer, father didn't get justice. after 7 years,he lost his daughter's murder case. is delhi safe for women? crimes against women are on the rise.

delhi is deaf. rapist released from the court. dowry victim dies in hospital. another dowry death. and lawyers like you'reresponsible for such headlines. so it's not right forlawyers like you to live. devdhar! culprits tremble!devdhar! culprits tremble! devdhar! culprits tremble! simran, you can see. thosebehind me are not only students,..

..but all kinds of people. let's talk to them. is devdhar's method correct?- is there any other method? what about rihana's case?she was shot in the open. and the court released the murderer. ask rajeev's motherwhat she's going through. ragini's rapist escaped becauseof a politician's influence. but now he won't be spared. the police say they'lldefinitely arrest devdhar.

how many devdharwill the police arrest? i too am devdhar! i too am devdhar! i too am devdhar! i've changed my surnamefrom sharma to gandhi. the police should bedoing what devdhar does. do you want to sayanything about devdhar? i'm not sita devi.but devdhar gandhi is my son. there are such ralliesin every corner of the city. now let's see how theleaders and the police..

..stop this stormcalled devdhar gandhi. with cameraman rathak,aditi pundit, delhi. those people forcefully broughttwo people to this building. they took them upstairsand threw them down. where were you at that time? brother dev,keep up the struggle, we are with you. hail devdhar gandhi! my lord, now permit me to call thebuilding's security guard, ram sahay. long live! rajat gandhi!

long live!rajat gandhi! long live! rajat gandhi! so ram sahay,you saw him drag those two up there. no sir. i don't even know him sir. we won! won! long live! devdhar gandhi! would you like to enter politics? the opposition said thatthey support you in your fight.

will you join the opposition party? excuse me sir, are you thinkingof starting your own party? is the path of violence justified? gandhiji said an eye for aneye would make the whole world blind. tell us. if gandhiji were still alive,he wouldn't say that. today he would have used his stickto protect himself and not to walk. and would have called it self-defence of his honor, not revenge. and if you cannot do all this,it's better to be blind.

set up a meeting with negi. why have you called me? mr. negi, you know how populardevdhar gandhi has become. people have more faith inhim than in the law and the police. he does whatever hewants with anyone, anywhere. devdhar gandhi has become a terror. i know. he escapes every timebecause of lack of evidence. no one is willingto speak against him.

mr. rathod who heads our crimecell has failed to stop gandhi. i want that file to remain with mr.rathod,.. ..but you take charge of the case. this is his file,you'll find all his details here. the shoulder will be rathod'sand the gun will be mine. may i know why youwant to stop gandhi? it's so that - let it be ms.urmila, let it be. i'll tell you whatthis is really about. you want to stop gandhi becausehe's been nabbing the rich..

..whose donations fund your party. anyway, what will this cost us?i will tell you that in the evening. but i've a condition.i'll do this my way. and i don't wantanyone's interference. mahender. you're talking like that mother! what wrong are we doing? is it wrong to avenge anjali? is it wrong to help thefamilies of such helpless girls?

is it wrong to teach a lessonto those who evade the law? mother, they are makingfalse cases against us. they are defaming us! mother, my friends are being shot,and you want us to leave the city! you're not doing anything wrong. but right now we haveto leave this city devdhar. no mother, we'll not leave this city. you're saying that becausei'm your step mother. do you know what i wastold before i came to this house?

sita, there's a 3 yearold boy in this house.. ..and there's noone to take care of him. i did not come to this houseas someone's wife or daughter-in-law. i came as your mother. registered post for you. - from where? from the police department. mother he has been selected,let him go for the interview. how dare he! deva you alwaystell me when you're leaving the house. and he decided to join thepolice and he didn't even tell me!

i knew you'd refuse. do you think you canreform the system alone? you'll not join the police. i've decided thati'll join the police. let's see how you stop me. don't talk back! sorry brother. mother, please say yes. let him go. all i know deva,is that if he joins the police,

they'll come to our house. good morning sir. - good morning sir. good morning sir. - good morning. good morning sir! yes sir. akash sharma, son of sp sharma. you've studied in meerut. - yes sir. your certificates show thatyou were not just a good student.. ..but also a good've all your options open.

why this police force? i respect the police force a lot, sir. and i think their rolein society is very important. what was your father'sreaction on your decision? my father is no more, sir. my big brother has supported me a lot. what does your brother do? he drives a rickshaw. i see.

a rickshaw driver has educatedhis brother to this level.. ..that's very commendable. it's to be complimented. i would like to meet your brother. sure sir, i'll send him myself. well young man,you're selected for the training. all the best.- thank you sir, thank you very much. you're welcome. brother, i've been selected. - really?

brother i've been selected! they were very happy to see my degree. they were asking about you. and when i said my brother drivesa rickshaw, he was even happier. he wants to meet you. okay, i'll meet him.first give mother the good news. okay brother. concentrate on your training. - yes. and don't worry about thehouse at all. - yes brother.

keep will help you in your journey. brother. sir, a man named devdharsharma has come to meet you. greetings. - greetings. i'm akash sharma's brother,you wanted to see me. please sit down. when your younger brother toldme how you financed his education.. by driving a rickshaw, i was eagerto meet you and congratulate you. akash is really very fortunate,to have a brother like you.

it's because of hishard work and concentration. i just - no, absolutely wrong. without your support,it would have taken him a long time.. reach this level.he has been selected. all the best. - thank you. once a drunkard came into the bar.. ..and said, give me a peg quickly,there's going to be a fight. he gave him one,and he gulped it down without water. repeat, give me another peg,there's going to be a fight.

what do you keep saying about a fight? when will the fight take place? right now, when you ask for the money. what happened to him?what happened brother? what happened, tell me?- go, do your work. tell me. the passenger has been sittinghere for the past half an hour. i'm stressed out, don't pester me.- i'll do something. i'll help you. my mechanic is about to come.

for what? i'm here. i know to fix it.- i'll repair the auto, sir. i'm here. does money grow on trees?- he's the mechanic. i'm here, you go. i'm here. does money grow on trees? i know how to start this, yes. i know. you sit, i'll start it. look, i've turned this, now start it. start it.

has is started? i've an idea. hey don't do that. this would happen before. now do it, the meter has to be.. start it, use some force. it starts, it has started before.- come, now i'll start you. brother, take the car a bit ahead.. ..the exhaust of the car isruining the milk and the sweets, sir. okay where are you?okay, i'll be there.

you scoundrel, the heatof your oven ruined my car paint.. ..but i didn't say anything. stop the taxi. why are you hitting him? leave him alone! i said leave him! inspector, how dare you! deva! - don't worry mother. all of you wait here! here! you! i won't spare you!

leave him! you hit rajji! - brother! rajji pande!- i implore you, please spare him. your begging willnot make any difference! he slapped me in frontof the entire neighborhood! if i just let him go,what about my self-respect? i'll not spare this scoundrel. - okay,to salvage your esteem, hit me. if you hit me, he'll realizewhat he should and shouldn't do. don't you dare touch my brother!

yes, you are correct. take him there and tie him up. brother! - stop him. deva, don't go,we'll take care of everything. - no. move back! move. tie him up in the centre! let the entire neighborhood see him. tie up the scoundrel. - leave him! you dared to hit rajji pande.

let go my brother, leave him.- watch what i do to your brother! stop! look! - leave me. you dared to hit rajji! take this, you scum! take this! take this! you hit rajji! take this. i'll break all your bones. leave him! - here! my name is rajji pande!

rajji pande! rajji pande! no! leave him! brother, brother. delhi was better than this! no one would dare look us in the eye. brother rajji, the police have come. this is rajji speaking. i'm in jail. there is a new kid. i'll teach him a lesson brother,or my name is not rajji pande.

which shopkeepersare you talking about? no shopkeeper turnedup to give their statement. and what case are you talking about?rajji pande has been released. and you talk about filing a case. sister-in-law, is brother akash there?- yes he is. akash, rajji pande has come. call that kid quickly. come, greetings. bring some tea, come on.- yes brother.

i don't get along with the law much.. ..that's why they don'tkeep me in for long. but don't be depressed. you did somethinggreat by arresting me. so i thought,even i should do something big. shankar, bring her out. come out. brother! - anjali! leave my sister alone!- anjali!

leave my sister alone! today no one can saveyou from me! - akash! where are you going?- mother no one will come out! no one will come out! i'll kill him. look! - don't hit my brother! brother, please come. rajji pande,i said leave my daughter alone! leave me! - come on!

leave me alone!- leave my sister alone! leave me. leave me. leave me - leave my sister alone! come, come. come, urmila. give me a kiss. come, urmila.give me a kiss. - brother. you dared to hit me. anjali. - deva. mother, dev.

brother! brother. - take anjali upstairs. but brother.. i told you, go up. - yes brother. you scoundrel! police, save me. save me. hey police. is someone there? save me. police!

save me! he'll kill me! forgive me. this man tried to molestthe sister of a police inspector. let go of me! what are you doing! where'reyou taking me! leave me alone! come, mr. saxena. sit. look, nothing canbe done in your case. you've killed a manin front of the police.

and i don't know how to defend you. i told you to sit. sit. mr. saxena,i'll tell you how to fight this case. i think the police have come,deva. you.. jaikar talk to him about the money. and explain to him what he has to do. there he is. go there. deva, look what ispublished in the newspaper.

the police say that rajjipande committed suicide. and his body was foundon the railway track. what is all this? cry! cry to your heart's'll feel better. crying doesn't makeyou feel better, bhau! a fire rages within me! and it won't be douseduntil i kill him, bhau. look, don't get distracted. i'm thinking about what to do.

what's there to think about, bhau? he was my brother!death must be avenged with death. keep quiet! or i'll shoot you! you're needlesslyaggravating the matter! rajji's killer has to die.he's not my sister's husband. where and how to killhim is not a problem. i'm thinking aboutthe twist in the story. an auto driver kills my manbrutally in front of everybody. in front of the police!

and the police say that rajji'sbody was found on the railway track. they claim it was an accident,when everything is crystal clear. why are the police ignoring it? why are they notnabbing the auto driver? this is a new chapter in the story. i've never seen itbefore in any movie. i'll have to check outthis twist in the screenplay. wash your hands. food is ready. hands? my hands are clean.

mother we won't leave this city. we'll reform this city. this is mumbai's 4th strange case. here a young son anddaughter-in-law have banished.. ..their old and sickparents from the house. come; let's ask themwhy this happened. one week ago on my son's and.. ..daughter-in-law'swedding anniversary.. ..i gifted this flat to them.

and now they have given us this gift. so prachi, we tried to meettheir son and daughter-in-law. but nobody opened the door. the irony is that the building.. ..where this happenedis called 'matruchhaya'. meaning mother's who will help them? we have to see to that. who are you people? leave! - leave!

leave! what are youdoing with my child? what will you do by saving your child? this child will grow up, get married.. ..and then with the aid of his wife,banish you both. he'll make you stand outsidethe door the whole night. because people haveto pay for their deeds. and you! you've forgottenwhat your parents did for you? you're standing here because of them! your mother put her lifein danger and gave birth to you!

she showed you this world. for 31 years she stood by your side,saying you were her son. you forgot her? remember your mother's acts. she brought you up. and all this was not out of duty,but love for you. aren't you this child's mother?how much do you love him? what? a lot. she too is his mother.imagine how much she loves him.

there's still time. call them here. or you won'thave anything left to regret. "hail ram." today anju askedme a strange question. what? she asked me whether shewould be able to see again. tell me. - some days ago,i got my daughter married. i gave them as much dowry as i could. but their demands are increasing.

now they've startedharassing my daughter. if you can do something for me then.. this is her in-law's address. what are you doing!where are you going? who is the owner of this house?call him. who are these people? - i don't know.look, one more sitting there. brahmanand sharma! your name is great!but your acts are shameful. is he your son? - yes.

where's his wife?- she went to her maternal house. did she go or did you force her to go? jaikar! come here. from the father who gives you his.. ..daughter to carryforward your legacy.. demand a tv, fridge and car! mr. brahmanand. - yes. remember another thing.

now she's not only yourdaughter-in-law, but my sister too. deva! you! ma'am. i, devdhar sharma, son of mr.s. p. sharma.. ..inform you that after my death.. eyes should be donated toanju patel, daughter of ashok patel. greetings. it's 12 o'clock. why have you allbeen gathered here since 11 o'clock? i did not fight in the kargil war.

i just served 6 months in prison.- bhau, just one question. i'm not in the mood tolisten to stupid questions. you seem smart. you can ask me. sir, what was theexperience like inside? the situation inside is's a hard life. the prisoners?- no! for the police officers. salary of 4,240 rupees.what can you get with that? they make ends meetby asking prisoners.. ..for money;from their children's fees to food.

i'll talk to the government. if the need arises,i'll go on a hunger strike. sir, we have heard.. - first tellme where do you get your news from? who is your source? don't tell me. it's a business secret. ask. what have you heard? sir, we heard you'regoing to join politics. there's still timeto think about that. if you want to know anything else,come to my house.

we'll have an interesting chat. interesting chat meaning,you're all smart. do come. sir, one question. - no, no! thanks! thanks! thanks ma'am! sir, another question!sir! - come on! sir, another question! now tell me. where are we going? who will tell me?- to siddhivinayak temple. you've been workingwith me for so long.. ..and you don't knowwhat the next stop is?

shankar, are you asleep? - no, bhau! do we have to go for the shooting?- yes, bhau. we have to. yes. tell me, john. who is youngerand who is older. - okay, bhau. tell me - he's the younger brother. i see! greetings, inspector! who are you? what do you want?- wake all of them up! call all the family members here! he is deva. - i see! it's you.

and you? sister-in-law. greetings. where are the mother and sister? greetings, aunt. i'm sorry to disturbyou so late at night. you are baffled, aren't you? who am i?why have i come so late at night? my name is baburao kamale.nobody calls me that. everybody calls me bhau. it's a token of their love. i've not earned money or wealth.

but i've earned respect. give me water! sister-in-law, let it, you get the water. go and get it! aunt, you're very lucky. baby, go to sleep. don't ruin your night. you'veto go to college in the morning. go to sleep. aunt, i won't take up much time.i'll come to the point.

you know that your elderson killed my man rajji pandey. when i heard this i was infuriated.i was bound to get infuriated, aunt! pandey was my right hand. he killed him. but i was in prison. what could i do? when i heard the otherside of the story.. ..i realized that your son was right. mothers and sisters deserve respect. in our country, a brother isthe protector of his sister's honor.

brother, nurture the bondof 'rakhi' (thread tied by sister). brother gets the 'rakhi' tied and.. ..promises to protecthis sister's honor. so how can he see his sister'sclothes being ripped apart? aunt, my man has done wrong.i feel ashamed. so i came directly afterbeing released from prison. you killed pandey. now is the time forthe climax of your life. because in our movies,the hero begins his fights zestfully.

but later he hasto face many problems. come tomorrow at 11 o' vitthalvadi hamlet. i'll tell you what willhappen with your life next. at 11 o'clock. all of you go to sleep. take a shower with cold won't get nightmares. come on! go to sleep! bring a photocopy of the ration card.keep the original. son, meet him tomorrow at 11 o'clock.

"i call out to you." "it worries me." beloved, your tantrums will kill me." "i have been hurt in love." "there is a flaw in your killer gaze." "will you kill me?" "beloved, your tantrums.. ..will kill me." "beloved, your.."

"each lane narrates stories." "why did you leavethe memento in my house?" "there must have beenso many difficulties." "oh beloved." "will you take away my honor?" "my beloved. come to the courtyard." "your beloved is searchingfor you." "beloved." "my beloved." "mybeloved." "my beloved." "now i can't endure the separation."

"god knows when thedawn will meet twilight." "when will you come to my doorstep?" "oh beloved. oh beloved." "your grandeur is artificial." "your tantrums.." "your tantrums worry me." "i've been hurt in love." "will you kill me?" "beloved,your tantrums.." "beloved, i call out to you."

"beloved oh beloved." hail ganpati! hail auspicious idol! hail ganpati! now get ready to watch the show. the hero will come soon. look! he has come! i don't know what to do with you. do i ask you to apologize?- hail ganpati! or make a deal.

or shake hands and work with me. all this is shown in movies somany times that people have got bored. what new scene do i create with you? got the scene! new scene! this is bhau's shoe! now he'll have toput the shoe on my foot. now he thinks he has such a nice,strong body and if he.. ..does it in front of so many people,his image will be tarnished. our hero is worried.

now he remembers he has a mother. he has a brother. he has a wife and a sister.meaning he has a family. now he'll start walking. he is walking. now he'll come, pick upthe shoe and put it on my foot. whose scene is this? mine! bhau's! yes! put it on! put the shoe on. come on. good.

pick it up. put it on my foot. my mother, my sister, my brother,my wife, constitutes my family. and my family is my life. if you hurt my life,then you'll be in a condition.. couldn't have imaginedin your worst nightmares. after this scene themovie should pick up pace.. ..and get interesting. i don't know why i'm uneasy.- mother, don't worry. whenever you want,i'll bring her to you.

anjali, come.the train is about to depart. - yes. come on! hurry up! come! what are you doing?make it fast.. come! come! anjali! anjali! anjali! hello, sister-in-law!this is akash. - yes, akash. is brother home?- no. why? what happened?

sister-in-law, anjali has disappeared.i can't find her. where's bhau? "sir, walk slowly." "a gorgeous damsel is standing here." one and one is eleven.sanjay dutt and govinda. "my eyes are mesmerizing." what's your name? - shabnam. and i'm your romeo and juliet. where's my sister?- your sister, what do i know?

tell me! where's my sister? tell me!- your sister! what do i know? your sister is not with me. i swear. i didn't kill him, sir. i went to my village, sir. i didn't take his extortion money.i didn't kill him. no, no, sir. how can gandhi'ssister come to our aid? there are two things that you want.

you want the chief minister's post. and you want to ruingandhi and his family.. ..and avenge your son's death. this girl can help you achieve both. do you talk only in riddles? i've formulated the plan, mr. shinde. the game will take a few hours. look! now turn the paper over.those are my fees. you'll have to pay half in advance.

meaning now. 500 million! how will i arrange forsuch a huge sum of money so soon? my desires are few.that's why i've asked for so little. and you won't serve people likethe previous chief minister naik did. you'll embezzle millions of rupees,as soon as you're appointed. you'll recover thiswith just one signature. fine. but this should bedone in such a way that my name.. everything is decided, mr. shinde.

work, name, and outcome.everything is decided. now chief minister mr.vinayak sharad mohite.. ..will present the medal to ms.rani deshmukh. ms. rani deshmukh,please come on stage. please give a big hand to ms.rani deshmukh. and the winner of ournext medal is ms. anjali. the next medal goes to ms. anjali. i request her to come on stage.and take her medal. where's dev? dev!

i just saw anjali on tv! - on tv?! here is the remote! which channel?- i don't know. but i saw it. this is the one! here! what's she doing here? dev! deva, get up! - deva, come! deva, come on! - hurry up, deva! there's nobody here.i think they ran away.

6 hours after thechief minister's death.. ..police commissioner mr.negi spoke to us. yes, mr.negi. - i especially request.. ..the people not to pay heeds to therumors. and cooperate with the law. we're grateful to the media.. ..because of which we'vefootage of the bomber. the investigation revealsthat the girl was a medical student. her real name is not anjali's anjali gandhi. this girl's elder brother,devdhar gandhi was a big don in delhi.

he has killed many people. hehas abducted people and robbed them. you must have heard aboutit 6 years ago in delhi. for the past 4 years, gandhi andhis family have changed their name.. ..and have been living in mumbai. last night the policeraided their home. but the family managed to escape. in the raid,we found many documents in his house. and in a plastic bag wefound 1/2 kg of black powder. we have sent it to a forensic lab.

now the police areinvestigating the matter. to find out if this man haslinks with a terrorist organization. what was their motive forthe chief minister's murder? the police,the media, everybody is lying, ma'am. brother dev could neverdo something like this. ma'am, brother dev'sfamily can never do this. brother, he met anjali that day. i was on duty that day.your sister gave me a chit. this is that chit.

'i, anjali sharma, alias anjaligandhi in full possession of.. sense confess thatmy brother devdhar or my family.. ..are not responsiblefor whatever i'm doing.' 'only i'm responsible for this.' 'my family should not be harassed.' you killed mr. shinde's son in delhi. so to take revenge.. mr. gandhi.. mr. shinde forced me. i was helpless.

i was helpless, mr. gandhi! look there!carefully! - sir, there's nothing. did you see these marks? what are you saying! you mean your men planned everything. but the plan was not executed. this was your plan?! but, mr. shinde.. - what mr. shinde? the pa's body has been found.that means gandhi knows everything.

so tell us what to do next. what do you mean by what to do!you've taken millions of rupees. and you expect meto tell you what to do? calm down, mr.shinde. let me do whatever i'm doing. but what will you do? and when? will it be easy to kill gandhi? he must be planningwhat to do with us both! now what are you thinking? i think you shouldthink about yourself.

i've thought about myself. what have you thought? i'm going on medical leave. - what?! you're going on leave now? you know tomorrow, i've toattend the chief minister's funeral? i know! and i also know that tomorrowgandhi will try to kill both of us! why are we so scared of gandhi? what forces does he have?

2! 4! 8!10! how many men does he have! i'll show them all tomorrow. one by one all of them will be killed! what time will thefuneral procession.. ..start tomorrow, and from where? no matter where it starts from,the security is very tight. rakesh! who is worried about life? think about your mother. think about yourbrother and your wife.

after the cremationof the chief minister.. ..the race for the chiefminister-ship has picked up. and the first name isdeputy cm manohar shinde. all roads to the parliamenthouse are blocked. congratulations shinde sir. congratulate me later,first kill that gandhi. why are you afraid?my entire team is on it! hero or villain?delhi's don devdhar gandhi.. suspected to havemurdered the chief minister.

let's see what the peopleof delhi have to say. we're standing on devdhargandhi's terrace, he is our child. madam sita and her familyhave always helped people. the entire neighborhoodknows he's been framed. no, devdhar gandhi is a hero,not a villain. a person who financesthe treatment of girls.. ..with acid burns can never bea terrorist. devdhar gandhi is a hero. in breaking news we report that.. ..devdhar gandhi talked exclusivelyto this channel a while ago.

and said that he andhis family are innocent. mr. devdhar gandhi,where are you speaking from? that you'll find out soon. all i want to say is thatmy family and i are innocent. neither i nor my sister killedthe respected chief minister. but she has been murdered. we are not terrorists. nor we are associatedwith any such group. this is a big conspiracy against us.

who is behind this conspiracy? a very big minister of the state. and a high ranking police officer. i won't name them right now. why? won't you name them? because i'm givingthem one last chance. by 4 o'clock they mustsurrender to the public. why at 4? because after 4 o'clock..

..i'll surrender myself tothe high court with video evidence. negi, he mustn't reach the court! he'll not reach, minister sir. did you trace the call? and what video evidenceis he talking about? what if my name is exposed? he's just playing mind gamesso that we slip and make a mistake. listen sharma; get to thehigh court with your entire team. there must be snipersat every gate and every entry.

shoot him at sight. yeah, shoot to kill! it's 4 o'clock. devdhar gandhi and.. ..his family havestill not reached court. keep watching the livetelecast of our channel. renu chehe, mumbai, aaj tak. and now we are going toshow our viewers the video cd.. ..that devdhar gandhi isgoing to present the court with. and after this, the real murderers..

..of the chief ministerwill be revealed. deputy cm shinde andthe police commissioner negi.. ..plotted the cm's murder. what did he say? they wanted to killtwo birds with one stone. first, to kill the chief ministerand become chief minister himself. and second, to accusedevdhar gandhi and his family.. ..of the murder andavenge his son's murder. for this, shinde paid negi 50 million.

i'm not just witness to thisconspiracy but also a part of it. i forced devdhar gandhi'ssister to go on stage with the bomb. police commissionernegi threatened to.. ..kill her family,if she didn't comply. down with! mumbai police! shinde give me 50 million! the chief ministerwill die at the hands of.. ..gandhi's sister. and her family too. and we'll kill devdhar gandhiand declare him a terrorist.

this was your plan! for this you took 50 million from me! it wasn't charity on your part,mr. shinde. who wanted to kill thecm and become the cm, me or you? who wanted that post, me or you? who gave me 50 millionand dreamt of making billions? you mr. shinde, you! you bragged so much. how you killed devdhar gandhi'scompanion in fake encounters.

how you made him flee from delhi. how you..- it's futile to argue mr. shinde. there's still time, let me think. you think only of yourself negi. did you trace gandhi's call?- yes sir. what number did he call from?- 9322181851. repeat that. - 93221181851. gandhi called from my house. "ram is the truth,and death is the end."

how did you come in? i brought him here. - indu, you!? he's the cm's murderer, my enemy.. ..and you gave him shelterin our house! - no, in your house! this is not my house. i'm leaving deva, i'm late for school. the children will be waiting for me. and yes deva, whatever you do,do it with confidence. listen to me deva!

every problem can besolved by talking about it. we'll blame someone else. and about your sister,the dna report.. ..will prove it was someone else. we'll find some way. you and your family are innocent,i'll say that myself. you shouldn't negotiate dealswith a live telecast going on, shinde. brother devdhar,you're my step brother.' 'i wish the lord blesses everysister with a step brother like you.'

'i've regret only one thing.' 'why did god give me only onelife to sacrifice for my brother?' in my next life i hope i'myour daughter and not your sister. 'your sister anjali.' where did you plant the rdx? you planted it here, didn't you? didn't you! no. you planted it here!

you had planted it here?! right? where did you plant it? hit him harder!- you had planted it here? where did you plant it?where did you plant it? where had you planted it, tell me. why don't you answer? long live! - devdhar gandhi!long live! - devdhar gandhi! "red, red."

"i can see red." "your devotees arefilled with your love." "your beauty is filled with love." "life deceives us at every step." "one who doesn't missan opportunity succeeds." "one who has confidence wins in life." "live deceives us at every step." "if you are with the truth,the lord is with you." "when in need any help is welcome."

"you have to swim to find the shore." "when the arrow hits the target.. ..only then will your fate change." "the one who walks on the pathof truth. saints call him brave."

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