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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

what’s wrong with this city? somewhere there areashes and somewhere smoke. why doesn’t someone say something? why do we endure smoke quietly? now it’s the limit of endurance. stop smoking. the world will move on. smoking at public places is prohibited. violation will lead to penalty. don’t smoke. or let others smoke.

you will have to paya heavy price for smoking. who doesn’t want to be happy? but at what price? smoking is injurious for you. and for your dear ones. "i love you more than myself." "you're the one for me." "the heart's obsessed.." "..about making you mine."

"i want to immerse myself in you." "look in my eyes." "you can see me in you." officer.- yes! you spared some timefor us in this bad weather. we're truly grateful for that. that's the kind ofrelationship we share. you call and i don't come.. ..that is not possible.

what's your opinion about thestory i just told.. rohan's story. it's an interesting story. i've solved many difficult cases. but rohan's storyhas many irregularities. you see.. rohan's a bit shaken up. but you have to help him, please. consider it done. fine. why don't you come home some day.

all we do is talk over the phone. come. tea? yes please. our police stationand your newspaper office.. ..are the safest places. karan updated me about your case. but i want to hear it from you.. in detail.

hey, ronnie. done with the story? i already mailed it to you. what's your take? well.. 32-35 year old woman. depression.. husband in the gulf! found with a licensed pistolin her right hand in a hammock. they also found a suicide note. according to the policeit's an open and shut case. and..

what's your verdict? murder. successful! beautiful! and in the end.. just awful! just like every love affair. did priya call? come on, man. that's enough. it's been almost a yearsince priya moved to london. since then she hasn't called..

..or replied to your emails. what does it mean? she has gone. forget her. i'm looking for ways to forget her. don't change your house,change your bed instead. you need to sleep with someone. get laid. really. there's a property on coco beach.

the landlord livesin the main house.. ..but he also has an outhouse. let me know if that suits you. i have met his daughtercouple of times. who's more attractivethe girl or the outhouse? i'd say.. girl in the outhouse! your cabin's likeyour sex-life buddy. start the engines.. but she wasn't an ordinary girl.

hello..! oh s**t! be careful. excuse me. don't be scared. he's like my child. you have a pet too.- yes but.. so why are you scared? but that's a.. he was just 2 months old.he was very badly injured. he would've died ifi hadn't brought him home.

i'll keep him herefor another month.. ..and later,i'll set him free in some lake. are you the landlord's daughter?- yes. actually karan'srecommended this place. why do i feel thati've seen you before? i have a common face, right? i mean.. there's your outhouse. there..

thanks. you're welcome. you're welcome mr. neighbour. hey.. you. i've called an electrician.. ..but he'll cometomorrow morning. be careful! ronnie, thanks.

how do you know my name? i don't know your name. but didn't you call me by my name.. ..and you said "hey ronnie".- no. never. and since you're trying to so hard.. find out my name,then it's "maya". nice meeting you.. ronnie.- see. you know my name. you just said your name's ronnie.

fuse-box! oh, god! come on, sister.. pick up. hi, sister.. you didn't.. fine, forget it. i have to tell you something. you know what,it's just like you said would happen? you always said''love will happen at first sight''. that's exactly what happened..i'm in love.

he shifted here and.. hey, little bobby. what's up little buddy? yes. good morning, sir.- good morning. maya ma'am asked me to come here. i am the electrician. sir, it'll take a few minutes. how long have you been working here?- since childhood, sir.

i am from coco beach. my father was also an electrician. and maya..the one who sent you here. how long have you known her? 3 years. very nice lady. she's been living heresince her father fell sick! she also has an elder sister. but i think she lives in delhi!

hey! good morning. nice. goodnight. bye. oh s**t. i am so sorry. the way you sneaked scared me. i was sneaking in?

why would i sneak into my own house? by the way why were yousnooping around in my house? well.. ..i was looking for you. i know.. i am so special. you know i am a good habit. thank you for the electrician.- you're welcome. why don't you havedinner with us tonight? that's okay, you don't have to..

i mean..- no? that can mean both..yes or no! are you coming? don't worry, my cooking'sjust as special as i am. sure. why not. i'll see you. okay. yes!

is everything okay? doc, since my childhood i was alwaysscared of the jungle. but as a crime reporteri have to go to these places. i fought all my fears, doc. and i never let anything defeat me. but.. i can't facemy fear of heights. acrophobia! vertigo! it's the fear of heights.

but why suddenly? i mean.. i was fine until now. and no one in myfamily had it either. it doesn't have to be hereditary. it can also be theresult of extreme stress. and to fight with this stress..'s only love and passion! because when a person ispassionately in love.. ..all his problems disappear.

it's been a long time since priya. you should move on. reduce your stress. go out! go to parties, meet new people. expand yourself. madam. give me the keys. i'll hand it over to ronnie!

bloody hell! hey, ronnie!- yes. good morning everybody! how are we? hello sir. how's the place?- it's nice. and maya? come on, sister. pick up. hi, sister. you know what. ronnie loves me.

you know what.. he shifted here for me. he's got my photographs. he saw me.. followed me here. found out that theouthouse was vacant. and he shifted here. and tonight..he's coming over to dinner. "it's the first time i felt..i am lonely." "i am worried..i am hapless to say.."

"you're a necessity for stay alive." "you're a necessity for me.." "my lonely heart starts beating.." "..every time i'm close to you." "every time i look in the mirror.." "..i see you next to me." "let me flow along..with the tide of love." are you telling me thatshe fell in love with you? sort of.

mr. karan.. i thought love heals every problem. so why not vertigo? do you always drop in like this? scared.. fuse-box! is it 9pm already? but the sun hasn't set yet. that's because it'snot the time for sunset yet? i think i invited you to dinner.

i am very forgetful. actually.. i am here to invite you.- for? for a party. what do you say? okay.. will it be too late? papa's all alone at home. we'll come back whenever you want. is it a yes or a no?

yes or no? i think it's a no, right? no! yes.. good. so i'll see you. i'm going out on my date. obviously, my first date ever. sister.. i'm already feeling nervous. i wish you were here.

that would've been so good. all i know is that i love him. and.. i think.. he loves me too. obviously, why else wouldhe take me out on a date? date? no.. i justfind her interesting. she's sort of strange, but cute. no, no affairs. at least not for some time. don't know.

yeah, i'll tell her of course. i am sure she will understand. wait.. i'll call you. ronnie, did you lose something? you look gorgeous. "i'm struck by love.. heal me." i love this place. let's head to the bar.come. come on. hey frankie.

want some shots, man.- here you go. please. for me. "you're my desire,you're my intoxication." "my heart's your slave." "i wish to live withyou with no bounds." "come dwell in my breath." "touch.. my heart." sister, i'm goingto tell him tonight. i'm going to tell him.

i.. love.. you.. fuse-box. ronnie, hi! nancy. oh my, god!- nancy. how are you?- i am good, how are you? i am not talking to you. just because youbroke-up with my sister.. .. you have forgotten me too?

no calls nothing..- okay. okay. if i had met would've reminded me of her. i just wanted to getaway from everything. for just a while. okay now. i'll take your number. you will call me.- i will call you. promise?- i promise. it's the same number, right?- yeah.

are you okay now? okay, let's dance. guys let's dance. come on. ronnie. "god brought you to me." "i made you mine." "don't ever separate from me.." "love is essential for the soul." see you, ronnie. bye.

where were you? no i don't want. what happened? something wrong? no, it's just.. bad mood. have it. it's just my mood..'s better now. i am in a good mood now.

and i didn't know you were so moody. now not, but i was. but then i thought,we've just one life.. ..why waste it? now i control my mood. you know what.. you're such a.. such a cute doll. can we have some music?- sure. rock?- hip-hop!

hip-hop! or jazz. you have bhangra?- do you like any music? i like the music you like. fuse-box? ronnie! oh my god! maya. who was driving on the wrong-side?

it was raining heavilyand was very dark. i don't know whowas on the wrong side? you didn't try to callthe police and fled the scene. i didn't run! s**t.. what have i done. oh my, god. s**t! is anybody there? oh my, god! maya!

maya come here! maya, someone's down there.- ronnie! what happened.- there's someone, maya. s**t.. i'm going to be sick.- what happened? i have vertigo. you have totake him out. please. - will you relax. we have to save this person. relax. we need to take herto the hospital. - just relax. i am a nurse, i'll take a look.

wait here. just wait, i'm coming. don't move from here. just wait, okay. s**t! help. somebody help! help. help us. maya. is everything okay? maya, is she okay?

maya, please tellme everything is alright. ronnie.. help. anybody there? anybody there? god. maya, tell me what happened. ronnie, too late. what..- she's dead. maya.. what do you mean?- i tried my level best.

we can't stay here any longer. are you out of your fricking mind? how can we leave her here..- listen to me. we can't stay hereany longer! - maya. it's dark, and it's raining heavily. if the police find outthey will know that you're drunk. let's go from here. let's go, come.. s**t.

what if someone finds out, maya?- come on. maya, listen. listen to me.- let's go. get in the car. i killed her! i killed her!- just calm down ronnie. ronnie just calm down. ronnie.. it was her fault. it was dark.. and raining heavily.

and she was speeding on herscooter on that small road. she was drunk too. we should go to the police. we'll confess everything.- ronnie. i'm telling you. ronnie.. i'm a single woman! and if the police find out.. drunk driving! attempt to murder..

who will look aftermy father, ronnie? what.. what will i tell my sister? we can't go to the police. you can't do this. maya, i am so sorry. ronnie, you're not alone in this. even i am there. please. i am sorry.

relax.- you'll be fine, maya. bobby, don't.. breakfast? eat something. i don't feel like eating. at least have some coffee. you haven't eatensince last night. just leave me alone. some karan called..

he said.. ..that the girl who met withthe accident was at the party too. did he say a name? he said some girl nancy! i am so sorry, buddy! your daddy's in a deep mess. you will report themargaon flooding story. figure out who's your photographer? i want impactful visuals.

the water should look neck-deep.alright. hey, ronnie.. i'll talk to you later. good you're here. i think you shouldcover the hit-n-run story. sorry.. which story? i called you for this.didn't maya inform you? yes.. some hit-n-run! some hit-n-run?

ronnie, i am serious. didn't maya tell youanything about nancy? what happened to nancy? oh.. s**t you mean.. no! you mean to say that.. s**t man, she's dead. you mean to say that nancy's dead.

i must call priya.- hey, listen.. listen, man. listen. i understand whatyou're going through.. ..and i am really sorry. but this is big. i mean we should not give up on.. ..this story thinkingit's just an accident. c'mon man, don't you understand.. ..this has the ingredientsof a huge lead story.

a lonely girl on a desolate road.. nightfall.. rain.. and then.. hit-n-run. boom! my friend,this is right up your street. make it happen. find me some controversy. shame the cops.embarrass the government. come on, get me a rocking story.. ..which can stay onour cover page for weeks.

hey.. listen. give it to thomas.give it to rita, give it to somebody.. i am already following upwith sonia's.. murder case. i can't help you. i am sorry. hey, ronnie? any problems? the chief inspectoris taking an interest the sonia singh's murder i can't delay. ronnie, i asked any problems?

no. why? you've been working for meas a crime report for four years. and this is the firsttime you're late. what's up? actually my car broke down. and there were notaxis available either. and the date? date? you and maya wentout on a date right?

nothing of that sort. i am just trying to know her.- oh listen. explore away, i believe you. in fact, i'm with you on this. but hey.. take my carand go to the site. don't worry. i'll talk to the chief inspector. and as far as theminister's concerned.. the favorable articlesour newspaper wrote..

..after the minister's sonrammed his skoda into a school bus.. the reason why hisreputation is still intact. so the minister owes us..big time. go on.. ..make me proud. help ronnie! hello, mr. ronnie achrekar. any leads? was it a truck or tempo?

bus or car? what's your guess,mr. crime reporter? i guess.. investigation is your job,not mine. who was the driver? was he rash or he didn't see? or was he drunk? the vehicle could'veskidded as well. i'm trying to unfold themysteries behind this case. because there's somethingbigger than evidence.

truth! moses will investigate and get tothe truth, you know that. whatever. where's my car? everything was so dirty.. i thought i'll clean the place..- where's my car? your mirror.. you write everything on it.- where the hell is my car. your towels..

where the hell is my car, maya. don't get hysterical, ronnie! i am not getting hysterical.i am fricking scared. my car's paint ison nancy's scooter. do you know what will happenif the police find my car? i'll be thrown in jail..i should've never listened to you. i shouldn't have listened to you at all.- ronnie, your car is safe. your car is safe! can you swim?

maya, what the f*** have you done? why are you complicating things? it's still not late. we should telleverything to the police. maya, stop for a secondi am talking to you. don't you have any feelings? i don't have any feelings. how dare you say that. my feelings are for you, goddamit.

what's wrong if i want to save you,save myself? i am a girl. a single girl. but i'm trying to stay strong.. that you stay strong. maya listen.. but now.. ..i am scared for you. what if something happens to you?

if something happens? i am scared. maya..- i am scared. i am scared.- maya.. i am scared. when was your car stolen? saturday night. which car? scorpio. color?- grey.

license plate no? ga 01 6666. nice number. in the name of the lord. he that stands inthe house of the lord.. in the court ofthe house of the lord. praise the lord,for the lord is good. sing praises unto his name,for god it is pleasant. for the lord has chosen nancysmith as his pleasant treasure.

for i know that the lord is great.. ..and that our lordis above all gods! you killed me! no!!!! you okay? how's your vertigo? i heard your car was stolen. the car that rammednancy's scooter was also grey. evidence no. 1

yes? does ronnie achrekar live here? are you his colleague?- no. he's a friend. today was my sister's funeral. you might have read in the papers. nancy! i'm so sorry for your loss. but ronnie isn't at home. excuse me!- yes.

what do i tell ronnie? priya!- priya! you said he's.. i am so sorry about nancy. i can't believe nancy's dead. she was so excited. she was supposed to come to london,and now she's no more. she did not deserve this. so young.

so happy. it doesn't make adifference to anyone here. this is just anothercase for the police. but not for me. i have to find out.. ..who killed nancy. ..please help me find that ba***d. coffee. he was inhumane!

he could've takenher to the hospital. the police said thatinjury wasn't serious. she could've survived ifshe had been taken to a hospital. ronnie, you're theonly one who can help me. i want that creep behind bars. you're a well-known reporter now! you can write articles, pressurize the police! you know, maybe a single article..

..can help in finding a know. maybe someone willtell us about the car. or about the driver.. something.. anything.. what the hell can i do about it? am i the police, or the lawyer? witness? no, right? please, priya, try to understand. the other day.. you didn'teven meet me at the graveyard.

i should've understoodwhere our relationship stands. "when we was the trial of our love." "we parted ways.." "..but our destinationwas still one." "you were with me onmy excruciating journey.." " my shadow." "you're the one who..encouraged me at every step." "when we met..god blessed me with his grace." "filled with sorrows.."

"my heart was filled with sorrows." "without heart was filled with sorrows." you want to say.. ..that someone tamperedwith your car's brakes. caused the accident. and you still got awaywithout a scratch, huh! we'll have to inspect the car. but i already sentthe car to the garage. very strange. - sugar?

three sugars please. you sent your car to the garagewithout making a police complaint. are you sure this was an accident? but this doesn'tlook like an accident. what do you mean? nancy was your sister, right?- yes. step-sister! yes.- thank you. welcome.

beautiful house. whose is it? it was nancy's 18th birthday gift. from dad. when was her birthday?- today. and after nancy?- mine. you mean the house isall yours since last night. what do you mean?- i mean.. maybe.. maybe nancy was murdered.

i don't mean you. not yet. this is my number. call me if you have anyinformation about the case. are they investigatingnancy's murder, or me? he's investigating youin connection with nancy's murder. but why? because only you benefitfrom nancy's death. that's why. i am going back.

i can't handle all this. but i thought youwanted to come back. yeah, but.. ..not like this. i missed you everyday when we were apart. and trust me.. every day. i was wrong to think that.. ..i could be happy by stayingaway from this place, from you. i was wrong.- so what now?

it's not possible forme to stay here any longer. you come with me. it's not easy.. nice drink. is it new?- sort of. nice mix. old relations.. new drink. wow! sorry.. for interferingin your illogical lives.. ..with my logical findings again.

excuse me. according to forensics report.. ..nancy didn't diebecause of the accident. she was strangled. nancy's been murdered. what? miss priya,when did you arrive in the city? you arrived a daybefore nancy's death. not a day i right or am i right?

now listen,this is an official warning. you cannot leave thiscity without my permission. without my written permission? is that clear? another question. who else knew that.. arrived a daybefore nancy's death. i mean.. who.. and if ronnie knew..then praise the lord!

this is going to be so much fun.. it'll be so much fun.. it'll be.. much fun. i've been knockingon your door for so long. why weren't you answering the door? even your phone is switched off. maya.. maya, you know what.

i met inspector moses today. forensics report indicate that.. ..someone murdered nancy. no. not possible. how is this possible? nancy met with an accident. we were there. moses is lying.- i don't know what to think.

i am so confused. someone's trying to provethis accident was a planned murder. why would anyone do..- who is priya? what?- who is priya? what does she mean to you? what do you care?- what's your relation with her? why do you meet her every day? what i do, and who i meet ismy personal business, okay? it's not your personal businessmr. rohan achrekar.

don't forget. even i am involved ineverything that's going on. and priya, whom you meet every day.. actually nancy's sister. the same nancy.. ..who died because yourammed her with your car. because you were drunk. and i..i was with you. understand. you won't meet priya again,that's it.

i can't do that.- why? why can't you stop meeting her? what does she mean to you?- she's my ex-girlfriend. i knew that b***h will ruin you. what did you say? what did you call her? come on,tell me what did you call her? priya is a witch. maya.. i am so sorry.- don't touch me.

maya, listen.. maya! maya! mr. achrekar,why did maya hate priya? jealousy! jealousy! jealousy! "you are mine, just mine." "wherever you go,you just come to me." "i am a stone..." "...come, break me andturn me into a mirror."

hey buddy your articlewas sensational. my newspaper saleshave gone up by 100% last year it was the parents,and this year.. ..their daughterdied in an accident. nancy was still aliveafter the accident. later she was murdered. right? if the driver intended to kill her.. ..then he screwed up.

or maybe someone accidentallyrammed into her.. and left her thinking she's dead. and the murderer tookadvantage of the situation. you now what this means. when he went to where she had fallenshe was still alive and then.. goddamit ronnie,do you know what you're saying? of course. come, i'll show you. nancy was supposedto leave the bar..

..and attend somebody'ssurprise birthday party. someone was supposed to kill nancybetween the bar and this party. maybe the boy himself.unfortunately.. ..she met with an accidenton a one-way street. after the accident,the driver fled the scene.. ..and the murdererstrangled nancy to death. and of course,this accident wasn't planned. nancy was supposed todie that night. whether the accidenthad taken place, or not.

this accident was staged. this accident.. hang on!hang on, ronnie. hang on. maybe this is justa conspiracy theory. i mean this is just a hypothesis.- yes, it's a hypothesis. nonetheless, any hypothesis.. ..which has the potentialto be proved right. and anything that canbe proved.. makes a great story. and we have a great story.

hello.- maya. i have some news for you. read tomorrow's headlinesand you'll understand everything. dinner tonight? why did you choose tonight. just.. you're lying. you know..saturday's my birthday. so come home,i'll cook a nice meal for you.

of course it is. how could i forget? i had a question. give me that fish. did you meet priya again? i trust you. your phone is ringing. i was busy, and..the phone was on silent mode. anything urgent?

moses called. they've found a witness. i want you to come with me. please don't say no,it means a lot to me. it was very dark. and also raining,so i couldn't see much. did you notice a car?- yes sir, there was. it was at a distance.- which car? it wasn't one of the regular carsit was big.

big car. how many people?- two people got down. a male and a female. just like these two. are you sure? not sure, it's a hunch.. the boy was carrying a torch. the boy first climbed down,then climbed back up.. ..and then he fled.

and the girl, where was she? which girl? you said a boy and agirl got down from the car. where was the girl? the girl.. tell me. speak up. sir, i'll come backas soon as i remember.. ..where the girl was.- idiot.

sir, i'll come back when i remember.- out! miss priya, i hope you remember.. ..i told you,you can't leave the city. i am not going anywhere.. ..until nancy gets justice. i think it'll be better if.. stop doubtingpriya and find the murderer. hello. - can i talkto rohan achrekar? ronnie sir left withpriya in the afternoon.

who is this? hello. hello. can you stay for a while? i am really scared. sorry! actually.. i've dinnerplans with someone. and.. i'll get delayed. i mean.. i have to go. it's okay.i understand.

yes, maya.- hello. where are you?- i am at the office. i'm working on nancy's story,i've some more information. i think i'll be late. i'm sorry, i can't delay this. no problem. i'll wait. no, no, no.. actually, don't wait up. if it gets too late,i'll sleep at the office.

i'll see you tomorrow. hey, i am really sorry. i'll make it up to you. "wherever you go, you just come to me." "i am a stone.." "..come, break meand turn me into a mirror." you didn't go for your dinner. how could i have gonewhen you were scared. you know i could never leave you.

i missed you a lot. i missed you a lot too. you know..i knew you wouldn't leave. well.. you knowme better than anyone. "i have found a live again." "i found the shore..when i immersed in myself." "i found life again." "when we met.. god blessedme with his grace." "without you.. my heartwas filled with sorrows.

"i've a secret to share with you." "be my confidante." "i want to say something to you." "be my words." "since we parted ways.." "..i stay silent without you." "come closer to me.." "..and be my voice." bobby.

here boy. bobby? where is he? bobby! i tried to save bobby, but.. how did he get out of my room? i was inside..and i saw him playing outside. i dashed outside..but by the time i could reach him.. was already too late.

what's happening with me? someone's playing games with me. accident, nancy's murder, priya's accident, and now.. he was like my kid. he.. hold on. only you had theother key to my room.

you're accusing me for all this. you think i did all this? i was driving your car? i killed nancy? i caused priya's accident? and now you are accusingme of killing bobby? maya, listen to me. maya, open the goddamn door. maya, don't be stupid.

maya! what the hell are you doing? what the hell are you doing?give it to me. - leave me! leave me! what are you doing? are you crazy? yes, i am crazy! i am crazy about you! and i am in love! i love you! i can never think ill of you..

..hurting you isout of the question! i love you damn it!- oh my god, maya. maya, i like you very much. really. but love.. i never thought about you like that. you also love me. you're lying, right. you knew me before you shifted here. i saw my photographsin your computer.

what was that? you took me on a date. you.. you arranged fordinner on my birthday. why? you don't love me.. you.. just left a rosein front of my door. maya..- because you love me. you're lying to me.

i love you. listen to me, maya. i love you. - please. maya, just.. listen to me. i can't stay without you.. i can't, i love you. oh.. maya. maya, what have you done?

i am okay. give that to me.- i'm okay. f**k i'm okay. for girls it's all about.. attraction, possession.. ..jealousy.. ..obsession. this is obsessive.

obsession is a disease. love is a disease. come on man! rohan, i can understand why you didn't go to the policeafter all that happened. but what i don't understand is why the police didn'tcome looking for you.. ..after all that happened? thank you.

your phone's switchedoff since last evening. so is the phone at your home. priya's been contactingme to get to you. she came here lastnight looking for you ..but the door was locked. what kind of girl is priya? why are you askingme personal questions? if you don't mind i would officially like to ask you somepersonal questions.

how was the relationbetween nancy and priya. they were step sisters, it was alove-hate relationship. and? and.. nancy was 6 and priya was 13.. ..when nancy's motherand priya's father got married. i see. and what? priya thought nancy hadtaken her place. tell me.. could priya andnancy have fought over money?

how would i know? she's your girlfriend,and you don't know. ex-girlfriend.- right.. last night.. you wereat your ex-girlfriend's house. am i right? why did you call nancy.. hour before she was murdered? do you remember? you're right..i give her a missed call.

of course, to exchange numbers. where?- tony's bar. secrets! i love secrets! why didn't you mention thisin any of your newspaper articles? yes.. like, how was her mood?- it was normal. normal?- yes. right. why didn't you tellpriya about this?

what difference would it have made? i am sure it willmake a difference to priya. if not you, it'll definitelymake a difference to priya. think about it. thank you. by the way,just for your information i'm giving you a headline fortomorrow's newspaper. ''inspector moses solvesnancy murder case.'' here.. take will sleep better. priya's responsiblefor nancy's accident.

priya did this with someone's help. because besides priya.. ..who's going tobenefit from all this. nancy was supposed to bemurdered by a planned accident. but she got involvedin a real accident. hey, priya. how are you? we're really sorryto hear about nancy. who was she here with?- her regular friends. but she left alone.

she danced with ronnie for a while. ronnie? she came here with ronnie? ronnie came herewith some other girl. but he met nancy here! why didn't you tell me.. met nancy onthe night of the accident? you arrived a daybefore the accident.. ..even you didn't tell me.

what's the difference? the difference is thatnancy was killed mr. rohan achrekar. don't you get it? i thought you loved me. i still love you..- don't touch me! i'll find out who killed nancy. s***w you. maya! what happened? are you telling me there wassomeone else besides the two of you..

..who knew about the accident. and that the licence platenailed to the door was a warning? it's not only interestingbut also exciting. and what about priya? did she contact you? hi.- hi, ma'am. how many ferries ply on this route? two.. both mine do you operate round the clock?- no, madam.

we shut down at midnight,and start again at 4am. 16th was a saturday,were you here that day? yes. i own this ferry. i was right here. do you maintain a recordof all the vehicles? no, madam. why? madam, did you say 16th? the night of the storm? - yes. that night we had to shutour services at 8:30pm.

if ferry service is shut then what's the alternative route? there's only one way,you drive via the old bridge. priya-nancy. priya-nancy, priya-nancy. okay fine. jd repeat please. hello, miss. priya ronnie's not at home.

i've the keys to his house. you can check. good! i came here to meet you. i went to tony's bar. this is nancy, my sister,she was there too. you must have seen her. i don't remember. how did you two get back,ronnie and you? we came in ronnie'scar until the ferry.

after that his car broke down. before getting on the ferryor after getting off? after getting off the ferry. but ronnie's police complainedstates otherwise. it says his car broke down beforegetting on to the ferry. why are you asking me? because you are lying. why would i lie? you and ronnie caused the accident,am i right? - shut up!

you were also therein ronnie's car, right? have you lost your mind?- you were drunk. i said no. - and fledfrom there fearing the cops. just shut up. no! you killed nancy.- you killed nancy. and you left her there to die. you killed your step-sisterfor the property. you left my sister to die.- no! yes, you killed her.- no!

yes, you killed nancy. leave me. i'll kill you. priya! help! help. uncle.. what's this? hello. it was raining just like this onthe night of the accident, right?

which night, what accident? the night ronnieand you went to tony's bar. that party! that same night nancymet with an accident, right? that night.. how can i forget that night? it was raining heavily,just like this. and ronnie got me so drunk. all i remember is that..

i got into hiscar and fell asleep. then his car broke downand ronnie woke me up. i don't remember.. actually, i have to go. where's priya? priya called.. and said.. she knows who murdered nancy. she called me here. maybe, but.. i don't know.

i was at the market. but why's priya's car parked here? i have to go.. ..i'll see you later. one second, let me just call priya. nancy.. bobby.. i knew it was you. 'what.. what will i tell my sister?'

'i love you.' i am crazy about you. you're sick maya.- oh really! you think so. your sister's dead. you.. you killed her. yes, i killed my sister. she would always snatcheverything that i liked. my toys.

clothes, everything. she even snatched theboy i fell in love with. if she had been alive.. ..then, she would'vesnatched you too. it wasn't my fault.. ..that she didn't know swimming. i killed her. is it my fault? is it? no, right?

you're sick. i killed bobby. and my child.. that alligator. i had to kill him too. and moses, he was just going out of control. he made my life hell! so i killed him. i had to kill him. he was just going out of control.

he doubted you. so you killed nancy. you're missing her? yes. i killed nancy. help me. what did you think? you could snatch ronnie from me. not that easy. priya is still alive.

would you like to see her? i always had a dream. that we would get married.. ..somewhere high up in the sky. today is the day. don't open your eyes. 1..2..3 welcome to maya's kingdom! i've got a surprise for you.

i will save you. no.. priya! sit. well, well, well..let me get you something to drink. read. this is priya's confession letterwhich says that priya killed nancy. after which she wouldinherit the entire property. but she's committing suicide now,and no one's responsible for it. and you know, ronnie.

i love you so much.. ..that i can kill both of us. i wanted you to love me. maya. maya. how can anyone love so much? i don't want thepolice to catch us now. after priya's confession.. as long as we're together,no one can catch us. no one will come here either.

make love to me, ronnie. make love to me. i love the way you smoke. priya, you're safe. kill me! kill me! kill me! maya, no. leave it. let her die. let her go. maya. - i'll kill you,i'll kill you, priya.

no.. maya, please. no one can save her from me. not even you! ronnie is mine. you're mine, okay! you're mine! i'll kill you, priya. give me your hand. this time i promise,i won't let you go.

i love you so much! maya. - remember i told you.. i end up losing anyone i love. you've seen thereal strength of love. love doesn't mean snatching. it means to give. to sacrifice. give me your hand, maya. maya, give him your hand.

is that what you want..for the sake of my love. maya, give us your hand. maya! - maya! ronnie.. from a crime reporterto an obsessed girl.. ..what did you get yourself into? well, if everythingyou said corroborates.. ..then there's no problem. karan, we'll have to filea charge-sheet of this accident. if i've made a mistake..

i should be punished for it. i understand. go home and rest. come to the policestation tomorrow morning. i will make sure you get bail. officer.. i'll talkto the home minister.. ..and stop your transfer. if my transfer's stopped.. ..ronnie will have nothingto worry for five years.

thank you so much! oh s***t i think someone's fallen down. i'll go take a look. wait here. hello, priya. i rammed her like we planned. is she dead? no.- this is our chance ronnie. if nancy dies,then that property will be ours.

die! die, nancy! die! did you call the police? have you lost your mind? you're drunk, i'm drunk. it's our secret, okay. you can't tell anyone.come on, get in. get in. we'll have to dosomething about moses. i've found a solution for that,so don't worry.

i know that you know the truth. this states that you murdered nancy. so you're committing suicide. i promise you. as long as your father lives,i will look after him. sign it. let me go,i won't tell anyone about it. i love you, maya! grandmothersstories, school stories.

childhood stories, teenage stories. real stories, fake stories. we all love stories. you know if you can tella fake story convincingly.. sounds so true. "without heart was filled with sorrows. "comfort me.." "i've been tired for ages." "i've spent sleepless nights.."

"..only for you." "i can feel the depth of your pain." "i can see thesorrows in your eyes." "without you.. my heartwas filled with sorrows."

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