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Friday, May 4, 2018

i suffer from short term mem-memory loss...... (clapping) yes! that's exactly what you say! (nervous giggling) ok, ok. we'll pretend to be the other kids now. ahem! hi, dory! ohoy there! (laughs aloud)

do you wanna play hide and seek? ok! (inaudable) we'll hide and you count, and come find us! ok, daddy. no, no. not daddy. i'm the nice fish who wants to be your friend, ok? no. i'm hiding! now count to ten!

one, two, threeee... umm, four, ummm i like sand. sand is squishy. (little fishes playing and laughing in the background) (whispering) mommy, can i go play with them? dory? my family! i remember my family!!!

they're out there, somewhere, i have to find them guys, you've got to help me, guys? guys, hello? guys, where are you? dory! hello? ahhh! where did you go? you were the one to go!

my parents, i remember them! wait, what did you remember?? i remembered.. them! my mom, my dad. i have a family! ah, they don't know where i am, let's go, we have to go! no, no, this is crazy! where exactly are you trying to go? to the, to the... gym of the...of the...belter? the jewel of moral bay california!

yes! no, dory, california's all the way across the ocean. then we better get going! how come every time we're on the edge of this reef, one of us is trying to leave? for once, can't we just enjoy the view? how can you be talking about the view when i remembered my family? no. no! we've done our ocean travels. that part of our lives is over. the only reason to travel in the first place is so that you don't have to travel ever again!

ya, but i wanna... toooootally sick! i know, isn't it great? no! i'm gonna be totally sick! it's the californian current dude. it's got some gnarly 'choff' surf's up, dude! (yelling) (groaning)

hey dude, if you're going to hurl, just do me a solid... head to the back of the shell, lean out, and go for distance! we call that feeding the fishes! 'correctamundo' squirt and.. now we're looking for my parents, at the broach of the atlantic or the... jewel of marl bay, california! exactly! (others) whoa - cool how are you going to find your parents? you remember what they look like?

i'm a bit new to the memory thing so i can't say for sure, but something tells me they were mostly blue with maybe yellow that sounds right! also, i'm pretty sure i'm going to know them when i see them, we're family! by the way, crossing the ocean is the kind of thing you should only do once!!! one time!!! marl bay, california's coming up, dudes! ( ♩ ♩ ♩ )

wahoo! (inaudible) this find my family?! go, go, go go go!!! just go dad! and if you do push me nemo!!! wahoo (screeming) (laughter) (giggles)

(music slows to a stop) so long, little blue! (clicking of jars) (music begins) (inaudible)... just... get a hold of yourself. (click) (garbage disposal) yaa!!! (swishes, click) you'll be fine, everything's fine. think positively.

hey, you! who?? spinner! ah! thank goodness! hi i'm dory! i'm look- name's hank. how sick are you? sick? i'm sick? why else would you be in quarantine? oh no! how long do i have? i have to find my family!

all right now, don't get hysterical. uh-oh. not good! what? what is it, what happened? (gasp) what's that? that there is bad news. it's a transport tag for fish who can't cut it inside the institute. they get transferred to permanent digs, an aquarium. so what exhibit are you from?

wait! i'm from an exhibit? which one? i have to get there! huh well that's a hard one, kid. unless! nah! never work, it's too crazy! what do you mean, just tell me! i'm okay with crazy! you know i could see that?

well, there's one thing i can think of to help you get to your family. if i just take, yes! great idea! you take me to find them! why didn't i think of that? uh, no no. if i just take your tag, i can take your place on the transport truck. then you can go back inside and find your family. all you have to do is give me the tag.

what tag? (gasp) there's a tag on my fin. how? how could you forget you have a tag on your fin? oh no. i'm sorry, i - i suffer from short term memory loss. you don't remember what we were talking about? mmm-mmm can you please keep it down over there?

my head hurts. (sigh) who's that? that's my neighbor baleen. he was brought in with a head injury. i know you're talking about me destiny. he thinks he can't use his echolocation, but i've overheard the doctors talking (i'm right here.) there's not a thing wrong with him. i hear every word you're saying about me. what's echolocation?

well baleen's head is supposed to put out a call, and the echo helps him find objects far away. oh but apparently, he's still healing. now i know you're talking about me. i really can't oh! echo-locate. i cannot have this conversation again. i just can't. i hit my head very hard out there. see how swollen it is!? your head is supposed to be big, you're a beluga!

-wait, wait, no. i know where my parents are! they're in... um... uh, what's it called? the place, uh, soap and lotion? (both) open ocean open ocean! (gasp) open ocean? i know where that is! that's the exhibit located right next to...

i don't care. easy. (gasp) if you're trying to get to the open ocean exhibit, just go through the pipes. through the pipes, great. through the pipes? yep, take two lefts, swim straight, and you'll hit it. oooh, that's a lot of directions, that's- did you get that hank? all the, all that? uh, yeah.

great! let's go. i'm not going with ya! i won't fit! you have to go by yourself. um... uh, that's, that, i'm... i- see i can't, because i'm- i'm not so good with directions. well that's too bad, a deal's a deal. you wanted to find your parents, that's how you get to 'em! now give me your tag!

but hank, i - i can't go in the pipes alone, i - i'll forget where i'm going. not my problem! tag!

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