[ both laughing ] you almostlost me back there. so, what is this place? someplace special.i found this on a familycamping trip when i was a kid. [ water burbling ] go on in. are you serious? it's warm. of course.they're hot springs, you goof.
ooh! it's hot. ooh. is this enough? well, if you reallywant to go back to nature-- it's nice and hot. promise we'll do thisevery year. until we wrinkle. [ moans ] whoo!
[ screams ] nick? - sweetie, are you hurt?- [ cackling ] daria![ groaning ] i'm over here. [ groaning continues ] are you okay? you do that in the fall? [ whimpering ]no. someonefucking shot me.
what? [ gasps ] [ screams, whimpers ] [ screams, gasps ] - [ snickers ]- [ screaming continues ] - [ cackling ]- [ hooting ] [ man ]so, you had no idea? he's adopted.you know that. thanks, toni.having only known himsince freshman year.
still kind of coolthough, right? finding out you actuallyhad some family out there. we're his family.that's why we're all here. and that's whymy brother and those guysare right behind us. look, i don't knowwhat to expect. i don't know these peopleor this place. i could be inheritinga motel 6. or a meth empire. i'm just saying.it's the appalachians.
thanks, vic. if it'll help,i did some digging. [ sighs ]this isn't for oneof your columns. of course not. i'm just the investigative type. "hobb springs. established 1926 by families unknown." maybe yours. "the first sanitarium in america outside battle creek." well, most peoplewould approve.
of what? me goinginto a sanitarium. ♪♪ [ big band jazz ] [ man ]♪ it's all for you ♪ ♪ no matter what they say about it ♪ ♪ it's all so true ♪ ♪ some people will write about it ♪ ♪ it's all for you ♪ - [ laughs ]- ♪ no matter what they say about it ♪
[ giggles ] agnes fields,you are gonna get yours. i'll hold you to that,mr. jackson. ♪♪ [ ends ] [ laughs ] [ air hissing ] it's more like a, uh--a health spa, really. spas don't come withtheir own outhouse, bryan. jillian, it'stwo weeks, okay?
you know, getting dannyout in the open air... and seeing how muchof an inheritancethis really is. really, rod?me fixing a tireis so amazing? just playingwith my new camera. yeah. and your old cameraposted my naked ass... all over the internetlast trip. and got 4,000 hitsin one day. besides, come on,it's fun.
and fun is just the kindof therapy we all need, especiallymy sister and danny. yeah. you gottalove therapy. want to startthe healing process? [ jackson ]sally, you checked yourselfsix times this morning. he'll be here real soon. no. it may takesome time. i can't go another winter. i need this.
we need this. you play this right,sister, he won't be ableto resist you. lord knows i can't. [ toni ]you guys, it's gigantic. [ vic ]you inherited this? [ danny ]uh, i guess so. my little placein the country. [ vic ]well, it ain't a motel 6.
[ chuckles ] a couple coats of paint,and it could be-- fucking brilliant. [ sets parking brake ] [ vic ]creepy. vic, get out of the car.i need a moment alonewith my boyfriend. - fine.- [ door opens ] [ door closes ] it's time to decide.what do you want to do?
just when i hitthe lowest i've ever hit, i get a letter sayingthat i belong to something. something that i gave upon years ago. tell me what you wantto do, honey. i want to meet these peopleand find out what i'm all about. - oh, my god.- [ car door closes ] wow. it's huge.[ laughs ] i know, right?
welcome to hobb springs. - danny?- that's right. yeah. i can tell by your eyes. i cannot believethat you are finally here. - and who are you?- this would be sally. i'm jackson.we're the caretakers here. we weren't expectingyour friends, but i'm pretty surewe can handle you though. oh, we're justthe first wave.
this is huge. how are we even gonna findour way around in there? they call this a spa? we'll leave a trailof bread crumbs. we got a flatand then got a little-- - baked.- turned around. i see. no problem.we have plenty of vacanciescoming up. but don't worry.they'll be checking out today, and then we'll have the placeall to ourselves.
oh, goody. i'd be happyto show you around. uh, maybe we couldget our bags first. yeah, maybe some rooms.it's been a long drive. [ jackson ]whatever you wish.we work for you now. that's pretty cool,actually. [ rod ]danny has servants now?hey, how are you doing? [ sally ]y'all come on in. thank you.
geez. they're kind of good-lookingfor hillbillies. cousins. no. brother and sister. same thingaround these parts. come on. they're probablyjust a normal couple. - funny looking.- and amish. [ laughing ] actually, we're kissing cousinson our quaker brother'ssister's side.
i'm so sorry.that was so rude of us. ain't nothin'we haven't heard before. i just let it rolloff my back nowadays. so you really arebrother and sister? as i said, we weren'texpecting so many. we can make moreif you'd like. uh, no, no.it's fine, really. we'll leave you hereto rest a spell... while we figure outhow best to deal with you.
what is that? go on, sit down. [ scoffs ]we're really staying here? why? what's wrong? no doubt all of thisis a little bit weird. - yeah.- you guys don't get the charm of this place? i do. yeah, we rip the place down,subdivide the land. when we go back,we'll send someone infor a real appraisal.
i think you're forgetting thati don't have anywhere to go. [ scoffs ]what, so this is your home now? i don't know. maybe. danny, you're usedto central park westand nobu on friday nights. [ sighs ]yeah, and lookat what that did to me. hey, we don't have to makea decision right away. this place is alive. it's got history, secrets--enough excitementfor two weeks at least. come on.back me up, vic.
uh, sure.a place this oldsurely has a book in it. maybe a movie even. short of murderor a hollywood scandal,who'd give a shit? me, bryan. we could be talkingabout my history. so me. yeah, me too. me. gotta stick by family. ♪♪ [ waltz ]
[ knocking ] is that the big,strong man i rang for? ♪♪ [ record: man singing, indistinct ] [ wheels squeaking ] [ ringing ] that's more like it. hello? mr. jackson? hello? oh. [ agnes groans ]
[ mutters, whimpering ] shh. [ bones crack ] silly little biddy. [ man cackles ] little self-control, boys.that's all i ask. [ cackling continues ] oh, my god.is that real gold? ah, bryan,these are hepplewhite.
and for those that don'twatch antique roadshow? oh, and they look to bein perfect condition. - oh, they're gonna be worth a fortune.- a fortune? how do you likemy place now, bryan? hey, guys. this placejust got a whole lot better. what? oh, great. [ vic ]where's he going now? [ rod ] oh, god. [ clears throat ]let's get naked.
[ vic ]whoo! [ danny ]it actually smells sweet. hey, guys,if we're gonna do this,we're gonna do this in style. [ indistinct ] hey. - you ready for it?- don't take your pants off. why don't we--[ indistinct ] thanks, man. come on in.there's roomfor everybody.
[ toni ]hey, you okay? it's really all mine. i'm still wrappingmy head around that. maybe it's justwhat we needed. i supposethis'll have to do. i'm afraid it's allwe have right now. [ laughs ]hello? we're the new owner'sbest friends,so you can do better. [ coughing ]
[ sighs ] [ pouring liquid ] are we all here? now you boys had your funwith those bikers, and you messed withthe little biddy real nice. [ chuckling ] - now quit!- [ groaning ] leave danny alone,even if it means givinghis friends a pass. now i thoughti made myself clear.
[ grunting ] [ groaning ] won't be long,and you can all have at 'emas much as you like. you keep doingwhat you're doing, and you're gonna ruin thisfor all of us. do i make myself clear?do you understand me? fucking family. so, like, what's the planwith the cameras, dude? like, you carry themaround everywhere.
yeah, man, look.compact and easy to hide. well, i think we shouldput one of thesein danny's room. oh, i'm not upfor seeing my sister naked,but thank you though. well, what aboutthe rest of us, dude? fucking animal. [ loud scraping ] danny? [ charlie ]oh, shit. - [ laughing ]- what are you doing?
please tell me you gota camera for this. give it here.give it. i'd like to thank the academyfor this prestigious award. i will enjoy thisevery single day. [ jillian ]tell me how it's fair thatwe have to pay for groceries. aw, poor puppy. bryan. yeah? come check this out.
[ police radio chatter ] [ woman ] 4218, 2000, 903. you folksjust passin' through? uh, no. we're staying upat hobb springs. you don't say. i don't get up theremuch myself anymore,but i expect i will be. well, why is that? you just got in? y'all see a bunchof little old ladies...
be-bopping around up there? - oh, yeah. the daughters of the revolution?- that'd be them. poor things can't rememberif this woman got backon that bus or not. agnes fields.you hear of her? no. mm-mm. like i said,we just got here, so-- just what is a lovely couplelike you doing settlingin hobb springs? uh, well, our friendinherited it.
well, nice for him, huh?tell you what. you take one of these up there.do me a favor. show it around. maybe we'll get lucky,and her face'll ring a bellwith somebody. oh, is there a reward? sure thing, officer. can't think whatcould've happened to her. hey, well, take care. see ya. what are you doing?
can't get thishot spot to work. have you guys seen danny? yeah. he just wanderedthrough here a minute ago. leave him alone, mom.he's enjoying himself. eh. something wrong? - i don't know.- come on. let's go find him. i guess this placejust gives me the creeps. danny, we've been lookingall over for you.
you okay? come take a lookat this pictureand tell me if i should be. that guy kinda looks like danny.even some of the women do. the whole historyof this hotel's up here. how could i not knowany of these people? well, these picturesonly go up to the '70s. maybe your sideof the family moved. oh, not everybodythough. look. i think we just metyour cousins.[ laughs ]
whoa, you guys. [ danny ]why the hell are theyall covered up? i don't know howto break this to you, man, but what we have hereis classic mountain breeding. - stop.- i'm just saying there's bound to be defects along the way. [ danny ]stop, seriously. you heard him. you think 'causewe're mountain folk, our ways ain't fitfor fine society?
we've had all sortsstay here, includingthree presidents-- teddy roosevelt,calvin coolidgeand jefferson davis. - not one had a complaint.- jefferson davis? it's okay, jackson, really.he was just messing around. weren't you, vic? i'm sorry.i'm just very proudof my heritage. family's really tamedthis land. they made itinto something. it's impressive, really.
want to see somethingreally impressive? come on. [ clatters ] shit. - don't touch.- sorry. you have a good eye, danny.it belonged to your grandfather.he was hell with a bow. and a bane to critterseverywhere. - what is it, honey?- my grandfather. my grandfather.i just-just can't believe...
i even had a grand-- please.give it a feel. [ exhales ] oh, man, that's tight. ever beenbow hunting, danny? i've never been hunting, period. i would liketo keep it that way. that's hardly a proper view,miss, considering youhaven't even tried it once. [ sighs ]don't.
fit okay? i'm gettingused to it. i knew you would. your girl, she reallydidn't want you to come. she's just being protective.they all are. even that guy with the fancy carand girl to match? bryan?we used to work togetherbefore it all... happened. i used to be on wall street.had a bit of a meltdown. - seems an appropriate reaction.- not everybody thought so.
not my company.definitely not my clients. i lost a lot of people's money,including bryan's, toni's, my own. i guess that's when you find outwho your real friends are. the onesthat stand by you. maybe they thinkyou owe them. no, not them. [ sighs ]it was all so embarrassing. you weren't suitedto that nonsense.
on the plus side,it's how we found you. what do you mean? well, we do havethe internet out here. so you found methrough google? took a long time,but it was importantwe found you. to run a hotel? amongst other things. time to climb up. this doesn't belongto somebody?
anything on this landbelongs to us. go on. beer has arrived. have some beer, dudes. here you go, dude. fuck, you needto open it. [ vic ]yeah. hey, where's danny? out hunting.
what, danny? what's this? oh, yeah. remember the little gaggleof old ladies? well, one of themwent awol. it's fuckingalzheimer's, dude.it's a fucking killer. [ exhales ]you need to go get danny. - now?- yes. please. it's gonna get dark soon,and i don't like him alonewith these people.
okay, mom. he ain't gonna like it. [ mutters ] are you sure we don't-- shh! need a permit or anything? every man livesby his own set of rules. speaking of which,time to introduce youto the hunt. first you gotta scouta dense stretch.
someplace the deerfeels safe. where men can't get to. bait your area. lure or entice the deerover your ways. [ muffled shouting ] don't want to goafter your prey. you let your preycome to you. it's about patience... and being smarterthan the animal.
be still. aim for the upper shoulder, the neck... or the brain. a one-shot kill. [ grunts, gasping ] [ sighs ]now we check the blood trail. pink blood with air bubblesmeans you've hit the heartor the lung. now that's what you want.dark red-- you've probablyhit the liver. the buck may hang in there,but it'll die soon enough.
[ gasping, groaning ] watery blood with bile-- you may have to track the deer,deliver another shot. [ gasping ] [ straining ] [ jackson ]he may try to bolt. but if you've aimed just right,it'll be pure reflex. [ gasps, groans ] good shot, danny.
what do we do next? nothing.it's dark red blood. besides,he'll be dead soon. we have morethan enough meat back home.come on. we can't just leave itlike this. it's your kill. just be careful.[ sighs ] he may havesome kick left in him. upper shoulder,neck or brain. go.
[ snorts ] shh, shh, shh, shh. [ jackson ]very good, danny. that's very good. [ crashing ] [ snarling ] [ snarling continues ] [ whispering ]charlie, what did you doto this weed? oh, fuck this.
[ both grunting ] [ screaming ] shit.[ groaning ] jesus. [ panting ]you're bleeding. so are you. most of it'snot mine anyway.[ groans ] we've gotta get out of here.he saw my face. who?are you tripping? not anymore i'm not.this is fucked up.
[ panting ] [ running footsteps ] that's him. relax. it's probablyjust jackson. [ man snarling ] or not. here.pull from that end. pull that end.slow, slow, slow, slow. it's not coming.it's too twisted. - go get some help.- no. i can't leave you.
- go.- okay. fuck. [ panting, screams ]fuck. [ sighs, panting ] [ yelps ] sorry if it stings,sweetie. no, it's okay. i'm blaming vicfor that too. you have to be sharpout in these woods. so i heard--a buck your first timeshooting.
it wasn't a buck.i killed a doe. even better. is that the strong stuff? it sure smells like it. yeah. it takessome gettin' used to. no, no. it's, uh--it's fine actually.i kinda like it. i do make it myself. [ sharp inhale ] you sit right there.i'll be right back.
i'm gonna wash thisoff of my hands. now to get youout of those bloody things. oh, it's okay.i can do it. now don't you be that way.i've patched up all my brothersone time or another. okay. fine. all you boysreact that way. i'd sayyou're strong enough. you just--you just have some achesthat need rubbin' out. toni'll be hereany second, so--
there's no sense waitin'. you're very important to us. you don't even know me. but i know this, and it beats insideof every one of us. and with your mind,your schooling, your strength, and our blood, you can have anything you want. i'm still finding it hardto believe that.
don't you? what's--[ clears throat ] [ sighs ]where have you been? jackson brought dannyto me to tend to. i got pretty messed up, hon. yeah, vic didn't lookso good either. i should go tend to him. [ groans ] think she's gonna help victake off his clothes too?
oh, come on, stop.she was just trying to help. yeah, help herself,obviously. you look gross.[ laughs ] does it hurt? mmm. ugh. what isall over your legs? oh, it's ointment.it's a family formula. oh, god, you'regonna get infected. i think youshould lay down.
oh, now you're talking. ew. don't touch me.[ laughs ] hey, come on. come on. please. come here. don't touch me.you're disgusting. uh, stop.where's the peroxide? i had a bad feelingabout this. you going. did you actuallykill something?
because it looks likeyou rolled aroundin blood. yeah, well,with a bow and arrow. you actually-- yeah. it's pretty cool, huh? yeah, it is. [ chuckling ]no, it's not.i'm not impressed. come on. come here. what, are youa hunter now? oh, yeah, big time.big man. big man hunter.
you shouldlook up hunting. [ kissing continues ] [ moaning ] [ rod ]why so glum, sugar plum? get that thing out of my face. can i interest youin an herbal essence? keep that shit awayfrom me too. you see onemountain monster man,and you go cold turkey. i saw--
nothing.give that to me. cute. dude. oh, shoot, shoot. [ jillian ]so you know whati saw today? civil war era flatware.silver. what are you doing?[ laughs ] well, you know,just feeling some love tonight. take another.go. go. chug.here we go. here we go.
- there it is. yeah!- [ laughing ] [ rod laughing ] give that. [ laughs, sighs ] - hey, man.- [ mutters ] nice. see any mountain men now? aaah. [ all laughing ] no. better.
[ giggling ]shit. wait. what is it? - [ men shout ]- [ jillian screams ] - now i feel better.- damn it. come on, jill. give us the old girls gone wild. fuck you. i'd like to seeyou guys do boys gone wild. oh, now it's a party. put that away.
you guys are sick.you're sick. come on, guys. sorry. ♪♪ [ rock ] nice. show ussome moves, guys. whoa. [ gasps ]oh, god. - you okay, man?- [ vic panting ] [ toilet flushes ]
no. wait a second.you're doing what? restoring hobb springs.top to bottom. figure we couldhave a grand re-openingby next summer. what did you doto him last night? this isn't me. it was my decision.there's somethingabout this place. haven't you guys felt differentsince you got here? - yeah, i've been freaking out.- passing out over here. - toni?- no, we're really happy for you, hon.
- but this place--- was great-- and it can be again. do you know anything about--about running a hotelor a spa? i'm not just doing itfor the money. oh, we get that.we really do. rod, you said thatwe'd all make a greatweb series. what better wayto film a group of friendsrestoring a great landmark? yeah. i could definitely cuta good sizzle reel together. make it a rustic real world. and, vic, you saidyou were game...
for writing a bookabout the historyof this place. - sure, but--- see, bry, we build awareness. the rest of it is justsimple business sense, and that's why theypaid us the big bucks. what do you say, man? well, i guessit wouldn't hurtto draw up a business plan. i knew you'd come around. i know whatyou're gonna say. then why make me say it?
did you look at the guy?it's like night and day. we were supposed to be goingback to the city. it's not so easy for meto just pack it all in,you know. we came hereto help him. i don't even knowwhy we're still friendswith the guy. oh, my god.you just don't knowwhen to shut up. is that-- what exactly were youdoing with that? jillian?
this is staffordshire.do you have any ideahow much these are worth? well, how much? two thousand.at least. the cabinet'sfull of them. i-- i didn't thinkanyone would notice. show me. where else have youchecked for these? just here.i didn't want to look alone. all right.i'll bring them to you,and you catalog, okay?
[ laughs ]yes. these... are perfect. so secret passagesreally do exist. yeah, but wheredo they lead? check outthose cupboards. are we going down there? they keeppriceless antiquesout in the open. can you imagine whatthey decided to hide? [ water flowing ]
oh. [ sighs ]hey, are they-- yep, they're screwin'. what the hellis that? i think i know. get the idea? you're saying that they wouldjust have sex here... while people stood byand watched? mm-hmm.
geez. this is one kinky spa. whoa, whoa.what are you doing? well, i'm agreeingwith you. kinky, right? wait. are wereally gonna do this? [ kissing, moaning ] [ moaning continues ] [ breathing raggedly ] [ jillian moaning ]
[ loud grunting ] - [ cackling ]- [ screaming ] oh, my god! [ cackling ] - [ screaming continues ]- [ cackling continues ] [ bones cracking ] [ coughs ] [ cackles ] stop!
you were supposed to wait. and now you disrespectthis room? well, go on now. you might as welltake what you came for. he stays with me. [ shudders, gasps ] get! [ growls ] look what those boysdid to you.
[ bryan breathing raggedly ] you like that? your head's hurt real bad, but i've seen people livewith a lot worse. just let sallytake care of you, okay? you're so handsome. do you like merubbing up against you? huh? [ winces ]
i can make you feel betterthan that stuck-up bitch, bryan. [ moans, coughs ] [ jackson ]sally. you're supposed to besaving yourself for whenthe time's right. - when's that gonna be?- i know it's hard to wait. well, i'm so closethat i can touch him. how did this oneget in here to begin with? i tried to stop 'em. well, the factthey stopped at allwas a small miracle.
they're just not listening. tonight then. we have them allmeet danny tonight. you ready? finish him off.take him to the kitchen. i'll carve him up later. don't you fret, lover. you'll be in meone way or another. [ stifled screaming ]
[ sally moaning ] water damage. fried outlets. mold. i'm gonna needsome more paper. this would go a hellof a lot faster... if we knewwhat danny had in mind. where is danny? we need keysto some of these places. check the front desk.
only if wednesday addamsis on a break. vic. fine. i'll go.but you go getyour boyfriend. this was allhis idea. [ toni ]danny? toni! [ whimpers ] [ laughs ]we could all use a littleguidance out there, please. i'm coming.
did you do all this? - this is jillian's.- yeah. was she tryingto take these? i don't know. she and bryare always going onabout selling things off. without asking you? well, when it comes to money,bryan's done worse. have you seen themanywhere? [ danny ]looks like they took offwith a few parting gifts.
that's notlike them though. well, i guess you neverreally know anybody, huh? we've known themfor three years. yeah.all they've ever been aboutis the quick and easy. bryan with his sub-primes,and jillian playingthe manhattan socialite bitch. - danny.- she's from wisconsin. i mean, i gave them a chanceto get in on the ground floor. god forbid they everachieve anything in lifeby actually working for it. that's whati'm trying to do here.
wow, danny.they are your friends. you know why bryanwas so eager to get meback in the firm? so they didn't have to doany work. i always did the heavy lifting,and look what that cost me. they're my old life.this-- this is my new one. my god.i am really trying hardto be supportive right now, but the only personi don't feel like i knowis you. what are you talking about? it is this place.
- you wanted to bring me here.- yeah, because i thought it was gonna help. and it has. hell, even sallynoticed the differencefrom when i got here. oh, my god. sally? oh, don't start.don't start that again. you want to bring up-- no, no. - her and her brother, husband, cousin, whatever--- enough of that shit. they are the only ones thatwe really know nothing about. how do you not get that? do you wantto know something?go ask him yourself.
oh, yeah. have you?have you checked into anythingthat they've told you? they have been nothingbut kind to us. and we haven't? you don't understand. oh, my god. these people are my-- what? what are they? do you even know?you don't even know,danny. i don't believe you.fuck you.
[ groans, sighs ] did you get all that? come here.it's okay. it's okay. jackson? sally? [ jackson ]in here, danny. [ danny ]i need to talk to you. and we with you. there's so many thingswe need to explain.we're just not sure how.
[ sally ]i'm sure this is alreadyso overwhelming for you. [ danny ]you can say that again. and we're thrilledthat you're interestedin the hotel. [ sally ]but it's already just a smallaspect of who we really are. who are you? i think it's betterif we show you. but you gotta come alone. i mean, there's some membersof the family that have beenaching to meet you. let's go.
[ jackson ]come on. wouldn't it be easierto use a flashlight? it's the way we do things.you'll see. [ muttering ] [ danny ]who are all these people? [ jackson ]they're all kinin one way or another. - [ children laughing ]- they've come to welcome you home, danny. - [ laughing ]- [ moaning ] how long have youbeen doing this?
well, we've known each othersince our clans firstset foot in these hills. there were three familiesback in those days-- the craytons, the bogelsand the hillickers. which am i? you're a hillicker,danny. - and all of you?- oh, we're blood. yeah. our familiestamed this land. reaped its rewards--the coal, the timber. others tried to chisel inon what we'd earned,but we had birthright.
that's for the lady.that's for you. - what's that?- it's the family vintage. - [ truck engine stops ]- [ man laughing ] [ jackson ]see, like this brew, hobb springs isa testament to family. it's a placefor our folk to gatherfrom far and wide. - [ laughing ]- with them came others. like your friendswho came with you. [ growling ]
[ jackson ]and they bringtemptation to stray. it weakened our familymuddied our blood. see, how do you preservefamily strength? how do you keep it pure? how? we stick to our own. there's nothing to fear,sweetie. there's nothing to fear. [ man murmuring ]
what happened to them? it's the price of purity. purity.stick to our own. that's right, danny.family. uncle, cousin. brother. see, what was traditionbecame ritual, and that ritualpreserved our bloodlines. it cleansed it even. our devotion was strongand rewarded,
but when it was weak, we were punished. and so it's beenfor generations. lately, everythinghas gone wrong. no child comes to terms. and the ones that do,they don't survive. - and that's why we need you, danny.- why? see, only true blood'llkeep this family alive. danny, you and me,
our blood is still true. it belongs together. [ twig snaps ] [ man growls ] [ vic gasps, screams ]fuck. get the fuck-- [ whimpering ] [ grunts ] - [ murmuring ]- get the fuck-- [ groans ]danny.
- danny.- i know him. no. you only think you do. danny. man, what the fuck?[ screaming continues ] i'm sorry. i don't--i don't know who you are. [ screaming continues ] danny! no! [ yelling ] blood. [ clan murmuring ]
flesh is life. [ gagging, coughing ] long life. ♪♪ [ string instrumental ] ♪♪ [ continues ] [ men cackling ] [ sally squealing ] danny. guys.
[ gasps ]jesus, toni. maybe it's danny or vic. here. toni, stay back. ready?on three. one. two. three. [ danny ]whoa! shit! fuck! i'll say.we almost killed you, man. danny, what the hellhappened to you?
what happened? [ slurring ]i was drinking... a lot. drinking? oh, there was dancing. had a barbecue. oh, yeah, yeah.sounds nice, yeah. us? we were scared outof a sound sleep by some maniacbanging on the fucking door. whoa, whoa, whoa.calm down. i don't need thisright now, rod, okay?
danny, are these scratches? i don't know.you should know, huh? ♪♪ [ humming ] stop. stop, danny. hey, come on, dude.get off. come on. all right. listen, we needto leave right now. fuck that. i'm home. this is not your home.
you know what?you guys can leave. bryan and jillian, they did.vic did. vic left? danny, what happenedto vic? how the fuckshould i know? want to go? hmm? dude, come on. stop. don't.
you know what, guys? i'm-- why don't you just let meget some sleep, please. guys, i've never seen himthis fucked up. should you guys, like,carry him upstairsor something or-- yeah, but whatabout vic? do you guys smell that?hold on. charlie. [ sizzling ] - [ toni gasps ]- holy shit.
[ charlie mutters ]come on. go. go. [ whimpers, sobs ]we have to get danny to go. [ sobbing ] whether he wants to or not. get up. charlie.go. go! toni, go. [ toni screams ] [ yells ] get toni out of hereright now.
- [ man snarling ]- go now. - [ growling ]- [ blade slices ] [ screaming, grunting ] [ charlie screams ] [ man muttering ] [ charlie whimpering ] - [ screams ]- [ cackling continues ] where is he, rod?we have to find him. no. we goand come back for help.
no, we can'tleave him here. he wants to stay.don't you get that? i think he knowswhat's been going on. you-- no! no! you saw him whenyou asked about vic. [ sobbing ]danny would never do that, rod.danny would never do that. listen to your brotherfor a change. i'm going. i'm going. toni! toni!
oh, shit. [ panting, sniffling ] toni. - [ metal scraping ]- [ panting ] [ yelps, screams ] - [ screaming continues ]- [ cackling ] [ electricity crackling ] [ snickering ] - please don't shoot me.- where's danny?
- [ snickers ]- where is danny? where he belongs. you did something to him.did you do something to him? he liked it.[ moaning ] he doesn't know what you are.i do. i do. so you think you knowall of our secrets now? you're murderers.you eat people. don't you judge me. i'm gonna tell dannyeverything about you.
he knows. that's why he's stayin'to fill me with a baby. and i can already feel thatbaby growin' deep inside. you're gonna getyours now, girl. - [ sally yelling ]- [ toni screaming ] [ yelling continues ] [ toni groaning ] do you wanna seewhat firewater doesto a pretty face? [ gasps, screams ]
[ sally groaning ] [ yells, grunts ] - [ sally groans ]- no! - what the hell are you doing?- [ groaning continues ] oh, my god, sally. it's okay. shh, shh.it's okay. you trying to killmy family now? family? we're your family, danny,the ones they killed.
i told you to leave. - not without you.- you don't know me anymore. i've changed.and you don't belong here. so just gobefore you get hurt! - [ sally wheezing ]- hurt? like vic?like bryan and jillian, danny? hurt? they're not hurt.they're dead! just fucking leave! [ screams, grunts ]
you fuckinghurt my sister? huh? enough. enough.i said stop. oh, no. afraidi can't do that, danny.she knows an awful lot. no one will believe her.she knows that. oh, that is not enough. you have me. i'm a hillicker now.you don't need her too. i'm really sorry.you see, we have our ways. [ laughs ]don't worry, baby.
i'm gonna make thisreal quick. i'll do it. i said i'll do it. i brought her here, and she--she's my responsibility. - [ gasps, screams ]- you do it. - no! no!- make it fucking quick. no! no![ sobbing ] oh, dear god.[ muttering ] no! no! no! no!
takin' too long, danny. run. - fuckin' finish it!- and don't look back. oh, fuck.[ grunts ] no![ panting ] no.[ screams ] no![ screams ] [ jackson grunting ] - [ sobbing ]- [ hammer cocks ]
- danny, no.- i told you to leave. i tried. you didn't listen. i couldn't. now you've goneand killed one of us. [ moans ]he was trying to kill me. this isn't happening. i can't help youanymore. just stop, danny.this isn't you.
- no?- [ electricity crackling ] - it's family.- [ man yells ] [ man ]fourteen hours in a van. [ chattering ] all right.have a fantastic day.thank you. [ danny ]hey, guys, how are you?you find the place okay? welcometo hillicker springs. just you waituntil you've experiencedour hot springs. whew. boy, are theyto die for.
now, you go findyour rooms, okay? enjoy your stay.i know i will. how are you, ladies? hi. hey, how are you?you enjoying ourall-protein buffet? [ foreign accent ]i've already lost six pounds. wow. well, don't godisappearing on us now, okay? [ claps hands ] come on, boys. we've got more importantwork to be doing, huh?
come on. let's go.let's go. come on. don't worry.we'll keep trying and trying. it's not that. what then, sweetie? i'm just happy. closed-captioned bycaptions, inc., burbank ca ♪ it's all brand-new ♪ ♪ you're doing things that you shouldn't do ♪♪

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