subramanyapuram...time:01.14 am hyderabad....time:01.10 am hello, it's shankar here. lt's been a month since l saw you. where the hell are you?- in subramanyapuram. what? what did you say now? you heard me right. l'm here for a month to solve the mysteysurrounding this place and it's temple. lf you know what l know...- l wouldn't have let you go there.
that's why l came here without informingour boss in endowments department. l'm writing evemhing l know in a book,just 10 more pages and it'll be over. l'll submit it to our dept.in tomorrow's meeting. lt'll be curtains down for thesubramanyapuram mystey tomorrow. tomorrow you'll know how it'll bein tomorrow's meeting. end will be as you had imagined.- as imagined? college topper pallavi on mortuay mystey! night after 12, something is seen fromthe 13th window in mortuay ward. 13th window means,l'm sure it's a ghost.
lf l don't go on rounds,dean will shout on me. l'm damn scared to go there at night. ghost? my foot! get lost! mortuay? l can't! your comments on the mystey, sir.- can't say anything in particular. mortuay is that side only. why are you acting brave, you coward? ls it necessay, buddy? l can't sleep l don't find answerto one question.
but entire college is agog with questions. lf l don't find it myself,l can't even eat. 5you're arrogant, so you're going,why should l join you? leave me alone, boy, l beg you. lf suspense is laced with comedy,it's surefire hit formula. come.- don't know what that is! buddy, keep your phone alsoin silent mode. someone may get up if phone rings. dead bodies can't hear sounds, right?
sory, come. how many corpses here? hand! did you save me from it?is that what you say now? come. l told you to keep it in silent mode, right? l think this fool is going to kill me tonight. my friends, what brave karthik tells you is, the ghost that appears in our mortuayafter 12 at midnight, recently mortuay ward wasrenovated, right?
they forgot and left a reflector sheet there. reflecting...?- didn't get it? lt means a big size mirror.- mirror? evey night at 12,arc lights are switched on, when the light passes the 13th window,it falls on the mirror and it reflects back fromthe 13th window, people who saw this reflecting lightgot afraid mistaking it as ghost. since it is mortuay ward,people believed it blindly. this is the background stoy of the ghost.
lt is as l guessed it. wow? had you been there last night,you wouldn't be here now to say wow? you devil face! what l say is, there's an answerto evey question in his world. 1lf there's a question without answer, the problem isn't the questionbut in tying to find it. mine too same quotation. don't always ty to find an answerto the question. at times, it may harm your life also.
giving life is better thanieaving the question without answer, madam. question is for liberation... stop smoking andstart eating chocolates. lt's good for heart.- what's life without aim? betel leaf acts like spirit, you know that? lemon will not give you gas,you know that? lt won't give you intoxication,you know that? lf you're so scared,why do you drink? why not drink plain water?you know that?
give me that, madam. he's buying something to eat. sai baba too was happy to help poorthan spending on temples. l didn't do it to prove to someone. must do something which nobodytried earlier, that's real thrill. hey dhoni! you talk so much of logicbut got out so easily. this is not logic but calculation. you'll never change.- he'll never change. never! what's it, mother?
today is last day of the collegeto the boy, right? to your brother.- yes. will this shirt be perfect?- did you call me for this, mother? hey you! watch out! mother-in-law!karthikeya is not yet ready, right? thank god, l'm on time.l thought shirt selection is over. not yet. ls this shirt okay?
why t-shirt today, mother-in-law?- why? today is last day in college,moreover practical exam, this black full hand shirt will be perfect. perfect, sister-in-law. uncle, chocolate. lncluding that little girl,there are three women in home, but what's the use?still waiting for coffee since morning. but they serve him evemhingfrom soap to shoe. horoscope!
that brings to my memoy, wait, let me see your horoscopefor today and then go out. no time, l'll hear it tonight. what's the use of knowing yourhoroscope for today at night? either it is same to us, if it is good,it's profit or else loss. that is horoscope. what's this, dad?you too talk like mom. what's this, son? how are you going to office today, brother?
ln car...why? after getting ready handsomely,l need to go by car, right? ask me anything but car.- then, give car keys. mother!- give me, mother-in-law. lf l see even a scratch on my car, no findswill be released for your next week's camp. got it? be careful.- forget about him and his threats. that's because l'm... your horoscope today... great day for scorpios!it's vey special day.
today is vey lucky day because...- tell me the matter first. because knowing your horoscope... tell me, mother. today's your horoscope says you'll meeta girl who will bring you luck. l see hundred girls evey day,how can l find my lucky girl from them, mother? you're mad, mom. girls among them are different,this one girl will be special. look at her carefully,you'll see the difference. thank god, got parking place!
name is valli. never saw you here.are you from this campus? when l saw you just a moment earlier,l had a vey goo opinion about you. that's why l'm unable to fight fiercely. moreover a girl! but brother is more importantthan girl, right? so...- so? lt's difficult for you to take itto workshop for repairs. lf you pay me, l'll get it repaired.
you don't have dialogues in this scene, okay? l've, right? listen to me. come whatsoever it may scorpioand leo will meet! what's your...- shut up! pay for repairs and take the keys. l'm up there only. don't think you don't need this card,l'll steal somewhere and leave this card. be careful. during this period, bad omen willcome in between.
l lost my id card andhe lost parking place. what? is this also my mistake? when my mother said about lucky girl,l thought it was you. lf bad time is on your side,who can prove lucky to you? enough of cribbing, get lost. you got parking place not priyanka chopra. though there may be hurdlesto stop the meeting, people of these zodiac signswill be definitely. stop! no need to fight with the crowd,iet them finish.
how come he died astonished? l don't know anything. chocolate in lab?- wait. he drew liver for kidney. shall l put another one?- do it. don't waste the chocolate. what are you boys doing there? did you finish your records?come on, take out your records. take out your record.- take out yours.
l'm asking you! hail babaji! swamy...swamy... where are you taking our swamy? why are you taking him away? please save swamy. how dare you manhandleour god like swamy? lf that god man asks to send your wifeto him tonight, will you send her? this has your baba's videos, watch it.
battalion will be here to arresthis devotees. lf there are any of his devotees here,they can go to jail with him. lf you don't have children, go to doctorsnot to such fake god men. call from endowment department, sir. urgent?- yes, sir. l've to finish his job,tell them l'll come tomorrow. where are you, veera?we've lot of work. bye. last exam is over, your car toogot saved from accident, buddy. the girl you liked turnediucky girl for you.
what other reasons you need? what for?- asking me what for? recently you emptied my pockets, right?- buddy! l had drinks in intoxication.please don't waste time. just one 90 ml! half...stop with it.- okay, take it. lf there's anything, have a blast. buddy, atm card! atm card and pan card are same.- no cash?
l remember having rs.2000.but card is not working. no cheque book andno patience to go to bank. but it's duty of man to ty till he succeeds,even for drunkards too. how long?- don't wory. there's customer inside, right? l'm getting late.- stand in line. will it take time to deposit also?- it'll take time. whether you get money or not,atm has good ac. why there's a long queue?
may be rs.500 notes are issuedinstead of rs.100. no madam, two men enteredinside 2 hours ago. they're not coming out andnot allowing anyone come inside. why?- l don't know what to do. this is too much. pin number? come. come quickly, they'll close happy hours. even million eyes are not enough...
even a lakh hearts are not enough... to see you, to get closer to youand to love you... languages and words are running short... to praise you and to call you... let time create any hurdle,myjourney will never end with you... you entered through my eyes intomy heart and become my life... you dived deep into me for pearl... you turned into a flawless diamond... l dived for flawless diamondand found you...
karthik, you'll get out on first ball,watch out! looking at me...smiling at me...cutting my heart into pieces... why do you enlarge the distancebetween us? why this distance between us? the words hearts knowsdon't come on lips... when you appear before me,l get nervous... when you're before me,l'm lost in day dreams... l'm floating in dreamand with you... you drowned me with yourgentle rain of love...
you entered my life like spring... commissioner?he's in a meeting on the right side. sir, he's in a meeting. this is bhairava temple of bobbarlankain east godavari district. lt is in ruins now. for the past l days a wonderis happening... l've an appointment at 11 am. can you please wait for 5 minutes,l'll finish this meeting. the fact is that for the past l days,
evey day a dog is coming to the templeand circumambulating the temple tower. observing this, people in the village startedcoming to the temple to see this spectacle. people of neighbouring villages cameto know about this and started coming there. this automatically raised theincome of the temple. the temple may see the golden days again. as this was happening, few people,l mean atheists, said the dog as circling disease,and has mass hysteria, they're spreading messages like this, we're not asking through media thatpeople must have faith in god,
l'm asking media not to belittlethe faith of theists. so, any news against this temple comingon tv or print media, it's our responsibility to see it doesn't comeand hurt the sentiments of the believers. because if temple prospers,the village will also prosper, that's all. sory, l made you wait. tell me. that is... sir, temple offering.- from which temple? palani, sir.
give me little. sir, for you. tell me, sir. case file of shankar who workedin your department. he died recently. his residence comes under my station limits. l need your signature for closing the case. this is snake bite but not accidental. then? murder?
you're saying it indirectlyand say direct. shankar is with endowments departmentfor the last 5 years, he's an article writer in my department, his articles appeared in many magazines, he used to come to a conclusionafter deep study only. he requested for long leaveabout 2 months ago, but l came to know later that hehad gone to subramanyapuram, and that he invited death himself. you may have doubt about invitingdeath on going to that place.
there's a temple dedicatedto lord subramanya swamy. recently the temple was closed dueto some untoward incidents. ever since then anyone who triedto open the temple or solve the mystey, ....are dying! particularly dying with snake bites. shankar too went there to findthe truth and died. lf there's any more in your stoy,tell it to my constable, l need only your signature,l've lot of work. l didn't tell to believe me,l just gave you information, that's all.
sister-in-law, pack this too. ls medical camp compulsoyfor the course? nothing like that, sister-in-law.we go voluntarily, we're sent as groups to placeswhere there are no medical facilities. not mandatoy but... l'll gain experience too. why are you so dull as if l'm goingto space or war, mother? what's this, mother?come with me why are you so sad? no son, you never been away fromhome for so many days.
you're going to faraway place, so... how far the place may be?l've phone and car with me to come. why do you wory about me, mom? which place are you going to? subramanyapuram! allot any place to any team but allotsubramanyapuram to karthik group. why are you so particular aboutthat village, sir? for karthik's curiosity andfor his arrogance, he would go to that village butwill not come back from there.
recently astrologer brought your horoscope, he warned that you've danger from snakes, you stopped at a fantastic place, karthik. location is great! why did we stop now? hey tar barrel, empty your bladder. oh valley! l'm scared of valleys.come this side. let's pee here. won't you go to pee?- you cary on.
take as many photos as you can now. what's this shock enty of a mad manon entering the place? ln cities mad men are locked in hospitalsbut roam freely in rural places. we're here, right?let's take care of them. don't know what's he? welcome to subramanyapuram may god bless you to visit again open the umbrella. welcome sir.
we're waiting for you since morning. l didn't tell you, right?my name is veeraraju. l'm village head for the past 4 years.elected unopposed. l can judge it on seeing her. why are you staring like that? unload the baggage. what about our lodging? hold my glasses. go around the village, see all the houses,any house you select is yours.
anywhere? we must all staytogether in one place. but no house so big toaccommodate all of you. we must all stay together in one place. you mean boys and girls stayin one place? he's my worker amulet.- amulet? for good or bad or for any disease,he gives an amulet. will it work? where do we stay now? to stay together in one place....there's one place...
temple trustee's bungalow! so many reactions!is it haunted by ghosts? nothing like that.but the house is vacant for a year now. 2 months ago...- do you've any objection? why should l've objection?- then, send someone to clean it. nobody will go there. give me the keys. ls it any girl to appear sexy? this is a haunted bungalow.
life will be interesting if we stayin such bungalows. we must be alive to makelife interesting, right? lf you like stay with me,if you're scared live in village. would anyone who wantsto live stay here? we're not brave enough to stay here,we're going back to village. are you still here? how can l leave you?- evey friend is necessay... how much time will it take to cleanthis palatial bungalow? for me an hour!
you dot maker?- amulet man! he said nobody will come here,why did you come here? l came because nobody else will. since you're here,stay with us, don't go away. how could he build such a big bungalowamidst this thick forest? how well he has built in those times? windows are like doors! lf this bungalow is like this in day time,how about in night? it's scaring me. buddy....buddy...
buddy! lt looks like original. this is just like me. will you kill me? l'll beat you with slippers. come... lt's vey scay inside. l'm also in the same boat. bloody dirty face!
l thought just that room,entire building is scay. nothing...- don't scare me. already l'm too scared. you see people drawing on roadsand seeking alms, l think someone like him hadstayed here. lt's not a drawing but dead body. ls it motif? clean it man.- l'll do it. my name is mohan.- tell me. sir, l'm friend of ed employee shankar.- so what?
a snake bite killed my friend recently. case is also closed, then? shankar called myjust 2 minutesbefore he died. called you and... he told he's in subramanyapuram and waswriting a book on some closed temple there. suddenly l heard a strange noisein my phone. call got cut.l got news about shankar's death. what do you want to say now? you may get any new information if yousee the book he was writing he died.
do you've that book?- no, sir. after shankar's death, his wife wentto back to her parents' house. she's having that book. where?- kadiri. do it fast, useless fellows! you're vey sharp,be with till camp ends here. say cheese! buddy, medical camp is happierthan that bungalow. l'll sleep here at night.
have it. take it. one more tea please. this village, camp area,environment here, evemhing is perfect! but something's missing here. valli? her eyes...her smile! the double tooth when she smiles!
she'll have it removed, buddy.she's a dental doctor, right? shut up! that's her beauty spot. l'm unable to forget her. sir is yearning for someone. the person is near to him. that person is in hyderabad. hyderabad is 600 miles away from here. goddess mother will never lie, sir. god bless you, sir.
go, sleep on empty stomach.go. will you encourage such people too? l didn't give money for her wordsbut her age. would you like to have another tea? munna, one more tea please. that's valli! lf not hallucination,just think with common sense. why would valli be in the busto this remote place? mother!
mother! is it vey urgent? no, good news. good news?what's that? your sister-in-law is pregnant. give the phone to sister-in-law. talk to him. tell me, karthik. sister-in-law, you gave fantastic news. l'll call you back in an hour andgive you good news.
lf l hear good news,l'm sure it must be valli. start the bike. train is coming, give way please... buddy, l think that train willtake us faster. change the gear. what happened? push...push... go...go... he and his bike!moreover dark glasses too.
looks like he may enter thebus with bike, stop it. did you see her? l searched entire bus but didn't find her. buddy, let's ask that fatso sitting there. where did the passengers of this bus go? when will the bus go again? after people come back. so, you won't leave till the bus is full. order tea.- no tea, got cigarettes?
got beedis.- beedi? give. got daiy milk?- got! got sir, peppermints. match box? to hell with my fate! did you come this far fromhyderabad for me? from next village. we came to next village from hyderabad.
are you here for camp? l requested to allot me that village,l must curse myself for it. you wantonly got this placeallotted, right? you cleared all our doubtswith your questions. buddy, we both getting allottedthe same place for camp, is it accidental or act of fate? modern time, buddy.- neither wonder nor surprize. hometown.- native place? start it.
what? you look down on me like dog. l love dogs, please... your anger is justified,you stayed back in our first meeting. you don't know what happenedafter that and other incidents. you're my perfect match. buddy, you're forgetting your strengthby becoming lover boy. do l've such a thing? yes, comedy is your strength.
girls fall flat for comedy. then, shall l crack jokes? lf you do come without proper situation,comedy will become tragedy. for comedy to flourish,use an idiot as scapegoat. not me, someone else! look at the world around you,our scapegoat will appear typical. watch my act now! l'll rock! buddy, look at that man in saffron clothes. look at him make bravado statementsabout knowing world's future with an almanac.
he can't wear his dhoti properly andit seems he'll tell future of others. buddy, girls will fall flat for your comedy. watch now, l'll give him a shock. astrologer, please come here.- me? come...please. buddy, l'll show you film...- old man will get the stick from me. l'll make you whistle, buddy. father, sit here. he called me, dead.
l mean we called you to sit next to her. did it stop?- l stopped it. what's my strength?- comedy. do you know l've strength? this case isn't as easy as l thought. what happened inside, sir? greetings.- greetings, please sit down. come, sir. wait a minute, l'll get it.- okay.
take away that ill-fated book,it'll be good riddance. his mother. she heard people saying that he diedbecause he wrote this book, it has affected her mentally. but truth is he wrote the bookwith great love and care. lf this book helps you,what more can l ask? take it with you. bye madam. l'll not allow anything to happento the book.
l didn't say be careful with the book. lt was for you! start the vehicle. what's the problem?- stomach. for her, third month. ls it? please come and sit here, madam. my sister-in-law is also pregnant. though you've morning sickness,don't stop eating. the better you eat now,the better it is for baby's future.
we're not here for deliveybut abortion. doctor in next town scanned andsaid it's a girl. l told him to abort it andhe asked rs.10000. lt seems you do it for free, so we're here. do you like to for it, madam?- what can that foolish lady say? abort it. don't say remove it.it's not a tumour to remove it. lt's life!that too a girl! that's why l'm telling you to remove it.
why do you think it's a hurdle? ln what way girls are inferior to boys? lf you educate them, girls are the oneswho'll take care of you in future. how can you understand our difficulties? lf you're in s many difficulties,don't go for abortion, stop having sex. just one phone call is enoughto send you and that doctor to jail. you'll spend all your life in jail.shall l call police? shall l? look here,
instead of living with this idiot,you can live happily with your daughter. girls are not safe on roads, busesand colleges, if mother's womb is also turnsunsafe for girls, where will she go? lf he changes okay or else ditch him, because you need your daughtermore than him in future. go. this scene benefited two people.- two people? one was that lady and another, look there!
how many wonders in such a short time... how many mistakes habitually... l can't see you directly... l saw you hiding behind screen... are you my life span or my wish?are you my breath to last all my life? are you an unwritten song?who are you like an imagination? l feel smile was born for you only... lf you share your love, it'll be grateful... l've fallen for you,l don't care who you may be...
l don't know if l've the patience or notbut this night must stay standstill... she appears docile and soft... when she's alone by herself,she's mind boggling... l don't know about past butnow it's festival when l meet you... you've taken over my dreams... when south india was togetheras dravida nadu, this place was ruled by rashtrakoota kings, king kirthivarma of that period builta marvellous temple for lord subramanya. on the first full moon day afterthe temple was built,
few minutes after the dark, a big flash of light emanatedfrom the temple, villagers were astonished, since the temple was dedicatedto lord subramanya who appeared there, they considered the light as his presence andcelebrated festival for 21 days after that night, on the 21st day they celebrated theconsecration of lord grandly, they used to end the festival. light appeared on the full moon dayof karthika month evey year, and 21 days of festivities became custom,
though kings and kingdoms changed, thought many mughal kings tried to conquerthe temple or demolish it, they could never succeed, dutch, portuguese, britishers came, but the festival in the month of karthika wascelebrated as usual with pomp and splendour. temple trustee build a small palacefor their stay in the forest, they used to stay in the bungalowwhenever they visited the temple. as time passed, temple's fame reachediength and breadth of the nation, since the income in the templegrew by leaps and bounds,
endowments dept. took overtemple's administration. last year of the full moon dayof karthika month... emergency case, sir. your phone is switched off, so... can't do from here,l need to visit that place. don't irritate me,can't you understand if l say once? how can you say like that? you said you love methat's your feeling. l don't like you, that's my feeling.
but you praised me that day. l appreciated your good work not you. lf this pig had done that l would'vereacted the same way. you please don't react overly. caste problem? l've stopped eating chicken for your sake. would you please let me go? don't you know to speak telugu? l thought something else for these gestures.
but when asked she said she'll reactthe same for this pig also. l don't mind if she says pig,but you say... you make my drink. l wanted to have a peg andsleep peacefully but... where are you going?- to buy drinks. drinks at this hour? we're doctors, it won't be goodif we drink in day time. okay, get me a biyani. who is he?
kick again. come here. that amulet man! come here quickly. what are you doing here? not inside? outside is comfortable to me.- adding us also? where can l get liquor here? difficult here.- then, let's go to next village.
lt's vey difficult to go there. tell him to stop the bike,vey urgent to use pot. stop...stop... ups and downs has shaken up my bowels. go, finish it quickly. thanks.- go man! buddy, bridge is bigger than the village. come fast, man. why is he going towards the bridge?
he may do it from there, idiot. buddy...- you too? lf you come with me. l think kick has come down,he started to get afraid. do it. don't you want to pee?- no. l'll go, am l scared? buddy! who is he? ls he dead?
lt seems police officer is dead. do you know the police officer? he came to my office for a case. l understood form his behaviourhe was vey sincere officer. but seeing him like this... l came to know he was foolish tooalong with sincerity. l'm not asking eveyone tobelieve in god. but when a series of incidents happen, l don't mind if you don't believe,we must be vey careful,
if not we can't avoid such tragic deaths. l wish such incidents don't happen again. spread awareness through your media. which direction the temple is?- this direction, sir. please solve this problem innear future, my lord! come...come... have you sent his belongingsto hyderabad office? sent evemhing, sir. didn't miss anything, right?- no sir, but...
but what? lt seems they missed a book he had brought. you put me in trouble, man. where the book is now, lord easwara? on the 10th day after the light appearedon full moon day of karthika month of 2013, as usual when temple trustee wasoffering prayers along with his family, temple trustee suddenly fell down. what happened to the elderly man? considering the incident as defacing,shut the temple for 11 days.
how is it possible, sir? lt's a temple where prayers have been offeredwithout any interruption for many centuries, moreover the festival ends in 10 days, how can god be defaced? tradition is same for man and god. whatever you may say, shutting templeand stopping prayers is impossible. then, be prepared for thebad consequences. watch the consequences for failingto follow customs and traditions. two days later when the temple was openedtwo lovers were found dead with snake bite.
suddenly rumours were spread abouthearing strange voices and cries from the temple. the voices were heard. people started talking aboutthe temple with fear. devotees to the temple startedto avoid it. particularly in the evening. chief priest offered evening prayerswithout fail. one evening after he offeredevening prayers... you didn't hear when we warned,in a way you're responsible for these deaths. had god been there in the temple,would there be so many deaths?
would there be rumours? people are talking whatever they wish! fame of the temple has been marred. with my experience l'm telling you,there's no god in this temple. lf we keep open a temple without god,it is bad for us as well as the temple. that's why?- shut down the temple. how is it possible? this temple has histoy ofhundreds of years, how can we close it down permanently?- not permanently, sir.
lf lord subramanya graces us againand returns to the temple, next year on the full moon day ofkarthika month, he'll appear as light! when the light appears,we can conduct the customay festival. what if the light fails to appear? what else?shut down the temple permanently. oh lord shiva! why talk about bad omen?let's pray only good happens! we all pray for that only, though we toodon't like but we've to accept this. shut the temple.
2 months after the temple was closed, people of the village completely stoppedtalking about the temple, a tv crew which tried to investigateabout the temple died in an accident. people's faith grew stronger. the real reason for these deaths is... do you know what's in it?- you read it, right? ls it all true? lf this is true, what could be thereal reason for the deaths? all this happened because ofthis book...
buddy, you know about me, right?- l know, buddy. you won't sleep if you don't findanswer for one question, if you see so many questions,you won't even eat food. but life is much more importantthan sleep and food, right? they're villagers, they believe it. we're students of science,how can we believe it? you know you're science student,but the snake doesn't know this, sir. l've a doubt, how come you dressdifferently here from city? do you drink?
l can guess from your face. you drink a lot. will you drink before your mother? no chance!- no chance, right? that's city, l live alone there. my father is here so l follow traditions. what else? valli, l see anger in your wordsbut see love in your eyes. don't ty to convince by confusing me.
my life is not in my hands,l'll mary the man my father selects. we belong to an orthodox family. when hands are with you,how can your life be not in it? lt's shear madness. okay, you told me,l'll talk to your father. will he come? he's just an empty vesselnot a man a of word. can l come in? please come.
he has come to my home really. please take your seat. l think l've seen you somewhere.- in bus stop. ln bus...tell me.what do you want? my name is karthik, l'm here formedical camp with your daughter. l want to ask you a thing. go ahead. what exactly is the problemwith your temple? l can understand your enthusiasm.
but it is not good for you and meto discuss about the temple. do you believe the rumours? we believe certain lies withoutgiving a thought about it. we hesitate to accept few truths. that's all, you must believe it. then, that is not belief but superstition. just spelling difference between beliefand superstition. but that difference has taken our cultureand tradition back by thousand years. why do we need building almanacfor earth which rotates?
how do you fix this as east or west? people wear tiger nail as dollarfor long life, but tigers with 1$ nails isendangered here. l've answer for all your questions. but if l tell you're not old enough tounderstand it or experience it. matter is l love valli, sir. when l asked hershe wanted me to talk t!o you. no father... actually not that,
l liked valli when l saw her in hyderabad, l proposed to her feeling she too likes me, l know she would accept meif you don't have any objection. look, you told me the matterin short and correctly. l read people's horoscopes andfix their marriages. so l've an idea about when,how my daughter's marriage will take place. as an astrologer l can tellwho her future husband will be, but as her father l can't tell anyone. l'm intelligent, l can understand.
valli, coffee was excellent. where is karthik?- l don't know. l'll ask the fatso. where's karthik?- l don't know. where did he go early morning? god, l'm entering your precinct. you're indeed handsome! what happened?what happened, buddy? snake...dangerous snake! where?- didn't l tell you?
didn't l warn you about it?- you keep quiet. do you believe him?- l saw here only. bring him inside. come...come l say.- trust me. l saw it.- okay, you saw it. calm down and go to sleep.- vey large snake... should we cowards watch such films, buddy? l saw the snake really. did you see?did you see evemhing?
did eveyone see it? shut your gob and go to be.go. hey electrician, do it fast,how long will you take? lt's almost done, sir. you must give a dose of anti-biotic too. hey you, come here. you only! why did they all come together? any disease break-out?
lt seems you went near the templeand even tried to enter the temple. l went there casually. casual? are human lives casual to you? you're doctors. you must save lives not take lives. okay, why are you talking aboutdeath now, sir? l heard a stoy about the temple,just went to see the temple. you too will become a part of that stoy. stop it! you're scaring him.
lf the young man enters thetemple bravely, isn't it good for all of us if thetemple door is opened again? get it fast! don't touch it, it's our village problem,we'll take care of it. get a vehicle. what sort of people they are? elderly man, don't leave him. hey amulet, l'm famished. how is the electrician now?- he died.
died? matter is there's poison in his body. what did the villagers say about it? ls it new thing to us? anyone who talks about the temple dies. sir, isn't the tamarind rice special to you. what's that look?don't you like to see me here? mother!- my darling! how come you've grown thin?is it because of his food?
mother, this is too....- wait, son. ghee in tamarind rice?- only then you'll eat. when he said on phonel thought it was just for fun. he has really brought his family. congratulations, sister.baby must be handsome like me. not like you but beautiful like my daughter. lsn't it? we were united by an overwhelmingsilence of togetherness... what was destined happenedyet it's like a dream run...
we're together now andl feel we'll be fine hereafter... my heart says l'm no more thereafter this union... what's it, dear? l think sonu has gone out to play again.l'll go for her. you wait, he'll go. hubby! once he sleeps, he'll not get up. you wait here, l'll go for her. why did she go out to play at this hour?
where are mother and sonu, sister-in-law? sonu went out to play,your mother went looking for her. at this hour? where's grandma?don't know? where's grandma? lord! why did you get scared, mother? come.come. let's go upstairs.
people say l'm brave like you,how can you get scared, mother? don't know why but there's no peacein this bungalow. l feel something is wrong withsnake design on rook and this idol. we want stay here for few more daysand you want us to leave now. my friends are embarrassedwith your presence. he pushed it on us. my son, please don't remove this amuletunder any circumstances. be careful, son.- okay, mom. bye, be careful sonu.- bye, son.
why are you dull?- nothing. didn't your family like me?- they love you. my father liked your family so much. except you. buddy, earlier few pegs wouldkeep me calm all the night, but now l'm having full bottlebut no use. people are busy with their work except me. what happened?- nothing...nothing... nobody would believe if l say,cary on with your game.
you have your drink. lt's my damn fate,l'm seeing all those things. hello my black gold! how could yousleep peacefully amidst all this tension? l know the snake will not bite mebecause l've applied odomos cream. odomos cream? is it mosquito? switch off the light and sleep. get up from bed! ls it the same snake that ferociouslyattacked you, karthik? l'm sure, sir.
even it's mother wouldn't haveseen it so closely. but it's just an ordinay reptile. please come in for a minute. ls the snake seeking vengeance on karthik? do you also believe such things, valli? after seeing all this l'm unableto think anything beyond this. l thought such things happen only in films,does it happen in real life too? didn't l tell you?nobody believed me then. l told about disposing the book...
give me one day's time,l'll find a solution to this. lt's blindfold to the moonlightof full moon day... who dared to put off the lightwithout being seen? please listen to me calmlywithout getting excited. karthik, the snake came to kill you. you're its target. lt won't die without killing you. but an unexpected matter here is,someone has hypnotised the snake! lt's new matter but it is not magicor tantra, pure science!
how can a snake be hypnotised? we can hypnotise evey living creature. unlike for we humans,there's a different process for animals. lt is called as animal magnetismor animal therapy. bbc did a program on it recently,this is video of that program. using touch therapy,they bring the animals into a trance, once it is in trance, it follows only thevoice of the man who hypnotised it. ls it possible practically, sir? this is not rocket scienceor alien ufo,
what we see in our eveyday life, to tell you simply,to make an elephant get into the lory, you need ten people, a craneand one full day! but the same elephant balanceson the top of a small drum in circus. how? trainer takes the animal into trance andmakes it do what it doesn't know. generally birds and dogs arevey scared of fire. but in circus they pass throughrings of fire. cocks are not enemies of cocks butin cock fights they fight till other one dies.
because the trainer caresses itbefore the fight. lt's known as touch therapyor hypno therapy. likewise someone has hypnotisedthe snake to attack with your smell. that's why it'll ty to kill you till it dies. but now we must know who he isand why he's doing this! to know this we must do reverse engineering. ls your father in town, valli? please don't stop me from talkingabout that temple, sir. lf l know about the histoy ofthe temple,
we can easily know what has happenedand what's going to happen! to know full details about this temple, we must meet the head ofnagashakthi peetam in thanjavur. sir, we need to meet the head of mutt. please arrange to meet him, sir. during the rule of kirthivarmadravida state faced famine, green fields and cattle vanishedto turn land into a burial ground, people of rashtrakoota started to die intens and hundreds due to hunger and poverty, when the rulers were struggling totake control of the situation,
king saw an idol of lord subramanyawhile travelling alone, he made a vow to build a temple if godsaves his county and its people from famine. suddenly a drop of rain fell andit started to pour down, county came alive green with lifeand prosperity. people were back to theirregular happy peaceful life. king invited renowned sculptor viswakarmaand started building the temple. as the construction work was in progress, one day king made a request to viswakarma, temple dedicated to lord whorestored life to his kingdom,
must have something specialwhich no temple had till now! asking if his family owned emeraldwould be of any help, he handed over the emerald to viswakarma. viswakarma tested it and decidedto place it under lord's feet. when moonlight falls on the emeraldat lord's feet, he placed it in such a way that lightis reflected hundreds of times. viswakarma built the temple so that moonlight fallson emerald on karthika full moon day. so on the full moon day of karthika month moonlightfalls on emerald and gives a big flash of light. to make this temple special,
king and viswakarma kept this emeraldmatter secret from all others. this is fact. tomorrow is karthika month full moon day. what's the remedy for this, swamy? may god bless you victoy. thanjavur photos? did you upload camp photosevey day without fail? l did. do you've the photos of theday electrician died?
l do have. what was the date he died? l think lth.- show photos taken on that day. what's it, karthik? anything else other than these. go...go...stop...stop... come back. hey amulet! stop!
come with me silently. what happened to him?- he's dead. what shall we do now? ty... ty and ty till you succeed. l'm entering the temple. entering temple? l'm going alone. what's the truth hidden behind this? a disturbance that made him sleepless...- god bless you!
fate is calling you to do your duty... ln the temple of god... where the answers are hidden? what's this that is making his restless? who is it? who is it? how many people are here? who are you guys? lt's me...yes, it's me! my one year's toil...one year's hard work!
you ruined it with just one lantern. why did you do it? how are you connected to this? you want to become a heroto the people overnight? want to become a hero... lt's already too late, tell me now! when evey year the light is emitted,not just local people, it has attracted foreigners too, last year a group of foreigners visitedand took photos when light is emitted,
they mailed it to my office in hyderabad, reading their mail, l told them tomeet me personally in my office. my people will not agree. they'll go on rampage andiynch you to death. their faith is so strong. lt's better to steal it than tyingto solve the mystey. we must use the same faith as decoy. trust me. we must wait till next year to knowabout the light emission.
lf there are people when the lightis emitted. we may not have a one percentchance also. so, step one in our plan is... ...temple must be shut down! to shut it down, we need at leasttwo people who could be bought. as the start of bad omen, amulet mangave a shot of poison to the trustee. even after this incident l knew peoplewould visit the temple. so, spread fear among people. and that fear must be god.
lf evey person who enters the templebravely is bitten by a snake, fear psychosis will rule the people, but amulet can't inject poison toevey devotee visiting temple, right? l asked him, how? he told me about a new thing. l was surprized to see sciencehelping destruction. l trusted him. two days after the plan, we killed a couple,
we created a scene of strange soundsemanating from the temple, we murdered the chief priestand got the temple shut, from hyderabad l and my people here keptrecce on people tying to know about temple. ln that process, ajournalist, ed employee andinvestigation officer died. you linked god and science vey well. concept is vey good, sir.your uncles are on the way. police! at last the temple is reopened.are you happy now?
evemhing is god's wish. have you given entire credit to god? lsn't it wrong?- wrong? what else then? temple was shut down by a man, because of his selfishness, temple was opened again becauseof another man, because of my curiosity, where does god come here, sir?
you believe nature has answerto evey question, right? okay, tell me answers to my 3 questions.-go ahead. when you entered this place, why did the mad sadhu toldonly you can enter the town, the hypnotised snake killed eveyonebut couldn't touch you, why? ls it because of the amulet yourmother tied on your hand? why did head of mutt in thanjavurcalled on you among all of us? he told that a man belonging to arieswill offer the first prayer. you know to which zodiac signyou belong, right?
lf you answer my questions,l'll accept there's no god and only man! till then, god's wish! my age is not enough to solve thequestion of whether god exists or not. but with my experience, there's a result for evey prayer,evey prayer has power! karthikeya kumaraswamy is my full name. subramanya swamy is anothername of kumaraswamy. lt means god... evemhing is possible with efforts!
do you think entire credit of openingthe temple goes to you? have you forgotten it?l came before when you left that night. ed officer and his man died in jail. with snake bite. mother, so much ghee? haven't you yet removedthat amulet, karthik? yes, professor. lt seems they have de-hypnotisedthe snake, you're safe now. but where are we going? it's thrillingto go to a uncertain destination.
we're going to goa.- goa? why? bachelor's party? babes are there, right?it seems there's cave in goa. lt seems non one has ever returnedfrom the cave. we're entering that cave now!

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